//------------------------------// // Cuarto capĂ­tulo (Fourth chapter) // Story: Puss in Boots goes to Equestria // by Stoneificaunt //------------------------------// "Now before I continue I need to go get some leche. Be right back". *Sound of Puss getting out of his chair and walking out the door. You wait several minutes in that time you look at the very nice looking fifty nine likes and feel that you should add yours to it as well. And not add a dislike cause this story is awesome. Another minute later and Puss in boots comes back with a mug of cold delicious Leche. You start feel thirsty and tell him that you yourself must get a drink. He quietly nods and you go to get a drink form the local bar or fridge. You come back to a waiting cat ready to tell you his adventure. You sit back down and listen intently* Ok then back to the story. I had just been knocked out by this beautiful senorita, I was in heaven or paradise. I slowly reopened my eyes to see the angel pony Fluttershy and another who I could not recall's name both staring at me with worried looks. They asked me questions like are you alright and I told them that I was multa (Fine). I slowly got to my paws and chanced a glance around the room looking for the beautiful Gato that knocked me out. Sadly she was no longer around and I felt saddened. My attention to the room was short lived as the white with purple curly hair unicorn grabbed my attention. She directed my attention to something that made my heart soar to the heavens. There on a pillow like pedestal was the hat and boots restored and shining that I received from my momma. Bounding over to them I smothered them in my own version of a bear like hug. I rolled with them on the floor purring and not giving a care in the world. I got back up and swiftly put on my boots and and hat and I struck a pose. If I had my rapier I would use it to slice the wall in my initials. Which reminds me where was my rapier anyway. I had asked them this question and they merely shrugged a feat I thought impossible for a horse. As I had pondered this and continued to look around they went off into another room to speak. Probably about horse things I presume." With Fluttershy and Rarity "So dearie how has this cat been acting in your company? Rarity asked. "Oh he has been quite the gentlecat, however there was an incident were he tried to eat a mouse but I think that was just his instincts." Fluttershy answered truthfully. Rarity looked a little green after the mention of Puss trying to eat another creature but otherwise she was glad that cat wasn't giving her a hard time. "Well that is nice Fluttershy it's good to know that you can even tame talking animals." "Oh I know and I'm glad you fixed his hat and boots they were very important to him." "Oh there was nothing to it darling to see such beautiful clothing get ruined is a tragedy to fashion." "Well I'm glad you fixed them anyhow Rarity." "So are we still on for our daily spa treatment today or are you busy?" "Well I don't know Rarity someone has to show Mr. Boots around and Twilight does want to ask him questions. I guess I could leave him with Twilight and attend to our Spa Date." Rarity put her two front hooves together and said. "Excellent I'm sure everything will go just as planned." A noise of something crashing could be heard from outside the room they were in. They hurriedly rushed to see what was going on and saw Twilight using her magic on Puss and Boots tail while he was hanging upside down hitting her with a roll of material. And Rarity shrieked. "What is going on out here?" Causing both Twilight and Puss in Boots to freeze in place. Back to Puss in boots while Rarity and Fluttershy were talking "While they went off into the other room I was left alone. I decided I needed a snazzy cape to go with my boots and hat. So I looked around for some materials until I heard the same bell ringing when you enter this store. I chanced a gaze and saw it was the Lavanda unicorn from last night. She quickly trotted on over to me and shoved the medallion to close for comfort near my face and said." "Tell me all you know about the Travelercorn." "She stared at me intently, I of course had no clue to what she was talking about. She had me pinned against a shelf filled with materials. a plan formed in my head and I put it to action. Using my one and only defense when I'm backed into a corner and can't escape I took my hat off and prepared for the cuteness. She however was several steps ahead of me. Saying "Not this time!" She used her magic on my hat and shoved it into my face causing me to stumble backwards and hit the shelf. There was an audible crash to be heard but I paid little heed to it as she used her magic to levitate me by the tail. I felt great pain and anger for this act, for you never just grab a cat's tail and choose to manhandle it. I grabbed a roll of material and smacked her on the head with it like a disobedient dog. She winced but still held her magical grip on my tail, I would've swung again but I heard a shriek and looked for the source. There by the door that Fluttershy and her friend went through was a angry white unicorn staring evilly at us, along with a surprised Fluttershy. I knew at that moment they were angry with us."