//------------------------------// // Mother’s week 2-3 // Story: Michael. Arc angel // by zet22x //------------------------------// Ok. Starting with a thank you to (DashWithRainbows) for the first comment and it was very helpful. I have to admit I never passed 9th grade English so I’m learning and writing out of shear willpower because i want to.. School was always very boring and the teachers did help any. Also There will be time markers on the side witch will appear every so often. This will help the time frame of part 2,3 of Mothers week. The time markers are in military time. ~~~ Example(2230) witch is 10:30pm for those who don’t know how to read military time. Mother’s week Part 2of3 (0700) “Good Morning dear how did you sleep?” Asked Luna, As Michael descended the stairs to the kitchen. “Mmmmm.... Hungry.. So hungry.” Was all Michael could say though the angry growls of his stomach. “Well good I made pancakes, eggs, and even had time to make muffins.” Luna said. “Wow mom I had no idea you could cook.” Michael said with a hint of surprise at how good all the food looked. “Hey now just because I’m a princes dosn’t mean I don’t know how to cook.” Luna replied The front door swung open and Moon Raiser walked In with his saddle bags full of fire wood followed by Night Glide who was carrying more wood in one side of her saddle bag and some grocery's in the other. “Ah, welcome back.” Luna greeted them. “Breakfast is ready as soon as you unload your bags.” “Great.” They said in unison. “We’re starving.” After everyone sat down at the table Luna served each of them a plate of food and then took her seat next to Michael. After Luna sat her self it didn’t take long for everyone to inhale their food. Lets just say it was pretty darn good. After everyone was done eating Michael cleaned up the table as Moon Riser did the dishes and the girls left to the living room to plan the days events. (0815) “What do you think Night Glide.” Luna asked. “Should we go to Cloudsdale today or Manehattan?” “My vote is for Cloudsdale, It’s where I grow up.” Night Glide replied. “Mine too!” Moon riser shouted from the kitchen. “I thought you grow up at Windsoar Moon Riser!” Night Glide replied. “I did!” “But i’d like to see Cloudsdale I’ve never been there!” Moon Riser shouted. “Yea my vote is for Couldsdale too!” Michael added. OK then we leave for Cloudsdale at eleven. Luna said. It’ll take us a hour to get there from here. Will you two be ok flying us all the way there and back? “Yea. We should be fine.” Night Glide said. “Ok, but if you get tired at all let me know and I’ll use my magic the rest of the way.” Luna replied. “I don’t want you to straining your self on our account.” “Thank you.” Night Glide replied with a smile on her face. “Oh Michael after you done in there I want you to get on your studies. Ok.” Luna said. “Awww. But mom I thought we were on vacation” Michael wined as he entered the living room to show Luna his pouty lip. “I know sweet heart but it’s very important that you keep up on them.” Luna said ignoring the attempt of cuteness. “Ok fine.” Michael replied as he headed us stair to get though his work as fast as possible so’s not to miss any of the fun to be had. (1100) As eleven rolled around Michael came down dressed in his best outfit that Luna packed for him. He wear a white long sleeve button up shirt, black dress pants, and a dark blue vest. On the vest was the crest of the royal family. A little embarrassed Michael looked around the room and saw both Night Glide and Moon Riser wearing there best lunar armor and Luna had on her best jewellery. “Um Princes.” Night Glide began. “Dose the mayor of Cloudsdale know we are gonna be in the city?” With a smirk oh her face Luna simply said. “Nope.” Then walked out side to get into the carriage. “Come on you three we have a big day ahead of us.” (1200) “I want you to set down just out side Cloudsdale.” Luna said still wearing a smirk. “I want to surprise them.” As the four entered town a look of surprise shot across all the ponies faces followed by a bow. As the group passed them Michael could hear whispers as everypony was clearly caught off guard. Normally royalty would announce when they meant to arrive and the city would throw together a banquet in there honer, not this time though Luna clearly got what she wanted. She would have at least a two hours before word got spread around the city and the mayor would throw some kinda of celebration in her honor. Of course that was only if he would catch them. First on the list of fun things to do would be to visit the cloud making factory. “I’m sorry for the mess princess we had no idea you planed a stop in Cloudsdale today.” The supervisor mare said in a shaky tone. “You may relax this was not a planed afire, we are here on a surprise visit. I”m hoping to avoid the crowds and just enjoy a day with my son.” Luna explained. “So I ask that you not spread the word and could you have one of your ponies keep an eye out for the mayor.” “Of... Of course princess, as you wish.” The supervisor said. The factory was huge, able to pump out vast numbers of clouds at any time. The supervisor hastily put together a tour for the group. Michael could only giggil at the poor supervisor mare as they walked though the factory at it’s most natural state witch was pretty messy. Mounds of clouds lay on the ground and rainbow mix could be seen splashed on some of the walls and most employees were dirty from a hard days work. (1400) The tour lasted for tow hours Witch proved to be very educational for Michael despite being thrown together in such short notice. “Ma’am. I wanted to let you know that the mayor is oh his way here now.” A factory worker told Night Glide. “Ah yes thank you very much. Princess the mayor is on his way here, we should get going if you want to avoid him.” Night Glide relaid the information. “Thank you Night Glide.” Luna replied. “Well how about we go some where and eat the food I packed. Michael dose that sound good or would you like to wait?” “Pretty good mom I’m hungry again.” Michael replied. With that the group thanked the Supervisor mare that left. Luna lifted Michael with her magic and the group flew off heading back the the carriage where the prepared food waited for them. “Hey mom what did you make anyways?” Michael asked. “Nothing much just some sandwich's and a pie” Luna replied, as they landed next to the carriage and started to unpack the food and setting out a blanket. After they finished there lunch the group decided to go watch the wander bolts practice then do a bit of sight seeing before heading home. All in all Michael was awed by the wander bolts with there amassing speed and brilliant stunts, but what intrigued Michael the most was the crazy architecture of the cloud based city. The level of excitement for Michael was off the charts for all 7 years of his life he only saw the inside of the castle and the city of Canterlot but this was a city made of nothing but clouds... “Just wow” was all Michael could say as they walk from the stadium back to the carriage. “Hey princess what are you doing?” Moon riser asked Luna. (1800) “Oh I’m just gonna fill out my personal thought about the city and send it to the mayor, After all he chased us all around the city hoping to get some form of PR I’m sure.” Luna said. “Haha!” Night Glide chuckled. “Thats just like you princess, unpredictable as always.” “It’s kinda my thing.” Luna said with a grin. Her and Michael boarded the carriage as she teleported the letter to Cloudsdale’s city hall then concentrated her magic and raised the moon, this was the only real royal business she had to handle for the week. During the hour long flight back to Luna’s secret home Michael started to fall asleep, noticing this Luna covered him with her tail to keep her son warm witch only hastened his slip into the dream world. Once they arrived at the house Luna levitated Michael up to his bed and tucked him in, giving him a peck on he’s cheek she stood there. Proud to be this one’s mother. Not in her wildest dreams did she think life could ever get any better then this. “A true angel” Luna said as she left the room to settle into bed her self. (1900) End of day two (0600) Michael awoke from his slumber as the sun light pierced the clouds and showered him with light. “mmmmm. *Yawn*... Uh what time is it?” Michael asked nobody. “I wander what the we’re gonna do today.” Michael thought. “Good morning.” Michael said as he entered the living room. “Good morning.” The group replied. “Hey mom what are you reading?” Michael asked. “Huh. Oh just a letter my sister sent me.” Luna answered. “Oh whats it about?” Michael asked. “Yea I was wandering the same thing. Moon Riser added. “Well it’s just news about the new colony of Gallopfrey. It was settled just yesterday.” Luna said. Michael’s eyes shot wide as he walked into the kitchen and sat down. “Could to be true... The dream... I only had it once tho, how could such a terrible thing happen...” Michael thought to him self. “No no I... It’s just a coincidence... Yea that all.” “Michael what did you want for breakfast?” Luna asked as she wandered into the kitchen. “Uh... pancakes please... H... hey mom?” Michael asked “Yes dear?” Luna replied. “Is there... uh never mind...” Michael siad “What is it sweet heart?” Luna asked. “Did you want something else?” “Uh... yea mmm... may I have orange juice too?” Michael said. “Yes you may.” Luna replied. “Hey! Do you two want some orange juice too?” Luna shouted to the living room. “Yes please.” They replied in unison. “Hey mom. Do you think we can go swimming?” Michael asked. “That sound really fun.” Moon Riser said as he bounced into the kitchen then stopped and blushed a dark red suddenly realizing how childish he just looked. “Hahaha.” Night Glide and Luna laughed at the gitty young guard. “It’s ok sport. I like the idea too.” Night Glide said as she sat down at the table. “So mom where are we gonna go?” Michael asked with a mouthful of pancake. “Well first off, don’t talk with your mouth full and there is a lake near the base of the mountain we’re on.” Luna replied “I never even asked what mountain we are on anyways.” Michael said. “So uh what mountain are we on anyway?” “We are on Dragon.MT.” Luna replied. “Ha! I knew it. Twilight always said there were dragons here.” Michael commented smugly. “There use to be tell I shooed them out and placed a barrier to keep them out.” Luna replied. “Wow mom that awesome.” Michael said. “Are there gonna be other ponies there?” “Yes it’s a popular spot these days.” Luna said. (1400) At 2 O’clock the group left to head down to the lake. It wasn’t a beach but summer fun was to be had all around. After the initial shock of royalty suddenly showing up things when back to normal. Luna bathed in the sun, Night Glide bathed next to her and Moon riser went to go mingle with the mares as Michael found his way to a group of colts. They were gathered around somepony. “Hey! Stop that!” Michael yelled as he run up to stop the group. One of the pegasus colts turned around and sized Michael up then stop in front of him before he could get closer to the group. “Hey kid get outa here.” the colt said as he pushed Michael over. “Ha! look, I think we got another crier!” He shouted to the group, which turn there attention to the newest game. Michael stood back up. “I wouldn’t do that if I was you.”Michael said. “Cha!” The colt gocked as he went to push Michael over again. With his warning dismissed Michael took action. With quick foot work he swung around the colt and grabbed him in a head lock. Quick maneuvers and skills passed from master to apprentice. Quickly forcing the colt down and tyring to avoid his bucking legs Michael squeezed harder and the colts face started to turn a light shade of blue, just then a earth pony colt tackled Michael to the ground then tried to hit him but Michael rolled out of the way and delivered a swift kick the the colts stomach causing him to fall over and start crying. “And I’m the crier.” Michael said to him self mockingly. With surprise in there eyes the group quickly left and Michael walked up to see what poor thing they were picking on. It was a curled up Cryan colored pegasus with a rainbow colored mane. “Hey are you ok?” Michael asked as he patted it on the back. “No! Just leave me alone.” It replied. “Well fine. I’ll see you around.” Michael said as he turned to walk away. “Hey wait. Thanks... My names Rainbow Dash. Whats yours?” She asked. “My name is Michael... Wait did you say Rainbow...Dash?” Michael asked “Yea.” So you got a problem with my name?” Rainbow Stated ready to take on a single opponent. “Huh.I wander if she’s the same as from my dream...” Michael thought to himself. “uh... No not at all. Hey what happened anyways why was that group picking on you?” Michael asked. “Just some dumb colts. I could have taken them but he’s friends showed up. They kept knocking me down so I couldn’t fly. Rainbow said. “huh. Hey wanna get something to drink?” Michael offered. “Sure. I’m pretty thirsty.” Rainbow replied. “Cool. come on on you can meet my mom too. she’s really nice.” Michael said as he lead her to where the drinks were. “Theres something off about this kid.” Rainbow thought. “I’ve never seen anypony like him before. I feel like I should know him...” As they passed over a sand doon it all became clear who this boy way. “Oh my gosh! Your the prince!” Rainbow shouted with the sudden realization witch startled Luna and Night Glide. “Yea. And?” Michael flatly stated as he walked over to grab some drinks. “Glad to see you made a friend already Michael.” Luna said as she sat up to stretch. “I... I can’t believe your the prince...” Rainbow stated. “Yea I get that sometimes, here catch.” Michael said as he tossed her a pouch of juice. “Uh thanks. Wow I can’t believe I”m meeting Luna and her son in the same day!” Rainbow exclaimed excitedly. “Right...” Michael said flatly again. “So tell me Michael whats you fillyfriends name.” Luna asked. *Blush* “Fillyfriend!!” Mom! I... ugh... her name is Rainbow Dash...” He replied “Haha oh would you calm down.” “It’s nice to meet you Rainbow Dash are you here with somepony?” Luna asked. “I’m here with my friend Fluttershy and her parent.” She replied. Hey Michael wanna meet Fluttershy? She pretty cool but kinda a chicken. “Sure.” Ah mom is that ok if I got off again?” Michael asked. “Yes that fine sweet heart. Would you two like a snack before you go off?” Luna asked. “Yes please.” They replied in unison. (1500) After a light snack the two set off to find Fluttershy which wasn’t to far from were they were. “Hey Fluttershy. Look who I ran into.” Rainbow announced. “Oh...Um hi... I’m Fluttershy.” She squeaked. At which Michael just raised a eye brow and leaned over to Rainbow Dash. “Hey is she always gonna be this quiet?” “No watch this.” She said. Hey Fluttershy he stop some bullies that were picking on me.” “What! Oh thank you so much. I keep telling her to stay away from those mean colts but she never listens.” Fluttershy said. “Stay away from...” Michael said as he raised his eye brow yet again and looked at Rainbow. “Heh yea I kinda went looking for a fight that time. She said looking sheepishly. “What! Those colts are jerks!” “Right...” Michael said looking at her with squinted eyes. “Anyways what do you two do for fun normally?” Rainbow shot out with her statement first. “I like to practice flying fast! I wanna join the wander bolts someday.” “Huh I just watched them practise yesterday.” Michael replied. “You got to watch them practise! Thats so awesome!” Rainbow practically screamed at Michael. “Ow. Hey turn it down a noch will you.” Michael replied rubbing his ear. “Heh sorry it just I’ve never got to see them let alone watch them practise.” “Really? Don’t you live in Cloudsdale?” Michael asked. “Woll yea but I could never pay for tickets.” She said looking at the ground now. “How about I just send you some tickets? Whats your address?” Michael said. “Really! But... I.” She stopped mid-sentence. Fluttershy flow over to Michael and whispered into his ear. “She dosn’t really have a address she lives with me.” “OH... Um Well whats your address Fluttershy I’ll just have to send ticket for your whole family. How many members do you have?” Michael said. “Just four.” She stated. “Ok just four tickets it is.” Michael replied. Rainbow had a tears in her eyes as she asked. “Why are you being so nice to us? You don’t even know us.” “Well I only have one Friend and mom always says to be humble and treat everyone with kindness.” “Well now you have two of them.” Rainbow Dash Replied forcing Fluttershy and Michael into a group bear hug. “Ugh can’t breath...” The two said. Rainbow released both of them. “Heh sorry.” She said sheepishly. As the day went on the three talked about life at there homes and how things were day by day, then the group tried swimming which Michael was by far better at it and Rainbow didn’t like it one bit. Then they played imaginary games then raced each other which rainbow won over and over again. *Huff* “Your to fast rainbow *huff* dash I give up.” Michael said as he fell over next to Fluttershy. “Oh yea who’s awesome, me that who.” Rainbow said as she danced around her two fallen friends. (1800) They had a few more adventures and Michael tried to beat Rainbow Dash at racing again but lost again. By now the sun was setting and Luna was raising the moon as Night Glide found Michael. As the new friends said good bye after a hug and Fluttershys address was given. “Ok I’ll send you the tickets as soon as I get back to the castle in four days.” Michael told them as he began to leave. “Wait!” They both said. “Will we see you again? “I’m sure you’ll see me around some time. Michael said with a smirk on his face. Then they parted ways. End day three (1200) Ow! Ow! Ow! “Just still still Michael how to you exspect me to heal your sun burn if you keep moving around.” Luna said frustratedly “Wow kid you really got cooked out there, huh” Moon Riser said pecking in from the door way to Michael room. Luna and Michael both turner there heads to stare daggers at him. “Gees talk about family resemblance.” He commented as he walked back down the stairs. “How is the kid?” Night Glide asked. “Not good his kinda dosn’t have fur and with out magic I’d say it would take him a week for a full recovery.” Moon Riser said. “Is that your prognoses doctor?” Night Glide asked in a mocking tone. “Why yes it is nurse Glide.” He shot back with a smirk. “Thats Lieutenant nurse to you doctor Privates.” “Hahahahaha!!” Night Glide said as she rolled on the ground laughing holding her sides. “Yea yea very funny.” Moon Riser stated flatly. “Well all joking aside the kid dose have some pretty bad sun burn so he’ll be up there all day at this rate.” Moon Riser said. “Well we could head off to Canterlot for some skin ointment.” Night Glide said. “You think they’ll have some for him?” Moon Riser replied. “Well I don’t see why not. He is the prince after all.” Night Glide said. “Your right it’s worth looking into.” Moon Riser said. Night Glide what up the stairs and told Luna of there plan which she agreed and told then where they could get some ointment that was made just for the prince. “Well you ready Kid it’s a three hour flight there and back.” Night Glide said. “Think you got the stuff?” “Pfft come on I’m made of the stuff.” … wait... “Hahahaha!” “And what stuff is that. Hmmmm?” Night Glide teased. “Ugh sometimes you kill me (Ma’am)” Moon Riser said as he shot out the door. “... Oh he knows I don’t like being called ma’am...” She said to her self with a smirk on her face. “ Oh he’s gonna get it now.” The two Pegasus sore through the air making witty banter at each other which help to make the long trip feel shorter. Soon the city came into sight. “oo oo I see it lieutenant.” Moon Riser said. “Yea... good job you. Want a cookie?” Night Glide replied. “Only if your buying.” Moon Riser replied. “Right. Look sharp we are on Royal business.” Night Glide said as they landed on the castle stairs. (1330) The two proceeded inside to find the ointment. As the two walked through the halls they stopped at the sound of somepony calling out behind them. “Night Glide? Is that you Night Glide.” It was none other then Blade Mane. At the site of her old crush now renewed Night Glide turned a little red. “Oh come on...” Moon Riser thought to him self. “Oh h...hey Blade Mane long time no see.” Night Glide said trying to compose her self in front of the stallion. “O K” Moon Riser said. “I’m gonna head off and find the ointment, why don’t you two catch up.” Then Moon Riser shot off. “Wait!....” she yelled trying to stop him but he was already out of sight. “Dam! He must have known this was gonna happen.” She thought to her self. Blade Mane just stood there with a raised eye brow. “Um... what was that about?” He asked her. “Nothing just a rookie being a rookie” She said irritatedly. “So what brings you back the the castle?” He asked. “Oh um yesterday Luna took Michael to the beach and he got some pretty bad sun burns.” She answered. “How bad?” He asked her. “Well the poor kid can’t even move with out writhing in pain.” She replied. “What! Is he gonna be ok!?” Blade Mane nearly shouted. “Wa!... huh I guess what Luna said is true.” She replied. “Huh? Wait what did Luna say?” He asked. “Oh nothing really just that you look after the prince like on of your on foals.” She replied. “Wha!... wol... ugh. He’s the prince we all care for him.” He stammered. “You know he idolizes you. He want to be strong like you.” She said. “Thats ma boy, shoot for the stars.” Blade Mane quipt quietly. “Hmm. what was that Dad?” “You Proud of your boys determination?” She said in a mocking tone. Blade Mane looked a little embarrassed. “So what, so I’m proud of him he’s got a great future ahead of him, He’s gonna lead the way to the golden age I’ve see it in his eyes every time he take up any task.” “You too huh. I’ve seen it.” She said. “Just yesterday he stood up to a group of bullies for a filly and even made friends with her. After that comment Night Glide thought she saw a tear in Blade Manes eye only for a second. “Ok lets hurry up and get that ointment so we can get out there and help our prince out.” Blade mane said. “Uh... we sir? Night Glide said. “Yes we I’m coming with.” He said. “But your post Blade Mane won’t you get reprimanded!?” “Ha!” “You forget I’m a caption and a member of the royal family is in danger that alone grants me the permission to leave my post.” He stated confidently. “Fine by me sir.” Night Glide replied. Just as the two prepared to start looking for the ointment Moon Riser can strutting up with it in his mouth. “Hur gurs I Gut ut.” “Yep he’s one of your sunbonnet isn’t he.” Blade Mane said jokingly. After informing the other caption of the guard that he would be gone for a day of two on Royal business Blade Mane and the other left the castle. The trip seemed to take even less time for Night Glide as she talked with Blade Mane and Moon Riser the whole way. Mostly Blade Mane. (1600) As the group landed they saw Luna waiting that the door way anxiously. Moon Riser handed it to Luna and she darted up the stairs. “Just like a concerned mother.” Blade made said to himself with a smirk on his face. After thirty minutes Luna came down and flopped on the couch. “Exhausted as he is I bet.” Blade Mane said from behind Luna. Luna jumped up then recognizing who it was. “Oh Blade Mane it’s you...... Wait! why are you here!? Has something happened to my sister!?” Luna asked worried. Blade Mane put a hoof on Luna and helped her sit back down. “No no everything is fine I Just wanted to see the prince is all. Blade Mane said. “Are you ok?” He asked her. “Michael is asleep now the ointment did the trick.” She said. “I’m ready for a nap my self.” “You earned a good nights rest.” He replied. “I let him get burned, I should have seen this coming.” She said some what depressed. “So tell me, did you exhausted your self helping him?” Blade Mane asked. “Yes I did. “Whats that got to do with anything?” Luna Asked. Blade Mane smiled. “Your his Mother you’ll slip up from time to time but you’ll come right back and make things right.” Blade Mane said. “Huh I guess your right. Are you sure you don’t have any foals your self.” Luna replied. “Heh... I’d like to think I have one. Just one. Blade Mane said has he left the room so Luna Could get some rest. End day4 End Mother’s Week part2 of 3 Hey guy I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm going to Chicago for the whole weekend so I mad this chapter longer. As a added Bonus I really tried to make is as grammatically correct as possible. Comment and let me know what you think. I'm Still learning on every chapter I write.