//------------------------------// // The Town Of Fire // Story: Flaming Souls // by Ambershadows //------------------------------// The sun's blazing tendrils curled over the ancient pillars, bringing a harsh light to every corner of the barren town. Forest Fire slowly arose and spread his massive wings sending a shower of bright flares and sparks fluttering high but then sizzling away to nothing on the cold untouched pavement. Forest looked around drowsily but spirits were lifted as he saw his beautiful wife curled up next to the two young fillies Amber Shadows and Fire Stone, their eyes unopened and barely moving. Amber and Fire were born 4 moons ago and their mother Lava Flame had been ever so protective. " I'd better not wake them" Forest thought to himself and left the resting ponies in peace. Forest Fire had decided to take the wing to ease his painful memories and thoughts that kept creeping up on him, these were the ones he tried very hard to forget. Forest love to fly, the gentle wind against his flank made him feel relaxed and the way the whole town was visible in his eyes. Ignis Urbus was the town Forest was born and raised in for his entire life, it was the town of fire, the town of freedom and the town that he called "Home". Igis Urbus was the town named after the courageous, intelligent ponies who brought flaring happiness where ever they went. Forest, who felt a strong connection to the town, was always looking to help make sure it was the most livable place in Equestria! * * * * The glaring sun was now heading higher in the sky and the morning dew was beginning to fade and most of the ponies were awakening. Forest swooped down gracefully and landed at the doorstep of his cottage. He was greeted cheerfully by his wife who had recently awaken. " Hi honey, been for a morning flight I see?" Lava exclaimed. " Oh yeah, I just had to clear my head" Forest insisted. A loud burst of giggling could be heard from the kitchen and echoed aroung the whole house. " What in Equestria are you two doing?" Lava teased as she poked her head through the door. Amber and Fire were standing there grinning proudly holding two plates of badly burnt pancakes .Their faces were covered in flour and eggs. Syrup and milk were pouring down the chair legs. Lava Flame sighed " Well thank you girls for cooking breakfast but what about that enormous mess you made?" " Don't worry sweetie, I will clean up all the mess while you guys enjoy this wonderful feast!!" Forest promised with a beaming smile. * * * * * * Lava flame stared at the pile of dishes lazily, the breakfast her daughters cooked wasn't as bad as she expected but she still longed for a proper meal. Amber and Fire had gone to Filly-School and Forest was at work, Lava was lonley, now that her young ones were out of the house most days. She was keeping a huge secret from her husband, and felt more guilty the more days she kept it from him. Lava was expecting a third foal and had been for a while. " I have to tell him when he gets home this evening" Lava thought to herself. Lava had to get out of the house, being indoors just crowded her brain. The light gray alicorn sped to her front door and slammed it behind her. She galloped swiftly down the crammed streets and headed towards the Maple Forest. Lava slowed to a trot and stared up at the array of reds, oranges and golds. The beautiful maple trees swayed in the slurred wind because after all these were the trees Lava's daughter Amber was named after. A perfect crimson maple leaf landed on her nose, but Lava blew it away with a sigh " I had better go back and collect Fire and Amber from Filly-School" she mumbled tiredly. * * * " Ready to go girls?" The teacher yelled enthusiastically. " Yes, you have some dishes to wash at home" Lava pointed out. She had come to take Amber and Fire from the school and was not prepared to spend the rest of the day chatting to Miss Charcoal who obviously had her hooves full with all the other fillies. " But mum, we just got here, we want to stay" the two foals whined at the same time. " No, we are leaving this instant, pack your things" Lava spat angriliy. Amber and Fire finally agreed and trotted out into the street followed by their mother. " Thanks Miss Charcoal" the gray alicorn called behind her shoulder." Now lets get home girls". The skies were beginning to go crimson and cream as Celestia brought down the firey sun to make way for the glow of Luna's moon. Amber and Fire were asleep already, their flaming manes darking and becoming duller as they rested. Lava lent over and kissed them on the cheek, " You will soon have another sibling, my darlings, sleep well" Lava Flame whispered softly. She got up and trotted carefully out of her daughters room, closing the door with her wisping flaring magic in order to make not a single sound. Forest would be arriving home soon so Lava had prepared some tea. Tonight was the night she would tell her husband the secret she had kept for months. * * * Forest Fire was walking towards his home at a fast pace, work had been very tiring today. The dark brown stallion was assistant Mayor of Igis Urbus and most of the town relied on him to keep everything in order. Out of the corner of his eye, Forest could see a light gray unicorn with a firey green mane galloping towards him. It was Ivory Hour, the towns fortune teller. Her pale green eyes were glinting with fear. " What's the matter Ivory, something wrong?" Forest asked with concern, the mare did look really terrified. " Come with me, Forest Fire" Ivory rasped. " You need to see something" The fortune teller had bolted swiftly in the direction of her cave and was now galloping at her maximum speed. Forest had to start flying to keep up with Ivory Hour. The wind had now picked up and was raging and blowing through out the stallions ears." Where are we going, what do you need to show me so badly that it can't wait for tomorrow?" Forest almost had to yell above the loud gustly winds. " You'll see" Ivory said slowing to a canter. It was now pitch black and the stars glitered brightly beyond the mountains. "I should really get home" Forest thought worriedly. " In here" Ivory pointed with her hoof at a gaping dark abyss. The mare lept into the cave and lit a lantern that flared up in seconds. Forest swooped down into the clearing with a few strokes of his red hot wings. " So what is it you wanted to tell me, Ivory?" Forest questioned. There was no reply, The white mare had rolled out a purple smoking crystal ball and was now humming mysterious words. She put her hooves on the ball and a ear splitting sound echoed around the dark cave. Her pale green eyes flashed a ghastly red and a spazam of writhing took hold of her body . " A terrible threat has been made clear for Igis Urbus, that may destroy every harmless pony who lives here" Ivory screamed in agony. Forest sat there staring at the epidemic he just witnessed, what could be so powerful that it could wipe out his beloved town, it was simply impossible. To be continued in the next chapter.