Linkin Pony- Recharge

by Kaciekk

Part 20

The hot, humid air stuck to CharmRhythm's coat. He trotted along with HyperBlitz. EchoBeat and SpinningNote had come too. All of them were wearing hoof covers, except for Rhythm. ThunderCharm was by their sides, with a few of her pony friends. They went towards the building.
Spinning had brought a little generator. It was on wheels, and he drug it along with his magic. When they got inside of a building, he put it to the side.
"I think there's something in here we can use." ThunderCharm said. She twisted her head around.
"How about that television?" Rhythm pointed over.
"I doubt we could get a signal, but we can try turning it on."
"It will be just a test, we don't need it." CharmingRhythm said, then clopped over to the screen.
It was very dust, there was a small crack in the top. SpinningNote put his generator by it. Then Rhythm, with his magic, took some cords and plugged them into the appliance. Then he started to push buttons on the genorator. The bars and orbs light up. It went to full power, then there was a sudden static noise.
"GAH, Turn it down!!!" ThunderCharm shouted out, covering her ears.
Then HyperBlitz went over to the Television, he pressed a volume button, the static ceased. "That wasn't loud, i could easily scream louder."
"Hey, but I don't like that noise" ThunderCharm explained. "I wouldn't mind your screaming, I like it."
Hyper froze with an awkward face.
EchoBeat looked at the fuzz picture on the TV, like snow. The generator worked. Suddenly, lights began to flicker. Not all the lights, but most lights that were ten feet away turned on. They had a tint of blue to them.
"We don't need a cord?" CharmingRhythm glanced up in surprise.
"I think we do, but once one thing is plugged in, other things work." SpinningNote said.
"How come those lights in the corner don't work." ThunderCharm asked.
"Because they hate us...." Spinning taunted, "No, this generator is to small, it doesn't go the distance with it's energy."
Suddenly there was a cry, from the direction of the camp. It was ponies, in fear, yelling. All the ponies in the building jumped. The all scurried to the source. CharmingRhythm galloped as fast as possible. They turned around the corner.
Ponies stood in horror, they where all in groups. A hybrid, probably twice the size of any of them, stood in the middle of the camp. He steadily came forward. One stallion tried to tack his ground. It was SilverBlade the blacksmith pony, and with his brother. His brother was MetalShard, a pale teal Earth-pony. BlackOut tried to help also. DawnShy tried to be brave, but didn't get close to them.
Just then, BlackOut shot forward and kicked the hybrid back, this didn't help at all. A low grumbling came from the hybrid. A flash of blue magic hit the hybrid, and it turned to CharmingRhythm
"Rhythm, what the hell are you doing!" HyperBlitz yelled.
Then the unicorn's leg glowed. He ran forward and punched the hybrid. The hybrid's armor was damaged, but it still got up. It looked over to SilverBlade who was throwing knifes and rocks. MetalShard spun around and tried to gather more weapons.
A glow of indigo shot out now, stopping the hybrid, keeping it in place. Hyper turned to SpinningNote. "I'm not gonna be able to hold this forever." He said.
Right as he let go, HyperBlitz tackled the hybrid. He rolled on the ground, but in a burst, jumped up. He slammed into Hyper's head, and he fell to the ground. Rhythm quickly got to his side.
Slowly opening his eyes, Hyper's vision in the left was red. Blood ran down from his forehead. CharmingRhythm nudged him and helped him stand up. HyperBlitz flipped around and saw that the hybrid was now fighting SpinningNote, and BlackOut.
Hyper, in a daze, he looked at EchoBeat. A flash of blue swarmed the area. Echo backed down, and sat up against the wall. The campfire was knocked down, but pure energy was overpowering it. Blue Flames lit up HyperBlit'z face.
"Fuck yeah!" He scram, he pushed his hoofs down, the tattoos camouflaged with the fire.
HyperBlitz flew into the hybrid with rage. It smacked against the wall. Then, CharmingRhythm lunged forward, his leg's orb glowing brighter then ever. His hoof crushed into the hybrid's metal. It let out a horrible whine. The blue blazed engulfed the hybrid, killing it with the pure energy.
The fire soon died out. All the ponies stood in shock. No colt or filly could have unseen this. Hyper glanced over at Rhythm, who was exhausted. Then he looked up at Hyper, and smiled.
EchoBeat and SpinningNote stepped up to them, ThunderCharm slowly looked at the scene. MetalShard laid on the ground. His eyes struggled to keep open, the teal earth pony was severely hurt. His side was torn apart, blood filled the ground. There would be no way to heal MetalShard
All the ponies circled around the stallion. ThunderCharm spoke with misty eyes. "No..."
He couldn't speak, he only muffled a few noises.
CharmingRhythm stared sadly at the dying pony. "Sing for him." He whispered to HyperBlitz
Hyper nodded, he stepped forward, letting the other ponies know. He let out a soft song,

"I close both locks below the window
I close both blinds and turn away
Sometimes solutions aren't so simple
Sometimes good bye's the only way

Then as he got to the chorus, ThunderCharm and DawnShy sung in the background with tears.

"And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you"