A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

11 - Let the Hate Flow...

A Bad Day to Fish
By - FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 11 - Let the Hate Flow…

Martin had his eyes closed, trying to think of something he could do, something he could take his anger out on. He felt a hoof on his shoulder and turned around to see AJ looking at him sadly. "Ah'm sorry about Mike…" She muttered.
Another hoof weakly thumped against Martin's arm and they looked down to see it was Mike's. "Like I said, it'll take a lot to kill me." He muttered weakly. "But this was a good shot…" He breathed heavily. "Ouch…"
Fluttershy quickly got into the little group and wrapped her hooves around Mike's neck and cried. "Hey… Martin, think you can grab my hoof and pat her back, I can't really feel my body…" He whispered weakly.
Martin's face was still wet and he wiped the tears off, doing as he was asked.
"Shh… it's ok Fluttershy…" He mumbled before looking at Martin with a small smile. "How bad was it?"
"I wasn’t even sure it was going to work… you would've died…" Martin said, trying to swallow his emotions.
Mike nodded weakly. "That’s what I thought… I thought I heard Twilight's voice?"
Martin looked at the purple unicorn, tears rolling down her face. "Michael… I'm so glad you're ok." She said, wiping tears from her eye.
"I take a few itty bitty scratches and everyone is acting like I died." He muttered, a faint smile on his pale face.
Martin looked at the bandages, which were soaked in blood. "We have to get you to the hospital right now!" He said as he got up.
Mike's hoof twitched and he looked at it. "Huh… and I thought I was moving that… any way… I'm fine."
"No you're not; if we don’t go now, you'll be gone for good." Martin bent down and pushed his arms under Mike's back and lifted him up. Mike seemed to pass out again as Fluttershy eeped, her face wet with tears.
"Can't ya teleport us to the hospital?" AJ asked Twilight.
She blushed. "Oh yeah…"
Martin looked at AJ. "AJ, could you grab my crossbow and quiver?"
She nodded and slung them on her back as Twilight looked at him. "Do you want me to teleport us there?"
He nodded. "The faster, the better…"
She nodded and closed her eyes as her horn glowed a bright purple; suddenly they were in the hospital lobby, Nurse Redheart staring at them in shock.
"Where the hay did you come from?" She asked, confused.
"There's no time, Mike's been injured… again." Twilight said.
"Oh for the love of Celestia!" Redheart said, throwing her hooves in the air. After her little tantrum, she looked at the group. "Follow me." She said, leading them along a short corridor and into a small room with an operating table in the middle. "Just put him there and we'll do the rest." She said, leaving the room.
Martin walked over and gently laid Michael on his back. Redheart soon came back with a doctor and several nurses. The doctor took one look at Michael before turning to face the group. "I require you all to leave, I need to focus."
Fluttershy shuffled her hooves and Martin looked like he wanted to argue, but the doctor interrupted. "Look, the more time you argue, the more time it takes to fix him… Please…"
Mike's eyes slowly opened, blinking a few times. "Where… where am I?" He asked weakly. "Fluttershy? Is she ok?" He asked no pony.
She rushed to his side and grabbed his hoof. "I'm here…" She said, shaking slightly.
He faintly smiled. "Ok… is everyone else ok?"
"Please everyone out!" The doctor said.
Martin sighed and grabbed Fluttershy by the waist, she eeped before he flung her over his shoulder. "Sorry Fluttershy, we have to leave for now." She tried to break free but he wouldn’t let her go.
She fought against his grip, giving up a few seconds later and started to cry into his shoulder, her hooves wrapping around his neck. Twilight, Spike, and AJ looked at the tiled floor, not sure what to do.
Martin sighed again. "Don’t worry… he'll be fine."


They sat in the lobby, waiting impatiently for any news. The rest of their little group had come when Spike ran off to gather them. Fluttershy was sitting by herself, even more quiet than usual.
Martin looked at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy… I'm sorry but we both want him to be healthy again, don’t we?"
She nodded staring at the ground.
"I know you care a lot about him, but we have to wait. He could've died today and if we wasted anymore time he would've for sure."
She sighed and looked over at him, her eyes glossy. "I know… it's just that he was protecting me… it's my fault he got hurt to begin with…" She started to cry, her head in her hooves. "And when you two first got here, it was my fault he fell out of the tree and broke his rib…" She trailed off, her mane falling over her face.
He placed a hand on her shoulder. "That’s not true… it's not your fault. I'm sure he thinks the same; one protects another, risking getting hurt."
She fell into his good arm. "But… but he was just getting better." She buried her face into his chest.
His right arm ached but he ignored it and gently put his hand on her head. "I promise to you… a lifelong promise… as long as my heart is beating and air fills my lungs… I will protect him… no matter what. And if it means getting myself killed..."
She lifted her face off his chest. "I couldn’t ask you to promise that… I don’t want either of you to die…"
He looked at her, determined. "I don’t care Fluttershy, whether you like it or not, I will protect my friend. I'll carry him across this land and back. I'll give my right arm to make sure he comes back to you. As long as I live, I won't let him die."
She got even sadder and buried her face into his chest again. The rest of the girls looked at him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. "And I will protect you Fluttershy, no matter what." He whispered into her ear. She nodded, afraid to speak.
"Hmm… this guy just ain't lucky, is he?" Discord asked, floating above everyone eating popcorn.
Martin quickly let go of Fluttershy and stood up, staring at the spirit. "You… what do you want?" He yelled, grabbing his crossbow from a nearby chair.
Discord held up his hands. "Whoa there tiger, I just came by to see if I could help."
Martin aimed at his head. "Why would you want to help?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you wouldn’t want help from an immortal demigod that can bend the laws of physics to fit his every whim?"
Martin continued to aim at his head. "Why would you help us huh?"
Discord floated closer to the human. "Simple really; you two create loads of chaos… and being the God of Chaos, I love it. It would be so boring with just you here, no offense, but the other is just too good for his own hooves." He smiled and floated towards the ceiling. "Just a thought though, if you don’t want my help, I'll leave."
Martin hesitated but lowered the crossbow. "And what would you do?"
Discord scratched his goatee. "Well I heard he got scratched from a manticore right?" He looked at Fluttershy. "And it wouldn’t listen to you?"
Martin stepped in front of her. "Yes…" He glared at Discord.
The demigod laughed. "How quaint, but it seems like he was attacked by a rare breed of Manticores, only found deep in the Everfree Forest; their poison is very lethal. One cut would kill any one of you in a matter of minutes." He glanced at the clock. "And he was cut several times and didn’t die, that’s very impressive. But what the doctors don’t know is that you need an antidote, one made from a certain type of flower that doesn’t exist anymore, it went extinct when Luna was banished, it was her flower after all…"
Martin tapped his foot. "Get to the point god damn it!"
"Well someone's impatient." The demigod laughed. "My proposition, I'll give you the antidote to save your friend on one measly little condition."
Martin sighed. "Was bound to happen… I'm listening."
"It's quite easy actually." He paused, looking at him. "Just keep causing chaos and the antidote is yours."
He looked at the spirit confused. "How am I supposed to do that?"
Discord laughed. "Just keep doing what you're doing." He held out his paw. "So is it a deal?"
Martin looked at the other ponies, everypony expect Fluttershy were shaking their head. Fluttershy looked at him, begging him to choose with what he thought was right. He stared at the paw. "Deal…" He finally said, grabbing the paw and shook it.
Discord grinned and a bottle appeared in Martin's hand. "I suggest you hurry, I'd say they're about to run into complications right about…" He paused listening. Suddenly a multitude of noises could be heard from behind the door. "Now." He said, disappearing.
Martin quickly ran into the room. "I got the antidote!" He yelled, holding up the bottle.
The doctor looked at him confused. The bottle levitated over the doctor and nurses and they stared at it, muttering amongst themselves. They quickly opened the bottle and gave it to him, and the machines calmed down as they started to operate.
"I'll just leave ya to it…" He said, closing the door and letting the doctors get back to work. He went back with the others as they looked at him with concern. "What?" He asked, eyebrow raised.
Twilight walked up to him. "You made a deal with Discord."
"The God of Chaos?" Dash added.
Martin sighed. "What's the worst that could happen?"
They looked at him. "Well… he could turn you into your opposite like he did us." Twilight theorized, scratching a hoof against the ground.
"Um… why would he do that? It's not like I'm anyone important… I can't influence anyone to an extent were it could create a lot of chaos…"
The girls looked at each other. "I think he may try and sow disharmony among us… we are the Elements after all." Dash said.
There was an awkward silence. "I guess that’s pretty bad but I couldn’t let Michael die…"
Twilight sighed. "I know… and we all would've done the same in your shoes…"
He sighed. "We'll just have to see what happens."
There was another pause. "Oh I hate to be a bother… but I have to finish some dresses for some very important customers." Rarity said. "It's not like I don’t want to wait, but I need to finish them, so please, the moment you find out something, please let me know."
"Ok… um… I hate to ask, but I need some new clothes." Martin smiled sheepishly at her.
She nodded. "I figured as much; just stop by tomorrow sometime and I should have a few things whipped up." She said.
"Thank ya." He said, letting the white unicorn attend to her business.
He looked at the other ponies. "I'm gonna go back to the library and grab my jacket… its freezing walking around bare chest ya know?"
Twilight put a hoof on his arm. "Allow me." She said, her horn glowing and his jacket appeared in his hand.
He smiled. "Hey… thanks Twilight." He said, quickly putting on the jacket; his arm started to ache again.
The door opened and the doctor walked out, sighing as he took off his glasses, leaning heavily against the door frame.
"And?" Martin asked, walking up to the doctor. All the ponies followed him.
The doctor looked exhausted. "He's going to be fine." He said with a small smile. Everypony sighed with relief and Fluttershy began to tear up. "Whatever was in that bottle saved his life. He's resting now if you want to go in and visit, just keep it short and try to be quiet."
Martin looked at the others. "I'll have a look." He said before he walked into the room. He saw Mike resting peacefully, his eyes closed with the heart monitor going at a steady pace.
"Is he ok?" Fluttershy asked from behind him.
He turned to face her. "Don’t worry, he seems to be alright." He said, giving her reassuring smile. She nodded and slowly walked into the room, hesitant. Everypony gathered around his bed as Martin watched, standing behind, easily able to look over their heads. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
Mike blinked a few times, his green eyes coming into focus. "Well if I had a thumb, I'd give you a thumbs up… but I'm ok… just really sore…" He said weakly. Fluttershy moved closer and hugged him. He hugged her back, putting a hoof around her back and squeezed as hard as he could. "Are you ok?" He asked her.
She eeped but nuzzled his chest. "I'm ok…" she said quietly.
He sighed. "Ok… good." He looked at the other blobs. "I take it everypony is here?"
Martin shook his head. "Nah, Rarity had to leave and Pinkie isn't here."
"I'm assuming Pinkie is planning some sort of party?"
He nodded. "Yeah… it appears she'll throw us a party if we like it or not…"
Twilight nodded. "She throws parties for everything."
Martin looked at her. "And how big are these parties?" He asked worriedly.
She thought for a moment. "Well… depending on how much time she has to get ready, usually the majority of the town shows up…"
He frowned. "Is there really no way around it?" He asked, hoping for a loop hole.
She shook her head. "No… when I first got here, she threw the party in the library and it didn’t end till like one in the morning…"
He sighed. "I hate parties…"
Twilight giggled. "So do I but around Pinkie, you'll get used to them."
"God dang it." He said, annoyed.
Mike leaned forward, gasping in pain as Fluttershy tried to stop him. "Yeah… I guess it's not that bad, is it?"
Martin looked skeptically at him. "What; the fact that you’ve been poisoned by a manticore or that you’ve been in the hospital twice in one week?"
"Well… when you put it that way." He struggled to throw off the covers and tried to get out of the bed, the numerous machines going off. "I think I should get out of here." He paused, tired and dizzy.
Martin chuckled. "I don’t think ya'll be leaving too soon mate…"
"Maybe… but I've spent way too much time here already… I mean, we've been here for a week…" He took a few breaths before trying again.
Martin sighed and walked over, forcing him to lie down. "Ya stay in that bed and rest."
Mike rolled his eyes. "But I'm fine…"
He glared. "If ya don’t stay in that bed I'll put two bolts through your shoulders and into the bed."
Fluttershy gasped and looked at him along with the others, horrified. Mike started laughing, struggling to get up again. "Just like old times eh?"
He chuckled. "Yep… but seriously, ya should stay in bed unless the doctor says it's ok."
Mike leaned back and sighed. "You know he's just gonna say 'I'm lucky to be alive, blah, blah, blah.' But I'm fine… it's not that bad…"
"It's not like the situation could be any worse, aye?"
"Hmmm… touché good sir." Mike smiled.
"I'll go ask the doc when ya can be to go." Martin said, making way to the door and leaving. He wandered around for a few minutes before he saw a doctor standing over a desk reading some papers, a cup of coffee levitating next to him. He raised his good hand to meet him. "Hello Doc… um… I don’t wanna annoy you, but how long will Michael have to stay in the hospital?"
The doc turned at the sound of Martin's voice. "Well fancy meeting you again so soon… and Michael?" He shuffled a few papers around before reading. "Says here he can leave day after tomorrow after the unicorns finish level 3, or they finished sewing him up and making sure all the toxins are out of his body."
Martin smiled with relief. "Thanks doc, I hope ya'll have a nice day." He said, walking back to the room.
"You too lad, take care of that arm." The doctor responded, turning back to take a sip of his coffee.
Martin quickly made his way back into the room. "Ya'll be here till the day after tomorrow if everything goes as planned."
Mike smiled. "Thank god… hospitals scare me… I would be freaking out right now if they didn’t sedate me before I woke up." He closed his eyes and sighed.
"I'm sure you'll find something to entertain yerself with while we're outside in the sunshine." Martin teased.
Mike's face turned red. "Now is not the time for that." His wings twitched and Dash started laughing while Fluttershy's face turned redder.
Martin joined Dash, laughing hysterically. He raised his left fist for Dash and she smacked it, causing his arm to tingle. "That was hilarious! Is he always this easy to embarrass?"
Martin nodded, holding his stomach. "Oh god… I can't breathe…" He took a few steady breaths before looking at his injured friend.
Mike glanced in Martin's general area. "Hey AJ, Martin and I were talking the other day-"
He looked at Mike in horror and quickly grabbed his snout to keep it shut. Mike was chuckling, his body shaking slightly as Fluttershy looked at him, confused.
"What's wrong sugarcube?" AJ asked.
Martin forced a laugh. "Aww… nothing's wrong." He leaned closer. "Shut up you vegetable!" He whispered into the pegasus's ear.
He let go of his snout and looked at AJ, who raised her eyebrow.
Mike chuckled as Fluttershy looked at him, concerned. "Martin and I were talking about you yesterday; we were comparing the apples between the worlds weren't we?" He looked at Martin.
AJ quickly picked up on the lie but didn’t show any recognition. Martin looked at her awkwardly. "Um... do ya need help at the farm?" He asked, trying to change the subject.
She turned to look at him, staring holes into him. "Actually, we could use an arm 'round the farm; help us fix a few things we can't reach." She said, her voice neutral.
Martin sighed with relief. "I'll be happy ta help."
"Then tomorra, come to the farm and we'll see what we can get ya to do." She said, heading towards the door. "Well its bout for some shut eye fer this pony." She looked at Mike. "I'm glad yer safe, Mike, take it easy ok?" He nodded as she walked out the door.
Martin watched her walk away before looking at him. "I'll be off too, tis getting late and I'll have work tomorrow."
Mike nodded. "I guess I'll stay here then…" He looked around and saw Dash, Twi, and Fluttershy still there. "You girls don’t have to stay… I'm ok and it is getting late…"
Twilight smiled. "I'll have to go now but I'll be back tomorrow." She said, walking out the door.
Dash grinned at the two pegasi. "I'll just be leaving the two of ya alone… have fun." She said before she flew after the unicorn.
Mike closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Fluttershy, if you want to go home, I won't be mad… I promise." He opened his eyes and saw Martin watching him with a grin from the doorway.
He pointed at Fluttershy before giving him a thumbs up and left quietly.
Mike rolled his eyes and looked towards the yellow blob. "Fluttershy?" He asked, slightly worried that she was being so quiet.
She looked at him with her big blue eyes. "Yes…?" She asked, stopping the silence.
His face turned a bright shade of pink. "Do… do you want to stay or go home? If you wanna go home, I understand…" He fiddled with his forehooves.
She smiled before gently getting in the bed and slipping underneath the covers, snuggling up to him. "I'll stay…" She said quietly.
His face got brighter as his wings spread open. "O-o-ok…" He stuttered, curling up with her, his head resting on her chest. Her face turned red, she closed her eyes and hugged him tightly.