A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

10 - The Long and Winding Road

A Bad Day to Fish
By - FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 10 - The Long and Winding Road

The cloud cover blocked the sun's majestic rise, the muted rays shining in the little window. Mike blinked a few times, yawning as he struggled to wake up. He looked around for his glasses and paused, remembering that he couldn't wear them anyways. He sighed and got up, looking at Martin's vacant sleeping bag. He heard voices coming from down stairs and trotted to the door, opening it and carefully walking downstairs, only catching the end to their conversation.
Martin turned his head when he heard hoof steps on the stars. "Hey Michael, sleep well?"
He nodded, almost tripping at the last stair and stood there awkwardly. "Yeah… I guess, a few dreams but nothing important." He looked for a purple blob. "Hey Twilight?"
She smiled at him. "Good morning Michael, how do you feel?"
He wiggled what he could. "I guess, considering, pretty good." He smiled as he slowly made his way to them. "I have a quick question but I'm sure I know the answer."
"Since I'm a pony now, I can't return home can I? My body was destroyed to create this one?"
She sighed. "I'm afraid so…"
He nodded. "That’s what I thought.” He smiled. "Well… it could be worse I guess."
Martin placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure there are some good things about being a pony as well." He said, winking.
Mike's wings twitched and he coughed, his face red. "Yes…"
Twilight looked at them curiously and Martin coughed. "Umm… is there a smith in town?" He asked, trying to change the subject.
She blinked. "Yeah… his name is Forgehammer. I believe he's been around here as long as Granny Smith has."
Martin's eyes widened in delight. "Where's his shop?"
She paused, closing her eyes to think. "I think it's right before you make that left to go to Sweet Apple Acres; he lives on the edge of town. You can't miss his shop, its huge."
"Great." He cheered.
She giggled. "Is that what you're planning to do?" She asked.
He walked into the kitchen. "Might wanna have a look at some of his goods."
Mike looked at you. "So heading to the smithy?"
Martin's stomach answered for him. "Maybe after we eat something…"
Spike appeared out of nowhere, wearing a pink apron. "Master Chef Spike, at your service." He said, doing a little bow before walking over to the counter. "So what would ya like?"
"Anything ya want to make me." Martin said, staring at the pink apron.
He nodded and started to rummage around the kitchen, oblivious to the stares. "How about good old pancakes with some maple syrup?"
Martin sat down in one of the chairs. "Sure… why not?"
He started to hum as he whipped up a batch of pancakes and while he waited for the batter to cook, he made Twilight and Mike a daisy omelet and salad. He placed it in front of them and Mike stared at it while Twilight ate.
Mike tried a few times to pick it up but kept missing or dropping it. He sighed and pushed the plate away, resting his head on the table.
Martin sighed and grabbed the fork. "Come on mate, let me help ya…" He put some of the omelet on the fork. "Open wide I guess."
Mike eyed the silver blob. "Not sure if I'd rather go hungry…"
"Already giving up? Want me to go get Fluttershy?"
His face turned red and he opened his mouth slightly.
Martin started feeding him and Twilight tried not to laugh. Mike muttered something and as soon as Martin finished, he got up and staggered out of the room, bumping into the wall and door frame a few times.
Martin sighed and tried to forget what he just did. "Oh boy…" He said, eating the pancakes Spike had put in front of him. Spike was trying to hide his laughter, his claws over his mouth. Martin ate in silence, avoiding eye contact. "Thanks mate." He said as he got up and walked out of the kitchen. He saw Mike sitting on the windowsill, watching the snow fall gently to the ground.
As soon as he left, they both started to laugh. "Ok Spike… I don’t think it was that funny…" Twilight said.
He walked towards the door and put on his boots and jacket. "I'll be at the smithy if you're looking for me." Mike nodded silently, not really paying attention.
Martin opened the door and the cold wind blew in his face, his jacket almost flew off; he couldn’t wear it right, his arm and sling wouldn’t fit. It looked like a cape had been draped over his shoulders.
He made his way through the town, following Twilight's directions. Ponies gave him a wide berth, some not even looking at him. A grey pegasus waved enthusiastically at him before he found the smith, the rather large anvil sign giving it away.
He opened the door and a gust of hot air hit him in the face. Swords, polearms, blunt weapons, bows and crossbows were hanging on the walls for sale while some mannequins modeled the armor, scattered throughout the room. A fireplace was roaring behind the counter. He closed the door and looked at the different weapons, some of them looking like exact copies from Earth, just different hilts.
"Hey stranger, what can I help ya with?" A gruff voice said from behind the counter. An older grey Earth pony sat, staring into a furnace, the glow highlighting his face. He had ice blue eyes and a scar running vertically down his left eye, his mane completely grey.
Martin walked closer to the counter. "I'm just having a look… the weapons here look very similar to where I'm from… at least they used to be…"
He raised the remains of an eyebrow. "Oh really? Hold on one sec…" he grabbed a pair of long tongs and pulled out a molten slab of metal out of the furnace, putting it on an anvil and whacking it a few times with a hammer before grunting, dropping the hammer and putting the slab back into the furnace. "So… ya say use to be?"
Martin sighed and walked along the walls, looking at the different weapons more closely. "Well… new inventions made swords and bows useless. We still have weapons for close combat but they changed a lot. But no one uses bows or crossbows anymore, we have ranged weapons that shoot projectiles faster than the eye could see."
He looked at Martin more closely. "Oh really, would it happen to be something like this?" He said, pulling an old fashion musket from underneath the counter. "I've been working on this for a good couple of months, able to fire a small metal ball a few yards or so; but very dangerous, gunpowder mixture still unstable."
Martin chuckled. "No… close but that'll need some work." He walked up to the counter, eyes the musket. "I've fired and built those before, but the bullets our 'modern tech' shoots are much faster, accurate, and deadly. I could show it to you but the hospital has my revolver."
Forgehammer blinked. "Revolver eh?" He scratched his chin. "Hmm… so anything particular that you're looking for or just browsing?" He asked, looking back at the metal.
Martin looked around and one of the crossbows caught his eye. He walked closer to it and looked at the master craftsmen's work. He turned and faced the smith. "If I manage to build you a working musket are you willing to give this to me for free?"
He scratched his chin again. "If you can guarantee it won't blow up in my face, I'll give you that and a full quiver for free."
"I'll shoot it personally to assure its safety."
Forge nodded and held out a hoof. "Then consider it a deal."
Martin smiled and grabbed his hoof, shaking it. "Deal." He walked to the musket on the counter. "I'll need a workbench and tools."
Forge pointed towards the door behind him. "They're in the back, just watch it that’s where all the heat bellows too." He stared at Martin. "Just a bit of warnin'; if ya try and steal anything or lie to me, the guards gave me permission to do what I need to do, Martin Knife-Wielder."
He laughed. "Wow… no need to worry, I'd never steal anything but I can understand." He walked past the pony, grabbing the musket before he opened the door. It was a large room with a big metal table tools laying everywhere. Sporadic torches provided light as he walked to the table and laid the musket down. "Let's get crackin'." He took off the sling around his neck and draped the jacket on the chair.
The clangs of hammer on metal were heard throughout the shop and small pouts of steam bellowed from the furnace. A few hours later, Forge opened the door and peeked his head in. "How's it going?"
Martin showed the smithy the newly designed musket as he finished polishing the barrel, making it shine. "Ready to fire at least a hundred yards."
The smithy whistled and held out a hoof to look at it. "I oiled and sprung the string on the crossbow you wanted. I also made a full quiver of sapphire tipped bolts. They're enchanted by a friend of mine to strike what you aim at for at least six yards."
Martin smiled. "I think it's time we test this baby out, aye?"
He nodded. "I know the perfect place." He led the human out back behind the large furnace and half a dozen dummies stood at attention. "They're spaced roughly three yards apiece, the farthest going almost forty yards if I remember correctly." He said, scratching his head.
Martin glanced at the targets before nodding and started to load the musket. He made sure the ball was all the way at the bottom of the barrel and carefully put some gun powder underneath the hammer. He took a deep breath and steadied his grip on the handle before closing his left eye and aimed. A few seconds later, a loud bang reverberated through the area and the dummy twelve yards away exploded.
The old smithy smiled, revealing missing teeth. "Well I'll be a son of a diamond dog, I had my doubts but I'm glad I was wrong." He looked up at the human. "That was a pretty good shot."
Martin reloaded the musket and aimed at another target further away; moments later that one soon followed it brethren in oblivion. The smoke from the two gunshots clogged the area, causing Martin to cough; the smithy didn’t seem fazed in the slightest.
A crowd of ponies began to form after the first shot and only got bigger with the second. A few guards seemed to be mixed in with the crowd, watching the human with cold, calculating eyes; their hooves not far from their spears.
Determined to put on a good show, he loaded the musket one more time, aiming at the furthest dummy. He aimed carefully; an inch could make the difference shooting targets that far away. He took a deep breath and looked down the sights before closing his eyes and pulled the trigger. He felt the vibration of the shot and heard the loud bang of it leaving the barrel, along with the explosion of wood. He opened his eyes and saw nothing remaining of the farthest dummy, reduced to half a stick in the ground.
The crowd applauded at the demonstration, a guard leaving the area. Forge smiled. "Don’t mind them, they're a distrustful lot."
Martin handed the musket to him. "It's all yours."
He smiled. "Let's go back to the shop so I can get your crossbow and bolts ready." He said, leading the way back inside as he rummaged around, stacking various things on the counter.
Martin smiled at the old smithy as he strapped the quiver and crossbow to his back. He put the sling back on and held his jacket in his left hand. "Thank you very much, who knows I might be back someday."
The old pony laughed. "I hope ya do… you probably just saved me years of work my friend, you're welcome any time."
Martin nodded at him before leaving and making his way back to the library. As he got to one of the busiest streets in the town, he noticed a very familiar purple unicorn frantically searching for something. She didn’t notice him as she quickly went back into the library and continued her search, sending things flying across the room.
He dodged a few things before raising his voice. "Oi, Twilight! What's wrong?"
"He's missing! I turned my back for a minute and he's not here anymore!"
He nodded. "Yeah thanks Twilight, makes things a lot clearer for me."
She looked at him. "Michael you hay brain! Your best friend is gone!" She said, opening up a cupboard and looking inside.
He looked around calmly. "He's probably at Fluttershys…"
"No I had Spike check that area already… Fluttershy hadn't seen him since he walked her home yesterday apparently." She continued looking around. "Did you see him while you were out?"
He raised an eyebrow. "No… maybe he's out with Dash learning how fly 'n' stuff."
She shook her head. "I checked with everypony; Dash said she thought she him wander off away from town and went to check it out, but she's not back yet. Pinkie and Gummy are checking the town with Rarity. AJ, Fluttershy and Spike are checking the area around Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershy's house." She paused. "How can we miss one blind, barely functional pony with our search being so thorough?"
Martin sighed and threw his jacket to the ground along with the sling. He grabbed his crossbow. "I think it's time for me to find our missing pony…" He ran outside, leaving Twilight behind.
"Martin wait!" She yelled; he ignored her and sprinted towards the way they had came to Ponyville.
He ran through town, dodging ponies, carts, an occasional guard, and the all dangerous lamp posts until he reached the spot where Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy had found them. He looked around and charged into the forest.
He paused when he heard hoof steps behind him and saw Twilight galloping after him. "I swear, you humans are nothing but trouble!" She said, catching up.
He nodded and continued running deeper into the forest; it got darker the deeper he went, the tree canopy blocking the sun. Twilight continued to talk, mostly about the dangers of the forest called Everfree. They kept running and suddenly they saw two figures coming closer to them.
Martin quickly loaded his crossbow and aimed at the creatures but immediately lowered it when they were revealed to be AJ and Spike. As they got closer, he could see them covered in something red and they looked terrified.
They stopped inches from him. "What the hell happened to ya?!"
AJ didn’t respond, she was breathing too hard but Spike was frantically pointing the way they had come. "Quick Twilight, we have to go back! Michael is dying!"
Martin's face went blank as he ignored whatever else Spike said and charged past them. Martin charged through the scenery, faintly able to hear the others catching up and Spike explaining what happened.
While Fluttershy was looking for Michael, she found an injured rabbit so she stopped to care of it. AJ and Spike found her and they were talking until a pack of manticores showed up. Fluttershy tried using her animal magic, but it didn’t work. The pack seemed more aggressive than usual, the manticores growling at the ponies and dragon. One went to swipe her with its claws when Mike dove in the way, taking the poisonous strike. It shredded his side and some his left wing. The pack stared at him and turned to look at the manticore that struck him, horrified; the pack abandoned it and took off running. Mike soon fell over, bleeding rapidly.
That spurred them to run faster, AJ panting to keep up. They arrived in the little alcove; the trees nearby all had fresh scratches on them. Martin cocked a bolt into the crossbow, ready for anything, till he saw Fluttershy holding a blue pegasus in pool of ever growing red.
He ran up to her and kneeled down. "What happened?"
Mike opened an eye, it seemed to have a slightly glazed over look. "I was thinking that we might have left a clue…where we landed…" He struggled to breath. "…I didn’t think anypony would notice I was gone…" He wheezed. "I'm sorry, this is my fault." He chuckled, blood pooling out of the corners of his mouth. "I really don’t think this world likes me…"
Martin was silent as he got up and looked at the paw prints on the ground. He glanced back and looked at Mike before following them.
"Martin, where do ya think yer going?" AJ asked, looking at him as Twilight was examining the cuts.
He continued walking. "It's time to show this world that no one… NO ONE THREATENS MY FRIENDS!!"
"PONYFEATHERS Martin! Yer friend is almost dead! Now's not tha time to be going gung ho! We need to help him!" She yelled, glaring at him.
"I'm sure ya'll do just fine without me."
AJ walked in front of him, blocking his immediate path. "If you really cared 'bout yer friend, you'll stay here and help instead galloping off on some adventure!"
He turned his head and looked at Twilight trying her unicorn magic. "It looks like there are others to help."
Her brow furrowed in anger. "Ya know what, fine; go off on yer adventure!" She stomped away, little puffs of snow flying. She stopped next to Twilight as the unicorn's magic seemed to slow down the blood loss slightly.
He could hear Fluttershy crying as she held him, her yellow coat stained with blood. Mike slowly held her hoof, softly murmuring something that no pony could hear. He watched as they tried to close the cuts to no avail. He stood in the snow, thinking. Would I really leave my friend behind…? He stared at the crossbow in his hands before closing his eyes. He grasped it tightly and took the bolt out, putting it back in the quiver as he strapped the crossbow onto his back and walked to the little group. No.
AJ nodded as she saw him walk up to them as Twilight still tried to close the cuts.
Martin looked at the cuts, the flesh jagged and dirty. Blood continuously poured from the wounds. He could see the muscles underneath and watched as the arteries and veins beat with the pegasus's fading heart. "I have to stop the bleeding." He said, taking the crossbow and quiver off his back. He unbuttoned his shirt and started ripping it into strips as he carefully kneeled down beside Mike and started to wrap the wounds with the impromptu bandages. Fluttershy watched him as Mike grimaced in pain as the cloth touched the skin. "This'll hurt… but it'll save your life." He tied a knot at the end and pulled as hard as he could, putting pressure on the wound.
Mike's wings uselessly fluttered as he screamed in pain, his chest barely rising. His eyes started to roll into the back of his head.
Martin quickly placed his fingers near Mike's throat, trying to find his pulse. He took deep breaths to focus, everypony panicking. Fluttershy shook him to try and get his attention. He could a very weak, faint 'thump' but it was slow. His eyes shot open as it slowed to one, final 'thump'. "No… NO!!" He yelled, taking Mike from Fluttershy's hooves and putting him on his back. He placed his hands on Mike's ribs, careful of the cuts and tried to massage his heart back; trying not to break his ribs. "YOU SON OF A BITCH… YOU WON'T DIE HERE!!" He yelled in frustration, tears rolling down his face.
The ponies stared at the non-responding body as Martin continued. Fluttershy ran over and hugged Twilight as AJ went to walk up to him.