A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

9 - Life's Amusing Curveballs

A Bad Day to Fish
By - FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 9 - Life's Amusing Curveballs

She led the way down the hall and opened a door to a similar hospital room. The bed was surrounded by the remaining girls and in the bed was a blue pegasus; both his and Fluttershy's faces were bright red as Dash laughed hysterically. Twilight strangely had Mike's glasses in her hooves.
Martin stared at the pegasus from the doorway, not moving. "Wow… I see you're… a pony…" He said with a blank expression.
He turned towards him, squinting, trying to see. "Martin, is that you?"
Martin walked to the bed, the others making room. "Yep, I see you're still blind as ever." He stopped at the bed, looking down.
Mike gave a dry, humorless laugh. "Yup, on top of being a pegasus apparently…" He looked in Martin's general direction. "So tell me, how bad is it?"
Martin looked at his arm. "Pretty much fucked." He said with a sad smile. "And you're definitely a pony… which means I'm the only human left in existence…"
Mike was silent before he sighed. "I guess so…" He stared at the sheets and muttered something.
Martin raised his left hand and placed in on Mike's head. "Don’t worry shorty."
Mike glared at him before looking for purple. "You should've just let me die Twilight."
She looked at him, shocked. "What? Why?" She asked, confused.
"Cause he's shorter than me." Martin said with a huge grin on his face.
He glared at him. "You don’t get it, do you?! I'm a fucking pony; I can't see, I can't fly, hell I can't even walk!" He pushed himself away from Martin and floundered on his hooves before falling out of the bed and on his face. They tried to help him, but he pushed them away. "And even if I wanted to, I can't go home now! I'm stuck here." He stared at the ground. "And everyone keeps saying 'it'll be ok' or 'you'll get use to it'; no I won't! You have no idea what it's like getting ripped from your home world and turning into a damn pony!" He put his hooves over his face. "I don’t even know why I should care anymore…"
Martin kneeled down, a sad expression on his face. "I know what some of those things are like… sorry about the whole pony thing but death is never an option, not as long as I'm around to prevent it."
He sighed. "Death is preferred when you're being treated like a kid again…"
Martin raised an eyebrow. "Do you know how to crawl on four legs as a human?"
"I did… and I tried that the first time, fell out of bed." He grumbled.
"Can't be that hard…" Martin thought of walking as a pony.
Mike's wings flapped. "And I gotta learn how to use those…" He sighed, looking at them. "Can everyone just… leave… for awhile, I need to be alone…" He muttered.
Martin looked at the others and then back at the pegasus on the floor. "Ok…" he walked towards the door, opening it for everypony. They took one final look at him before walking out. Martin paused and looked at his friend before sighing and shutting the door.
"Wow… I didn’t take him to be the one to have the meltdown…" Twilight said, looking at Martin. He looked around the ponies and noticed one was missing.
"Where's Fluttershy?" He grabbed the door and it was locked; he glared at the door. "That plonker locked us out!"
Rarity patted his arm. "Let her do her thing darling, I think Mike needs a shoulder to cry on right now." She said with a sad smile.
He let go of the door knob and sighed. "Guess… I'm afraid no one will be able to fully understand his situation though…"
Everypony sighed and silence lingered in the air. "You know what this calls for?" Pinkie suddenly asked.
Martin turned his head and looked at her. "No celebrations Pinkie…"
She stopped in midair. "But… but everypony has a frowny face! We need a party to cheer them up!" She put a hoof to her chin. "It might help Mikey and his pouty pants."
He looked at the door. "I'm afraid he has other matters on his mind at the moment."
"Well I'm gonna go get it ready anyway; no pony doesn’t not like having a party!" She said, hopping away.
He sighed in defeat as they all watched the pink pony hop away. "… I wonder what's going on in there…" He said, looking at the door.
Twilight sighed. "I just hope she can help him…"


Mike sighed, still on the floor. He felt the tears begin to pool up in the corners of his eyes but refused to acknowledge them. He rested his head on the cold floor and closed his eyes, his body shaking from holding back the tears.
Somepony gently placed their hoof on his back. "…There, there…" A familiar quiet voice said.
The tears overpowered him and he gasped, trying to stop them. "Why Fluttershy?" He whispered. "Why didn’t they just let me die… no one would've noticed or cared… I mean, look at me… I'm blind, I don’t know anything about this world… I'm not even human anymore…"
It was silent for a second till he felt something wet fall on his cheek. "…I care…" She said, her face redder than he'd ever seen.
He didn’t know what to say. He floundered to get to his hooves and fell as she caught him. Both of their faces were bright red. "Thanks…" He whispered before giving her a hug, resting his head on her shoulder. "Thanks for everything." He said, letting the built up tears flow.
She closed her eyes. "…I'll be here for you…" She whispered.
He nodded, his throat closed. He swallowed a few times and tried to talk again. "Well... it's what, the fourth day in and I'm already falling apart? That’s just terrible; you should leave while you can." He said, trying to laugh.
She looked at him with concern. "No… I would never…" Her face bright red and she was holding onto his shoulders.
He looked at her sadly. "And here's wishing I could actually see right now…" He blushed, seeing her blue eyes. "Um…" He trailed off.
She stared into his eyes." I'll be your eyes… if you want me to…"
He felt like he should be setting off the fire alarm for how hot his face felt. "Only if you wouldn’t mind helping me…"
She pulled him into another hug. "I'd love to…" She whispered into his ear.
"T-t-thank you…" He muttered. He paused. "Now… um… you wouldn’t mind helping me walk? I think I should go apologize to the others." He asked.
She smiled and grabbed his hoof, holding onto it tightly as she led the way. She headed slowly towards the door, making sure he didn’t fall and he got a slow rhythm down. He stumbled a few times but she caught him each time and they made it to the door.
He stared at the door. "Now how in the world do we open it?" He asked, leaning forward to grasp the door knob in his mouth. He kept slipping and hurting his teeth.
Fluttershy giggled. "You have to grab it with your hoof…"
He stared at her bewildered and squinted at his hoof. "Now how do I do that? We don’t have any fingers…"
She smiled. "I know but we can. Give it a try…"
He shrugged and grabbed it with his hoof. He gasped slightly; it felt like he still had fingers… they felt weaker than his old human ones, but he could still firmly grasp the handle. He gave it a turn and the knob turned and he pulled the door open. "Huh… well I'll be damned."
The group looked at him and Fluttershy, both red faced. "Mate… ya feeling a little better?" Martin asked as he walked towards the two.
Mike backed up slightly, startled by the large blur walking towards him and he fell on his flank. "Yeah… about that, I wanted to apologize… I didn’t mean to have that bipolar moment…" He muttered, looking at the tiles.
Fluttershy stared at Martin and he sighed. "I'll have to apologize… not you. I have no idea what's its like to be in your position… I'm sorry." He bent to the same eye level. "But I hope you know I'll always be there to support ya…" He said, closing his left hand into a fist and putting it out.
Mike smiled and with the help of Fluttershy, bumped his hoof against Martin's fist. "Thanks buddy…" He slightly chuckled. "Life just got more interesting, aye?" He gave Martin a small smile.
He smiled back. "Yep, and who knows… ya might like having four legs."
Mike laughed. "You never know… granted, I'll never win another rock, paper, scissors game… but I'm ok with that." He looked at his wings, which were resting at his sides. "I think I may have fun flying more than walking…"
Martin laughed. "I might get a little jealous considering that." He looked at the wings.
Mike paused, trying to concentrate. His wings seemed to quiver slightly and he smiled. "Ha… that wasn’t as hard as I thought it'd be." He said, sweat plastered on his brow.
Dash trotted up to him. "That won't be enough though." She said, grinning at him.
"Oh joy…" he said, looking at her. "This is gonna be fun…"
"Well pal, wanna head back to the library?" Martin asked.
Mike looked at Fluttershy and she blushed. "I'm not sure… Fluttershy, what do you want to do? You're my eyes." He muttered, blushing.
The part of her face that wasn’t hidden by her mane was bright red. "Aww… ain't that sweet, so Fluttershy where to go next?" Martin asked, smiling at the yellow pegasus.
She eeped. "Well… um… I was thinking of going back home and making sure my friends were ok… but um… I'll stick with Michael… he needs me more…" She barely said the last part, everyone had to strain to hear it.
He smiled at the two pegasi. "Well ok, I'll lead the way in that case." Martin began walking down the hallway with everypony following him, Mike and Fluttershy bringing up the rear as she held his hoof tightly.
Mike stuck close to Fluttershy as they paused briefly, filling out the necessary paperwork to leave the hospital.
It wasn’t snowing anymore but the snow still blanketed the ground. "Ah… it's good to be outside again without having to carry someone on your shoulders." Martin said as he took deep breaths, enjoying the clean air.
Mike rolled his eyes, Fluttershy guiding him. "It's good to be outside not running around trying to find someone in the dark." He muttered.
"Umm… yeah…" Martin replied, scratching his neck awkwardly.
Mike chuckled. "All in good fun." He smiled as he almost walked into a street lamp but Fluttershy pulled him out of the way; it looked like they were hugging.
"Careful Michael…" She whispered, stopping for a moment before she started walking towards the library again.
He blushed. "Thanks Fluttershy." He mumbled, looking at their hooves holding each other.
They arrived at the library, Fluttershy had to help Michael inside and lead him to the couch. Martin sat on the extra chair as Mike and Fluttershy sat next to each other.
"I think it's time for lunch, don’t ya'll think?" Martin asked, looking at the assembled ponies.
They all nodded as Spike appeared, walking down the stairs. "So what does everypony want…" He trailed off, looking at Mike. He leaned toward Martin. "Who's the new pony that’s all close to Fluttershy?" He whispered.
"That's Michael." He whispered.
Spike blinked. "The blind guy?" He stared at them again. "What happened to him? And when did he become so close to her?" He whispered as Mike and Fluttershy themselves were whispering.
Martin shrugged. "I was in the hospital myself so I really don’t know…"
He nodded his head and went into the kitchen. Rarity looked like was holding back a comment or two and Twilight was off to the side writing a letter. Pinkie hadn't returned from the 'party preparations'. Dash, Fluttershy, and Mike were talking amongst themselves and Martin and AJ sat off to the side, next to each other.
Martin leaned closer to her. "'Tis grand that the two of them are getting along, aye?" He whispered to her.
She nodded. "Kinda odd ta see them gettin' along so easily. As long Ah've known her, she's been a bit shy… but they talk like they’ve been friends fer years." She looked at him. "You ok with him being a pony and you a human?"
He sighed. "It's not like I can change that now, can I?"
"No but ya seem uncomfortable 'bout it." She said, staring into his eyes.
"It's hard to explain… it's like he sorta… abandoned me, ya know…"
She looked at him sadly. "It must be hard ta see yer best friend like this… Ah know I would be too… but Ah understand why the princess did it… Ah guess it's better than the alternative, right?" She sighed. "Ah probably ain't helpin' a whole lot…"
He smiled at her. "No worries AJ, he seems to be happy and as long as he is than I am as well…. He's one of the only things I have at the moment… I'd do anything to make sure he's safe…"
She smiled back. "Ah bet he feels the same way. He may be a pony now but he's still human inside." She chuckled. "Never thought Ah'd say that."
He looked at Mike and Fluttershy. "Who knows what'll happen… I'll be there if he needs me."
She put a hoof on his arm. "And Ah know he is for you too."
Spike stuck his head through the door. "Dinner everypony… and human." He smiled at Martin before ducking back in.
Martin frowned. "God damn it… I'm a minority now…" He got up and walked into the kitchen.
Mike started to get off the couch with Fluttershy's help. "Easy now…" She whispered, holding his hoof and led him into the kitchen.
He stared at all the blurs. "So did we miss anything important while we had our little field trip to the hospital?" He asked.
"Nothing worth mentioning." Twilight said after she tapped her chin with a hoof a few times.
Spike put the food out in front everyone before pausing at Mike. "I wasn’t sure what to make you, so I made a little bit of everything, to see what you like."
"Thanks Spike." Mike said before staring at the food. "Huh… how am I gonna eat?" He tried grabbing the fork but kept missing.
Fluttershy grabbed it and put some egg on it, her face bright red. "Umm…. I can help you…" She whispered.
His face turned bright red. "Thank you… but you don’t have to if you don’t want to." He muttered, feeling like a baby.
She shook her head. "No… its umm… fine…" She moved the fork closer to his mouth, waiting for him to open.
He sighed and opened his mouth, letting her feed him, his face got even brighter. Martin stared at the two, trying not to laugh, stuffing food to keep his mouth shut. Dash was in a similar spot, trying not to laugh.
"Aw… don’t they just look so adorable?" Rarity said, watching them.
Their faces got bright and Fluttershy's hoof shook slightly. They ate, every now and then; one of them would look over and watch the two pegasi. A little bit later and with some small talk, they had all finished eating.
"Aww… that was lovely, we got something to wash it down?" Martin asked. Spike nodded, passing out glasses of water. He looked at the dishes in the sink and sighed. He drank a few sips. "Thank ya mate… but how 'bout some liquor to celebrate a little?"
Spike looked at Twilight and she sighed. "I guess we can indulge a little bit." She said. "Except you Spike, you're still too young." She said, stopping the happy dragon as he muttered into the basement. He came back with some Appledaniels and began to pour everyone a drink.
"Umm… it's ok Spike, I don’t want any." Mike said, struggling to hold his glass of water.
Spike nodded and continued to fill out glasses, passing one to everyone except him and Fluttershy.
Martin stood and raised his glass. "To Michael, so he'll be able to walk on his own someday!"
Everypony chuckled and clinked their glasses against each others before taking a drink. Spike grumbled as he started the dishes and Twilight sighed, pouring him a little before mixing in some water. "Here Spike." She said, passing it to him as he dropped the dishes back into the water and took a big gulp.
They all drank and talked amongst themselves, Mike and Fluttershy sitting quietly next to each other. Spike quickly passed out, snoring next to Rarity as she smiled at him before Twilight took him upstairs to bed. She came back down and they chatted for a few more hours before everypony left for the night, leaving the pegasi, Martin, and Twilight in the lobby.
Martin was a bit tipsy and made his way to the guest room. "G'night ya'll…" He said, shutting the door behind him.
Twilight yawned and looked at Mike and Fluttershy. "I'm going to bed as well, good night you two." She smiled at Fluttershy before she went upstairs.
The two of them were alone, sitting rather close to each other, in an awkward silence. Mike looked at her. "So… um… what would you like to do?" He fiddled with his forehooves.
She looked at the wooden floor. "I… um… I'm pretty tired as well; I was going to leave soon." She mumbled.
He smiled. "Ok… it is pretty late." He chuckled. "Want me to walk you home?"
She giggled. "How are you going to do that?"
He got to his hooves, stumbling. "I'll figure it out on the way there."
She smiled at him and got up, gently grabbing his hoof. "Ok..." She said, her cheeks brightening.
He smiled back and they walked silently to her cottage. The snow slowly fell and he laughed. "One of the pluses of having a fur coat is not being cold…"
She giggled. "Yeah…"
The rest of the trip they made in silence, enjoying each other's company. No pony was outside at this time, most long asleep. They made to the cottage and she opened the door. "How are you going to find your way back?" She asked, concerned. "I could… um… let you spend the night?" She offered.
He waved a hoof nonchalantly and chuckled nervously. "I couldn’t oppose and don’t worry, I'll find my way back… I'm not that blind, I can see colors and blobs." He shuffled on his hooves. "Thanks for the offer though… I'll see you tomorrow?"
She nodded, smiling as she leaned in close, her face bright red. She kissed him gently on the cheek. "T-thank you Michael…" She whispered. "Goodnight…" She said, going inside her house and left him alone, shutting the door.
He stood there and stared vacantly at the door. "Huh…" He brought a hoof to his cheek. His face was on fire. He turned around and started the dangerous journey back to the library.


After several wrong turns, quite a few trips into trees, street posts, and houses, Mike finally made his way back to the library. He quietly opened the door, tip-hooving across the floor, trying to be quiet. He entered the guest room and shut the door behind him. "Martin, you awake?" He whispered.
"Yeah…" Martin whispered back.
"I thought you'd be asleep?" Mike said, fumbling with the sleeping bag.
"Thinking about a lot of stuff ya know."
He sighed. "Yeah…" He looked in Martin's direction. "Wanna trade?"
"Sure… why not…" Martin replied.
"So, what's on your mind?"
"What is it I'll have to do if I want to stay?"
Mike sighed. "I don’t know…" He paused. "Do you want to be a pony?"
Martin sighed. "I-I don’t know… being human has a lot of advantages…"
"Trust me, I know… but as you said, even pony form, if you will, has its own…" Mike looked at him. "I can't tell you what to do but I just wanted you to know whatever you choose; I'll support you one hundred percent. If you want to go back, I understand."
Martin was quiet for a moment. "Thanks mate…"
He nodded. "Don’t mention it." He gave him a sad smile.
It was silent as Martin turned to look at him. "How's it going with Fluttershy?"
Mike's face was so bright Martin saw the blush in the dark. "Well… funny story actually…" He stuttered. "But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone."
Martin smiled. "Course." Mike gulped and muttered something he couldn’t hear. "Pardon?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Mike rubbed his hoof on the floor. "She… kissed my cheek." He whispered.
Martin chuckled. "That’s great pal."
"Y-yeah…" He trailed off, staring at the ground. "I walked her home and she thanked me before kissing me…" He laughed. "To be honest, I'm surprised I made it back, being blind and all…"
"You'll get new glasses eventually…"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah… but its kinda nice having her help me…" He sighed. "That makes me feel bad though… for using her like that…"
Martin's eyes shot open." That sounds really wrong and you know it…"
"I know…" Mike muttered before turning away from him. "I know…" He muttered.
Martin chuckled and rolled onto his back. "Well g'night mate." He said, closing his eyes.