//------------------------------// // Sacrification // Story: Pinkie's Inner Demon // by ChibiCreamPuff //------------------------------// Pinkie looked over to Twilight thoughtfully yet worriedly. "B-But how?......How would we be able to do it?" She tried to get up, her legs still soaring with pain. "We need to go to the Ponyville Church. Just a house away." Twilight said quickly and calmly. "I'll teleport us, since you can't walk...." Her horn started to spark. Then a whole burst of magic appeared around them, carrying them to the Ponyville Church. Once they got there it hovered them a foot above the ground, so they fell that foot, well, Twilight did. But got up in time to catch Pinkie. "Are you okay?" Twilight looked down at her pink, crippled friend. Pinkie forced a weak smile upon her face. "Ok, we better get started..." Quickly, she levatated a book from the other side of the room, on the cover it said, 'Presents To Celestia'. Flipping through the book, checking the pages thoroughly. Wondering what Twilight was reading, Pinkie glanced around the building, checking out what things looked like. She had never been to the church, she was always too busy with Sugar Cube Corner. The walls were crystallized with predictions from the 'Bible: A History Of Faith' book. For example, there was one about Luna being brought back from the moon. The place sort of freaked Pinkie out a bit, especially the huge fountain that's in the center of the room. "Aha!" Twilight shouted as she found the correct page. "I found it! Now we can begin!" Frantically, Twilight assembled the tools needed for her plan. Candles and a...oxygen mask and tank? "Umm, Twilight, what exactly is your plan?" Pinkie was afraid to ask but did anyway. "A Sacrification" Her hoof pointed to a paragraph in her book for Pinkie to read and so she did: 'For a pony to withdraw from a posessed trance, the pony or somepony close to them, shall reveal the end of fate to their lives in the fountain.' A gasp echoed in the room from the pink pony, she knew what Twilight's thoughts were...Twilight herself would be the sacrifice. "No.." Pinkie whispered, her voice rose to a cry. "No! You Can't Do This! I should be the sacrifice! Don't....do.....it...." Her voice went back to a whisper, then she just was silent. Her head drooped, her arms trying to slowly crawl towards Twilight. The purple unicorn was surprised from the sudden silence, usually Pinkie would still be crying. Soon, Pinkie's head looked back up at Twilight, except, this time it was different. Instead of Pinkie's soft, crystal blue eyes they were a piercing, glowing red. The mane of her friend was a dark, greyish magenta. A small laugh escaped from her. Which turned into a loud insane laugh which echoed throughout the church. "So..we finally meet....Twilight...Sparkle..." Pinkie's voice was deep and killer. "Pinkie's told me oh so much about you..." At the first sound of the voice, Twilight knew it wasn't Pinkie. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Pinkie..." Another laugh escaped from the pink demon. "You don't know me? Why, I thought Pinkie would've told you all about me...I'm Pinka-" "Mena. Yeah, Pinkie has told about you..you little demon from hell.." Twilight clenched her fists. "Why thank you. Now, I know we've only known for a short time but, it's time for you to go..." Pinkamena punched the ground and the fountain seemed to move right behind her. The pure blue water turned to an acidic green color. Like it would've for the sacrification. "You certainly know NOTHING about magic!" Twilight managed to laugh. "If you kill me, you'll be gone forever, so..." She picked up a holy sword from behind her, filled with holy water. "Die Lucious, son of Satan." Pinkamena's face was flushed, she hadn't thought this through. "Oh Crap." Is all it could say before it was sliced in half, black blood now covered the sword. "Do you know nothing about logic?" The thing laughed. "If you hurt me, you hurt Pinkie!" A mischeivous smile spread across her face. "Not for long.." Her horn glew, and the fountain dissapeared under the ground, then reappeared under Pinkamena. "Double Crap." Is all it could say while screaming as it fell into the green abyss. Laughing, Twilight watched the thing dissapear. She knew she hadn't really distroyed Pinkie forever, she would be back in a few minutes.