A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

8 - The Power of a Sun Goddess

A Bad Day to Fish
By - FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 8 - The Power of a Sun Goddess

Twilight, Spike and the rest of the girls stood in front of a hospital room door, Nurse Redheart blocking it. "I'm sorry but Michael's state is too critical to let anypony in… we just can't let you visit him at the moment." She said with a look of sorrow on her face.
"Ya have ta let us see him!" AJ demanded as Dash agreed, nodding her head. Fluttershy was silent, her face completely hidden behind her mane.
"Then can you at least tell us how Martin is doing?" Twilight asked.
Redheart sighed. "He's still unconscious… the narcosis still hasn’t worn off; the right side of his body is still paralyzed. And due to the amount of blood lost, he'll stay like that for quite some time."
"And you won't let anypony see them?" Rarity asked, surprised.
Redheart shook her head, her unkempt mane going side to side. "No… they both need a lot of rest and we can't wake Martin at the moment. We could let you into his room but it wouldn’t do anypony any good."
"Well then what can we do?" Dash asked, staring at the nurse.
"Wait and hope that both will recover quickly… I wish I could tell you more, but I swore an oath not to give that sort of information away about any of our patients unless authorized by a doctor."
The group let out a collective sigh as they shuffled their hooves nervously, wondering what they could do to help. "Um… I know no pony is allowed to see them… but maybe… if it's not too much trouble, could I see Michael briefly? I mean if not that’s ok…" Fluttershy spoke, startling everypony; she blushed as she shuffled her hooves, staring at the floor.
Redheart saw the girls nodding their head and Fluttershy gave her a sad look. Finally, she caved and sighed. "…Oh alright, but just for a moment." She slowly unlocked the door with her magic and opened it just enough for Fluttershy to sneak in. She quickly shut it, leaving Fluttershy alone in the room.
Fluttershy gasped as Mike still twitched, held down by numerous straps on the bed. Numerous tubes, needles, and paddles were attached to him and heartbeat monitor beat very slowly, almost as if it was automatic. She walked over to him and gently laid a hoof on his chest and sighed.


While the rest of the girls waited outside the room, they heard hoof steps getting closer. They turned their heads and several royal guards stood there, staring at them. Celestia soon followed and everypony bowed. "Please rise my ponies; this is no time for formalities." She said, her face full of concern and worry. She looked at Redheart. "How is his condition?"
Redheart shook her head sadly. "Not good, he keeps twitching no matter what we do; we had to strap him to the bed so he wouldn’t hurt himself. It seems like no matter what type of healing magic we try, it doesn’t work."
Celestia sighed, looking her several millennia age. "Just as I thought; Twilight please come with me." She walked towards the door as Redheart opened it, Fluttershy still inside.
"Oh… umm… I-I'll leave…" She quickly galloped out of the room and back to the others.
Celestia entered the room with Twilight behind her and they looked sadly at the human on the bed. She looked at her student. "Twilight, I hope you know that I value your opinion."
"I know Princess…" Twilight said, smiling sadly at the sun goddess. "What is it that you ask?"
She sighed. "I am afraid that I can't help Michael in his current state. No pony can… our anatomy is just too different from his. It seems as if humans have also evolved a natural defense against unicorn magic, which was never meant to heal creatures like him. I'm afraid there is only one thing I can do to help him…" She closed her eyes as she spoke.
Twilight looked sadly at the captive human. "Whatever you can do to help, please do it…" She pleaded. "I had a feeling unicorn magic wouldn’t help…." She muttered to herself.
Celestia sighed once more and looked at her student. "In his current form we cannot help him… I'll have to transform him into a pony. Otherwise, nothing will save him and he will die."
Twilight stared at her before looking at him. "Can… can we do that; without his consent?" She thought fast. "What about Martin? We wouldn’t need to turn him right?"
Celestia shook her head. "He is in no need for that sort of magic, he'll heal in time. Michael… I know I can transform him… but it's not right to do so without him knowing…"
"And there's no other way?"
"No… there's nothing else we can do…" Celestia said.
Twilight looked at him sadly. "Then we really don’t have much of a choice…" She looked at her teacher with a sad smile. "Let's hope he doesn’t hate us too much…"
Celestia nodded. "He will be turned into whatever pony suits his personality the most."
Twilight sighed. "What do you need me to do Princess?"
"My magic alone will not be enough but with your help we'll be able to help him… just concentrate on Michael and let me do the rest."
Twilight nodded and took a calming breath, closing her eyes and focusing her concentration on Michael's prone body. She let all her magical energy swell into her horn, becoming a well for Celestia to draw on when her reserves are reached. Celestia's horn was encased in a bright golden aura and a small beam hit him right in the heart. His body started to shake violently and Celestia opened her eyes as the beam became stronger, more and more energy poured into it.
He could feel his body being twisted and pulled, pushed and shrinking; it was horribly painful, all his nerves on fire. He became conscious for a few seconds and did nothing but scream in agony.
The ponies all flattened their ears as they heard him scream.
He saw the beam intensify and felt his entire body burn before he passed out, the pain overwhelming.


The Princess and Twilight looked at the newly created pegasus; he had a midnight blue coat with black hooves. His light grey mane seemed to be poofy, as if he bit an electrical cord. His tail was short, almost as if it was cut by a knife. His wings twitched as they moved unconsciously for the first time. He didn’t have a cutie mark yet.
The princess sighed in exhaustion. "What do we do now?" Twilight asked, looking at her mentor.
"We wait till he wakes up." She looked at the unicorn. "I've done all I can Twilight, its all in his hooves now…" She said, tired.
They both left the room, letting the new pegasus rest.


A few hours passed and he slowly came to; his entire body ached and burned, his arms and legs stiff. His eyelids were heavy, wishing for him to go back to sleep. The only thing he could do was hear a repetitive beeping noise not too far. He laid there and ignored it for a while before it started to drive him crazy. "Can't I go back to the dark place… at least it was quiet…" He groaned, his throat dry.
He slowly opened his eyes and they dilated as they tried to get use to the bright room. The beeping continued, slowly getting louder. "I swear to god…" He trailed off, noticing a blue hoof in front of his face. He blinked a few times and moved it closer to him, bopping himself on the snout; his eyes grew as he realized it was his.
He started to shake and hyperventilate, the heart monitor going erratic and they heard it outside. He looked around, noticing his wings for the first time; they were flapping crazily, like they had a mind of their own. He couldn’t see with his glasses off; he noticed them on the table. He fumbled for them, falling to the floor. He finally got a 'good look' at his new body and locked up, passing out from the shock.
Nurse Redheart quickly entered the room and saw the empty bed, noticing his sprawled form on the ground next to the table. "Oh dear…" she said,walking over to him and lift him back on the bed. She shook him a few times, trying to get him to wake up.
He slowly came to and looked at her. "I had the strangest dream… I was a pony." He said, chuckling.
"I'm afraid it wasn’t a dream… you are a pegasus." She said, holding his shoulders to make sure he wouldn’t fall off the bed again.
He blinked. "Huh… so I'm a pegasus?" He calmly asked.
She nodded. "Princess Celestia was her just this morning; she said it was the only way to help you…"
"Ah… that’s what I thought you said." The heart rate skyrocketed as he started to hyperventilate again, his eyes twitching.
She held on through his thrashings. "Don’t worry, you'll get used to it…"
"But… but I don’t have FINGERS?!" He held up his shaking hooves. "What the hell are these things; I can't walk with these!" He gasped. "I don’t even have any clothes on!" His wings fluttered and he squeaked. "I have wings too?! Oh that’s just great… I'm afraid of heights…" He paused, taking a breath. "Wait, did you say Princess Celestia was here?" He calmly asked, his previous freak out gone.
"Yes, she used her magic to heal you from your seizure; you'll never have one again." She gave him a small smile.
He chuckled. "Well… it looks like we were right; I'm still blind in the eye though." He blindly flailed for his glasses. "Is she still here?" He asked, trying to sit up.
"No, she left quite some time ago, being the princess, she has a lot of work to do."
"Oh… well… huh…" He tried to get out of bed and tumbled, his face clean on the floor. "Well this sucks, I can't even walk." He muttered from the floor.
She faintly smiled at him. "You'll learn it eventually. If you want me to, I could send in your friends; well at least Twilight and the others, Martin is still sleeping."
"Oh god, I can imagine what he'll say when he sees me…" He sighed. "Sure, might as well send them in so they can laugh at me now…"
She looked at him strangely before leaving the room. Several minutes went by before he heard several pairs of hooves enter the room. Apart from Twilight, they stared at him, surprised at what he looked like; Fluttershy couldn’t even look at him. "Michael, your friends are here." Redheart said.
He waved a hoof from the ground. "Hey… so… what do you think?" He asked as the rest of his body fell off the bed. He scrambled for his glasses; all he could see were blobs of color.
Somepony picked him up and set him back on the bed, all he saw was orange so he assumed it was AJ. "Ah'm glad ta have ya back." She said, her southern accent confirming what he thought.
"I thought you were a goner." Dash said, wiping sweat from her brow.
"Oh my gosh Mikey, I was so worried I almost cried but I'm just happy now that you're ok. I hate when my friends are ill, oh I have to throw you a 'Get better party' oh wait, I haven't even thrown you a 'Welcome party' yet… guess that means two super duper parties!!" Pinkie yelled as she happily jumped.
"Darling… you had me worried sick. It's a shame that you can't wear your clothes anymore." Rarity said with a sigh.
"Umm… it's good that your be-better…" Fluttershy mumbled, blushing.
"Thanks girls… it's good to be back… I guess…" He muttered. He fiddled with his glasses, poking himself in the fake eye with them before putting them on correctly, only for them to fall off. "Of course I can't wear my glasses, different shaped head and all." He muttered and looked at the blob he assumed was Redheart. "And you can't put me back under can you?"
"I'm sure we can get new glasses for you." She said as she picked them up and hooved them to Twilight. "Well I have to go check on Martin, if you need me, I'll be down the hall and to the left."
"Mind if Ah tag along?" AJ asked, looking at her.
"Not at all, who knows, he might be awake." She led the way out of the door.
AJ nodded. "Well Ah'm glad yer feelin' better Mike, now if ya'll excuse me, Ah wanna make sure mah new farmhand is ok." She said, following Redheart out of the room.
The others paused, watching her leave before looking back at Mike as he sighed. "Life is gonna be hell for the next few weeks…" He muttered.
Twilight giggled slightly. "We'll help you learn everything and Dash will teach you how to fly."
"Yep and you better be ready rookie." She said, presenting her chest proudly. "The best flyer in Equestria doesn’t hoof out freebies very often; I'll teach ya the ropes and who knows, you may come close to my off days."
"…And there's no way I can stay on the ground?" He asked, hoping.
"Nope." She said strictly.
He sighed. "Well… this is gonna be fun." He brought a hoof to his face and accidently poked himself in his good eye. "Yep… definitely gonna be fun…"
Twilight walked up and put a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. "Don’t worry; we'll always be there to help you."
He smiled at the purple blob. "Thanks Twilight."
She giggled. "Michael… I'm over here; those are flowers that Fluttershy brought you." Fluttershy eeped when she heard her name; she blushed heavily as she slowly sank to the ground.
His face turned scarlet. "Hehe… thanks Twilight." He looked back in the area where he heard Fluttershy eep. "And Fluttershy… wherever you are…" He muttered.
"Um… y-yes?" She asked quietly.
"Well…. I-I wanted t-to say… thank you… for making sure we were ok when w-we got here… and for letting me h-h-help with the animals…" His face felt like it was on fire. Now would be a great time to know how to fly… or disappear.
She let out a little squeal and hid her bright red face under her mane. "Aww… isn't that cute?" Dash asked, nudging Fluttershy's side.
He looked at Twilight. "Now if you don’t mind bashing my head in…" He sighed, embarrassed.
Twilight shook her head. "Nurse Redheart said she'll have to do a last check up and you'll be good to go." She gave Dash a glare.
"That’s good…" He muttered, staring at the sheets.


"So it seems Princess Celestia had to turn him into a pony to stop his seizure." Redheart said, catching Martin up to speed. His arm was in a cast and a sling.
He looked at her like she was crazy. "And that's what you tell fillies to make them go to sleep?" He asked, eyebrow raised.
She sighed. "No… but in all seriousness, if Dash wouldn’t have found you two, you could have bled out."
"Aww, I'm sure someone would have noticed the bright red flare in the sky…" He said, trying to scratch his arm underneath the cast.
"Speaking of that, what the hay are those?" She asked, pointing at his jacket full of goodies.
"Oh… those…" He looked at the different things scattered across the table. "Umm… well… Damn… it'd take too long to explain." He said after a short pause.
She looked at him skeptically and she walked over to them, picking them up. "Well till Princess Celestia gives the ok, I have to lock them up in a safe."
"Aw… well, ok; guess it's for the best." He sighed.
She nodded. "Well you can leave shortly; just have to have the doctor take one final look at your arm. I'll go get him now." She said, leaving him alone with AJ.
There was a rather painfully awkward silence as he stared blankly into the air and she scratched at the floor. She sighed and reached underneath her hat and pulled out his knife and tossed it on the bed.
He looked at the knife surprised; a smile appeared on his face as he grabbed it. "Hey… my knife, thanks AJ."
She nodded. "Thought ya'd want that back." She scratched the floor again. "Listen Martin… Ah wanted to apologize for yesterday… Ah let mah emotions get the best of me."
He looked at the orange mare. "Don’t worry about it; it doesn’t matter, you seemed to have realized that ya shouldn’t drink your problems away." He smiled at her.
She sighed. "Yeah, after a very long discussion with Big Mac." She gave him a small smile.
He looked out the window. "I wonder if he really is a pony now… I won't believe it till I see it with me own eyes."
She nodded." He is… Ah saw it mahself. He's actually in the other room with the rest of the girls." She smiled. "Even Fluttershy is there…"
He grinned as he continued to stare out the window, thinking of them.
She saw his smile. "They like each other, don’t they?"
He laughed. "Oh yeah… you have to be blind not to notice but if he's really a pony now he's good to go."
She chuckled. "Ah don’t think anypony knows…"
The door opened and the doctor walked in. "Well good morning youngsters, how are you?" He looked at Martin.
He sighed. "Guess we'll have to get this over with… damn, I was just getting comfortable." He sat up and let his legs dangle over the side of the bed.
"I take it you’ve done this a few times?" The doctor chuckled. "Alright, let me see your arm." He stretched his right arm as far as it could go without it hurting too badly. "Hmm… can you lift it about ninety degrees and go in a circle?" He did as he was asked, his arm started to throb in pain. "That's good…" He said, looking at the arm. "Now flex your arm a few times, the moment it becomes unbearable, stop." Martin nodded and flexed his arm; a 'ouch' or 'uh' followed each time he got at a certain angle. "Only five more times…" The doctor insisted.
Martin sighed. "Ok…" He repeated the thing five more times, relieved when he could stop.
The doctor floated the clipboard off the headboard of the bed and looked it over, humming to himself, before scribbling a few things down. "Well… with your little excursion last night, I'd say at least three weeks to fully let your arm heal, you did re-tear that tendon."
"AGAIN!?!? THREE WEEKS?!" Martin yelled, horrified that he couldn’t do anything for three weeks.
"Well you did lift a hundred and fifty pound human or so and then pulled him after the stitches popped. You pushed your arm too much."
Martin stared off into space. "God fucking damn it…"
The doctor sighed. "You can leave whenever you want; just every weekend, I want you back here so I can check and make sure your arm is healing."
He slowly nodded his head. "Uh huh…"
The doctor smiled and hooved the clipboard to him. "When you go to fill out those wonderful release papers, hoof this to Redheart, if you please."
He continued to stare into the void, grabbing the clipboard. "Sure thing…" He looked around as he got out of bed. "Where can I get me some clothes?"
The good old doctor pointed to a chair in the corner, Martin's old clothes with his now empty jacket. "We washed your clothes last night."
"Hey… that’s nice, thank ya mate." He walked over to the chair and looked awkwardly at AJ and the doctor. "Privacy…?"
AJ's face flushed slightly and she walked out of the room, followed by the doctor, who shook his head.
"Just kidding, I don’t give a flipping damn if ya stay or not." He yelled at them, a grin on his face and he started getting dressed.
"Sometimes ya amaze me." She said, sitting by the doorway and staring at the wall. He blushed a little and pulled his trousers on. "You wanna go see Mike before ya leave?" She asked. "By the way, nice boxers." She winked with her freckles lit up with a blush.
His eyes widened as he could feel her looking. Oh boy… "Um… sure."
She laughed. "So Ah have a proposition for ya…"
He turned to look at her. "Yeah?" He said, putting his button shirt on.
"We have an opening on the farm and Ah was wonderin' if ya wanted ta help out?"
He struggled with the last button; it was right above his crotch and at an awkward angle. "Sure, if ya think I'd be of any use with one arm."
"We'd find something for ya." She raised an eyebrow. "Need help with that?"
"Umm… I-I think I can handle this one… would ya be so kind and hand me the water?" He asked, pointing to the glass of water on the table.
She smiled and walked back inside, and grabbed it before passing it to him.
He took it and took a few sips before lowering the glass. "Thank ya AJ."
She smiled at him. "No problem."
He put the empty glass down and followed AJ as she walked out of the room. "So where's me pony pal?"
"He's in the next room, just down the hall ta the right… Ah think." She said.
He smiled at her. "Alright, lead the way."