A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

1 - The All Important Opener

A Bad Day to Fish
By- FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 1 - The All Important Opener

It was a bright autumn day, the sun high in the sky as a gentle breeze swept through the beach, sand billowing into little tornadoes that tore through the dunes. The water rippled as a mellow wave washed on the sandy shore, a sand crab scurrying across the beach.
A small wooden boat sat motionless on the ocean, save for the small waves lapping against it. Two men sat back to back holding fishing poles in between their legs.
The taller of the two wore a pair of thick glasses that pressed against his nose. On his head was an old worn out fedora, the brown completely faded. His brown hair was ruffled by the breeze, falling in front of his emerald eyes. He groaned and quickly lifted the hat up and pushed the hair underneath it before setting back firmly on his head. The back of his neck was turning a bright red, having been in the sun since it rose. His off-white shirt clung to his back as he bent down to grab a bottle of water. He drank the water so fast that a few drops escaped his mouth and traveled down his beard. His blue jeans were worn and had a few holes towards the bottom. His cell phone and iPod were nestled in opposite pockets, along with his wallet. He wiggled his toes in their gray tennis shoes, trying to get feeling back into them.
The other passenger was just shy of his height, maybe a hair shorter. They both looked the same age as they stared vacantly at their respective fishing poles, his aqua blue eyes glinting in the reflected sunlight. He wore a black t-shirt with the logo of the computer game ‘Minecraft’ with a creeper head right below it, along with faded blue jeans and worn sneakers. A cell phone and knife rested nicely in his right pocket. His dirty blonde hair hung just before his shoulders and hung over his eyes as he almost looked asleep. He yawned and stretched, his back popping loudly. "Have you caught anything yet?"
The other man glanced backwards. "Not yet… like I said, it's mostly a waiting game." He seemed to whisper.
He sighed. "I hate waiting; why can't they just take the damn worm already?"
The other chuckled. "Then it wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying as catching them after waiting."
"I guess." He paused. "Hey Mike, can ya hand me a water?"
"Sure." Mike said as he bent towards the cooler and grabbed another one and passed it.
The water bubbled not too far away from their small boat and Mike looked towards it. "Hey Martin, you see that right?" Mike asked, pointing to the bubbles.
"Yeah, I wonder if it's a fish." Martin thought, scratching his chin.
"I'm not sure but there's only one way to find out." Mike said, pulling his line in and casting it towards the bubbles. The bobber stayed on the surface as the bubbles seemed to disappear.
After a moment of silence, Martin sighed. "Huh, guess whatever was there is gone now." He said as they watched the spot.
"I'm not sure; I'm getting a bad feeling." Mike said as he started reeling in. The pole suddenly went rigid; the bobber violently vanished as the reel spewed out line like crazy, spinning at a high speed. Mike held on as the pole bent and the boat lurched to the right, almost causing both to be launched into the water.
"What the hell is it?" Martin yelled as he grabbed the side of the boat.
"No idea, but it's a strong one!" Mike said as he tried to turn the reel again, it wouldn’t budge. Whatever is on the other side of it was taking a lot of line, the spool almost empty.
They were silent as they viciously grappled with the pole and tried not to take an early swim as the boat thrashed violently. "Dude, just let go of the damn pole, we can get another one!" Martin yelled.
"I'm not letting go, it was a gift." Mike said, determined to keep the pole and get whatever was on the other side.
A small shadow appeared as a pair of horns emerged from the water but they weren't the same; one a deer antler, the other of a goat. Whatever it was, the body kept rising until it was completely out of the water, its fur still wet. Its head was equine in shape but wasn’t normal, having a smaller head than most. The body was a mash up animal body parts; its right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. It also had a pair of wings, one was a bat wing, the other a Pegasus wing. It had a short mane with a little goatee on its chin and a spiky tail.
Its yellow eyes stared at them as they stared at the creature with a hook in its mouth. "Well that wasn't very nice. And to think this was my vacation." It said.
Both mouths dropped open as they looked at each other. "It can talk." Martin said.
Suddenly it was in the boat with them. "I can and it's rude to talk about someone when they're a few feet away." It said. It grabbed the hook out of its mouth and licked his lips before it spit out the worm. "Always hated worms, unless it was the candy flavored ones."
"What… what are you?" Mike asked.
"I'm Discord, pleasure to meet you." It said, holding out its eagle claw. Mike hesitantly shook it and started to twitch as the little buzzer electrocuted him. Discord laughed as he pulled his hand away from Mike's and showed Martin the little buzzer. "That joke never gets old." Discord said, wiping a tear from his eye.
"Wait, you said earlier you were on vacation?" Martin asked.
Discord stretched. "Well yeah, you see it gets mighty boring when everypony knows what you're going to do, so I decided I needed to take a little break."
Discord laughed. "Oh right, humans are the dominant species here." He shook his head. "I always forget to not say anything." He said with a shrug.
"What are you talking about?"
Discord ignored him. "Would you guys like to go for a swim?"
"Not especially, no." Mike said, looking at Discord.
Discord laughed. "Well you're no fun." He smiled as he laughed. "Then how bout this; I personally like winter, don’t you?"
"…Yes?" Mike said, staring at Martin.
"Oh splendid, then you wouldn’t mind." Discord snapped his fingers as the water started to spin and the boat suddenly disappeared.
Martin and Mike fell into the water as it swirled into a whirlpool. They gasped for air as they were pulled to the bottom. Before either of them could scream, their body was stretched and warped, as if they were being pulled through a vacuum. They were both about to pass out without air, till they were suddenly flying. They looked down and saw that they'd crash into a forest rather fast as both tried to slow down their momentum.
"Oh shit!" Martin said as he waved his arms, trying to stop himself. He looked over and saw Mike try and slow down using his shirt like a parachute.
Neither of them were successful in slowing down and the ground came much faster than either expected before they landed. They both moaned in pain and looked up to see themselves surrounded by a large forest, the trees towering overhead. They both passed out from the pain moments later.


Mike opened his eyes, seeing in a haze as his head pounded like he'd been struck with a hammer. "With all my hate Thor…" He muttered, holding his head with the palm of his hand. He groaned as he leaned up and was expecting more pain but it just felt like he was battered around by a professional boxer. He looked up at the sky and noticed the sun seemed to have disappeared, the moon shining brightly. He stared at it and noticed something was off about it but he couldn’t place what. “What the hell?”
"Michael? I NEED HELP!!!" Martin's terrified voice interrupted his thoughts.
Mike looked around and saw what looked like someone was dragged. He followed the trail to see Martin dangling over the edge of a cliff, his hands grasping a rock.
"Get your one eyed ass over here, I'm not too keen on FALLING TO MY DEATH!!" Martin yelled.
Mike rolled his eyes as he bent down and whistled as he peered at the bottom. "That's a pretty far drop…" He grabbed Martin's arm and started to pull him up. "Is that anyway to talk to the guy that's gonna save your life?" He grunted in pain. "Come on, up and at 'em."
"You son of a bit- I mean, dearest Michael, please pull me up faster! I don’t know how much longer I can hold on." Martin said. Mike finally pulled him up and they sat on the edge of the cliff for a moment. "Thanks mate." Martin said, trying to get feeling back into his arms. He looked around and noticed that they're in a pitch black forest. "Do you know where we are?"
Mike chuckled as he tried to get air. "No problem, no one's learning to fly on my watch." He paused and caught his breath. "Not a clue, moon looks weird though, yet strangely familiar."
Martin paused and stared at the moon as he rubbed his chin in thought. "Hmm… you're right, I have seen that pattern before…" He looked over the cliff and saw faint twinkling lights in the distance. "Hey look; there might be a town over there!" He pointed in the general area.
Mike took his glasses off and wiped them on his shirt before putting them back on and squinted. "Well I can't see it but I'll take your word for it." Some creature roared behind them as Mike looked behind them. "…Did you hear that?" The roaring seemed to get louder but he still couldn’t see anything. "I think those lights are a good place to start looking."
Martin nodded his head. "I'd have to agree." He squinted at the ground and saw a very loose dirt path that led towards the lights. "Hey look, I think it's a path…" He staggered to his feet and started to make his way towards the path.
Mike followed close behind. "At least my glasses didn’t break or I'd be blinder than a bat." He paused and looked around the forest. "I wonder where we are…"
As they continued to wander around in the dark, a putrid odor seemed to arise from close by. Martin pinched his nose shut. "Do you smell that?" He asked.
Mike sniffed the air and started to cough; it smelt like wet grass, moss, and there was a faint odor of rotten flesh. He closed his nose. "Smells terrible."
The forest felt as if it got smaller and a lot more dangerous. The growling didn't help them feel any more secure. Martin gulped as he started to walk a little faster. "I don’t think I wanna stay here… you know, I think running is the best we can do right now!" He said rather loudly, starting to jog.
Mike caught up to him. "Not a bad idea!" He heard something chasing them. "Running faster would be a good idea." He said as he started to pass Martin as Martin caught up.
"You a fast runner?" He asked as he comfortably ran with Mike.
"Use to be, back in high school." Mike started to slow down. "It's been a few years though…" He said, out of breath.
Martin slowed down a tad to keep up with him. "Just in case you fall over, I'll carry you. Need to keep my meat shield close." He chuckled.
Mike went to say something and turned his head, only to notice something behind them and his face paled. He quickly stopped and went behind Martin and started to push him. "MUST RUN, MUST RUN FASTER!" He said as he pushed.
"DUDE; if you want me to run faster, just say so!" Martin yelled as he ran faster, leaving Mike to stumble briefly. After running full speed for a few minutes, he faintly saw moonlight at the end of the tree line. "I can see the end of the forest!" He yelled, pointing in front of him.
Mike finally caught up to him. "What a relief, cause there's a big monster chasing us." He said, out of breath.
Martin's eyes grew wide before he groaned and threw his arms in the air. "Oh that's just great!"
Suddenly the forest ended abruptly and before them lied a small village. They stood and stared as they tried to decipher what they saw. The village looked like it came from some period before the Medieval Era, the houses made of wood and the roofs thatched together; most seemed to be built around a central circular area, a statue and well in the middle. Most of the buildings were one story, but every now and again there was a two story, along with two large buildings. A tree seemed to be in the dead center of the town. A few buildings seemed to be a ways away from the town and what seemed to be a farm house was barely noticeable.
They both shook their heads a few times as Mike bent down and held his side. "I need to work out more…" He muttered.
In the distance, a small lavender pony with a horn on its forehead seemed to be carrying a baby purple and green dragon on its back while being followed by a yellow pony with wings. Martin stared at it before rubbing his eyes.
"Do you see what I see?" Mike whispered.
"A purple pony that has a horn carrying a baby dragon while being tailed by a yellow pony with wings…. Not that far away!?" Martin answered, his jaw open in shock.
Mike sighed and calmly looked at him. "Ok good, just I wanted to make sure I wasn't seeing things." His chest seemed to constrict and deflate as he started to hyperventilate.
"Maybe we're dreaming?" Martin thought as he punched himself between the legs. He deflated and whimpered in pain. "No… it's not a dream." He said in a high pitch voice.
"Why did you do that?" Mike asked dumbfounded.
"I'm a heavy sleeper, so a pinch wouldn’t work."
"Hmm… good point." Mike said as he punched himself in the face. His nose cracked and blood started to pour out. "Nope; definitely not a dream!" He yelled as he tried to realign the broken bone.
Neither of them noticed in their throes of pain that both ponies and dragon had heard their shouts and whimpers and looked towards their direction. "Did you hear that?" The lavender one asked.
"Um… no?" The yellow one answered, hiding behind her mane.
As Martin held his hurt pride he noticed that the ponies had looked their way. "Oh crap…"
Mike turned around and saw it also. "What do we do?" He asked, panicking.
Martin frantically dove into the bush nearby. "Hide!!"
"No shit…" Mike whispered as he started to climb a tree nearby.
The ponies had slowly made their way towards the humans as Mike tried to stop his nose as the two ponies were right below him.
"Twilight… um… if you don’t mind me suggesting… maybe we should go back and get the others? I mean, if that’s ok with you." The yellow pegasus asked, her face hidden.
Twilight shook her head. "Didn’t you hear those noises and grunts of pain? What if somepony is in trouble?" She reasoned as she continued to search nearby.
As she got too close to the bush that he was hiding in, Martin grabbed a rock and threw it in the opposite direction. When it landed, both ponies' ears stood straight up and they cautiously headed in that direction.
"Nice diversion." Mike whispered as he gave Martin the thumbs up.
He smiled. "Had it all planned."
Suddenly Twilight's ear turned towards Martin. "Did you hear that?" She asked as she looked at the bush.
Mike glared at him as Martin gave him a sheepish smile. "Got a backup plan?" Mike asked. Blood dripped from his nose and a small drop landed on the yellow pony's nose. She didn’t notice it at first but when she did, her eyes dilated in fear and she screamed. Everyone jumped as she screamed and Mike lost balance and fell out of the tree, landing on the ground with a sickening crunch. "…My rib…" He muttered.
Martin quickly jumped out of the bush and ran towards him as the ponies and dragon stared in wonder and fear at the two creatures. "Are you alright mate?"
Mike blinked and saw Martin, his vision blurry. "Just a rib… maybe a concussion." Suddenly two more Martins appeared. "Hey, you didn’t tell me you knew how to clone yourself."
He stared at Mike. "What?"
Mike turned his head slightly too and started to laugh, a bit of blood beginning to pool out of his mouth. "And you didn’t tell me you had a pet purple pony…"
Martin's eyes grew wide as he realized what Mike meant. "Oh… shit…" He slowly turned his head and saw the two ponies staring at them, their eyes wide in shock.
"The yellow one is pretty." Mike said as his head bounced against the ground again. "Ow…"
Martin looked at Mike before he grabbed a random stone. "There's only one thing to do!" He said before smacking himself in the head with the rock and fell over, unconscious.
"Ha! His head was between a rock and a hard place." Mike murmured before passing out.
The ponies stared at each other, Fluttershy more scared than confused. "What… what are they?" She asked, barely mumbling.
"I'm not sure… but we can't just leave them here…" Twilight said, staring at them.
"What are we going to do? What can we do? "
Twilight thought for a moment before she closed her eyes and her horn started to glow. The two humans levitated as her horn glowed brighter. "We need to bring them somewhere safe."
"Um… ok… if you think that’s what we should do…" She muttered as she followed Twilight as she headed towards the library.
The quintet soon arrived at the library. Spike hopped off Twilight's back as he stared at the two humans. "I wonder what they are…"
"I'm not sure Spike, but we'll figure it out as soon as they wake up." Twilight said as she levitated them to the couches. "I think we need to get the rest of the girls, maybe even send a letter to the Princess."
Spike nodded.
Twilight looked at the strange creatures briefly before yawning. "Fluttershy, do you think you could look after them? I'm not too good with animals… you know?" She asked.
She eeped and quivered slightly. "Oh… um… ok…" She whispered. "I mean, if you think I should…"
Twilight nodded. "Don’t worry about your pets; I'll have Spike check on them in a little bit. But get some rest ok? We'll get the others tomorrow morning. The guest room is over there." She pointed with a hoof at the door under the stairs.
"Ok… thanks for letting me spend the night."
"It's nothing, make yourself at home." Twilight smiled as she walked upstairs, Spike leaving to go check on her animals.
"Goodnight…" Fluttershy whispered.
"'Night." Twilight said before disappearing upstairs.