My Little Strife: The Sigil Is Magic

by Ichtudirweh

Spectre Of The Sigil

A) Read this section if you've chosen to trust Dash. Fight the Spectre inside the ancient ruins.

B) Read this section if you've chosen to trust Zecora. Pursue after the Loremaster inside his lair.

A) The alien monstrocity of another Spectre emerges at the peak of the temple. You withdraw your Sigil to the sight of the ungodly being. A few pre-programmed Sentinels animate into life due to the Spectre's awakening. A shower of lighting rains just above you. You tumble away from the entrance of the temple, to take cover behind a structure of an ancient sacrificial tribute altar. You run to your left, to cast a shockwave of electrical energy from your Sigil piece. A majority of the electrical shockwave made direct contact with the monstrosity floating in the skies. After a few successful strikes, the Spectre violently implodes from the power contained within the Sigil. The skirmish was extremely brief. The alien cloud, however, did not contain a Sigil piece. The Spectre's personal guards self terminate, due to the lack of any guidance. You receive a message from Blackmare after the short skirmish.

"My friend, whatever is that we're fighting, it's certainly more than just the Order. Investigate the ruins for any traces of Rarity's squad. Then we're off to the mines."

After the transmission, you attempt to climb the steep stairway of the ruins. After gasping for breathe, you make it to the peak of the ruins. You stand in what appeared to be a sacrificial chamber, from which the Spectre emerged from the skylight. The Spectre must have lured Rarity's surviving members into this chamber, to escape whatever abomination that dismantled them back inside the factory. Your eyes examine the interior of the sacrificial chamber. The entire interior was decorated with vibrant alien hieroglyphics. As you scan the chambers, you spot an unusual oddity carved on a pillar. An etched timeline, prophesied the events of your journey up until now. Something clicked inside your head.

"Princess Celestia must have gained prior knowledge of these ruins. It would explain her tribulation in attempting to prevent the whole catastrophe..." You think to yourself.

You eyes wonder to the next segment of the timeline. The next segment depicts an indivual wielding a partially assembled Sigil, casting a shockwave of lighting at what appeared to be a floating man. The visual matches the exact description portrayed by Rarity. Your eyes follow onto the next block. It shows the indivual wielding the fully assembled Sigil piece with brilliant power. Around him were the elements of Harmony. The last and final segment shows the indivual standing on top of the world, with a radiant arua broadcasted around his body. Could that individual possibly be.....

Blackmare snaps you out of your trance, to regain focus on your mission. You collect the factory and mine admission keycards to carry onwards. You skid down on the rocky slope of the ruins, back to venture further inside the network of catacombs. A family of rats feast on the corpse of a decaying Acolyte. Inside the network of catacombs, you locate the entryway into the mines. You insert your keycard on the outside terminal, and await for the door to shift into the ground.

The scenery inside the mining camp was nothing less but barbaric. You recall the horrific memories from the concentration camp you were stationed in. This mining camp that appeared in front of you was no different. Underfed, bruised stallions carried a type of crude ore for the human workers. The emaciated human workers hauled the unrefined magnetic ore into a underground chute. Your clearance keycard was the only object that prevented you from becoming one of these unfortunate souls. A red uniformed Acolyte scans your card at the door checkpoint, and permits you to enter deeper inside the refinery. You recieve a message from Blackmare, after you bypass the second checkpoint of the mining camp.

"These poor souls are drones of the Order. Their synaptic functions are being jammed by radio controlled implants. If we destory the mine's transmitter, then they're free to retaliate!"

You activate a lever on a neaby elevator, to expose an underground section of the mine. The drones transferred the unrefined ore in these facilities. You follow the path of one drone in undetected seclusion. The drone was a fairly broad chested male human. He would endlessly grumble "Must mine more ore..." within seconds opon repetition to himself. You receive another transmission from Blackmare.

"Command states that the transmitter is shielded by a force field. So, two birds, one stone, free the drones, and in return get practice with the explosive ore! My suggestion is to place the unrefined ore near the forcefield, and ignite it from a safe distance. Be careful not to stand too close while doing so..."

The force field she was referring to, was the semi-translucent green barrier near the elevator shaft. You venture further inside the underground mining facility, descending even deeper into the earth. On your way into the mining tunnels, you stumble into a lone stallion. He appeared to be in command of the lower operations. He seemed capable of independent thought, due to his self awareness and unusual behavior from the drones. He trots over to you with a few words, confirming that he wasn't controlled by an rc implant.

"Hey! I know you don't belong down here, but I ain't gonna report ya to the authorities. I managed to get rid of those darn rc implants attached to the back of my head. Seemed like it short circuited from the magnetic ore. Are you a part of the Front? Are you here to free us?" The stallion questions to you.

"Yeah, I'm here to free you all from slavery. However, I need to collect a few samples of ore to infiltrate the forcefield on the upper floor. I can already tell there's going to be massive rioting down here. Since you look like you got your act together, I suggest you lead the workers to freedom. Do it only after the workers are capable of independent thought. Got it?"

"Alright, I'll show you where the ore deposits are located. Be careful how you handle it; The stuff is highly explosive. Even the littlest spark could trigger a chain reaction. We learned that the hard way a few weeks ago. Here, follow me." The stallion insists that you follow him.

He leads you into a secluded section of the underground mine. As you appeared inside the small cavern, lied piles of unrefined magnetic ore only a few feet away. You collect a few large samples of ore for your backpack. The stallion wishes you the best of luck, before you head back into the series of platforms to the upper level. You surreptitiously place a large deposit of ore near the translucent green barrier, and align the sights of your assault rifle. You control your breathing steadily, and squeeze the trigger on your exhale. The three round burst of bullets spark the magnetic ore. A violent chain reaction diminishes the forcefield, with the consequences of the alarms setting off inside the facilities.

You jog past the breached barrier, to appear inside a transmitter room. The room contained a large array of electronic components and computer monitors. You couldn't clearly identify where the transmitter exactly was, so you empty an entire magazine into the large central computer mainframe. The computer sparks furiously. The lower level of the mining facility suddenly erupts with relinquished outcries of freedom. It was now your time to depart from the facilities, to make way towards the legendary conversion factory of the Order.

A steady mob of irate rebels cascaded from the underground caverns of the Apoolosian mountains. Chaos and anarchy overwhelmed the Order troops stationed inside the Commons of Ponyville. The exceeding numbers of free captives pillage and attempt to reclaim their old livelihood. In amist of the disorder inside the Commons, you locate the factory and carefully place another chunk of unrefined ore near the translucent barrier. You set off a chain reaction with the ore, after reloading a fresh magazine in your assault rifle. A lone Reaver located on the other end of the gates, forces you to deplete your assault rifle yet again. You reassemble your rocket launcher, and head inside the factory gates.

Three pathways now stood in front of you. The evidence of the Oracle's infamous signature was towards the right of the pathway. You figured that the Loremaster was located somewhere on this path. Your claim was reconfirmed with evidence from Blackmare:

"Im reading massive neural wave distortions from straight ahead....I think we found it!"

Your stamina implants kick into overdrive, as your heart pounds due to the high amount of adrenaline. Two Crusaders stand motionless at the end of the right pathway. You respond to the threats with a barrage of rockets. Deeper inside the factory, more ancient hieroglyphics with reminiscent temple carvings were etched inside the walls. You figured that the Loremaster was aware of the ancient prophecy, and intended to alter the future for himself. After returning enemy fire to many enemies, activating a series of synchronized switches and pull levers; One etched carving inside the wall captures your attention. It forces you to pause from venturing further inside the lair.

It was a carving of the formidable Inqusitor, shrouded in cobwebs and aged by moss. Something doesn't add up to you, as you study the etching in further detail. Could it be possible that the Order technology was lost a millenia ago, and recently uncovered by a advanced species? Was it possible that the gaseous life forms were responsible for the foundations of Humankind and Ponykind? It would explain the similar correlations between the two societies. However, you couldn't waste your time trying to uncover the answers for yourself. You progress further into the lair, and stumble into a room at the peak of a staircase. However, something atrocious was present in the room with you.

Organic hearts were pumping blood into machinery without the use of a body. The hearts contained support of interconnected wires, and were contained under visible glass tubular mainframes. There was a sole purpose for the slaughter of innocents after all; The hearts of both men and equine was litterally the life blood of the Order! It was a disgusting sight to bestow upon. It infuriated your hatred for the Order to an even higher degree. What stood in front of you was even more horrific. A glass viewport contained the sight of captured civilians. They were in the process of being hauled away to another location inside the factory. You figured it was to the processing chambers.

You withdraw your Sigil in haste, due to the fiery hatred building up from within your soul. As you collectivly regain forcus on your mission, you retrace back into the three way intersection. You locate the chapel inside the complex, and you cast a series of shockwaves along the way. The ranks of Order fall one by one. You activate a series of switches inside the chapel. A blue crystal key descends from a pillar. After placing it in your backpack, You retrace back to a room of three doorways. The processing chambers stood just ahead. The only thing preventing you from progressing forward was the red crystal key.

You stumble back to the corridor with the familiar Inquisitor carving. A series of walls lower into the ground, to allow access to a chamber with innumerable ancient carvings surrounding the interior. A switch lowers in front of you. You press the switch, and a series of mechanical gears were audible inside the walls. The red cystal key lowers in front of you. You retrace your pathway to the door requiring both keys. You insert the crystal keys at the same time. A narrow hallway is slowly revealed in front of you. You recieve a message of Blackmare; In response to the gruesome scene that unfolded from the processing chambers.

"What a shame...Our technology is being wasted on torture instead of life. I never intended this kind of living for the citizens of Ponyville."

You jog down the hallways, to open a door and reveal the wretched sight of the conversion chambers.Your eyes widened with shock. It was clear that the missing scouts from Rarity's squad were being processed on the conveyer belt. You cast a wave of electricity, due to the heavy Order resistance inside the chambers. After the brief conflict was over, another comment from Blackmare was transmitted to you.

"I can't believe it! Just when I think I've seen it all! They go in desensitized and exit....I don't even want to think about it! Let's end this atrocity once and for all."

The conversion chamber's central processing computer stood below the conveyor belt. You remove the core in disgust of the sight above, as the truth finally dawned onto you. Why would Rainbow Dash send Rarity and her squad on a suicidal mission, with prior knowledge that she would be eventually captured by the Order? Why has she sent 200 scouts to be countlessly regurgitated into mind controlled drones? It was clear that Dash was consumed by her lust for power. Her actions were no different from the Order's rule. The very Sigil that you held in your hand/hoof, has now cost the lives of 200 beings. Perhaps you should've listened to the Oracle after all. You recieve a message from Blackmare, after a wave of self pity overwhelms you.

"The Oracle was right all along! Rainbow Dash has lost her mind! She intentionally sent 200 men and equines to their deaths! I wan't vengeance for both the deceased and the living under her rule. I've contacted Twilight to transmit a portal just behind you, based on your coordinates. It's time we settle score with her back inside headquarters."

For all these years you've known Dash, how could she even think about commiting such vile acts against her own allies and friends? The element of Loyalty for crying out loud! She was viewed as a heroic figure back in Ponyville, and a inspiration for many children and foals alike. Something wasn't right about this situation. You sense that she was under the influence of another deity. You step onto the portal transmitted by Blackmare, and materialize back inside headquarters after completing your mission.

Dash eagerly awaits for your return inside the base. She trots up to you, to examine your newly aqquired second Sigil piece.

"So tough guy, I've witness you single handedly take down the Bishop all by yourself. You've exceeded all of my expectations that I've had for you. You may now retire from your missions. However, I'm gonna need that Sigil before you go. I think you need some rest after that intensive conflict. Your name will be recorded as 'the Great bold adventurere of the Front'. Feel free to crash here and make this base your home for now on." Dash convincingly speaks, offering her hoof over to the Sigil piece in which you grasped.

You reject her offer, with a following statement that only enrages her.

"I'm sorry Dash, but I cannot allow for you to repeat history all over again. Zecora was right all along. I'm doing this in the interest of preservation for both species. I've seen the horror inside Fluttershy's innocence, and I firmly believe in Applejacks honest remarks about you. You cannot be trusted with such a powerful tool..."

"You...YOU WHAT? I'LL ASK YOU NICELY AGAIN. HAND OVER THE SIGIL, AND BE ON YOUR WAY. I AM IN CONTROL OF THIS BASE! YOU SHALL FOLLOW MY ORDERS!" Dash yells aloud inside the base. The evidence of her selfish tyrannical rule, was now visibly clear towards everyone and everypony inside the base.

The rebel scouts move from their position with their rifles ready. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack emerge from their stations to confront Dash. Twilight defends your statement with a speech of her own.

"He's right, Rainbow Dash. You cannot be trusted with such a powerful tool. I've seen how you've treated my friends. This is not how you run sucessful military opererations, especially with self motivated authoritarian rule! History dictates that one indiviual who becomes corrupted by power, becomes consumed by evil. I think its time for you to step down from your position."

Dash's voice morphs into a rasphy, gutteral growl that was reminiscent to the Bishop's Spectre. Her body suddenly hovers into the air, and her eyes cast out a golden glow. Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack and you step backwards from the sudden event. Dash's jaw lifelessly drops, with a voice that was not from this world. It was the voice of a Spectre speaking out telepathically for everyone and everypony to hear.


"My friends, please forgive me for my next course of actions...." You silently speak to the trio of Mane Six behind you. You cast out a shower of lighting at Dash's hovering body. The lighting makes contact with the empty shell of what was left of Rainbow Dash. Her body recoils lifelessly into a large computer monitor. Her friends scream from behind you, to rush over to her body in shock. The gasous Spectre emerges from her empty shell.

The rebels inside the base discharge their assault rifle towards the Spectre. You cast a series of lighting shockwaves towards the floating monstrocity. The lighting emitted from the Spectre homes after you. You take cover behind a computer terminal that absorbs most of the impact. You feel a slight jolt of electricity, that slightly interrupts the rythmetic beating of your heart. However, you still pursue to discharge more surges of electricity to defeat the Spectre. With the constant surpression provided by the rebels, and the sucessful lighting shockwaves casted by you, the Spectre finally implodes in a gasous cloud. The forth Sigil piece skids across the floor. It fuses onto your Sigil after the short conflict. Blackmare sends you another transmisson.

"Twilight has already agreed with me to take over command of our forces; That's if anything were to happen to Dash. It appears that she was deceiving us all along. The Spectre caused her to join alliances with the Order. Meet with Twilight Sparkle for further missions for now on...."

You jog over to Twilight, where Fluttershy devoutly performed CPR on Dash's body. Her friends covered their mouths with their hooves; With a look of distraught over Dash's condition. Fluttershy uses a defibulator after several unsuccessful attempts. Dash suddenly invigorates back into life with a few coughs. Her friends express a sigh of relief. Fluttershy orders Applejack for a stretcher, to transport Dash back into the medical facilites for recovery.

Fluttershy looks over to her friends, with a bright outlook on Dash's condition.

"She'll be alright, thank goodness. Um, but I'll have to conduct strict observation for any abnormal mental changes. Thank you for saving my friend..." Fluttershy appears up to you.

"Hopefully she will revert to her old self again. I hope you ladies understand that it was the only choice that I had to make for the time being."

"We do, Sugarcube. Sometimes I'd hate to be in yer shoes. Now let's haul 'er back to safe havens...." Applejack lifts the stretcher along with Fluttershy. They scurry down into the lower base. Blackmare sends you another transmisson.

"I'm recieving reports that the factory that we've demolished leads to a lab. According to Rarity, there is a strong energy signature emitting from within. Twilight will cast a portal for you. Back into the factory, towards our next step to Freedom!"

Twilight, after receiving word from Blackmare, trots over to you with further instruction.

"I suggest that you follow orders from Blackmare for now on. She will brief you with further instruction on what to do. I'll have to stay here with my friends under command. I'll open a portal based on the coordinates of the energy signature. I sincerly wish you the best of luck, out of any harms way." She suddenly balances herself on hear rear hooves, to give you a quick hug before your departure.

"Thank you, Twi. Well, I'm off to the factory....."

Your body fades as you step on the transportation device, to materialize inside an unfamiliar part of the conversion factory. Two parallel banners of the feared Inqusitor sudden appear in front of you. You attempt to open a metallic door to the right of you, only to be greeted by a lone sentinel on the other side. You test out your newfound powers of the forth Sigil attachment. A homing shower of lighting collides into the Sentinel. It erupts into a violent surge of electronic components. You pace around a 'inner castle-like moat', to activate a few parallel levers. A door reveals itself in the center of the banners. You jog towards the inner ward of the factory.

Before you descend into inside the inner keep, you could hear the thunderous footsteps of a behemoth robot. Your body trembles violently, for the impeding conflict with the Order's colossal marvel.....

B) The ambient chants from Zecora's temple fade away, as you materialize inside the Loremaster's lair. You appear to be inside an indiscreet location, away from the Loremaster just as predicted. Blackmare was impressed with a following transmission.

"Darn impressive entryway, but the Loremaster is on another level. Head down."

Two parallel elevators were present in front of you. You attempt to use the left elevator. Luckily for you, it descended downwards to the lower levels of the lair. Your luck was short lived, by the sounds of a mechanical behemoth stomping inside the facilites.

You stumble off from the elevator, to be greeted by a few personal guards of the Order. A shockwave of electricity was casted by your Sigil. You quickly disposed the threats within a quick session. The iron feet of a unknown colossal machine rumbled the masonry of the lower floor. You locate and step onto a elevator that ascends from the bottom floor, into a assembly storage room full of Crusaders. The Crusaders animate into life opon your arrival. You cast another shockwave of electricity inside the close quarters. The entrapment of Crusaders incinerate into a pile of electronic rubble.

As your progress further inside the lair, you nearly drop your Sigil to the sight of the very behemoth that has haunted your dreams. The almighty Inqusitor clashes inside a large corridor. It's array of laser rangefinders scan the proximities of the corridor. It locks onto your heat signature, and pursues after you with it's jet pack thrusters. You cast a wave of electricity in self defense. However, none of the balls of lighting made direct contact with the Inquisitor. You retreat backwards into a elevator lift, where you can hear the sounds of HE grenades make contact with the hydralics of the elevator. The elevator glitches from the deep impact. You cling onto a rope of electronics from inside the shaft, and climb upwards with all of your strength. The Inquisitor stalks your every movement, but you sucessfully avoid the mammoth by exiting inside a doorway.

After activating a series of switches, you return to the lower floor with three possible teleportation devices for you to travel into. Your faced with the dilemma of choosing the right teleportation device, to advance further into the lair. Which portal will you choose?

A) The left portal

B) The center portal

C) The right portal

A) You choose to advance into the left teleportation device. You materialize inside of a enclosed metallic room with a single viewport to the right of you. As you step off from the transmitter, you were caught off guard by the gutteral robotic cry of a Reaver. You attempt to cast a shockwave of lighting outwards, but you experience a sudden sharp pain inside your chest. You drop your sigil, due to the intensity of the pain increasing. You look downwards to behold a horrific sight. Two claw like protrusions were lodged just below your chest cavity. The Reaver contracts it's claws away from your silhouette. You fall to the floor in a puddle of blood, ending your bold journey from a lone Reaver. Choose another option to continue onwards.

B) You choose to advance into the center teleportation device. You materialize inside an enlongated hallway, with a switch at the dead end. You jog over to the switch and activate a lever, and steer back into the teleporter from behind you. You materialize into a new indiscrete location inside the lair. Two enormous banners are displayed on parallel sides of a metallic doorway, with the imprints of two fully assembled Sigils. Two Inqusitors from below the fully assembled Sigils, beckon anyone brave enough to advance forward. You feel a sudden emission of energy flowing from the metallic door just before you. You clutch your Sigil unconditionally, and proceed into the large metallic door; To meet the butcher of both equines and mankind...

C) You choose to advance into the right teleportation device. A large metallic thump alters your calm, collective nature. You have materializes inside the same room with your behemoth stalker. The Inquisitor swoops his mammoth sized robotic arm, to grip you for scurrying away from escape. It clenches it's mighty hand around your silhouette. You could audibly hear your bones crunch, from the intesive pressure building up around your body. After experiencing intestive pain, you pass out after your stamina implant malfunctions. You were crushed by the iron grip of the Order, litterally. Choose another option to continue onwards.