A Break From Reality


Chapter 6: Living with a New Face

"I thought we got to go in late on Fridays!" I screamed as Twilight jumped on top of me and the sun still struggled to rise above the horizon, the sky filled with darkness.

It was now, as I said, Friday. I had spent all of Thursday out of school with Twilight, as she pretty much abducted me and took me around town to do some fun activities. By fun activities, I'm implying that we walked around town for a bit and then went to the local library to study. I wasn't really all supportive of the act, to be quite honest. I decided to take the situation by the horns, though, and use the time to look up facts about lands far away from this area. I found pretty much nothing. Although, I didn't have much time to look anyway, as Twilight kept on pulling me to the side, asking me to help her with something or to see something silly she found in a book (and her definition of silly isn't necessarily the greatest).

Spending that much time with Twilight really was both an enlightening experience and a horrid one. I enjoyed being with Twilight. She was a nice girl and all, but it was still creepy being called "Rowland" by her and being seen as her biological brother rather than just the new guy in town. Still, I had to manage to live with it. After all, she was still the best link I had to leaving here.

Twilight was now sitting on top of me, playing with a strand of my curly brown hair.

"Did you really forget?! With school starting later, it gives us more time to study in the morning!" Twilight giggled as she dismounted me.

"Didn't you learn not to wake up your older siblings when they slept?" I sighed, grabbing onto the covers.

"But. . . you always used to wake up early to help me." Twilight sighed, pouting slightly.

"Well, fine" I sighed. If I was still going to be living with Twilight, I should at least keep the ruse up as best as I can. I arose from the couch and sat upright, where Twilight happily sat next to me with a beaming smile.

"You know, it's really weird how even though you're older than I am, you still told me that you go to my school." Twilight asked immediately.

I froze. I hadn't really thought of that. I am her "older brother" after all. I was apparently already out of college, according to her. More importantly, on an unrelated note, nobody else would be calling me Rowland there! I'd still be nice old Joseph Hamilton! I stopped to think for a moment. Just how could I keep myself to Twilight's expectations while not blatantly lying? I really just wanted to tell her, “I go to your school because I'm not your brother,” but Twilight was a nice girl, I really did not want to hurt her feelings at all. I had to think of something. . .

"Oh, For my g-guard training, I have to, um, be a TA. You know, for English, the same one that you have!" I stammered out.

"How fun! Isn't Cherry Lee supposed to be the TA for that class, though?" she asked me. I hadn't actually seen Cherry Lee since I had been in the class, but our teacher would mention "Oh yes, Cherry Lee, my assistant teacher, will do so many things."

"W-Well now he has two! You know how off track the teacher gets, he definitely would benefit from having two!" I replied quickly.

"Oh, how great! I'm sure we'll have lots of fun, B.B.B.F.F!" Twilight exclaimed as she bounced on the couch happily.

"Yeah, It'll be loads of fun." I stated absentmindedly, trying to think of every possible action that could happen and how I could solve it.

I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I took a look at the clock hanging above it and noticed that it was around 6:00, the time where Pinkie and Octavia arrived. I wanted to just let them in, but then they'd call me Joseph, and it would crush Twilight's heart if not everyone played in the ruse that I had set up.

"TWILIGHT! Um, don't worry about the door, it's a few students who offered to escort me!" I quickly stated.

"B-But I thought we could walk together. Besides, school starts late on Friday, you said that yourself!" Twilight sighed

"Y-Yeah, I wanted to too! B-But the principal, um, the teacher guy, um, he wanted to see me early so I could, ah, get some one-on-one time with him! Plus, zero period still starts at the same time, and he told me to meet him during zero period!" I managed to stammer out, hopefully getting her off of my trail.

"I-I-I could come in and study in the library! They gave me a key so I can read whenever I want!" Twilight exclaimed, holding up a shiny silver key with a happy face drawn on the top with marker. She was so odd at times.

"No, it's fine. Besides, um, you aren't even dressed!" I said, noticing that Twilight was in a pair of purple pajamas, luckily fully clothed.

"It doesn't ma-, fine." Twilight sighed sadly, turning around. "But I'll be at school as soon as I get dressed!"

"Yeah, ok," I stated apathetically, turning around and rushing to the door before Pinkie broke it open.

"Elizabeth, Di-" I began as I opened the door.

"JOOOOSSSEEEEPPPHH!" Pinkie screamed "YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE SCHOOL LIKE THAT WITHOUT TELLING US! WE WAITED HERE FOR A WHOLE FIVE MINUTES YESTERDAY!" She grabbed me and shook me around until I could barely tell what was up and what was down anymore.

"Y-Y-Yes. . . in a much. . . lighter mood," Octavia stated as she put her shoulder on the explosive Pinkie. "We really did not appreciate how you weren't present yesterday morning. Your absence caused me to lose valuable warm-up time, a time that I need. I feared you would do the same again today."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry." I hurriedly called out, hoping Twilight would still be struggling to change (Which knowing her, she probably wasn't). "Listen, I have an issue. Walk with me."

I explained my entire dilemma to the two, walking with strides much larger than usual and much larger than I'd like to take with me barely awake. I explained how I'm no longer Joseph according to her, I explained how obsessive she is with me, I explained that I had to keep this ruse up otherwise I'd deeply hurt Twilight.

"So, let me get this straight. She, after knowing you for a bit less than a week, decides suddenly that you're her long lost brother?" Octavia asked me.

"Yup." I replied.

"Hm. . . I've been friends with her since she moved here, we shared math together last year. She always spoke highly of her brother. I remember once, Frederic, you know Frederic, right? The piano player? Anyways, he asked Twilight where her brother was now. She got really tense and ran out of the room crying." Octavia explained. "Still, it's quite off how she would just claim that you're him now. I mean, your hair isn't blue, you don't really play any sports, you're not very buff, you're not as jocky, yo-"

"I get it." I butted in. "But why would she claim me as her brother?"

"OOOOH! I know! I know! I know!" Pinkie bounced up and down, piercing my half-asleep ears with her happiness.

"What is it, Pinkie?" I asked her, annoyed at her from my tiredness, hoping she wouldn't say something like “I just got a cupcake stuck in my butt,” or something.

"WEEELLLL! I was watching a TV show about this guy! He was like 'I had a sister and then she got kidnapped' so he was all sad! But THEN! But then, this girl and him became best friends, so his brain with like 'BOOPEDOIPIDOOP' and then his brain got all silly so he thought that she was his sister!" Pinkie explained happily. "Then he killed her!"

"Oh no, um. . . " I stammered at her last statement.

"Pinkie! Anyways, Joseph, I believe I saw that program as well. I believe Twilight is going through the same thing. I believe it could be a form of Post Traumatic Stress, where her mind alters itself to fill voids in their life. I am no expert on the subject, but I believe that Twilight needs psychological help. She's not insane or sick or anything, she just needs help." Octavia reassured me, glaring at Pinkie. "However, it's very hard to get her help. She's a very smart girl, and knows when she is being tricked. However, I believe with your position, you could convince her to see a psychologist. To the best of my knowledge, if you know a man by the name of Carlton McIver, his father is a local psycologist. He's in our grade, but I don't see him around much."

"OOOH! I see him during first period, AND fifth period, AAANND sixth period!" Pinkie blurted out. "I can ask him!"

Octavia and I looked at each other. For the few days I had known Pinkie, she didn't seem like one to be very responsible.

"I've got it! I'll ask Frederick to ask him! Then he can tell you during third period!" Octavia exclaimed.

"B-B-But I wanna help!" Pinkie moaned.

"Remember that time I asked you give Vinyl that essay for her second period last year? The one that you proceeded to use to draw pictures of cats on?"


"Well, it happened, and I'd feel safer asking Frederick."

Pinkie seemed ready to use her spunkiness to win over Octavia. However, we had just reached the band room, with barely enough time to get ready. We were so late that we saw Vinyl sprinting towards the door.

"Oh damn." Octavia sighed, opening the door and hurrying herself in, unleashing the loud sounds of everyone warming up.

* * *

Zero period went along decently. I got a scolding from Brittany about how I missed yesterday, and how we got a new song to play, “To Tame the Perilous Skies.” The music itself seemed easy, just very long. However, the period itself was very easy, just playing through the literature we had already been given.

After band ended, I saw that I had about 15 minutes to head over to first period. I could possibly take my time. Then I remembered something extremely important.


I sprinted at a speed that would make Rainbow jealous, pushing through people to reach the English class. I opened the door and luckily, Twilight wasn't there. She was probably in the library studying or something.

"I. . . talk. . . me you. . . need. . ." I breathed out, holding onto whatever I could find to not fall over.

"Yes?" Mr. Dodswell asked me, looking up from his set of papers.

"My sis-. . . Twili-. . . Tina. . ." I stammered out, falling over to my desk.

"Take a breath, Joseph. Then explain your problem." Mr. Dodswell stated apathetically.

I took a few good breaths, and explained my situation to Mr. Dodswell, who listened in such a way to where I wasn't sure if he was paying attention or not.

"Well, Joseph, I guess I could help you. But you really must get your friend Tina some psychiatric help." Mr. Dodswell explained.

"Yeah, but. . . I don't want to hurt her or anything." I told him, looking away from him in nervousness. I felt so weak in the situation, honestly. As strong as I had been feeling the past few days (which wasn't even that much), this was the weakest and most helpless I had ever really felt. I was already pretty drained with my ordeal with Rarity, but now a promising scholar's future rests on my shoulders on a decision that I'm struggling to find the right answer to. Everyone is telling me to tell Tina to go to a psychologist, but still, it's not the easiest thing to tell someone to go do that. I remember a few times that friends of mine told me to see one, but I feared that I would be seen a fool by those around me, and to the best of my limited memory, I never remember seeing one.

"That's your choice. Just remember how it affects her. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get to my lesson plan. For some reason, we seem to be a few days behind schedule" Mr. Dodswell stated.

"Hm, I wonder why. . ." I muttered, knowing exactly how much his tangents puts the class off schedule.

"What was that?" Mr. Dodswell asked me.

“N-Nothing!" I blurted out.

Twilight walked in along with Lily and Daisy, and pointed at me as soon as she saw me.

"T-THERE HE IS! MY B.B.B.F.F!" Twilight screamed, immediately hugging me.

"Tiiina, quit being silly, that's Joseph!" Lily butted in. I glared at both of them as Twilight nuzzled her face into my chest.

"I'll explain everything later," I mouthed out to the two, who, with their experience in mouthing out conversations during class, understood exactly what I was saying.

"Aww, he's so handsome, just like you said, Tina!" Daisy exclaimed nervously, speaking slowly as all people who try to act badly do.

"Y-Y-Yeah. . . um. . . yeah." Lily added in. The four of us walked to our seats, with Rose speedily walking in a few minutes later, her hair ruffled and her eyes having bags under them.

"Oh, Jo-. . . Rowland. Can you help me grade these tests?" Mr. Dodswell asked me, giving me a completely unnecessary wink.

"Um, yeah, sure!" I replied, happily engulfing myself in the task at hand.

* * *

The most awkward things that a man can experience in his life is grading his own test and seeing that he failed it. So it's a good thing that Daisy and Lily weren't in this situation. I got a decent score on my test, with Twilight of course getting a perfect score. The bell rang and immediately Twilight jumped over to the desk I was working at.

"Did you see me, Shining! I answered almost every question! I'm smart aren't I!" Twilight giggled as she bounced up and down.

"Yeah, of course!" I replied, trying to act happy and interested. Truth is, I was still worried. After all, The only people that were in on the act were Daisy, Lily, Mr. Dodswell, and me. What if someone walked by and ruined everything?!

"Well, I gotta go to class now, B.B.B.F.F!" Twilight stated. "So I won't be late! You would be so mad if I were late!" She skipped out of the door happily, giggling.

"Dude, Joseph, what's up with Twilight?" Rose asked me.

"Oh, nothing! She's just mentally insane!" I replied, with a bit of a harsh tone. I shuddered, realizing what I had just said. This situation had already been taking my better judgement away.

Rose growled at me, her eyes piercing into my soul.

"Fine, I'll explain as we walk to class." I stated, putting the tests back on Mr. Dodswell's desk.

* * *

"You know, I know a guy who's father is a psychologist." Rose explained.

"I know! I know I know I know! But, it'll make her feel bad." I exclaimed, annoyed that I seemed to be the only one to understand my side of the issue.

"Still, it isn't all that good to just le-"

"JOSEPH! Oh, you're such a silly man! Don't you know that when a gentleman such as yourself is in a relationship, he should NEVER speak with other women for an extended amount of time?" A familiar, regal, and somewhat snooty voice stated.

"R-Relationship?!" Rose almost screamed.

"Y-Yeah. . . Victoria and I are. . ." I stuttered out.

"IN A RELATIONSHIP! That's right! CLASS!" Victoria exclaimed, pulling me inside of the classroom and dragging me to the front. "I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! JOSEPH HAMILTON AND I ARE NOW IN A RELATIONSHIP!"

"Woohoo, the big Two Zero!" Christian exclaimed from his seat near the back. "I say about a week before you guys break up!"

"OH SHUT IT, YOU! I'll let you know that I intend for my relationship for Joseph to be VERY serious, isn't that right, honey boo boo?"

"Um. . . y-y-yeeaaahh" I stammered nervously, giving a weak smile to Christian.

"Oh, you're so adorable! He's just jealous because I left him. It wasn't my fault, though, he's got such a small di-"

"MISS STEWART!" Mr. McFerguson almost screamed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, sir! Just a little flustered, that's all!" Rarity giggled, as she turned her head to laugh at Christian, who was now laying his head on the desk. We walked to our seats, with me trying to shove my hands to Narnia in my pockets in my embarrassment.

"Now, class, chapter 25." Mr. McFerguson started.

* * *

"You're an idiot, Joseph." Christian said as he walked out of the class.

"Dude, I know. Like, real talk, I know you've only been here a week, but Rarity's trouble for you." Harley added in.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. After all, she seems to really like me and all." I replied. "But yeah, it's not like I'm deeply in love with her or anything, I'm deeply in love with A-" I blushed as soon as I uttered out the first letter of her name.

"OOOOOOH!" Both of them screamed, turning heads all around us.

"It's Rose isn't it!" Harley screamed. "Or is it Tina!"

"It's Elizabeth, isn't it! Don't touch her, she's my territory" Christian growled.

Duly Noted.

"Dude, I bet it Brittany! Like, they both play tuba, it's perfect!"

"What if he's bisexual! What if it's a guy!"


"Oh God no. . . Joseph. . . you aren't interested in one of us, are you?!"

"Dammit guys, of course I'm not gay or anything!. . . Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course! But. . . I'm not telling, she wouldn't even wanna go out with me anyway! But that's not the point. I KIND of like Rarity, and she really likes me, so that's all that matters!" I explained to the two of them.

"You're no fun, man!" Harley sighed.

"Besides, aren't guys supposed to not talk about other girls while they're with one?!" I added in.

"You sound like you've never been in a relationship before!" Christian snorted. There was a moment of silence. "You have been in one before, right?"

"Yes, I have! But it was a long distance thing." I replied.

"Oooh! What was her name? Was she pretty? Is she tall?" Harley asked.

"Has she seen your dick?" Christian added in.

"G-GUYS!" I screamed. I wanted them to just stop. They had no evil intentions, but their words taunted me, trying to test my memory. I had no memory to speak of regarding the girl I dated, I just knew that I liked her and we broke up eventually. Sure, there were events that I remember, but I don't even remember what she looked like. "Guys, um, we're here!" I exclaimed as we approached the band room, with me taking large strides once again so they could stop their unintentional taunting.

"Joseph, I must speak with you regarding your situation," Frederick stated, standing next to the door, waiting for my entrance.

"GYAAH! Frederick, dude, you can't do that!" I stammered.

"I apologize. However, Elizabeth told me about your situation. I talked to Caramel, and he said that he would be happy to help out."


"Carlton. Carlton McIver. Related to Augustine Whitacre and Brandon Shumaker. You know?"

"AH! Yes! Yes!" I exclaimed loudly. Applejack's cousin! Maybe I could score big with Applejack here! I could be like “Oh look how strong I am! Bringing my friend in for help! Now will you please go o-”

Oh wait, I had broken that string with going out with Rarity, but it's not like it was going to work anyway! She showed no signs of liking me!

"Good. He wants to meet with you after school at the ice cream parlor. Don't worry about Twilight, she'll be studying for a test after school. I'll make sure she stays." Frederick walked away and warmed up his fingers for his piano playing. He was a bit odd at times, but still, very very helpful.

* * *

"Hey Applejack, guess what!" I exclaimed as we sat down at our usual eating area.

It was now around lunch time. Jazz band and Physics were the same as usual, I played my instrument, talked with Frederick about Twilight, went to physics, stared at Applejack's sweet body (in a bittersweet matter now that I was supposed to be committed to Rarity), and left fearing for my life as the teacher smiled at me creepily.

"What is it, sugarcube?" Applejack asked me, sitting down on one of the stumps.

"So, two days ago, after school. . ." I blushed nervously. Why was I telling her this anyway?! I'm telling the girl that I loved that I was going out with someone else! However, hear me out, I thought about this! Maybe if I told about this, and she liked me back, she'd be like "But Joseph, I like you!" and my life would be great! It was a necessary action! "So. . . I was talking with Victoria and. . . I'm now her boyfriend."

"HUZZAWHAT?" Applejack screamed, almost falling off of her stool. "Well, golly gee, good going there, sport!" She stammered as she regained her balance. "Good, going."

I noticed a tear falling from her eye as she ruffled around some papers.

"A-A-Augustine? Are you ok?" I asked her, legitimately concerned.

"Oh yeah, Ah'm fine, just, um, Ah'm so happy for ya, gettin' a, g-g-girlfrien' an' all. Tori's all nice and pretty and stuff." Applejack stammered out.

Oh! Well, if it was tears of joy, then it's all good!

"Phew! Man, I thought you were really sad or something!" I exclaimed.

"Listen, sugarcube, Ah just realized that mah Child 'Velopment teacher wanted me ta stop by durin' lunch. Ah'll. . . see ya later." Applejack sighed , picking up her bags.

"Oh, sure!" I replied. She walked speedily towards the building, wiping more of her tears of joy.

I sighed, putting my hands on my head. It was nice having confirmation, that Applejack really didn't like me in the way I wish she did, but it was still a pretty depressing moment for me. After all, my dreams were pretty much crushed. Now I can confirm for a fact that I'll never be able to go out with Applejack. I've learned that I have no real ability to change how people feel, no matter how hard I try. I know it's only been a week, but I've learned that attractions have to be pretty much instant for them to work. I remember trying so hard to get good friends to like me, but they had already known me too well and they never accepted. The only person that accepted was attracted to me as soon as she had met me. Life was terrible sometimes.

Before I knew it, the bell rung, and I hurried myself over to drama, trying to get the thoughts of Applejack out of my head. I only wish things could have worked out differently. I wish she could have felt different feelings about me. But I guess I can't get everything I want.

* * *
"JOOOOOOSEPH!" Rarity screamed as she saw me enter. "Mr. Lua said that we were going to practicing our lines on our own today! Wanna come backstage and help me practice?"

"S-Sure," I stated as I walked towards her, standing on the stage wearing another nice-looking dress as groups of friends sat around the edges, talking with each other about the events of their day.

She grabbed my hand and we went backstage, to one of the prop rooms. She looked around to make sure nobody was around, and closed the door behind us, locking it.

"V-Victoria. . . are you sure that this is the best place to practice lines? I like quiet places too, but it's a bit dark in here!" I stammered out.

"Ah, Joseph, you're so, so, have you ever had a girlfriend before?" Rarity asked me immediately.

"W-Wha? Well, yeah, once, but it was long distance! You're the first girl that I've seen in person for more than a few hours," I replied.

Rarity's face opened like a black hole in utter shock. "N-NEVER?! But darling, you're so good looking, and so charming! Why wouldn't ANYBODY want to go out with you?"

"Well, I have a few reasons. Fo-"

"Joseph! Rhetorical questions! Anyways, the reason why I came in here with you, isn't to practice lines."

"It isn't? Then what is it?"

"Well, you've never had a real girlfriend, so I have to do this differently. Are you aware of the process in which a man becomes more accustomed to his lover?"

"T-They go on dates and have ice cream and talk a lot?"

"W-Well, yes, that is a part of it, but there's a more. . . physical part."

I completely understood something about this for once. I blushed intensely as I stared at her body. She swayed her hips slightly as she stared into my eyes.

"Now, I understand," Rarity began, seeing my nervousness "I understand that you're new to all of this, so I'll take things a bit slower than I'd like. But a lady must not be so accustomed to her own needs as much as a man's needs."

Rarity put her hand up and picked up one of her lusciously large breasts.

"Now, have you ever felt one of these before?" Rarity asked me. All I could do was hold my breath as my fear grew more intense. What if the lock was broken?! What if someone saw me?! What if there were video cameras?!

"I see. In that case, we must start from the very beginning!" Rarity sighed. She grabbed my hand, knowing that I wouldn't be willing to do it myself, and placed it on her breast. "Now come, darling, as my boyfriend, my body is yours to explore around!"

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. I had only dreamed of having a moment like this. Generally, my dreams made this moment seem much more glorious. However, now that I'm here, at school, about to feel this incredibly well-built girl's breasts, I became more nervous than ever. It's much different doing it in a public place for the first time than imagining yourself doing this at home with much experience. But I couldn't let Rarity down. I started off by squeezing the sphere slowly. My hand could barely move as I repeated the motion slowly a few times.

"Do you like it?" Rarity asked me, completely calm, as if this wasn't the first time a man had done this to her. I simply shivered in a weird combination of pleasure and fear.

"Now, would you like to see something. . . something grand?" Rarity asked me as I removed my hand. She didn't wait for an answer, knowing that my words probably wouldn't be coming out anytime soon. She reached behind her dress and pulled down on the zipper, so the sleeves fell down to her waist, exposing her torso with only her bra on. "Now, here's every man's favorite part" Rarity giggled as she reached behind her once again, playing at her bra.

"Oh no. . . Oh God please. . ." I muttered, shivering and biting my lip. I was going to see it. I was going to see a real pair of tits (and probably the biggest I would ever end up seeing.). Why does this world have to be so cr-

And there they were. In their full and luscious glory.

"Come ooon, Joseph! I know you would love to feel how all of this feels, not just that one part you kept on groping!"

Rarity put her hands under her breasts and moved them up and down, squeezing them together at times, enticing me.

I actually really liked this (or at least the lower part of my body did.), but it felt so wrong, so very, very wrong. I felt less guilt since I had broken all thoughts with Applejack (or at least, I should have been trying. But I wasn't. I still liked her), but still, I had never been this nervous before in life.

"Do I have to force you to grab them?! Come oooon!" Rarity moaned, squeezing her two breasts closer together. My arms were frozen, and my eyes were fixed. "Fine! If you're not going to treat me like a woman should be treated, then I'll force you to!" Rarity screamed. She grabbed my head and shoved them into her breasts. "THERE. THERE YOU GO. You like this, don't you?!"

I liked it.

She pulled my head out and put her bra back on.

"This is a serious case, here. Joseph, if you're going to be the right man for me, you must learn how to pleasure a woman. I will do my best to help, but you must learn to grow out of your shell! For as long as we're together, my body is free to you as you want it. That is a woman's duty." Rarity explained as she finished putting on her bra. "But one more thing. . . A woman cannot alwaysbe the one being touched. Sometimes they should be the one doing the feeling"

Rarity drifted closer to me, pinning me to a wall. I could feel her hand moving down my body, reaching for my pants.

Is she going to. . . Oh God, she's going to. She's going to do it.

She started unbuttoning my jeans, obviously incredibly experienced at the act, and moved them down slightly, but not completely off, exposing me in my underwear. She got on her knees, so her eyes were fixed on where the button of my pants were.

"Very impressive, Joseph!" She exclaimed, as she played with my bulge. I moaned slightly. This was actually the first time that that area of my body had been touched by another woman, and I could tell why people enjoyed it so much.

"Now, we must hurry up this process!" Rarity exclaimed as she grabbed my underwear and pulled it down, exposing me. She moaned as she saw my length fall out to its full length.

"Oh, oh yes, you're no Christian. . ." She giggled as she put her hand on the length.

"OH GOD PLEASE NO!" I screamed in fear, trying my best to wither it out of her hands.

"Oh, Joseph, for such a bold looking man, your bravery really need work! I'll give you a day to work on it. However, this saturday. . . " Rarity got back up and moved her body closer to mine, my length now rubbing on her dress, in. . . that area. "This Saturday shall be so fun, big boy" She whispered in my ear as she rubbed her hips slightly on my length. She giggled and walked out of the room, with such sophistication and class that nobody would have suspected a thing from her. I put my pants back on and sat by myself for a few minutes. Was this really how relationships were supposed to work? It felt so good, but I barely even knew her, and she said that I was slow for a relationship! What, was I supposed to have sex with her within the first three days?!

. . . Oh no.

I composed myself, put my clothing back on, and walked back into the auditorium

* * *

"So I was in the supply closet, looking for a prop I needed! I grabbed it, and suddenly, a bunch of stuff was about to fall! I was so scared, that I yelled ‘Oh God Please No!’ and I got so nervous! I'm still kind of scared!" I explained to my group of friends in sixth period. We were working on an assignment where we had to transpose music to the different keys of each instrument, a long and tedious process.

"Sure. Looking for supplies." Harley snickered.

"I bet Victoria was a big help to you!" Christian added in.

"Duude. . . I hope you didn't knock over the weed pile I have in there." Vinyl moaned as she held onto her desk. I guess in Vinyl world, it was a windy day in the band room.

"If I could just ask one question, Joseph. . ." Octavia asked.

"Yeah?" I replied

"Why are you telling us this story? None of us are in Drama, we wouldn't need an explanation as to why you and Rarity were alone in the prop room."


"You're a nervous wreck, kiddo." Brittany chimed in.

"S-S-Shut up!" I groaned.

"It's ok, man. I'm not sure where you've been, but lots of people have sex in high school, it's not that bad." Christian attempted to reassure me.

"W-We didn't have sex! She. . . she showed me. . ." I grabbed my chest

"OOOOH!" Harley screamed, startling the entire class. Mr. Acevedo glared at him. "I. . . I realized that um. . . this is in Treble Clef! Yeah!" Luckily for him, Harley was dopey enough that reading in the wrong clef would be an issue worthy of an incredibly loud exclamation.

"And, um, she touched it." I managed to murmur out.

Christian immediately grabbed Harley mouth as he let out another exclamation of excitement.

"So, was it great, or was it great!" Harley let out after Christian removed his hands.

"W-Well. . ." I noticed Octavia and Brittany going back to their work while Vinyl drooled on her paper. "I. . ."

The bell rang, and I sprinted out of my desk and to the door without so much as putting my desk back against the wall. I was free, free from the awkward, free from the uncomfortable se-

My line of vision went a pitch black as I heard a smack and the pressure of an object hitting me.

I laid on the floor as my entire class of 20 people laughed at me, while I laid facing the ceiling. I looked in front of me and noticed the doors. Closed. My head throbbed in pain as I realized what I had done. Frederick came and helped me up.

"Remember Carlton, by the way," Frederick stated calmly, not wanting to rile me up any more than I already was. I nodded and opened the door, walking out at a normal pace. My head was in deep pain as I walked to the front of the school.

I decided to walk on my own back home. Luckily for me, I didn't run into anyone, so I was able to head to the ice cream parlor on my own. I sighed as I put my head down on an open table. Today was a rough day, and this world was getting weirder and weirder. I had thought that maybe this was a paradise, but now my mind was riddled with so many tough decisions. The fate of Twilight's life is in my hands, Rarity wanted to tear off the little childhood I had left of myself, and I had to take care of schoolwork and the such. It was a horrific experience for me. Now more than ever, I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to be me. I wanted to escape back into my natural home. I didn't mean anything to anyone, but still, at least I didn't have to worry. I didn't have to stress, I was just the guy that people was friends with, and I didn't have to worry about anything.

If only there was something, or someone. that I could feel like I mean something to them, without having to be stressed out about them all of the time, without having to worry about their lives, with them caring about my comfort. That's the kind of reality I wanted.

I looked up as I heard a bell jingle as the door opened.

"Ya must be Joseph," a voice called out to me.

And so the hopeful solution to all of my troubles had begun.