The Pinkie Parable

by TheNarrator


What? Where did that door even come from? Did you make that door, Pinkie? Because I didn't.

Wait, where are you going? Pinkie! The story isn't over ye...


"Where am I?" Pinkie asked herself. "It's so dark."


Whew! There you are, Pinkie. Don't go running off like that. I've still got to finish this story up, whether you like it or not.

Pinkie stumbled in the darkness and clumsily tripped over herself a few times. This place she was now stuck in, she had been there many times before, but the gate had never been closed behind her. She was now trapped in this plane for all eternity. She could have had an ally watching over her shoulder, but she ruined a perfectly good story. Karma dictated that this ally leave her be. He didn't have time, anyway. After all, there are always more stories to tell.