Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Bonus chapter: The last roundup

First off, this is only a bonus chapter. Since its taking so long on the Crossover, I'm going to do a few bonus chapters, as in, parody's of the new episodes. This does not go along with the plot of the story.

Side note: Lance isn't wearing his clothes in this one, just his goggles.

Bonus chapter: The last roundup.

I held up the right side of the banner, while Rainbow Dash lifted up the other side. Once she had it even with my side, she placed it against the building.

I looked at our handy work and chuckled, "We make a great team Dash."

She chuckled back, "Yeah well, when you have me on your team, your always..." She looked up. Her eyes widened, "Huh!" She ducked down quickly as a lighting bolt flew past her, slightly burning the tip of her tail.

She looked up, "Now careful Derpy!" She then flew up to the cross eyed Pegasus. "You don't wanna do anymore damage then you've already done."

I flew up slightly till I was above the banner. I looked up at the destroyed town hall. Damn, Derpy can destroy a building easily.

Derpy then began to jump up and down on the small storm cloud, causing lighting to shoot out the bottom, "I just don't know what went wrong." Suddenly the lighting shot upward and electrocuted Derpy, who didn't seem the least bit affected.

I chuckled as Rainbow Dash flew back over to me, "Wow, she's accident prone, huh?"

She sighed, "Yeah, she's always like this." She then turned to the banner and looked at Derpy, "Yeah, its a mystery." She then used her hoof to push a nail in.

That must hurt. I mean, using your hoof as a hammer, sounds painful.

Derpy flew down till she was above the banner, she then began to fly backwards, "Nice work Rainbow Dash."

As she neared the support beam, my eyes widened, "Derpy! Wait, don't back into the..." Her flank hit the support beam, somehow knocking it loose.

Rainbow Dash's face filled with surprise as she watched the beam fall.

I pointed my hooves downward, "Well, hurry!"

She quickly flew down and placed her self under the beam, trying to hold it up. Sadly, she didn't have the strength and slammed into the wooded floor. She and the beam went straight through it.

I winced, "Owww, that's gotta hurt."

Derpy flew down and landed next to the hole, she then stuck her head in, "You okay Rainbow Dash? Anything I can do to help?"

While she was saying this, I flew down and hoovered above the hole.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew out of the hole, waving her hoofs in front of her, "No! Nothing! In the name of Celestia, just sit there and do nothing."

Derpy sat down. Somehow, her flank broke the floor, again, and began to collapse. As she started to fall, she grabbed Rainbow Dash with her hooves, pulling her down with her. Rainbow Dash, obviously not going down alone, bit my tail.

In the second I had before being pulled down with them, I said one word, "Shit..."

All three of us fell into the hole, all hitting the ground.

Derpy got a happy smile, "Oops, my bad."

Rainbow Dash pushed me off of her, and stood. She sighed loudly, "Its fine Derpy."

I sat up on my haunches and let out a groan, "My back, I think I pulled a muscle."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Toughen up Lance, your whining like a filly."

I cross my hoofs, "I'm not whining, I'm complaining. There's a difference you know."

Up above, I could hear the Mayor talking.

Rainbow Dash flew upwards, "Come on guys, we're missing it."

I flew upwards, followed by Derpy. As we emerged from the hole, the Mayor was in the middle of a sentence, ".. In advance for generously offering up her prize money to fix Town Hall."

Derpy smiled happily, "Yeah Applejack!" She then held her hooves to her mouth, "Woo hooo!"

I looked at her as she began to fall back into the hole, "Derpy, don't cover your..." I lunged forward and grabbed her hoof, which was a bad idea. Since it also pulled me in with her.

After we hit the ground, I rolled off of her and lay on my back, "Derpy, your more trouble then your worth."

She stood and laughed happily, "I know."

I smiled and shook my head. I stood and started flying back up.

A loud crash was heard behind me and I spun around.

Derpy was stuck in a wooden wall. How? I do not know.

I sighed and flew down to her, "How did this happen?"

She shrugged, "I have don't know, I was following you."

I chuckled and pulled her through the wall, "Come on, lets get back to the celebration."

She nodded and I lead her back up to the hole.

Once we came out, I saw that Applejack was stepping off the stage. Well damn, I missed her speech.

I walked over to Twilight and smiled, "Well, now what."

She smiled back and began following Applejack, "First, we have to help Applejack pack, then its off to the train station."

I nodded, "Alrighty then, lets get a move on."


I walked up onto the platform to see that everypony else was already there. I knew I shouldn't have taken a snack break.

As I neared them, I heard Granny Smith talking to Applejack, "I want you to show all them high fluent rodeo ponies what a real rodeo pony's like."

Applejack smile back, "You betcha Granny Smith."

The Mayor ran up and pushed Granny Smith back, "And bring back all that money,"

Applejack turned and began walking up to the train, "You betcha Mayor."

Pinkie Pie appeared in front of her, "And have fun. And don't be nervous, or if you are, use that nervous energy to do even better than you already would. And eat peanuts, and popcorn, and taffy, taffy gives you lots of nervous energy." She then slammed her face into the bag of candy that she had pulled out of nowhere.

I ran up and beamed with happiness, "And bring me back a cowboy hat, or what ever you call it."

She chuckled, "Sure thing Lance."

Twilight chimed in, "Just do your best Applejack."

Applejack smiled and swung her right hoof under her, "I'll do better than my best!"

The conductor stood outside of the train and announced, "The train to Canterlot is about to leave, all aboard who's coming aboard."

Applejack smiled, "Guess that means me."

"See ya in a week." Rainbow Dash said while flying above us.

Applebloom stepped forward, "With lots of new blue ribbons!"

The Mayor also stepped forward, "And lots of money!"

I jumped forward, that's better than stepping forward, "And my cowboy hat!"

Applejack stepped onto the train, "Darn tootin."

The train began to move forward.

Applejack leaned out the window and waved, "See ya'll in a week, with a big bag of blue ribbons."

We ran along side the train, and I yelled out, "My cowboy hat better be in that bag!"

When we reached the edge of the edge of the platform, we stopped.

Pinkie Pie waved her left hoof, "And drink lots of sarsaparilla!" She then looked at all of us, who was looking at her confused, "What? It gives you extra sash."

I smiled, "I want some then."

Pinkie Pie turned to me and smiled, "Well, you can silly. If you can find some."

I shrugged and looked at Twilight, "So what are we going to do for a week."

She looked around, "Anypony up for a slumber party?"

I held up my hoof, "No, not again. Remember the last one?"

She grinned, "Oh yeah, I forgot. How was I suppose to know that that energy drink Greg gave me had so much caffeine in it?"

I facehoofed, "Twi, it has energy in the name. I think it explains it self." I turned and began walking towards Ponyville, "I got to get to work, see you later everypony."

One week later.

I grabbed the last balloon in the bag and began blowing it up. Blowing is hard work. (Dirty minds! Be gone!) As soon as it was fully blown up, I wrapped a string to it and let it float upwards. I still don't know how those balloons are floating, I mean, we used our breath to do it. We don't have helium in our breath... Do we?

"SURPRISE!" Pinkie Pie screamed.

I turned to see her standing over Fluttershy, who was on her back. I chuckled, good old Pinkie Pie.

I watched her bounce away from Fluttershy. But when I blinked, she was gone. Then she suddenly appeared above Fluttershy, screaming out surprise again. How does she do it?

Twilight opened the barn door and said in a hushed voice, "Quiet Pinkie, I think Applejack's coming." She then quietly closed the door and ran over behind a beam.

I quickly flew up to where Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were hiding.

Down below, I heard Pinkie Pie say happily, "Don't worry Twilight, got my lips all limbered up." Then a few strange noises, which was strange.

The lights went off and we waited. The door opened and the lights came on. We all jumped up and screamed out, "SURPRISE!" And a few seconds later, Pinkie Pie jumped up and yelled, "Surprise! Aww shot!"

But instead of Applejack, there stood a light brown mail pony, "Wow, this is the best surprise ever. How did you know it was my birthday?"

Everypony sagged and Twilight walked up to the door. She grabbed the letter and slammed the door, but a second later, Pinkie opened it and dropped a piece of cake for him.

We all gathered around Twilight, me, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash flying above everypony else.

Applebloom stepped closer to Twilight, "Who's it from Twilight? What's it say?"

Twilight smiled, "Its from Applejack." She then began to read, "Family and friends, not coming back to Ponyville. Don't worry, will send money soon." She turned it to everyone, "That's all there is."

Everypony gasped.

Applebloom looked up sadly, "Applejack's... not coming back?"

Rainbow Dash put her hoofs to her head, "What do you mean Applejack's not coming back? She loves Ponyville."

"And she loves Sweet Apple Acres." Granny smith said sadly.

"And she loves her family!" Applebloom said, about to cry.

Rarity gasped and held a hoof to her head dramatically, "Something just dreadful must have happened to Applejack to make her not return."

Fluttershy put her hoofs to her mouth, "Maybe she's hurt, or sad, or scared!"

Rainbow Dash held up her hooves, "So, what are we waiting for? Lets go find her!" She said while zooming towards the door.

Twilight looked at Granny Smith, "Don't worry, we'll search all of Equestria if we have too. We'll bring her back." She then walked to the door, followed by me and the others.

"Ya'll are the best." Applebloom said.

"Thank you girls." Granny Smith said while smiling.

Twilight saluted and they all ran out of the barn.

I stood there and looked at Granny Smith, "And guy! I'm here to you know!"

She waved me on, "Hurry, before they get away from ya."

I sighed and turned, I then ran out after them.


We all began walking up to the large stadium. Peter was standing next to me, I had insisted he come. Since Rarity was going, he agreed.

Twilight nodded, and they all ran off in different directions.

Peter looked at me, "So, what are we suppose to do?"

I shrugged, "I guess ask around and see if they know where Applejack is."

Peter smiled, "Easy. Lets do this thing!"

We both ran forward and into the stadium. Once we was inside, I could see the girls running around asking everypony about Applejack. I looked up to see Fluttershy try and show a pony, who was laying down with a hat over his face, a question. He waved her off without even looking at her.

I glared and flew up to him, "Hey, have you seen a mare named Applejack?"

He waved me off.

I stomped my hoof, "Oh no, not till answer me."

He sighed and sat up, "No, ah ain't seen your friend."

I roll my eyes, "Was it that hard to say no?"

He laid back down and covered his face with his hat.

A short time later

We all sat around, all bummed that we couldn't find a lead.

As I sat next to Twilight, who had her head on the table, a tangerine colored mare walked up. She smiled when she saw the picture of Applejack that Twilight had left on the table.

She told us that Applejack was in a small town called, 'Dodge Junction'.

I jumped up in the air, "Fucktastic!" But when I looked down and saw that they all was in shock, I landed on the ground, "I mean, drat."

A few hours later

I walked down the small aisle, whipping my face. This train had everything! And the food is just plain awesome."

I walked back into the cabin where the girls were. Twilight was in the middle of a sentence, "... It to Ponyville."

Pinkie Pie had her legs crossed, "I don't know how I'm going to make it to the next stop!"

I chuckled, well, I guess this train doesn't have everything.

Twilight looked out the window and smiled, "This is Dodge Junction girls, Applejack is to supposed to have come here after the rodeo ended."

The train stopped and we all stepped off.

Twilight looked at us, "Lets fan out and try to find her."

Pinkie Pie shot past us.

I shrugged and looked at Peter, "Come with me, we'll look around a little."

He nodded, "Alright."

We left the group and began walking around the small town. Peter was looking around, a smile on his face. "I like this place."

I looked at him, "Why?"

He continued to smile, "I don't know, its just so.. appealing to me. Maybe I can get Rarity to move here with me sometime."

I chuckled and rubbed my hoof against the ground, when I held it up, it was covered in dirt, "Yeah, she'll just love all of this dirt."

He shook his head smiling and slugged my side, "Shut up, she may."

I opened my mouth to say some more, but was interuppted by somepony yelling, "Lance! We found her, get over here!"

Peter chuckled, "Twilight's got you on a leash, a tight leash."

I glared, "No she doesn't! But Rarity will have you on a leash sooner or later."

He smiled, "Sounds kinky."

I laughed loudly at him, "Dude, that is..."

"Lance!" Came the loud scream again, this time more annoyed.

I smiled weakly, "Lets get back to the others, shall we?"

Peter nodded and we walked back to the girls. All of them talking to each other.

I walked up and looked around, "Where's AJ?"

Twilight turned and smirked, "Don't worry, we have a plan."

I raised an eyebrow, "A plan for what? And that didn't answer my question."

She sighed, "Come on, we'll tell you on the way."


"Terr-ific. Come on in, girls!" Said Miss Jubilee.

We all walked in, wearing chief hats and cherry bags. Me and Peter brought up the rear. Once I stepped in, I stood on my hind legs and waved at me and Peter, "And guys! There are two guys here you know!"

We all walked past Applejack and she looked at us in shock, "What are you all doing here?"

As we walked up to the conveyor belt, Twilight happily said, "We're your cherry sorters. Shall we get started?"

Applejack huffed, "Fine."

Miss Jubilee pointed to the cherry bins, "Haha, red cherries go in one bin, and yellow cherries go in the other. Simple as cherry pie. Uh, just one teensy thing to remember – have fun!" She then walked out of the room.

Applejack glared back at us, "What are you five up to?"

I raised an eyebrow and counted everypony. There was seven of us, not five. "Hey, me and Peter are here to you know!"

Applejack looked at me, "Ah Know, but I'm talking to the girls."

"Well, uh, you made working on a cherry orchard sound... so delightful." Rarity answered nervously.

Applejack didn't buy it, "Uhuh. Well, just remember: No talking about Ponyville."

Rainbow Dash became frustrated, "Fine! Why don't you quit talking and get walking?"

Applejack began to walk, which caused the conveyor to begin to move. Cherry's began to come out of the small opening.

We all began sorting them, knocking them off into the correct bin. I looked down at Twilight, who winked for some reason, "...So, AJ, how was Canterlot?"

Applejack glared at her.

Twilight continued, "Not talking about Ponyville, talking about Canterlot, totally different town."

"Canterlot was fine." Applejack answered.

I pushed another cherry into the correct bin. This wasn't so hard, I could do this all day.

"Was the rodeo fun?" Twilight asked.


Twilight walked up to her, leaving her station at the conveyor belt, "Did you meet some nice ponies there?"

"Some." Answered Applejack.

Rainbow Dash flew up in front of her, "Really? Did you see Wild Bull Hickok? What about Calamity Mane?"

"Yes, saw 'em both."

Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded her head for a few seconds, then crossed her hoofs.

Rarity then walked up to Applejack, "And how did you meet Miss Jubilee?"

"Um, well, Miss Jubilee had a cherry stand at the rodeo. Real good treats." Applejack said, starting to pick up speed.

We was starting to have trouble keeping up with the cherry's coming out. "Um, excuse me?" Fluttershy said in her quiet voice.

I stopped paying attention to the others and focused on the cherry's. Soon, they began to come out faster.

"Ooh... Can you please slow down?" Fluttershy said as the speed was increased.

Fluttershy stood there confused, "Help!"

Pinkie Pie looked at all of the cherry's going by and panicked. She started piling them up and placed them on Fluttershy's head.

I looked at the cherry's that was speeding past me and put my hoof down, but they just ran over it. I stood straight up, "They're coming in to fast!"

Peter was slamming his head down, "I'm so confused!"

The speed increased even more. Pinkie Pie grabbed as many as she could and piled them in her bags and hat, but they kept coming out.

The cherry's were now piling up on the belt, and Pinkie did the only thing reasonable. She ran to the end and let them all fly into her mouth.

I ran over and knocked her to the side, "I got it!" I opened my mouth and was over whelmed by cherry's. I fell down and held a hoof up as the cherry's began to bury me. The cherry's kept coming, quickly burying me under a pile of cherry's.

"Stop!" I heard Fluttershy gasp.

A few seconds later, I heard a loud splat and everypony gasped, "What? What happened?" I said through the pile of cherry's.


I moved the mob back and forth, trying to clean up the mess.

Twilight looked up from her work, "Well, girls, we seem to be striking out."

I sigh and yell out, "AND GUYS!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and looked at the others, "That's 'cause we're playing too nice."

"Yes. Desperate times do call for desperate measures." Said Rarity.

Rainbow Dash looked at Pinkie Pie, "It's time to call in the big guns."

Pinkie Pie licked up some cherry and smiled.

I cocked my head, why are they looking at her? Why not me? I think I can be helpful right now.


I look through the tree, disappointed. The girls hadn't let me or Peter do the plan with them.

Peter sighed, "This sucks."

I nodded, "I agree."

He turned and began heading for the farm, "I'm going to get a room. I need some sleep."

I chuckled, "I'll get one also, some sleep would be nice."


Peter and I stood outside of the farm house, just enjoying the morning air.

I smiled, "Gotta love this peace, huh?"

Peter nodded and grinned, "This place is so peaceful, so relaxing, so..."

Pinkie Pie burst through the door followed by the others.

Twilight ran past me, "Come on you two!"

I sighed, "There goes the peaceful morning."

We walked towards them, not happy. I saw Pinkie Pie screaming at Applejack, something about braking a Pinkie Promise.

I shrugged and began to jog towards them.

Applejack jumped into a wagon, pulled by stallions. That's just strange!

As her wagon began moving, I saw the others jump into a smaller wagon, pulled by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Peter's eyes widened, "Wait! Don't leave us behind!"

We chased after them, not able to catch up. But suddenly, they slammed to a stop. Thank god. Me and Peter jumped in and slumped down, breathing hard.

Soon, we hit something. I looked the side to see the wagon that Applejack was in.

We hit it again and Rainbow Dash said, "Pull over!"

Applejack looked down at us, "Hey! Cut that out!"

We hit her wagon again, this time send me airborne. While in mid air, I think, 'I saw this coming, and I'm still surprised'.

I spread my wings and struggle to catch up with them. Applejack's wagon was going forward, then back, then forward again. Suddenly, it shot ahead. I was caught in a dust cloud and coughed. When I came out, I saw that Pinkie Pie had landed on the wagon and was now talking to, or screaming at, Applejack.

I pushed myself and landed in the cart. I sat back and let out a heavy breath.

Peter chuckled, "You shouldn't jump out of moving carts Lance."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up."

"Rarity, catch me." Said Pinkie pie as she jumped off of Applejack's wagon backwards.

Rarity looked up in shock, "What? Pinkie.." Pinkie Pie then slammed into her, sending both of them off the cart.

Peter jumped up, "Rarity! I'm coming for ya!" And jumped off the cart.

Twilight looked up front, "Rainbow, go back!"

Rainbow Dash shook her head, "No time! They knew what they were getting into!"

I laughed, but stopped when Twilight glared at me.

Up ahead, I heard the sound of a railroad bell. I looked up to see a train coming.

Applejack pushed forward and flew past it in time. Well, we lost her.

But instead of stopping, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy picked up speed.

My eyes widened and I screamed out, "I'm not stupid!" I then jumped off the cart.

As I watched them, I saw them jump over the train. I facehoofed, I am stupid.

I stood and limped towards them, grunting in pain. Up ahead, they was all talking to each other. I sighed, time for a friendship moment.

Jump ahead to train ride home (Why? Because you all know what they said, and it will be boring to read.)

As I sat on the small bench, across from Applejack, who was writing a letter to the Princess, I smirked, "So, you got everything you was suppose to, huh?"

She looked up and smiled proudly, "I sure did! Got everypony what they wanted."

I leaned forward, "Where's my cowboy hat?"

Else where, on a long stretch of train tracks

"What do you think, Rarity? Chimmy cherry, or cherry changa? Chimmy cherry, cherry changa? Chimmy cherry, cherry changa? Chimmy cherry, cherry changa? Chimmy cherry, cherry changa?" Pinkie Pie repeated happily.

Peter sat on the edge of the small tram car, "I hate this, why did I jump off?" He looked back to Rarity and smiled, "That's right."

"When I get back, you're gonna get it, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said, becoming angry and frustrated.

"Chimmy cherry, or cherry changa? Chimmy cherry, cherry changa? Chimmy cherry, cherry changa? Chimmy cherry, cherry changa? Chimmy cherry, cherry changa?" Pinkie Pie continued.

Peter started twitching, he better not have to deal with this all the way back to Ponyville. He turned to Pinkie Pie, "I say cherry changa." He hopes that will shut her up.

Sadly, all it does is start a whole new chant.

Falls onto his side and sighs, "Its going to be a long trip back."