
by Night Moonstone

I: Year 13

I Year 13

Setting gently in the East, the sun itself moved like it had always done before the arrival of the two Sisters. It was made perfectly clear through ancient texts discovered in the deepest reaches of Canterlot; history books that claimed the sun moved without any help. At first, the knowledge was a frightening prospect that threatened to throw all of Equestria into chaos. Propaganda was used to spread the word but many simply couldn't believe such a tale. Celestia and Luna moved the Sun and the Moon since time immemorial. Didn't they?
It had been just over a decade since the Sisters had vanished and many believed they had died. 'How could a Goddess perish?' they asked 'Can't they come back? Quell this war and have the Utopia that once was?' The answer was no. After the first year, ponies had become disenchanted with the notion that the Sisters would return and, indeed, a certain powerful unicorn tipped scale of doubt in her favor. She had told what had happened to the Sisters and no one rightly accepted it. 'They,' she had said 'died in the defense of their lands. Their powers drained from the battled, they dissolved in front of my eyes.'
In the decade that followed, anarchy came to the peace loving lands of Equestria. Within the first half a year, those who called themselves leaders arose. Six of them in all, they were rumored to be the Bearers of Harmony once and thus, ponies followed them without question. Yet from the start, it was anything but harmonious. The first year, through either greed; power; fear or hubris, had made all of them see things through a distorted eye. Hate had managed to leech into their hearts, each blaming the other in turn for what had happened. What was worse, they had blamed not the individual but race. Lines were quickly drawn and those who had considered themselves friends had now become sworn enemies, looking at the other with up turned noses.
Old affiliations where brought back to bear under the banners of the ancient, pre-Equestrian days. Banners flew high and proud over the capital cities of their leaders: Trottingham was claimed in the name of the soil; Earth ponies who had become formidable warriors and tinkerers in weapons of war and conflict; Cloudsdale, once a small city in the sky, was now a floating fortress of cloud and stone. The Pegasi had brought back the old Empire with all who could fly being enlisted into their armies; The Unicorns were, at worst, threats to the entire world and at worse, analogs for the missing Sisters. They had obliterated most of the kingdom and their capital, Canterlot, was like a diamond that hugged the mountain that it all sat around. These old races parted after the sack of Ponyville, each seeing what the other had done. No one, not even these leaders of ponies, had seen that had acted rash.
Now as the hour of sunset came, it cast long shadows on the once happy little village; now reduced to ashes and timbers. Walking down the decayed cobblestone roads, over grown with weeds and grass, the heavy footfalls of boots trampled anything under them. Holding the helmet under her arm, her visage had seen war first hand. A scar adorned the left side of her face, tearing a gash from her eyebrow to her cheek, passing right through her eye and leaving her partially blind. A memento from her former friend who had been scared in kind by another old friend; a unicorn.
Her look was grim and her eyes, fierce. They burned with a fury that no even magic contained. It had only been rekindled when a parchment appeared in front of her at a meeting of her great Generals and siblings. Her armor of dull steel jangled tediously on her bulky form, walking past what was once Sugar Cube Corner. Now it was just a burnt hole in the ground. The simple farmer had grown great and strong over the last few years, becoming renounced for her raw strength; enough to destroy bodies in a single punch. Yet the bags under her eyes, partially obscured by her faded peach coat, showed that fatigue; many sleepless nights of worry and strategy for the next day's battle had gotten to her. When she arrived at her destination, those fiery eyes seemed to dull in the calm of nostalgia. The husk of the library loomed in front of her.
Behind her was a dull thud of impact. She turned and saw her old friend, now enemy getting up from a crouch. Her rainbow mane had faded over time, making all of her colors merge into one of a brown hue. Only some highlights still remained and only when the light hit it at the perfect angle. Her face was heavily damaged on her left, having no coat but scar tissue; as if her face was melted by some intense fire. Her eye was the most frightening, being utterly white and dead. Added to features was her armor: a skirt of steel petals hung down to her knees, just touching her encased boots. Her contoured breast plate and pauldrons had her marked carved into it. A lightening bolt at it's center.
Once the two mare's locked eye contact, it took them a monumental effort to restrain themselves. Although yards apart, they swore that they could smell each others stench; both looking down at each other as inferior. Yet in the back of their minds, they both thought back to their younger days and how much they loved each other as friends. With this, their hatred faded to a dull annoyance at seeing each other again. The larger peach mare nodded her head “Rainbow.” Her voice was deeper that pegasus remembered but it still held that unmistakable country drawl. “Applejack.” the cobalt mare nodded back, her voice just as raspy as it was before.
Another sound broke the silence of the dead village. This time the grunts of effort as a yellow streak went from ruin to burnt out ruin; jumping in impossible leaps and bounds. Both battle wary mares knew what it was. They hadn't seen her since this entire war began but the rumors abounded that she was not the same pony who had been the timid thing she once was. One last, mighty grunt had her soaring through the air, wings fully extended at the leaps zenith before she folded them back and landed on her feet. The yellow pony was like a predator, crouched down on her the balls of her feet. She looked at the two armored mares before her and hissed. Her blue eyes had changed into ice blue that glowed with a wild power not even a unicorn could hope to tame.
She sat there for a moment longer before rising upright. Adorned in tattered remains of animals, animals that sacrificed themselves for her, the yellow one was a shadow of her former self. She was wild; Queen of the Everfree and ruler of Nature. Although she was still thought to be kind, she was savage to anyone who she deemed a threat. Her nails attested to that. Through the power of her Element, she had shed off the useless finger nails and had them regrown as claws as sharp as a swords edge. Her teeth as well were not like that of a pony but of a dragon. Each tiny dagger had on it blood that marred it's white enamel. Even her pink hair was faded and cropped back into a pony tail. It was stark contrast to what the other two had remembered.
She said nothing to the others. Just looking at them like a wolf watching prey. It pained both of them to see their friend they once called Fluttershy like this but years of being the leaders of their kind had left them devoid of overt expression. They merely watched watched as the shambling pony backed away, sitting down after a few yards. Even relaxed, she seemed ready to pounce. Her reputation as a savage was well known to all. Applejack and Dash exchanged glances, concerned about why Fluttershy was summoned to this place.
Before they could both think of a reason, their train of thought was interrupted by the slow clopping of high heeled shoes. Beyond the trio was walking yet another pony dressed in snow white attire. Hanging off of her shoulders and down to her ankles was a jacket that screamed extravagance. Simple yet trimmed with soft white fur. Her pants were the same color as her blouse; a stark white with neatly pleated lines running down to the cuff. Only her mane had a splash of color. Violet. As brightly colored as the sun. It was the only thing that offered a reprieve for the eyes in that gloomy place.
Despite the overall mood, the white mare was in high spirits. Her smile was easily seen from the hulking oak tree. The unicorn brought a little wind with her, using her magic to conjure up a breeze for her coat. Vanity had infected her like a cancer. Her arms swayed elegantly as she walked, holding her head up high. Rarity had gained some weight since the last time she had saw her friends. Her once sharp features were now softened by a dozen extra pounds. She wore it well. Her steps slowed to a halt once she was amongst those she considered friends all those years ago. Flashing a smile, she cheerfully bowed her head “Rainbow Dash. Applejack. Fluttershy. So nice to see you three again. I trust you've been well?” Her voice was thick with sarcasm.
Growling in anger, Applejack was the first to speak “Quiet unicorn. We're here...”
“Oh yes, I know why. I don't know what she was thinking but, that's Twilight for you. She was always the bleeding heart.” Rarity shrugged.
“Funny,” Rainbow uttered “I always thought you the bleeding heart.”
Applejack snapped at Dash “Don't talk to it. It'll only try to manipulate ya.”
“Applejack! I'm offended that you would suggest su...”
The peach colored pony roared “I said shut up! I saw what you did to my kind years ago and I'd swear on their lives I'd lop your damn horn off myself!”
Rarity's lips curled into a little smile “Then what's stopping you darling?” Her smug expression made Applejack seethe with rage. She took a step forward, only to be stopped by the lightning fast intervention of Fluttershy. She stood between them, lips curled back to show her wicked teeth. She said nothing but slowly backed away, taking her place back on the ground. Applejack huffed at the white mare before turned to avert her gaze from, what she considered, the epitome of unicorn arrogance. Rainbow merely sighed, addressing Rarity without a glance to her “What you did to us is inexcusable but we're here because Twilight thinks she can put an end to this. I, for one, wants to hear what she has to say.” Applejack muttered over her shoulder, having heard “And here I thought you were Loyalty incarnate.”
Dash ignored her for now, sighing a little and closing her eyes “If she can put an end to all of this, I wanna know how.” Rarity exhaled loudly, crossing her arms over her chest and slowly walking around “Twilight is a fool to think this will happen without a hitch, as it were. She's been so naive these last few months that I think she's losing her edge as a mage.” Applejack flexed her jaw forward, wanting to 'correct' Rarity by replacing mage with abomination. Dash continued “Even now I trust her judgment. Enemy or not, my people want this to end just as much as you do Rarity.”
“Lady Rarity.” she corrected “But yes...” she grumbled “War isn't good for the nerves. I've always had a nervous disposition after all so this had been terrible for me as you can guess.” She paused, looking at Rainbow and Applejack with a genuine smile “It's always been you two that have been the strong ones, not I. I mean that.” Applejack looked behind her, feigning a smile “Thanks.” she responded and left it at that. Dash smiled and bowed “Thank you Rari...Lady Rarity. I appreciate the compliment.” Rarity smiled and continued her pacing, looking at Fluttershy as the others did but with fear mixed with concern.
Only when the dull sounds of bells filled the silence did they all, collectively, shutter. Applejack placed her helmet back on and Rainbow Dash spread her wings, standing defensively. Rarity's horn glowed and Fluttershy reared up, growling in the direction of the jingle jangle. All of them saw her at once. Flipping head over heals down what was once the main road was a blur of dark pink, magenta and black. She came closer at a fearsome rate of speed until she landed on her feet right in front of the group with the most grotesque, distended smile on her lips. The pink mare's eyes were black as night with a small hint of burning red in the center. The Mad Jester had arrived.
“HI HI HI!” she blurted out, somersaulting in place. This was not the same Pinkie Pie that everyone had known. She was an abomination, gone mad with powers that had resurrected her. No one said a word but all backed away from the undead horror. “Awwww! What's a matter? Doesn't anypony wanna have FUN?!” she screamed, leaning in and looking at those present. Applejack was the first to make her objections known “Waddya you doing here corpse?” her words dripping with venom “I didn't think Sparkle was this stupid.”
“TWILIGHT?! Stupid?!” Pinkie looked hurt “She's not stupid! She's smart! Smarter than you! All that muscle! OoooooOO!” Her claws reached out to try and touch Applejack's arm but the Earth mare quickly lurched away “Don't you dare touch me!” she roared, rearing back a fist and ready to strike. Only the quick actions of her sometime ally, Dash, helped her calm back down. Applejack quickly glanced over her shoulder and relaxed her arm at her side. Not taking her eyes of Pinkie for a second, Applejack backed away to a safe distance and turned away with Rainbow. Only Rarity kept looking at her mangled friend.
“Pinkie,” she sighed, shaking her head “I never got the chance to say I'm sorry.” Her lips pouted and eyes teared up slightly. Pinkie, however, saw something that the others didn't. Laughing hysterically, she clapped her hands “Oh Rarity. You know I can see through lies! Liar, liar, pants on fire! FYAH!” Pinkie flipped backwards and landed hard on her behind but somehow folding her legs neatly in front of her. Rarity dropped the act at once and relaxed her face into one of utter contempt “Yes, your right. Twilight should've left you in the ground.” she scoffed, turning her nose up and walking away. Only Fluttershy, now calm, looked eye to eye with the manic mare.
Pinkie giggled, looking into the sharp blue eyes across from her “Oooo! A staring contest! Ready? Go!” Fluttershy didn't move a muscle, staring back into Pinkie's pools of dark. Pinkie, on the other hand, seemed to keep her smile on; looking more like a statue then anything. Even unmoving, Pinkie unnerved the silent mare who looked away after three long minutes. Pinkie laughed “YAY! I win! You lose!” she clapped her hands and tumbled backwards, kicking herself up to her feet.
Crackling and a quick flash of light brighter than a sun shocked everyone's mind clean. All looked to where it happened and stood in awe. Before the library door, dressed in heavy robes and face tattooed beyond reason with strange shapes, was the very mare who started both the summit and the war. Applejack nodded slightly in greetings “Twilight.” The unicorn stood still for a moment before deeply bowing “Applejack,” her voice soft “I'm glad that all of you came.” rising back up, she smiled weakly at everyone “Once I called you all friends.” her voice was not like the timid mare of years gone by. She was a leader and the most powerful unicorn in history. She could easily destroy all present but, somehow, they all still trusted her.
“Darling, I do appreciate the dramatic but don't you think this is...overkill?” Rarity glanced over at war hero, warrior, beast and abomination “I know you had your reasons but...” she paused, looking over at Applejack “Did you have to invite the brute?” Applejack's anger boiled but by some miracle she held it in and said nothing. Twilight explained “I had to. Everyone had to come, Rarity. Even Applejack and Pinkie.” Twilight smiled at the barbarian and living corpse before she turned towards the library door. With a wave of her hand, the door opened.
Twilight's horn glowed as she walked inside, lighting up all of the disused candles that had become covered in dust. Applejack followed along with Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Pinkie; who rolled in like a ball. The inside of the oak tree had seen better days; books and walls had caked on them both grime and gunk from years of neglect. The old Twilight would have had a heart attack and stroke just to hear of it.
In the middle was Spike, all grown and strapping. Only clothed in loose cotton, he had been waiting, it seemed, for his sister to come “Sit. I reserved the seats in order.” His voice was deeper but so much weaker than it had been. One glance at his throat explained why; a gash from ear to ear from a claw of some animal. Or Pony. As he said, the seats all had everypony's initials on them in the dust. Twilight sat at the head of the table beside Spike while Pinkie Pike and Applejack sat opposite of each other in the middle. Rarity sat opposite of Twilight and the two Pegasi sat opposite of each other, beside Applejack and Pinkie. All six looked tense, glancing at each other. It was the first time in twelve years that they had been in the same room together. They all were silent for a few moments, watching Spike as he went around and closed the door to the outside.
When the latch clicked shut, Twilight finally shed some light on why they were there “I'm glad you all came. I guess I was right in thinking that you all had a little bit of hope left inside all of you.” Rarity scoffed “Dear, you know I've been your friend throughout this. We're on the same side but these...” she paused, looking around the table. Only Pinkie seemed to perk up, waiting to hear what came next. Sighing, Rarity held her head up with her hand and leaned on her elbow “Why are we here?” Twilight feigned a smile and summoned up cups of pipping hot tea for everyone. She sipped at her cup daintily, levitating it in a purple aura.
Rainbow pushed her cup away, looming at the mage “I don't drink with enemies.” she growled “I have better things to do then have a bucking tea party.” She began to rise from her seat but the next words out of Twilight made her stop “If you leave, you'll never learn what happened to Celestia.” Dash's sigh carried her frustration and then some. She glance at Applejack and asked “Well? What say you then? Should we stay and hear what this...unicorn has to say?” The commander of all Earth tribes considered the options available. The tense seconds melted with her nod. “I'm still not convinced Rainbow but she's smarter than any of us. If she thinks she knows were Celestia and Luna are, I'm more than happy to hear what she has to say.” With that, Dash sat back down and pouted.
Sipping from her cup, Applejack laid her concerns out “So we came. No weapons and trusting you. Now what makes you think you know what happened?” Twilight seemed to change the subject “Did you all bring your Elements?” she asked. Without question, they all pulled their Elements out from either jacket or pouch. All of them still looked as new as the day they had obtained them. Golden chokers of gleaming gold with a jewel in it's center. Over time, they had morphed from a stylized cutie mark to sharp diamonds; each the color of the mare's coat who owned them.
“Please girls,” Twilight smiled “Put them in the middle of the table.” Not to be shown the hypocrite, Twilight reached into her robe and pulled her Element out. A delicate silver necklace with a small purple Amethyst hanging from it. As told, they all placed them in the middle of the table in a pile. At once they all glowed their color; merging into a white aura.
Twilight stood up, bowing her head. She placed a mournful look on her face, frowning. Looking up from under her brow at the room, her voice dripped with rage, sorrow and a strange detachment all at once.
“We've all been played.”