
by Jaiden


Zac had apparently feinted from the stress of being captured by mythical beings that where supposed to be fake. As he awoke he noticed two things; One was that he was chained to a metal joint on a wall, two being that he was hungry, thirsty, scared and fatigued. As soon as Twilight came into the room he was going to ask for water the reason being is that you can go for weeks without food but only days without water. As he started to think about escaping he realized the obvious; He was chained to a god damned wall!

A couple of curtains opened slightly to let light into the room and he noticed Twilight was in the room. "Hello Zac" She said nonchalantly like being a test subject was no big deal. Zac could make out features in the room now; the ceiling was quite big, there was only one armchair of some sorts and the room was very dull like it hadn't been used in years. Zac was too tired to make out any more features so he answered Twilight: "Um.. Hi?" he said.

"Good. You are awake, so let me explain a few things to you: You WILL be kept down here if you behave badly. However if you co-operate with me I will let you see the light of day, I might even let you out into ponyville."

"Um.. Not to be demanding or anything but I need some water.." Zac had lost all the will to sound hard and nonchalant so he practally begged.

"Well that depends if you co-operate with my first task for you." Great. It's going to be a game of do whatever I say and you get food.

Zac made up his mind.

"Fine. What do I have to do?" Zac asked.

"First things first. What is your culture like?"

Zac sighed "The people I go to school with-" Zac continued but something seriously bugged Twilight about that sentence.

He is still in school!? This will be interesting.. Twilight had to stop Zac to ask him how old he was.

"-And if you are different they bully you, but I have gotten used to it.." Zac continued.

"Wait. Zac. You said you where still in school, how old are you?" Twilight asked.

"Im Fourteen."

Twilight had to take measurements. A fourteen year old 'Human' couldn't possibly be this tall

"Stand up please"

Zac stood up but a shackle tugged on his arm, preventing him from standing up properly.

"Oh sorry about those, here let me un-lock them." Twilight used her horn to un-do the shackle and Zac stood to his full height.

"I think you will find that I am six foot four- Wait. What do you measure in?" Zac asked Twilight.

"Uh. We measure in feet, dont worry we are using the imponial system but someone suggested a new one called Pretric."

Zac explained to Twilight that humans used to use the 'Imperial' system and now they use Metric.

"Yes that is exactly what is happening." Twilight stared at the wall for a moment, lost in thought. Zac waved a hand infront of her face to snap her out of it.

"Oh sorry. Here let me just measure you.." Twilight brought up some measuring tape and held it up against Zac.

"Six foot four. Hey you where right!"

"Um Twilight.. Why did you punch me?" Zac asked

"Um.. I didn't?"

"Yes you did. Before you took me back here" Zac sat down on the floor.

"I woke you as you where exiting a certain type of sleep you call it R.E.M?"

"Yes, R.E.M Sleep, it causes sleep paralysis and that causes hallu-" Zac was interrupted by Twilight

"Hallucinations. Yes I know, and it also causes audio hallucinations, and that's what caused the sound of me hitting you. I would never hurt anypony!"

"You mean anybody?"

"No, anyPONY"

"Whatever. You said you would do tests on me. So. What next?"

"Well.. What's your family like?"

"They are kind, and probably the most kind people ever."

"Alright, the time is five o' clock, set your timer to that."

"Fine, Fine so can I have some food and water?"

"Sure, let me get you some"

Zac immediately yanked on the chains that held his leg, the cracks in the wall shattered and the chain came loose

hahaha! Idiot.

Zac hid in a pitch black spot in the room and waited, Amnesia taught him a lot.

"Okay Zac I got some wat- Oh bucking hay! Where has he gone now!"

Twilight swiftly exited the room, looking for Zac." Big mistake, Zac emerged from his pitch-black hiding spot and rushed to the balcony, still dragging the chain behind him. Damn pegasus tryin' to hunt me down..

The infamous Rainbow Dash flew right at the balcony, Right At Zac

Zac ducked and held his head and waited for the everlasting crash and smack that would happen after Rainbow Dash hit him. He looked up -- Nothing. No Rainbow Dash, no tackling The fuck? where did she go Zac decided to hide in the basement again to clarify that he never left -- so he actually got food and water.

Twilight had decided to re-enter the cellar to see if Zac had returned and saw that he was laying up against a wall with the chain still on his ankle

"I broke your chain.. Sorry." Zac apologised

Twilight audibly sighed. "That's OK Zac.."

"I don't like being chained up, that's all."

"It's alright, I'll leave you for a moment.."

Twilight left the room with a salad and a glass of water. Zac got up and grabbed the water, took a mouthful and swallowed it, savouring the taste. Pretty damn good.

Zac leaned back against the wall again looking out of a small window that was just below the ceiling, there was ponies everywhere just mulling about, minding their own business. Zac closed his eyes and fell asleep.