My Little PonyStuck (BETA)

by Leafsw0rd

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing the Ponystuck Beta... Or at least that's what I'm calling it.

Thank you all for looking at this and rating, but this whole story has slowly grown a critical flaw.

This is mainly my fault. I'm the type of person who constantly revises. I tend to look at things, five minutes after they're done, and say "I can do this, this & this, and make it far better" followed by revision of dubious quality. That's why this has been reduxed.

I've become unsatisfied with the opening chapters, wanting to create simultaneous stories (AJ and RD's teams, of course) but somehow, this didn't seem to pan out in practice. Mainly because Rainbow got an introduction, and JUST as things were starting to get interesting (e.g. Pinkie Pie becomes Dash's Server Player) the plan was to switch to Applejack, and go through her introduction. Pinkie Pie, Server Player shenanigans would be put on hold for another chapter or two. This was unacceptable.

Another problem was briefness. Dash's actual introduction was poorly handled, and brief, not to mention how I handled the mysterious speaker and the prologue as well. The speaker, who the more Homestuck-savvy people probably had some insight into, actually spoke the prologue in my mind, but I couldn't see a way to do that without people asking why the story was partly blue, with no explanation. In the redux that character does get an introduction, in a way, and this explains her commentary.

Another problem with briefness is that EQD doesn't take stories with less than 3000 pages at release and 3000 per update.
That's something I do want to aspire for, because I love me some attention. Seriously.

It's not that the story was bad. It's that I can do better, so I thought I might recycle it while it's still in the young stages, no big spoilers or anything have been released, and so on. After all, Homestuck did exactly that!
Expect a bigger, better, shinier Ponystuck sometime in the future!