
by sweetsongthepony


Worthless. Without you I feel worthless, like I have no place in this world, no place in equestria. I've had thoughts about suicide. Suicide, to be with you. You, only a dream, a vision now. It's like you never existed, in this world. World, what a cruel world. All I yearn is to be with you, you're my dream, my vision. You gave me a place in this world and now ever since you've passed, I am worthless. Worthless, with no place, what a cruel world now. All I want is you. You- you're my wish, my hope, my hunger. You're the one who gave me a place in this world, cruel world.
You were killed, sacrificed. To save ponyville. But why oh why did it have to be you? Did you volunteer, even though you knew it would break my heart, cause me pain? Or did you not know? I don't know anything anymore, exept that I'm worthless, with no place. I'm lost, with no finder, like a lock with no key. You, you Lyra are my finder are my key. Now, you're gone, lost and I am a puzzle left unsolved.
The puzzle of your death, why was it you? Why couldn't it be any other pony, anypony besides you? Why? I have no clue about anything besides you, the dream, the hope, the wish, being worthless, having no place. All I have is hate, sorrow. Nopony like you will ever come along.
I am ridden of happiness- laughter, fun. I can not replace you, nor have another friend at all. I don't even want a special somepony anymore. All I want is to be alone. Alone, with not a soul but you. To hear the gentle sounds of your lyre again to capture them forever. Forever, you shall be mine. Even if your soul does not exist in the mortal world.
They say everypony has their time, but I always thought we would die together. Together, I wish it was forever. I want to die soon, but not suicide. Suicide, brings too many rumors. Word gets around quick, suicide gives you an unwanted place.
A place, that's all I need. A place to live, a place to breathe. Memories, they stir inside me, each one a stab in the heart. I want those memories to be added to, the memories of us. Us we stood together, never separating. Ever since we met you've been by my side. I never took those memories for granite, until now. I yearn for you to be by my side again, to make more memories, memories that won't cause pain.
Pain, all I feel is pain. Without you around, pain swarms my body. I remember the good days, now they are my wish, my dream. The dream, to see you once more to say a proper goodbye. We always said that when one of us died the other would be there.
There, I wish I was there with you. It was a unicorn only mission, but you didn't have to go. You did it for me, you did it for ponyville, you did it for the best. I wish we died together, then we would be together, together forever. You were my only friend, and when you lose a friend you lose yourself. My heart, crushed the day I heard the news. Now I am worthless with no place in this world, cruel, cruel world.