Linkin Pony- Recharge

by Kaciekk

Part 15

The light reflected off the metal. The armor stood there motionless. SpinningNote had been working on them no stop for almost four days. He tried to make each suit to contribute to each pony. The five stallions looked at his armor. They have never worn anything like these. But it was mandatory if they wanted to win against Hybrids.
"These wouldn't explode, right?" FeatherTune asked.
"Why would they," Spinning sneered. "Well, For Pegasi, I haven't made any wing covers yet. I'm not sure if they would weigh you down."
HyperBlitz glanced over at his metal wing. "I'd just need one. Maybe some engines..." He suggested.
"That's a good idea, since the armor would weigh you down no mater what. Engines would help with flight."
CharmingRhythm looked at one of the armors. It had blue rims, and unlike the others, only half of the right leg was there. It was his own armor, he could tell. He studied it and looked at his refection of brown eyes.
"I still need to fix some things, but i think they'll do good. I've put some energy in them, but I need more." SpinningNote explained.
FeatherTune tilted his head. "You should put a symbol, like our cutie marks, on them somewhere."
"I thought about that." Spinning said. Then he looked at the metal in the corner. What else could he use it for? "Blazing, why would you take parts of a hybrid?"
"I thought we could use the metal." BlazingFlair told him.
"I don't think that would work. It would destroy itself from the energy, or try to control itself. I know i didn't put any in the armor. but if any of you turn into hybrids don't blame me!" Spinning called out. "It would be Blazing's fault."
Blazing then turned around and saw giant, maroon eyes gazing at him. FeatherTune gave a concerned look.
"Don't worry, I know that we couldn't turn into hybrid's." BlazingFlair assured him.

Clopping of hooves hit the dirt. BlazingFlair glanced around. He had gone outside. He didn't want to get hurt, he wore only a part of the armor, the leg covers. They felt odd, but secure. Blazing felt like he was dragging his own hooves.
He watched the ponies that were in the camp. The population seemed to be double since the last time he saw them. But That was only a few weeks ago.
BlazingFlair stepped forward slowly. Nopony noticed him. Suddenly he slipped a bit, and his armored hoof made a clank noise against the hard ground. The ponies that were closer jumped, expecting a Hybrid. Then they saw Blazing, and calmed.
He walked into the camp and looked at the ponies. They stared back. There was only silence. A long silence. Then Blazing slowly moved again, and all the ponies eyes followed him. He felt uncomfortable.
There was a little colt sitting to the side. It was sad to see him, because it look that he had no parents. He was a brown unicorn, that was very skinny and hurt.
"Hey there little guy." Blazing whispered. The colts big eyes gazed up. " Are you alone?" The colt nodded. "I'm sorry. I know lots of ponies are gone now. But look at all the ponies here. They'll be your family." The colt just looked to the ground.
BlazingFlair just backed away. He wanted to help, but it didn't seem to work. He turned around and saw a lavender Pegasus flutter down. When she landed, she looked up, and smiled.
"What are you doing here?" She asked
"I was just walking around." BlazingFlair said.
"Oh." ThunderCharm looked at his metal boots. "What are those?"
Blazing glanced down. "These are a part of armor. I'm just trying them out. SpinningNote made us armor.... so yeah. I think CharmingRhythm might want you guys to have armor too." He explained.
"That would be good, actually." ThunderCharm said. "We could all work together to make some."
"That's what CharmingRhythm wants. He wants ponies to work together so they... we can rebuild the world."
There was some silence for a moment, the ThunderCharm lit back up. " Well, I think you're awesome by the way, Blazing. May I call you 'Blazing'..."
"Of course. And thank you." He nodded.
"Really, everypony... " ThunderCharm Stopped. "Well, before all the change, everypony, and your fans always noticed HyperBlitz and CharmingRhythm more, since they are seen the most. But I want to find a reason to like all of you guys. I think your just awesome!"
"Heh. That's nice. " Blazing said softly.
"This sounds odd... But could I hug you?"
BlazingFlair paused. "I guess so. I haven't had a hug in a long time. This world needs more hugs."
Then ThunderCharm wrapped her hooves around him. "My life will not be complete until I hug all six of you." She giggled a bit.
Blazing smiled. Then they looked down and saw the little colt. His big eyes looked at them with emotion. Then BlazingFlair grabbed the colt and hugged him too. ThunderCharm put her hooves around the colt now and placed her head down. She took her wings folded them around the other ponies.
All ponies were family, in the world now at least.
"All I want to do is help, that's all anypony wants to do now." BlazingFlair said
"I'd like to hear more music!" ThunderCharm said. "I know I've asked for a lot, but some of the new ponies here wants to here music. I want something that will get ponies more active." She looked down at the little colt. "Would you like to hear a song." He nodded.
"I'd love to play for you guys. Maybe we can play something that's more up-beat. I think that will get ponies active!" BlazingFlair said.