//------------------------------// // Gelthic Relations // Story: A story of The Doctor and Daring Do // by Casey1859 //------------------------------// The TARDIS rumbled, creating a vaguely familiar sound to Daring's ears. The ground under her feet started to shake, and rumble. She fell onto her knees, her face hitting the floor. She rolled around a bit, falling off of the small platform around the console in the middle. Underneath, she found a small hammock bed hanging around the mechanics. The TARDIS stopped shaking, and Daring nervously got to her feet. She looked around. Nothing had broken, and it appeared Ditzy and the Doctor where fine as well. “Does... does that always happen?” Daring asked, beginning to feel a bit apprehensive at this pony's supposed time machine. “Yup. Go outside and look. There is a large planet out there. So much bigger than yours, and it is full of ghosts. Well, they aren't ghosts, they are technically gelth, but your planet's stereotype of a ghost came from them.” Daring looked at the Doctor, suddenly feeling extremely insignificant and, realizing just how large the universe is, stepped up to the large white doors, pushing them open with a hoof. She stepped out onto a large, blue surface. As far as she could see, there was flat, blue land, with a very small amount of greenery. Mostly due to the fact that the plants were blue. She looked around. Her heart skipped a beat. She saw a ghost! She ran back into the TARDIS, breathing heavily. “No amount of jungle temples could have prepared me for that. You know, Doctor, you can handle this one.” Daring said, trotting away from the door, towards another one, which the Doctor had told her led to a pool. And bunk beds. She trotted through the door, and closed it behind her. “Well. I suppose we will have to do without her for now. Ditzy?” The Doctor called out for Ditzy, and she appeared by his side. “Lets go.” they bumped hooves, and trotted out the front doors, appearing in a flash of light to the outside world, and closing the doors behind them. He looked up, and saw the ghost Daring had freaked out about earlier. “gelth! Come to me, so that we may parley.” He said, the ghost floating down to him. The gelth started speaking in slow, soft, echoing tones. “Come with me, so that we may speak. It is not safe out here.” The gelth started to float away, with the Doctor and Ditzy trailing behind it. “What do you mean that it isn't safe out here?” The ghost looked at the doctor, and it laughed. “Well, you must be a tourist. Our prison of highest security resides near here, and it was recently broken out of by the most wanted criminals on the planet.” The ghost replied. “Well. That's unfortunate, because I just left one of my very good friends in that box. DARIIIIIIIIING!” The Doctor turned around, galloping back the way they had come. Daring stood warily, wondering what could have shaken the TARDIS. A ghost floated through the wall. Daring thought this was extremely odd, seeing as all of the TARDIS was contained in that small blue box. The ghost floated a few inches off of the floor, and looked at Daring. It seemed to be considering her, taking her in, her form, her shape, her build. “You're just a pony, aren't you? A stupid, filthy pony.” The ghost said, disgustedly, floating toward her, towards her gaping mouth. Daring reacted just in time, dodging out of the way just in time, trying to land some form of a punch on it, but of course, her hooves just passed through it. “How....how did you get in here?” Daring asked, noting the ghosts tall, bipedal figure. “Oh, simple timelord technology. Though I am surprised to see a pony with him this time. That must be a first. He has never had a companion who wasn't a human.” “Huh? Humans? You mean those....” Daring shivered in disgust. “Odd people who live with the ponies across the ocean?” Daring had always been confused about why they even did what they did, but they were the only humans she knew of. “Sort of. They are the same race, but from different planes of existence. I don't like ponies, but that doesn't matter at the moment, I came to warn you of the convicts. No matter what race you are, you deserve warning. That shaking you felt earlier was not me. While I have held them off for a while, the convicts will be back, and they will destroy you and his machine. Heed this warning. Prepare for them, Miss Do.” The ghost floated off, out of the room she was in. “No! Wait! How did you know my name?” Daring called out to the now empty room. Daring heard the door burst open, and looked around in the room she was in for some form of a weapon. There was a frying pan underneath a pillow, which she took, and snook out of her room. She slid around the circular main room, near to the door. She hid behind a wall just beside the door, and then leapt from the wall, hitting the intruder in the head. The Doctor lay on the floor of the TARDIS, bleeding from his newly re-opened temple injury. “Oh... you aren't a ghost convict then, I guess?” Daring said, embarrassed. Ditzy face-hoofed and walked past her, reaching into a cabinet and grabbing a first-aid kit. She reached in and grabbed some bandages, and wrapped The Doctor's head in some cloth. The right side of the cloth began to soak up some of the blood, and she brought The Doctor into one of the bunk beds. She turned to Daring. “Hey, I know you didn't mean to hit Doccy on the head back there, no hard feelings. Just make sure you don't do it again, please. We can't have more scares like this.” Ditzy said, with her typical smile on her face. “Of.... of course. I was just jittery. A.... gelth? Yes, a gelth had come to warn me of gelth convicts, and I thought you may have been one of them.” Daring explained, a remorseful tone in her voice. “And you thought you could hit a ghost with a frying pan?” Ditzy asked, apprehensive. “Well, I had to try, right?” Daring replied, almost nervously. The Doctor began to rise from the floor, shaking, as he jumped to his hooves. “Pancakes! I really need to eat pancakes made with the skillet you hit me with.” The Doctor exclaimed. Daring and Ditzy laughed, falling on the floor, as the Doctor picked them back up and brought them outside. “Okay! We need to get to the gelth war-room, and fast, I think I'll just take you there with the TARDIS, and OFF we go!” The rumbling began again, not as strong this time, and Daring managed to stay on her feet. When the rumbling stopped, the Doctor hopped out of the machine and said “You. Earth. Cybermen. Rift. Now.” Many of the Gelth seemed to get the message, but were reluctant. The Doctor sighed. “Fine. What do you want?” “We wish only for you to retrieve the escaped prisoners” The Gelth who sat at a very large chair said, softly. “Oh, them? I'll get to them in a snap. I'll be right back!” The Doctor motioned to move into his TARDIS, but the Gelth stopped him with a message. “Doctor. I sense a gain. And a loss. A great impasse will be met, and overcome with the eight you come upon. Do not forget these words, Doctor.” The Gelth mysteriously sat back down, and gestured for him to be on his way. “...Right, yeah. I'll go do...that thing. That I was going to do.... Bye.” And so the Doctor set off, to find the escaped prisoners eight, and overcome the Cyber invasion.