//------------------------------// // Let the Chaos Begin // Story: Chaos in Session // by Mclovin //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Let the Chaos Begin The night was spent pretty decently for Danny and his new comrade. Although he wasn't considered a friend at all, he made good company. He's not much of a nuisance on some occasions, for the fact Discord still pulls his leg whenever he randomly feels like it. But Danny got used to it pretty effectively. He had friends like this back in California, even though Discord has crazy powers that could resemble a cartoon. Such as conjuring a rock to come to life in the shape of an elephant, or providing an expression for his starvation by showing his skeleton as if he was literally starving to death. No, Danny's friends were mostly spontaneous and funny. Anyway, Danny and Discord spent the night away while the parent was out making last minute transactions. They played some first-person shooter type games until a quarter to midnight. Danny was nailing his opponent in every single game he had, mainly because Discord was pretty new to it all. One moment during the night, Discord becomes increasingly frustrated at this game and actually transported himself into the virtual battlefield. It didn't strike Danny's attention until he was shot by a sniper several yards out by a pale looking soldier with a goatee. It kind of amazed Danny of how this demon can do all sorts of random junk that he can never describe. With the magic, the flying, and the shapeshifting. This guy was quite a riot. Discord on the other hand was rather confused at how this simple creature wasn't scared or bothered at the slightest. "I wonder why." he'd always think. By the time the moon was at its peak in the night sky, the two players decided to turn in. Danny had a spare sleeping bag in his closet, so Discord wasn't bed-less for the night. As for Danny's father, he came home and just climbed into bed. Figure, it was late and who knows what kind of business he was handling at the store. Maybe some customers that wanted some late night snacks or beer. Meanwhile, the blissful thought of sleep overtook Danny, before he finally closed his eyes. "Night, Discord." he yawned. "Good night, Danny." Discord replied exactly. The room became quiet in a matter of minutes. *** By the next morning, a loud annoying buzzing sound emitted from the bedside drawer near Danny's drowsy head. It sounded off, pulling him away from his dreamland paradise. He growled as he attempted to slam the clock, causing it to finally cease its bellowing buzzing. Danny then stretched his arms and yawned, "Mornin', dude." He didn't hear a word from his temporary roommate. He tried to call for him again, resulting the same as before. "Dude?" He shifted his head down beside his bed where he set the sleeping bag. It was completely deflated with no one inside. He was sure that he was in his bed for a moment, until thought popped into his mind. It might have been a dream all last night simulating yesterday. Figure, no other person can do all sorts of pallor tricks like any other. But having mixed thoughts disagreed with him. Interrupting his musing, Danny picked up a faint smell crawling into his nose. It smelled of eggs, toast, and... burning!? "Oh shit!" Danny reacted like a frog on a frying pan as he quickly jumped out of bed and towards the kitchen. The smell of burning became stronger as he descend down the stairs, skipping every two steps in order to reach the bottom. He finally came to the kitchen to see a puff of white hair in front of the stove. With a gushing inferno spiking out of a frying pan. "Discord!!" he shouted for the man's attention. He turned around. "Oh hi Danny, how'd you sleep?" He replied calmly. "What the hell's burning!?" Danny suddenly rushed into the kitchen. "I felt a bit peckish once again and decided to make some breakfast." He shook the pan with normal behavior, unaware of Danny's ballistic shrieking. "Dude!" Danny shouted. "You're gonna burn the whole freaking house down!!" "Oh sorry." He then snapped his fingers and the fire was instantly extinguished. "There, no fire." Discord smiled. Danny's furious rage subsided almost instantaneous. "What the hell are you cooking anyway?" he asked, simmering down his panic attack. "Just some paper I found on the table. I thought it would taste better if seasoned right." Discord replied, resulting in only confusing Danny. "Why would you eat paper?" Danny raised an eyebrow. "Not sure, but it's just delicious." Danny was even more puzzled, stunned even. At the mention of papers, he starts to think about what exact papers the demon was talking about. He then glances behind Discord and notices a loose calculator. He suspected his father must've left it there after… paying bills. "Wait, what papers?" Danny queried with worry. As Discord was still focused on his breakfast creation, he pointed Danny in the direction of the kitchen table. Right where the calculator was idly sitting. "What was on those papers?" "Geez, you're pretty nosy aren't you?" Discord mumbled. "Well if must know, I found some ridiculous numbers printed onto them." "YOU'RE EATING THE BILL!!!" Danny's voice echoed throughout the house. He feared his dad must've heard, but as memory served, his dad only left for work earlier than him. "Bill?" Discord asked. "You mean a ticket you earn when you have to pay?" He didn't seem worried, just charmingly curious. "Yes!" Danny shouted. "And now that you're eating it, my dad's gonna fucking rip my head off!!" "Not if he doesn't find out." Discord sneered. "What!?" "It's simple Danny, just lie to your father and you can get away scot free." He suggested as he threw the fried paper onto a plate of eggs and toast and walked past a dumbfounded Danny. "I can't lie to my dad." The boy sighed. "For God's sake, you can do ANYTHING. Can't you just fix the bill?" Discord sat down at the table. "I would." He stuffed a wad of documents into his mouth with a fork. "Mmm, but I am quite impressed with the taste of recorded transactions." he said mischievously with his mouth full. "UUUGGHH!!" Danny was growling with anger. At that time, how was he going to explain this to his dad? "It's okay, Danny." He huffed to himself. "He probably already paid that bill last night. Just calm down, and sort this out later." His self therapy was working when he took a deep breath to ease the irritable news. But that exercise was halted when he noticed the clock on his kitchen wall. It was ten past 8:00. He then suddenly remembered it was a school-day today, and class always began at 7:00. "Oh shit! I'm late!" Danny exclaimed and made a mad dash back to his room. Leaving Discord to plainly look at him as he continued to eat his breakfast. Danny then reached the bedroom and started to scramble faster than normal for some clothes to wear. But there was no clean clothes in his drawers or closet. He was only left with some dirty shorts and shirts splattered across his carpeted floor. The best and the only idea left from there was to make do. "Late for what?" Discord suddenly popped up in his room without walking in through the door. He sat in mid-air above Danny, still enjoying his paper meal. "Late… for school!" Danny tried to squeeze himself into his jeans. Discord jolted his head at that word. "School? Oh what a coincidence." Discord commented. "Celestia actually asked me to start there for my training." The human looked at his roommate with sudden curiosity. "Really?" Danny questioned. "What training?" "Why to practice my powers for good of course." Discord replied cheerily. Danny paused preparing his clothes. "I don't know about that, Discord." he doubted. "We might need to register you in, which might take a month or two, Plus, I've got a bad feeling that you might get us into trouble. What with you being a demon and all, they could catch us." "Oh don't worry," Discord assured, "I'll blend right in." He then ate the last of his food and snapped his fingers to send the plate away. "What with me being a human and all, I'll be just like one of you." Danny zipped up his fly on his jeans. "Listen, you're not one of us." he implied seriously. "You're just a demon man sent here to... do whatever you were told by this Celestia person. Okay? I think you should follow me and do as I say." "Fiiiine." Discord grunts displeased. "But first, may I have a bite of those papers I found in your bag? I could certainly go for some seconds." At that said, Discord eyed Danny's backpack by the bed now strapped to the human's back. "Try to and I'll send your ass back to hell." Danny deadpanned. *** The day outside was pretty decent for a rundown redneck town. The nearby trees sang with birds buried deep within them, while the clear blue sky just looked down watching the two boys exit the house. Danny locked it up with his spare key and buried it underneath the mat. His dad was usually home before he leaves, but with a turn of schedule, his dad works overtime to earn extra money for the house. A lot of it goes to mortgage but little helps with school stuff, essentials, trips, and other neat stuff to buy. But clearly, there wasn't enough to afford a better neighborhood. Danny and Discord walked idly down the sidewalk, passing the same shriveled houses that should've been condemned. Danny would always get used to it but Discord was a little appalled by such yard care. "Why do you live in such a filthy mess?" Discord spat as they continued to stroll. "Not sure," Danny shrugged, "money issues I guess." "Then how come you don't make more money?" "My dad's been busting his ass to make our lives better. I'd rather not rush him." "Well if you ask me," Discord replied, glancing at a nearby yard, "that flowerbed could use a little touch up." He then vanished from Danny's side, and reappeared in the neighbor's yard dressed like a gardener. He poured a watering can on the wilted flowers, and they quickly erected back into their original form. It would've amused the human boy, but that was too soon to call for when they immediately came to life and started snarling and growling like rabid animals. Discord then disappeared and reappeared by Danny. "There, my first good deed of the day." he mischievously smiled. "Good deed?" Danny huffed. "You just gave the neighbor his own little pests!" "Don't you love them?" Discord chimed, once again ignoring the boy. "I call them 'tantrum tulips'." Danny glared harshly at the demon man. "Oh alright." Discord grumbled and snapped his fingers, causing the devil tulips to wilt on the spot. "Happy now?" "Quite." Danny plainly replied. "And what do you mean by your good deed of the day?" "Oh I'm still practicing on how to use my powers for good, no thanks to that Celestia." Discord grouched. "Again, who's Celestia?" "What? Did I not specify when we were first introduced?" he replied sarcastically. "She is the ruler of Equestria, as I previously stated. And watches all of the land of ponies-" "Ponies?" Danny queried. "Why yes, ponies. A bunch of goody-goody equines that live together in harmony." Discord said, disgusted by the thought. Danny was rather inquisitive about this world of Discord's. Filled with ponies and a princess, living happily together. It sounded lovely, but apparently not to this guy. Discord described this world like it was a disease, and didn't want anything to do with it. "You make it sound like it sucks," Danny said. "but it actually sounds... pretty cool." "Well to the common pony yes," Discord replied, "but not to me. I'm the God of chaos, for I bring the chaos to such harmony." "Yeah I know that part. But why do you do it?" Discord paused walking, making Danny do the same. "I'm... not quite sure." Discord pondered, before shaking his head. "But I'd rather not think too much into it." He then continued walking, leaving Danny even more puzzled. "You are the weirdest S.O.B I've ever met." Danny commented. *** Within a few minutes of walking, the two gentlemen finally reached the school property. The building stood tall in the suburbs, with concrete stairs leading up to the entrance. Windows stretched high along the building, giving a peek of what the interior is like. Plus, no teacher on duty guarding the entrance, giving the two lads a slight edge at entering the building. Inside, the halls were almost empty. Just a few students wandering here and there. He could almost blend right in on his way to the councilor's office. Signing in Discord would be a cinch, but without important documents or backstory of this demon, it might not work. It did cross Danny's mind, and for that, he cursed himself for not thinking ahead. There was no turning back once the boys found the office door reading, Senior counselor, on the door. Danny then hesitantly knocked. "Yes, come in." a voice on the other side replied bleakly. Opening the door, they both are greeted by a large, hefty woman running the desk in the middle of a slightly decorated room. Her attire was just a large sweater and teacher I.D. tag naming her Franny. While her brown hair looked flat, only revealing a bun behind her head. "You're late, Mr. Gilroy." she said, looking carelessly behind her work glasses. "Yeah, I know." Danny quickly replied, hoping she wouldn't care about the tardy. "But, I'm late because I had took... register this guy." The teacher stared without care at the odd looking boy standing beside Danny. "And he wants to be a student?" She raised an eyebrow. "Uh, yes." Franny just so happened to be chewing gum, looking blankly at this demon guy. She was observing him carefully but still carelessly. After a few seconds of mild observation, she responded. "Yeah, alright." She shrugged. "Like I care about how many kids show up." Danny suddenly felt appeased at that moment. He was very much glad that she didn't bother to take a closer look. She just remained in her desk typing on the computer as the two were on stand by. "What's your name?" she asked, looking at Discord. Turns out, that moment of satisfaction didn't stay for long. Danny began to grow hysterical again, trying to devise a perfect name for Discord. With a name like that, people are bound to wonder. "Uhh... Di-Dis..." Danny stammered for a name. "Dickinson!" Discord quickly acted. "Reginald Dickinson" Danny looked at the man awestruck. "And where are you transferring from?" "Denver." said Danny. "He just transferred from... a Denver high school." "Okay, Mr. Dickinson." Franny finally replied. "Let me just find your name in the Colorado schools database, and we'll see if you're eligible." She then begins typing again. Now Danny started to really panic. It would be obvious that there isn't a student in Denver by the name of Reginald Dickinson. Looking beside himself, his friend was completely unfazed by such worriment. "Dude!" Danny whispered to Discord while the councilor was distracted. "Don't just sit there! Do something!" "About what?" Discord asked. "Your name! Put your name on the list that pops on that computer!" At that said, the teacher has already found the website. "Hurry!" Discord sighed. "Oh fine." he grumbled. Then snapped his fingers, reassuring Danny that the deed was done. Now all he had to do is wait nervously for the teacher. "Let's see... Dick, Daniel, Davidson... Ah here we are." The councilor finally spoke. "Reginald Dickinson." Danny took a deep breath when she finally found the name. He then turned to Discord and nodded with respect, while he just replied sticking his tongue out. "Now I need to see your papers, Mr. Dickinson." Franny asked. "Oh, come on!" Danny exclaimed in his thoughts. "Uh, what papers?" "The documents telling me whether this kid can join or not." "Oh, those papers." Discord once again interrupted. "They are right here." He then pulls out a folder from his back out of nowhere. "Thank you, Reginald." Franny neglectfully replied. She grabbed the folder and opened it, revealing a collage of pictures and papers, describing Discord's unusual hobbies. "Let's see…" SHe began to scrutinize the folder. "You're captain of the water ski club, honor roll, state basketball championship…" Danny was bewildered by his friend's portfolio. "You've served in the military, you've won the national chess team, and... worked at a soup kitchen." Franny continued, slightly puzzled as much as Danny. "How many papers does this guy have?" Danny thought to himself. "Uh, okay Mr. Dickinson." The councilor evidentially finished her inspection. "Welcome to Chesterville High, we hope you enjoy your year." She didn't seem fazed by the strange boy's documents, leaving Danny relaxed once again. "Thank you very much, Miss Franny." Discord got up from his seat and bowed like a gentleman. "Here's your schedule." Franny gave Discord his class schedule. "Since you're late for first period, just go to second and begin your classes." "Okay, well thanks again, Miss." Danny hastily replied while tugging at Discord's sleeve. "Hey watch the coat, mortal." Discord hissed at the human. Danny produces a fake laugh. "Haha, good one, Reggie. No more fantasy games for you." The two eventually walk out the room, leaving the councilor bleakly wondering. "Okay, you're in." Danny whispered by the office door. "Now you can be one of us." "Oh splendid." Discord replied sarcastically. "Now I can learn how to be a useless monkey in order to be fully reformed." "Hey, cheer up dude." the teenager patted Discord's back and smiled assuringly. "You'll do fine. Just follow me, and you can be reform in no time." All was finally well between the teens until an unexpected shriek blasts out of the door. Then the sounds of paper scuffling furiously was present within the office. Danny and Discord quickly peaked inside to see Franny trying to rid away of a swarm of flying folders and sheets of paper. "No! Get away!" Franny cried, flapping her arms at the ghostly papers. Danny was left astonished before he bit his lip and pulled back, slowly closing the door. He then look over at the likely suspect that caused all this. The demon only replied with his signature smug with his arms crossed. "I have a feeling this school is going to be fun." Discord mischievously chimed.