Equestria All Talk XLR

by WingzBolt45

Pinkie Pie

VINYL SCRATCH: Good evening Equestria! I'm Vinyl Scratch and welcome to the first ever station that brings the joy to us


This! is Equestria all talk Station XLR! Today for our first interview we have the pony that brings joy to us all. This pony has

helped defeat 2 evils in 2 years, this! is Pinkie pie! Hello Pinkie and welcome to the show.

PINKIE PIE: Oh! My pleasure. I mean are you exited? Because I'm exited! I've never been this exited! Well

there was that time when I went (Gasp) But who could ever top that?

VINYL SCRATCH: I..guess your right Pinkie. Anyway so how have you been?

PINKIE PIE: I've been doing great. I mean after meeting Twilight things have just gotten funner.. Is that even a real word?

VINYL SCRATCH: I have no idea Pinkie but lets get going shall we?

PINKIE PIE: Your right!

VINYL SCRATCH: So i hear your modding the ol' party cannon am I right?

PINKIE PIE: You sure are! It can shoot laser lights now for a PAR-TAY type thing now.

VINYL SCRATCH: Is that so? At least I now know who to look to if I need some laser lights for future DJ'ing.

PINKIE PIE: Your right on that one!

VINYL SCRATCH: So I heard through the grapevine that you have a love interest in mind. Is it true or false?

PINKIE PIE: Oh it's a hundred percent true!

VINYL SCRATCH: Do you mind if i ask? or just hold off on it?

PINKIE PIE: Oh you can ask all you want Vinyl.

VINYL SCRATCH: Is the pony a mare or a colt?

PINKIE PIE: A mare my friend!

VINYL SCRATCH: Wow! Things have gotten real interesting now! Whats her name Pinkie?

PINKIE PIE: Her name is Rainbow dash!

VINYL SCRATCH: Rainbow dash? You mean element of loyalty Rainbow dash?

PINKIE PIE: That's her.

VINYL SCRATCH: WOW! I mean wow. I never knew you had a thing for her. I just thought that you would have been into

someone else, you know because of the stuff she's done.

PINKIE PIE: And that what I love about her! Her overabundant enthusiasm, always wanting to help me with things I have

in mind, you know.

VINYL SCRATCH: Yeah I know. So how has everything else been? I've heard you got a brother and sister now.

PINKIE PIE: Your right! Their just so cute.

VINYL SCRATCH: So what are their names Pinkie?

PINKIE PIE: Their names are Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.

VINYL SCRATCH: Well ain't that cute. Anyway we gotta take a break. We'll be right back after a word from our sponsors.

(4 minutes later)

VINYL SCRATCH: And were back with your host Vinyl Scratch and here with me still is Pinkie pie who was just a moment

ago telling me about how the trip to Canterlot was a few weeks ago.

PINKIE PIE: Well the trip was fun, except since we had to looks for Applejack it just got difficult to have fun.

VINYL SCRATCH: So I heard about the outburst you have about your Pinkie promise.

PINKIE PIE: Yeah "Whew" was that bad!

VINYL SCRATCH: I also heard you turned into the devil for a few minutes is it true?

PINKIE PIE: Oh is it ever true! I mean I had never had an outburst like that since I lived on the rock farm.

VINYL SCRATCH: Wow! That long ago huh?


VINYL SCRATCH: Hmm. Well I thank you for coming in Pinkie.

PINKIE PIE: Oh no problem Vinyl. Anytime.

VINYL SCRATCH: Well that was Pinkie Pie everypony! Craziest pony in Ponyville let me tell ya! its now 12:30 And here's

what's going on In Equestria. Our top story today:

The Princess had had a little outburst this morning after her sister attempted to use her magic on an apple to

make apple juice and lets just say it never turned out well. No damage resulted, but Luna might be on the moon for a few

more years. Octavia; Former Musician for the Canterlot Orchestra was recently kidnapped from her home in Manehatten,

The MPD has ordered a full search and as of yet no evidence has been found. Octavia we hope you get found soon. Our

final news story comes to us straight from Cloudsdale where just moments ago 7 Pegasi were arrested after Guards had

found out the Rainbow factory had been killing Pegasi and turning them into rainbows for failing their flight test. No word

as of yet who the leader is but all hooves are pointing to Spitfire since a few weeks ago she was fuming after an

Interviewer had brought up inappropriate Information about the grand galloping gala and her quote was this: "Stop

harassing me about the "Content Deleted" Gala. What happened there is not Important, and if I had the power, I would

have killed you if I had the "Content Deleted" Chance you "Content Deleted" "Content Deleted" " We tried to arrange an

interview with her but unfortunately she has been unable to reach as of this point. We will keep you updated with further

Information as it develops.

In sports the Ponyville Packers had won against the Manehatten Busters at 5-3 in the

EFL good job guys. News coming from the EHL That the Canterlot glowers had won against the Phillydalphia Flyers

10-3 and taking home the Celestia Gold Cup for the 5th time. And finally the Canterlot Rodeo had suffered a terrible blow

after their 5 year champion Applejack had broke her left hoof on the final match placing her 4th in the Rodeo.

In weather Cloudsdale is saying that tomorrow Equestria can expect a lot of sun so don't forget the sun lotion

cause' it will be a duzy.

On Monday rain will be expected over Canterlot since they have been having a sort of small drought problem.

Thank Celestia it's gonna clear up soon. Were now in the final stretch for the night so we thank you for tuning in. And we

hope you will tune in bright and early at 6:30. Have pleasant dreams and now we leave you with the Equestrian National

Anthem to tune out the night. The time is 1:30 am good night Equestria I'm Vinyl Scratch and I'll see you all in
