//------------------------------// // Arrival // Story: The Love of a Shooting Star // by duncan2817 //------------------------------// Chapter 1 Fluttershy was feeding the chickens when Angel dashed up to her and pulled on her tail. “What’s wrong Angel?” Angel pointed toward the Everfree Forest , flapped his arms furiously and fell over. “A Bird fell out of it’s nest?” Angel shook his head no and pointed at her. “A Pegasus fell out of the sky?” Angel nodded and started toward the forest Fluttershy followed. As they got to the edge of the forest Fluttershy saw the Pegasus his grey coat and flame red hair were covered in dirt. She was relieved where she noticed he was breathing calmly but still unconscious. Now she just had to find a way to move him. She wasn’t exactly the strongest pony fortunately a voice in the distance gave her an idea.” “Fluttershy!” it was Twilight she had forgotten all bout the tea she was bringing her to try. “Angel can you bring Twilight here please?” the bunny nodded and dashed off. As she looked him over she didn’t notice any major injuries. She also didn’t recognize him his cutie mark looked like a falling star. A few seconds later Angel returned with Twilight right behind him. “What happened? Is he ok?” Twilight asked looking over at the Pegasus. “I don’t know Angel found him. He doesn’t seem to be hurt just unconscious. Do you think you can help me bring him to my cottage? If that’s ok with you.” “Of course,” Twilight lifted him in a lavender magic bubble “I’m just glad it’s not too serious. When I saw Angel come from this direction and all panicked I thought something terrible happened to you. Do you know who he is?” “No I’ve never seen him before. I don’t think he’s from Ponyville.” “Well let’s get him inside and I’m sure he will be able to tell us who he is and where he’s from when he wakes up. They walked into Fluttershy’s cottage and Twilight set the injured Pegasus on the couch. Twilight went toward the kitchen to make the tea she had brought for them. Fluttershy got a blanket and cover the Pegasus with it. It was strange even though she didn’t know him something about that cutie mark seemed familiar to her. Twilight was returning with the tea as the Pegasus began to wake. “Ouch.” he rubbed his head with his hoof. “That is the last time I try that.” “Are you ok?” Fluttershy asked. “I think so” he opened his eyes and looked around. “Where am I?” “This is my home. My name is Fluttershy and this is Twilight Sparkle.” “Hi. My name’s Shooting Star and exactly where are we? Cause last thing I remember was trying to save Feather and Sparks after they fell off a cliff next thing I know I wake up here.” “Oh my. I knew that cutie mark looked familiar, but you can’t be Shooting star. He disappeared a long time ago.” Fluttershy was worried. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked as Shooting Star looked at her puzzled. “Well when Pegasi first started a weather team in Ponyville they could only send one out here. It turned out that one was all they needed. Shooting Star handled all the weather in Ponyville by himself for a whole year. Then one day he was clearing the clouds and two unicorn fillies were playing and fell off the cliff he dove down after them but just before he could get to them the screaming unicorns suddenly appeared on the end of the cliff. No one knows exactly what happened but they never saw Shooting Star again.” “Umm” Shooting Star started giggling “Exactly whose stupid idea for a prank was this. Cause that’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard. “ “Maybe we should tell Princess Celestia. I’m sure she could figure out what happened.” “This just keeps getting better. Why would the Princess even talk to you?” he asked. “Because I’m here faithful and loyal student.” “Well I suppose that would make sense, but why are you in Ponyville and not Canterlot.” “That’s kind of a long story but the short version is I wanted to stay with my friends in Ponyville after the summer sun celebration and she let me.” “Umm excuse me but maybe we should go to town and have you checked out. If that’s ok.” “I suppose that’s a good idea my right wing does feel a little stiff.” Star got off the couch and followed Twilight and Fluttershy out the door. The walk to town was quite but when they got there Fluttershy and Twilight noticed a change in Shooting Star’s demeanor. The whole trip he seemed normal but when they got to town his head suddenly dropped. Then right before they got to the doctor’s he stopped. Twilight and Fluttershy turned around and notice a tear in his eye. “It’s all true.” he pointed at the town hall “They were still were only half way done with that yesterday. There’s no way they could have gotten that done it one day. Not to mention the fact that there are at least twice as many ponies and buildings here. How could this have happened?” “I’m guessing the unicorn’s you were trying to save were so scared they lost control of their magic.” Twilight answered “It’s been know to happen never anything like this though. I’m sorry.” “If it’s ok I’d like to see the doctor by myself. Thank you.” Shooting Star walked into the office. “Do you think he will be ok?” Fluttershy asked. “I don’t know. He’s lost a lot of time. I’m sure it’s a shock suddenly being dropped into the future.” “Hey Fluttershy, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash called out as she landed next to Fluttershy, “Everything all right?” Twilight explained to Rainbow Dash everything that had happened. Of course Dash thought they were pulling her leg until Star came out of the office cleaned up with a wrap around his right wing. He seemed a little less depressed than when he entered and turned his attention to Rainbow Dash. “You must be Fluttershy’s friend Rainbow Dash. My name’s Shooting Star.” “Wow. It’s really you. You were one of the first Wonderbolts.” she said in awe. “Wait how did you know my name?” “The color kind of your mane gave it a way, but how did you know that I was only a Wonderbolt for six months before I disappeared.” “Rainbow is a big Wonderbolts fan. She even went to the Academy.” Twilight replied. “Academy? Wow didn’t think it would be that big a deal. When we started it was just something we planned to do for the summer sun celebration. We never thought it would be that big. I do like that they stuck with the name I suggested” He started to smile. “How’s your wing?” Fluttershy asked. “It’ll be fine by tomorrow. Anyone know of a place I don’t have any money but I’ll be more than happy to work for some one.” “What about AJ’s? She could use some help while Big Macintosh is in Appaloosa.” Rainbow Dash suggested. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask.” Twilight replied “let’s go to Sweet Apple Acres and see what she says.” “Sweet Apple Acres? The Smith family is still here? I helped with the apple bucking once in awhile.” Star Stood there with a grin. “Actually it’s the Apple family now. So you probably know Granny Smith then don’t you? Green pony with an apple pie cutie mark.” Twilight asked as she started towards Applejack’s with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy followed after. “My word. Wait till she sees me this is going to be hilarious.” he chuckled following behind them.