A Ruined Mind

by fire64

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

The carriage seemed to go unnoticed as it rolled into the town of Briarwood late one starry night. This place was once under total control of the Lunar Republic. But now the banners that once hung from every building as well as the statue of Nightmare Moon that stood tall in the town center, have been removed. The war had ended barely a month after the dark mare was banished. The surviving forces of the Lunar Republic had no choice but to disband and return to their homes. Those of higher rank that were entrusted with the task of keeping the republic alive, were quickly hunted down and killed. Only few were able to escape.

Oxalis having found a small republic camp not too far from the fortress in the Everfree forest, was able to take refuge until things calmed down. Once they finally did, she and the other soldiers in the camp began boarding carriages to be taken to their home towns. The yellow mare was pacing around the camp when she heard a familiar voice.

“It must be my lucky day! I didn’t think you’d survive to see the end. And here I am about to give you a ride home.”

It was Scyther an acquaintance from their early training days in the LR boot camp. Oxalis gave a faint semblance of a smile and responded.

“I always told you that I’d surpass your expectations.”

“And so you did. I guess you’re no longer the frail, quiet filly that could barely run a lap. Then again, you always were very determined. Well we better be on our way if we hope to stay on schedule. So hop aboard and lets continue catching up during the ride,” replied Scyther.

Oxalis climbed into the back of the carriage. Once she was securely on board Scyther and his partner, began pulling the cart. It took two days and three nights for them to reach Briarwood. They only traveled in the cover of the night for they feared what would happen if the Equestrian army were to spot them. The three kept each other entertained with conversation. No one brought up the war. Oxalis enjoyed hearing the interesting stories of Zeta, Scyther’s partner. She especially loved hearing about his childhood for it brought back the happier memories of hers. But just like all good things, the trip had come to an end. They had finally reached Briarwood.

“Well…guess this our stop,” announced Scyther with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Although she was reluctant to do so, Oxalis got out of the carriage and walked over to her companions. The black sky was lit with stars and the wind howled in the night.

“So I guess this is it,” remarked Oxalis as she reached the two soldiers.

“Yep, end of the line. Its been fun though,” replied Scyther.

“It was nice meeting and traveling with you,” Zeta added.

Oxalis’s heart was beginning to fill with sadness. But nevertheless she held back her tears and responded.

“Yes, it was quite and enjoyable ride. I wish I had some money to pay you with, but I guess my thanks will have to do for now.”

“Of course, we weren’t planning on making you pay anyway. The trip is paid for by the LR and the entertainment, well that’s on the house,” replied Scyther, with a grin on his face.

The three Ponies laughed. It made Oxalis happy to laugh again. But they had to quickly hush each other for they didn’t want to wake the town with their giggling. After a few minutes of silence Oxalis chimed in.

“Well then, I bid you both farewell. May the rest of your life bring you good fortune.”

“May it be the same for you. Goodbye,” Scyther responded.

“So long,” added Zeta

The two colts raised their right arms in salute. Oxalis followed up with one of her own. Her two friends rode out into the darkness of the night. The yellow mare did not move until they were out of sight. She shivered as the cold breeze blew around her. Oxalis started to make her way home. The mare desperately needed to sleep in a bed, especially her own after such a long time.

Oxalis walked, shivering down the dirt path of the town. She used the light of the street lanterns to make her way. She passed by so many familiar places. Oxalis saw the bakery, the library, the general goods store and even the abandoned mineshaft that she was never allowed to go near. Old memories began to flow through her mind in a wave. Tears threatened to break out from her eyes, but the mare held them back once more.

Oxalis came upon her old school, she stopped walking. The mare stood there, observing the small fenced in field that was once her playground. She began to remember that horrid day. When it happened… when they told her. The mare shook her head.

“No. I mustn’t think of that, not now,” Oxalis whispered to herself as she turned away from the school and continued down the path.

Finally after what seemed like forever, Oxalis reached her old home. The outside was the same as she remembered leaving it. The mare was surprised by the great state her home appeared to be in. She walked up to the front door and reached out for the handle. Oxalis hesitated, pulled her hoof back and looked down at the ground. The tears had forced their way through and were now dripping from her eyes. She took a deep breath and quickly swung open the door.

It was pitch black inside and Oxalis could not see a thing. She picked up a box of matches that laid atop a small table next to the door. The mare pulled out a match and struck it against the side of the box, causing it to ignite. Oxalis used the match to light a candle which was snug in its holder. Once she had it burning, Oxalis put out the match, picked up the holder with the candle in it and walked up to her room. As she ascended the stairs, Oxalis couldn’t help but notice the abundance of dust that covered the inside of the house. She would have to clean it tomorrow for now she needed her rest. Oxalis reached her bedroom and put the candle down atop her nightstand.

The mare picked up a photo of herself and her parents and examined it. It was from when she was just a little filly, only seven years old. It hurt her to see the smiling face of her past self, but it hurt even more to see the smiles of her parents. Oh how she missed them. Oxalis quickly put the photo down, as to resists the shedding of anymore tears. She cleaned her bed of as much dust as she could. The mare then lifted the covers, slid into bed and laid her head on the soft pillow. Oxalis closed her eyes and within seconds, she was asleep.

Oxalis suddenly opened her eyes, only to see she wasn’t in her bed. She quickly jumped to her hooves and looked around. She was surrounded by total darkness, except for the glowing candle that lay on the ground beside her. She started breathing heavily, looking frantically around her. The mares eyes were wide open with fear.

“W-what is this place?”

There was no answer, she wasn’t expecting one. Just then she heard a loud snap and saw a silhouette run through the shadows. Oxalis fell to the ground, startled.

“Who’s there!?” .

Then she saw it again, in the distance it eerily stood.

“Who are you?” she asked.

The figure gave no response, but it began moving closer to Oxalis. It stopped only a few feet away from the yellow mare. Oxalis could still only see but a shadow, so she decided to pick up the candle beside her. The mare slowly walked closer to the figure. It only took a few steps before she could finally get a better view in the light…she screamed.

Oxalis stumbled backwards in shock, only to bump into another creature. She screamed once more and as she did the monster let out a deafening high pitched screech. More of them started to appear out, shambling of the darkness. All sharing the same deformities. Some of their bodies were contorted and they twitched spasmodically as they moved. However, it was now clear to Oxalis that these were Ponies.

Join us,” moaned the twisted creatures.

Oxalis was in too much shock to respond. As they closed in on her, she shut her eyes tightly and began to cry. The sound of the moving hooves stopped and the mare opened her eyes. They stood around, all staring at one colt who had its back to her. Oxalis was relieved to see that it was Lysar, clad in his armor. She shouted to him.


She got to her hooves and quickly spun him around. Her heart stopped… he was one of them. Now face to face with one, Oxalis, could see the true horrors in these creatures. Its face was deformed and rotted. Maggots crawled out of its skin and its empty eye sockets. Its breath reeked of death, which caused the mares nose to crinkle up. Decay exposed many of its innards, it was obvious that this wasn't the friend the mare once knew. Oxalis pushed the abomination out of the way and began to sprint into the everlasting darkness, but it was of no use. The twisted Lysar appeared in front of her and grabbed her by the neck. She screamed for a third time.

Oxalis woke up in a startle and flung herself up from her bed. She came face to face with Lysar once more. He flung himself at her, screeching as he did. Oxalis squealed, falling backwards in fear. The mare rolled off her bed, bashing her head against the nightstand. She hit the floor with a thud. The last thing Oxalis heard before losing consciousness was a rapid knocking at her door.