//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: New Ponies on the Block // by Aquarius //------------------------------// ==============When we last left our trio of mistfits the guys have found themselves in the middle of a thunder storm after..... oh flank this im not getting paid enough for this narrating trash *angry footsteps followd by a slam* ================= Sugercube cornar is pack full of ponies as the sound of thunder and strong wind is heard loudly outside while all the ponies inside talk amongst themselves many concerned and worryed while at the at the far side of the main room at a table is Scales and Fishcord. _____________________ "*ugh* its been hours when is this flanking storm going to be over with" Scales complained as he layed his head down on the table with a bored expression on his face. "it's umm..... only been thirty minutes" Fishcord Stated quietly with his head lowerd so he wouldent be able to make eyecontact with anyone. "yeah well the wait is still killing me" Scales says with a annoyed tone of voice with his front hooves placed on the table "dident Aquarius say he'd be back with information about what's going on?" He asked Fishcored who looking around the table. "no need to wonder any futher" Aquarius exclaimed as joined the two at the table with a mug glowing light blue floating next to him "for I return with news from the front my good comrades" he stated with a Russian accent as he sets himself between Fishcord and Scales and then took a sip out of his mug "man this is good choco" "oh joy, cant wait to here what new's Mr' Perfect brings" Scales said sarcasticly as Aquarius's mug floated onto the table. "now now Scales you know good and well that now is not the time to speek the truth about me" Aquarius said with his right hoof over his chest as if making a dramatic pose Before continueing "Anyway as i was saying while getting some hot co co iv heard that the storm has become to violent for any pegasus above or below the clouds to attempt to stop it and th.." before Aquarius could finnish what he was saying the sound of loud thunder startled everyone followed by the light's of the building going out leaving everything pitch black. "well this is just perfect" Scales said sarcasticly "its just like the cave all over again" "no need for your negativity Sc....." Aquarius stoped talking suddanly which was followd by the sound of a facepalm "i just realized we left the flashlight back at the cave" he whispered. "well thats just PEACHY, so we just stand here in the dark then" Scales said with anger when suddanly the room starts to light deffrent colors as the horns of unicorns around them start to glow brightly. "Apparently not" Fishcored said quitly while hiding below the table. Aquarius's hat glowed light blue "no way im taking this hat off" Aquarius then turned around to find Rainbow Dash face to face with him. "Is it true?" Rainbow Dash said in the demanding tone. "is what tr.." "The rumor thats going around, is it true" Rainbow Dash said more assertively cutting off Aquarius. Aquarius just stood there as if in a staring contest with her before he slowly raised his hoof slightly "if the rumer was true then would I really be the best pony to ask?" he replied Rainbow Dash just stood there as if unable to reply when she looked tords Scales breifly before turning around and walking away. "What was um.... that about Strange?" Fishcord asked Aquarius while still hiding under the table. "no time to explain" Aquarius said as he turnd his attention back tords the table lowering his head while motoning for the other two to do the same as he wispers "we need to discuss how we are going to fix this mess Scales made" "me?, what makes you think i had anything to do with this?" Scales asked only to receive accusing looks from Fishcord and Aquarius. "you was the one in the sky the hole time" Aquarius said plainly. "and you um... was out of control with your flying" Fishcord said quietly. "wait you think i caused all this with my flying?" Scales said while he rubbed his chin with his left hoof "then wait that means that its Aquarius's fault to begging with" Scales said accusingly. "now's not the time to be umm..... placing blame here" Fishcord said loud enough for Scales and Aquarius to hear "we need to um.... make things right by...."Fishcord fell silent to shy to continue. Aquarius looked at Fishcord then to Scales "mohawk colt is right, if were gonna fix your mess then we need to stop this bickering and do something" Aquarius then layed his right hoof on the table. "as a team" Scales looked at Aquarius before nodding his head and also placing his right hoof on the table "as a team" Fishcord also placed his right hoof on the table without hisitation "as a team" the three of them noded there heads at eatchother before taking there hooves off of the table "but umm.... how could Scales do this without knowing it?" Fishcord asked Aquarius. "zi have ar theory but zit might be ar little far fetched" Aquarius said with a germen Accent. ________meanwhile_______ Applejack was with Rainbow Dash at the other side of the room looking at Aquarius, Fishcord and Scales. "so what ya think of the middle on with the hat" Applejack asked Rainbow Dash "ya did talk to him didn't ya" "he's seams a little to sneaky" Rainbow Dash replied "and i dont care what he say's i know that jerk is the one that messed up the cloud's" Applejack looks at Rainbow Dash trying to keep herself from chuckling "so you do belive in the rumor" _________________________ "ok dose everyone know there part in the plan" Aquarius said looking at his two friends. "yes, no wait... please explain again" Scale said with a dumbfounded look on his face. "oh for the love of Philosophy" Aquarius brought his right hoof to his forehead shaking his head "ok i.ll explain this one and only ONE more time" Aquarius points to his right hoof to Scales "Scales your job is to get rid of the clouds in the sky useing the same method you used to make the storm" Aquarius then pointed at Fishcord "and your job is to make shure that Scales gets to a tree safely" Aquarius then looked at the two of them casually "so you both have the easy job" "and just what will you be doing" Scales asked Aquarius with a questioning look on his face. "simple my good friend, i.ll be making shure that no one notices your gone" Aquarius said plainly as both Scales and Fishcord give him a blank look "and dont you worry this should be as easy as making pie" __________________________ "easy as making Pie he said, wont be any trouble at all he said" Scales said with anger as he push's a cart with Fishcord threw ponyvile agianst the gushing wind and heavy rain. "it is not so bad when you think about it" Fishcored said with a smile on his face "at least we have this large cart to use as a shield for the wind" Scales Looked at Fishcored from the corner of his eye ,Fishcored talking without pause is probably the scaryist thing i.ll ever hear, he thought to himself as he turned his attention back to pushing the cart "i hope Aquarius enjoys his part of the job" he then said sarcastically. ___________meanwhile________ "lets party!" Pinkie Pie shouted while throwing confetti in the air as the entire main room of sugarcube corner was full of dancing ponies and music. While all the ponies were dancing and having a party a two ponies were talking amongest themselves "so did you hear about that rumor going around?" a aqua blue mare with a pink mane asked the others" "no but iv been hearing everypony talking about it" replied a pink mare with a aqua blue mane. the aqua blue mare looked around before leaning close to the pink mare "well it turns out that there is a newcomer from far away who fell for Rainbow Dash at first sight and tryed to outfly her to pronounce his love for her" "*oh* my i wonder who would start such a rumer" the pink mare asked while from behind the two Aquarius was casually troting past them whistling to himself while his hat glowed along with a glowing mug that is floating next to him. Aquarius was walking around the place aimlessly while looking around ,looks like my plan to cover Scales and Fishcored with a party from Pinkie Pie was successfull, he thought to himself when he suddanly bumped into someone from the front "sorry i dident see you there" Aquarius looked down to see who it was and found that it was both Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "would ya mind coming with us?" Applejack said while looking at Aquarius questionably. "yeah we got a few quistons for you" Rainbow Dash said while flying above Applejack and looking down at Aquarius. Aquarius looked up at Rainbow Dash and then down at Applejack before standing there motionless as he took a sip out of his mug ,why dose Scales get all the fun, he thought to himself while he took another sip out of his mug ,man this is good choco, ___________meanwhile____________ "have i ever told you how much i hate Aquarius!" Scales yelled tords Fishcord as they made there way up a steep hill with trees agianst the wind and rain. "about seven times now" Fishcored said as he made his way up the hill ahead of Scales "you gonna hurry up or do i have to drag you up here" "*geez* hold on im on my way" Scales called out to Fishcored as they made there way to the top of the mounting the wind blowing in Scales and Fishcords mane as the two make there way to a single tree on the hill "ok so how we gonna ...." before Scales could finnish his sentence the sound of bark snapping came to his ears as he turnd to face the tree and saw it bent to the ground with Fishcored holding the tip of the tree to the ground with both hooves "Fishcored how th..." "no time to explain just get on this thing and get ready to fly" Fishcored yelled at Scales cuting him off "just like Aquarius said were gonna use the wind to throw you like a cannon ball agiant the storm from there its all up to you" Scales hesitantly looked at the tree and then at fishcored before giving a daring smile on his face. ____________meanwhile__________ Aquarius was with Rainbow Dash and Applejack far away from the other Ponies who were still partying to keep there minds off the storm. "So Aquarius Strange if that is your real name" Rainbowd Dash said to Aquarius while slowly flying around him when she suddanly brought her face close to his "were you from?" Aquarius kept calm as he stayed silent while staring Rainbow Dash down before finaly saying "Hoofingard" Aquarius kept his eyes stright and unblinking. "and were in tarnations is that?" asked Applejack as she also got close to Aquarius's face. "its just a small lilttle Village far up north outside of equestria, its not a wonder you never heard of it" Aquarius answered plainly. "yeah well why are you here in ponyvile" Rainbow Dash asked assertively. "because me and my friends left Hoofingard to go adventuring and discover new things and we just happened to drop by" Aquarius also answerd plainly ,sometimes i hate being the only one competent enough to do this, he thought to himself ____________meanwhile__________ "I hate my life" Scales yelled as he was flying at high speeds threw the sky keeping keeping his eyes closed ,why did i even agree to this, he thout as he flew closer to the storm ,just gotta open your eyes comon you can do it, he told himself in his head as just when he was about to enter the storm he opened his eyes wide and suddanly barrel rolled to the left dodging a thunderbolt that was close to hitting him. ,i can do this, thought Scales as he flew into the storm like a cannon with his eyes narrowd in determination as he spun himself repeatedly till he left the storm cloud threw the other side in a whirlwind cleaving the storm in half when he then turned around in the air and dove stright back towards the storm ,i can do this, _____________________ Aquarius was hiding behind a counter kneeling to the ground. ,finaly i got away from those two, he thought to himself as he leaned up to peek over the counter only to make eye contact with a grey pegasus with a yellow mane and yellow eyes that were cross eyed. "Muffins?" the gray poney asked Aquarius. Aquarius just stared at her baffeld at what to say "umm.... i think theres a rainbow pony around here whos giving away a free muffin" Aqaurius watched as the grey pegasus gasped and then flew away "well now..... that happend" "hey everypony the storms gone!" Twilight yelled out to the the others with joy which was then followd with the others soon crying out with joy and then making there way outside leaving Aquarius alone in the room still behind the counter "well now.... that also happend" ______________________ Aquarius was steping outside of sugarcube corner and saw Fishcord and a dizzy Scales with a bucket ahead of him. "Scales, fishcored you guys did it" Aquarius said with joy as he made his way to his friends and then saw how sick Scales looked "um... are you alright Scales?" "*ugh*" was all that Scales could moan out when he then quickly garbed the bucket next to him and then threw up in it before fainting to the ground leaving Aquarius and Fishcord to just look at him motionless on the ground. "um.... im sure hes fine" Fishcord said quietly.