//------------------------------// // What the Doctor did. // Story: A story of The Doctor and Daring Do // by Casey1859 //------------------------------// The Doctor continued walking, down the factories, through the machines, ponies breaking off from the crowd into different sections, screaming as their ear-buds were torn off in the machines and coming back to consciousness right before having it ripped, dripping from the womb that is their skull. He kept walking, getting more worried by the second. As he neared the end of the conversion rooms, he saw somepony. Somepony who he hoped he would never, ever see again. This pony recognized him, and knew, unlike any of the cyber guards, that he had no real ear-buds in. The doctor casually took out his ear-buds. He gestured to them. “Still fit a pony, eh?” he mentioned, a light tone about his voice. “You sicken me. After all this time, now I've accomplished all this, you still come back. To what? Grovel at my feet?” The pony smirked, laughing victoriously as she stood over her prey. “Well, actually, when I saw a large sign that said “CyberPony conversion center” on a large, totally inconspicuous castle, I just had to be at least mildly curious, right, old friend? And still, even after accomplished so much, you regenerated as a mare. How utterly fitting.” The Doctor retorted. “I have created the most powerful army in Equestria! These ponies are so stupid, they'll just walk into any kind of trap so long as they get their technology. These foolish ponies, they sicken me. It's a shame I have to be one of them. CyberPonies, you know what to do, and make sure the only thing that comes back is his corpse” The CyberPonies sprung at the Doctor, most flying at him with their wings. The Doctor hoped and prayed, looked back, and saw that he conveniently had wings. He thanked Celestia, and the lazy gods of continuity. He flew off and began dodging the Cyberponies that were coming at him left, right, and center. He dodged one, two, and three CyberPonies. He lashed out at the pony standing on the large throne at the back edge of the wall. A CyberPony pushed him back, forcing him to take wing and fly away. He dashed out of the castle, through the halls, and up the oddly steep slope that made the entrance to the castle. CyberPonies flew after him, chasing him up the hill and through the forest. As he flew, he saw an extremely large sign for the deadly ear-buds. How ironic. The doctor thought, as he flew almost right into the sign, before taking a steep dive towards the ground. He looked up, noticing that the CyberPonies had all crushed themselves from flying so fast onto the sign. “Why aren't you using direct quotes, girls?” You proceed to have a conversation we read not all that long ago. It went mostly like this. “Muffins. Yes. Muffins. No. Hey, let's all pass out.” A lot of people passed out and woke up. And here is where we begin. The doctor, having just entered the muffin shop, smelled that familiar metallic scent of blood. He walked in, seeing a completely normal CyberPony working behind the counter. He mentally facehoofed, thinking to remind the “utmost ruler of Equestria” of how to be subtle. He walked up to the counter, and asked if there was anything suspicious happening. In response, the CyberPony electrocuted the Doctor unconscious, and dragged his limp body down into the cellar. As he awoke, the brutal sounds of machinery and screams filled his ears. He gazed around, his foggy vision coming into focus. He blinked. His vision continued to clear up, revealing a large room, inside of which he felt as if he were deep below the crust of Equestria. He wobbled onto his hooves, his head throbbing in pain. He touched his hoof to his temple. A small dribble of blood was dripping down the side of his face. It dripped onto the floor, making a loud splashing sound, falling into a puddle where the other drips had dropped. Suddenly, he felt light-headed, and stumbled back down to the floor. He once again lost consciousness. He awoke once more to the sound of marching, and saw many CyberPonies marching into an elevator, which presumably took them up to the surface. Why does Equestria have to have such sturdy elevators? And signs, for that matter. The doctor thought to himself, pretending to still be unconscious. When all of the CyberPonies had gone up the elevator, he got in, and soniced the elevator to make it go faster. It zoomed up the shaft, arriving at the first floor of the muffin shop. The doctor realized he hadn't even taken the time to look around the large cave he had been situated in. Oh well he thought to himself,trotting out of the muffin shop door. The first thing he realized was the sound, which he had been oblivious to previously. The screams. Oh, the loud, shrieking, blood curdling screams. These screams, combined with the marching, told him one thing. The CyberPonies had taken Manehattan. He galloped as hard as he could out of the shop, and began frantically searching for Ditzy and Daring. He saw Daring still desperately standing over Ditzy's body, which was still limp on the ground. Daring had her whip out, and was desperately trying to fend off the oncoming hoard of CyberPonies. The Doctor galloped over too the two mares. “We need to get to the TARDIS. It's still in the forest.” The Doctor said, trying to think of something clever to do. “Wings. Doctor, you still have wings. Just make sure they don't disappear mid-flight this time.” Daring said, still trying to stall the Cyber hoard for time.” “Oh! Yes, right.” The Doctor said, launching himself into the air, and speeding off into the slowly dusking night sky. The sight was beautiful, the site of a dark brown pony gracefully drifting off into the sunset. Daring turned her attention back onto the advancing CyberPony hoard. Ditzy was just beginning to come to, slowly standing up off of the ground. She took a small screen out of her saddle bags and smashed it. She tossed it on the floor, grabbed Daring, and jumped in. When they where on the other side of this window that they had jumped into, Daring realized she was in another place. “Actually, it's more of a wall, more than a window, Daring” Ditzy said, having just broken the 4th version of her portal. Breaking it broke reality a bit. “Wait, if we went through it, can't the CyberPonies just leap right through as well?” Daring said, starting to get worried and backing away from the wall. “No, no, we're safe now. On our way down, I closed the wall, which didn't close this one, because this one is basically like a universal portal for all un-synced portals.” Ditzy said, gesturing to the large room that they found themselves in. “Ditzy. We are in Ponyville. We are in Ponyville, and Manehattan is 45 miles away.” Daring said, beginning to get worried that they might not make it back to Manehattan in time. “No, actually, I always tell the doctor that in an emergency, I would use my wall, and he bring his TARDIS here, like a meeting point. Almost on que as she said that, a loud whooshing noise emanated from a small room in the side of the town center they where in. Ditzy casually trotted into the room, with Daring slightly nervously trailing behind her. What she saw somewhat bewildered her. “So... I'm guessing this is the TARDIS?” Daring asked, looking on in bewilderment at the sight set before her. There was a large blue phone box. If she remembered correctly, it was one of those that police chained up little pony convicts in, to be taken to the prison at a later time. “It looks like it might get a bit cramped in here...” Daring said as she walked along the outside edge of the box, taking note of how small it was. “Just get inside, we haven't got much time to waste.” The Doctor said, out loud from somewhere that sounded deeply behind the TARDIS. Oh, wait, yes we do. It's a time machine. Daring stepped into the phone box, leaving her mouth gaping open at what she saw. “It's...” Daring started, The Doctor waiting in anticipation for what came next. “Bigger on the inside.” The Doctor laughed on the inside, always loving it when people said that. “Oh yes. Yes it is, Daring. And right now, we are going to go save the world in this phone box that's bigger on the inside, by cashing in a little favor somebody probably owes me.” The Doctor said confidently, hitting some buttons on his console, even hitting something with a hammer.