Gummy's Clean Break

by SandyShores

Chapter 6

He must’ve waited there for the better half of an hour before he finally heard someone, or more specifically somebird fly toward the nest.

When he landed in the nest Gummy’s heart was pounding fast, he was afraid the bird would hear him. Gummy was in luck though, as Rocky didn’t seem to notice the alligator hiding amongst his branches.

Gummy quickly stuck with a fury, knowing there’d be no better chance than now.
A quick blow to the head didn’t seem to have as strong an effect as Gummy had intended, but before the bird could react Gummy was able to smash the bird in the side of the head, hard enough that a loud crack was easily heard, and to break the branch in two.

Gummy acted fast he pushed the now unconscious bird to the edge of the nest, with no way for the bird to wake up in the few seconds it took to plummet to the ground, Gummy knew this was be it for Rocky. ‘1,2, and..’


Gummy heard the voice, but had no reason to listen to the unconscious, but somehow talking hawk.

“Let it go!” said the familiar voice. That wasn’t the sound of Rocky begging for his life. Who was it?

“Gummy, just let it go!” He turned and saw the white face of a former associate. “Don’t do it Gummy. I know he’d hurt you and even tried to kill you, but you can’t do this.”

Gummy now opened his mouth to protest, and for the first time he realized he couldn’t speak. In fact Gummy had never tried to speak since having his teeth knocked out, but immediately recognized that he couldn’t protest the rabbit as his voice was now gone.

“Listen I know what he did, and what he’s been doing. I knew he’d try to kill you, but you’re not a murderer.” The rabbit allowed, Gummy stepped away from the edge of the nest and gave Angel’s words some thought.

“I want you to know I’ve been planning on taking this bird out of power for while now, with Fluttershy filling the crucial role of taking care of the animals around Ponyville, Rocky has been losing power, and intimidation became the only was he could retain control over many of the animals.” Angel told Gummy.

Gummy never thought about how powerful it seemed Rocky was becoming, but Angel’s logic made him question why it’d be wrong to kill Rocky if he seemed like such a problem.

“Believe me kid, this bird deserves nothing better than a quick fall to his death, but if we kill him, than we’re no better than him. I promise you, he’ll be gone out of Ponyville forever, but we just can’t kill him”

Gummy knew Angel had a point; it wasn’t right to kill Rocky despite all he’d done. So gummy allowed the unconscious Rocky to fall into the nest.

Before Angel could say anymore, Gummy fell unconscious himself into the nest by Rocky, exhausted from the open wounds, sore mouth and worn out body.

Angel saw the sight of both Rocky and Gummy unconscious and near death, he realized there was only thing to do.