//------------------------------// // What shall we do? // Story: Not so Friendly Prank // by chaos2012 //------------------------------// Inside of the dimly lit dining room, Discord glared across the table at the two princesses as he sipped on the soup prepared for him. Despite the fact he had been released from the stone, his muscles felt like they were locked in place still. His joints seemed to creak like a stiff wagon as he lifted the spoon up to his mouth to drink it up. Luna kept her eyes on the ceiling above her to not look at the angry spirit, while Celestia had a sorrow look on her face as she watched Discord eat. After minutes of awkward silence, she finally spoke up. "Soo... How are you feeling now?" "Hmm, how could I explain this to you, Tia?" Discord snickered, "How about I pour some wet concrete over you and then chip you out of it. Sound like a good try?" "Look, I know you may be upset at what happened. We didn't want the joke to go that extreme on you. We were just trying to- "To what? Get even? I have now been turned to stone three times in the last thousand years including by your precious student, Tia." Discord snapped his fingers, and in a flash his face turned into Twilight's, along with her voice. "Oh princess, I will gladly turn a spirit into stone because he wants to have fun." Luna had to stifle a laugh at Discord's impersonation of her sisters student before speaking. "Of course! Do you know how humiliated we were when you did that joke on us with our mane and horns?" "And wings." Celestia added. "Y-yeah, those too. We were tired of all of these pranks happening to us and nothing happening in return. We wanted you to know what it felt like to have a joke done on him." "Hmm." Discord scratched his chin with his lion paw as he thought over what she said. "So I may have gone overboard with my last joke. I must say, I never expected you two to actually joke back." Luna lifted her eyebrow at that comment. "What do you mean? I have a wonderful sense of humor! I just have to keep my image as the regal princess of the night." She lifted her head and posed in a regal fashion to show her point. Celestia rolled her eyes and looked back to Discord. "I think what Luna is trying to say is that we usually don't act improper around others to make sure we keep our appearance, well, proper." Discord grinned and put his arms behind his head. "I must say Tia, you did a well idea for a prank. And tell me this, did it feel good to do a joke?" Both alicorns looked at each other as they thought about what they felt. As if they had rehearsed it, they both gave cheeky grins as they turned back to Discord. "I do say it did feel good to let loose." Luna said. "Well, if it felt so good, why not do it more often? Have fun. Do a prank on each other once in a while!" Luna actually smiled at the idea, but Celestia rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. "I don't think that would be a good idea. I don't want another accident like we- "Alright, fine..." Discord frowned, "I promise not to do- "No, not good enough." Celestia sternly said. "What?" What is more precious than a promise?" "Pinkie promise." Discord rolled his eyes at the idea of doing the crazy pink mares idea, but knew it was the only way for Celestia to trust him. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." He growled as he went through the motions. Celestia smiled, "Now don't forget, Breaking that promise will destroy your trust in your friends." "FOREVER!" All three at the table squealed out in fright as Pinkie Pie's head burst out of the soup. Discord stared in shock at how she even physically fit inside the small bowl when her head was bigger than the bowl itself. Before he could speak, she disappeared back into the soup. 'She is even stranger than I am.'