//------------------------------// // Episode 1: Denials; Chapter 1: The Breakthrough // Story: Why Ponies Aren't in Space // by Raptor //------------------------------// Episode I: Denials Chapter I: The Breakthrough Have you ever stopped and considered… we're doing the wrong thing…? Never. Why? Well… they seem rather peaceful. Why do we deny them? They're certainly no threat to us. *Sigh.* You obviously underestimate them. And you clearly don't know them that well. Well then, enlighten me. In due time. I have things to attend to. Keep watching. And don't worry, it's fine. …If you say so. Star Gazer frantically raced back and forth within his laboratory in Canterlot Towers. His dark blue coat and mane blurred as he ran. His teal eyes darted from side to side, slurping up the information written on his notepad. He rapidly mumbled to himself as he worked, not even paying attention to what he was saying. He dashed from desk to desk, from a machine to a telescope. Finally he stopped to let his mind catch up to him. He started to mumble again, but paid attention to his thoughts. "If enough magic is generated into the converter the energy can be used in the engines and if the engines are already active then that should double the rate of the engine which would then not only power the main system but would power the converter as well giving more volts per magick and therefore accelerating the amount of total energy produced," He took a gasp of breath, "and that would lead to an exponential growth of energy the exact rate of which I need to power my long-distance-heavy-load teleportation spell modifier which could then send me into outer space, and would also let me to transport to other planets, other solar systems and MAYBE EVEN OTHER GALAXIES," He took another deep breath and stood up on his hind legs, shouting, "OH, YES! I AM BRILLIANT!" He stood there for a second, breathing heavily, with a stupid grin on his face. The grin slowly disappeared, however, as he looked left and right. He put his front hooves down, and his expression turned worriedly perplexed. "But… It was so easy," he whispered to himself. "How come… nopony's ever thought of this before?" He looked back at a pile of machine parts. "This is hardly cutting-edge technology. And I may be smart, but I'm not the smartest." He walked up to the large, half-dome-shaped window where the telescope was, overlooking Equestria's Great Valley. He leaned on the edge of an open section of the window. The railing was precariously old and worn, and it creaked every time he leaned on it. "You know, one of these days, you're going to lean on that thing, and it'll break," Crystal Sky would say. Gazer would laugh and say "You know me. I live life on the edge." He'd look at her and smile. "It's the best way to live life- barely." She would always smile and shake her head at that. She never really understood. Finally his serious mood faded away and he chuckled. "You know what? Who cares? I guess other scientists just had better things to research." He raised a hoof out the window, and leaned more on the railing, which creaked in agony. "The point is, I will be the first of ponykind to touch the stars!" he jumped back from the window and ran to his blueprint desk. He grabbed the most recent version with his mouth and tossed it into the air. He ran to his door and kicked the wooden loft column. A saddlebag fell straight on his back, which then caught the blueprint. Then he pushed open the door, hit the light switch, and ran out, closing the door behind him. \v/\V/\v/ Gazer bolted down the corridors, across bridges, through tunnels, all the way to Canterlot Castle. He rushed up to the gate, where he saw an old friend of his, Sergeant Iron Pike, in royal guard armor, with his legendary spear. "It's been passed down for countless generations in my family," Pike had told him. "There's a legend that says it was used to slay a dragon. See this etching here? That's the ancient symbol for dragon. There are three of these- see? These represent Manticores. There are three of them- probably representing how many this spear has slain. I know killing's horrible, but… there's still a part of me that wants to add to it. Y'know, to like, add to the family legacy." That spear was very important to him. Maybe even a bit too important. Gazer slowed down as he approached his friend. "Hey there," he said. "In a hurry?" Iron Pike asked. His tone, like his expression, was blank. "Sure am," Gazer replied. "I've made a breakthrough." He trotted toward the gate. "I just need to present my idea to Prin-" Pike raised an armored hoof and said, "Hold on." Gazer stopped. "Sorry, Doc, but I'm gonna have to scan you." Gazer raised an eyebrow. "What? But you know me. You recognize me. Why do you-" "Ever since the invasion, we have to ID check everypony who comes in and out." He tilted his head down, and his horn gave off a white aura. "Ohhhh…" Gazer said, slowly nodding and staring off into space. "…Right. Changelings." "Yup," Pike said. A flat, white beam of light shone from his horn as he moved his head down the length of Gazer's body. "That reminds me," Gazer said, "did you ever add to you spear that day?" Pike said nothing. The beam of light went back up Gazer's body and went out. "Yup, it's you. You're clear to enter, pal." He motioned to the two guards blocking the gate, and they stepped aside. "Uh, thanks, Sergeant," Gazer said as he trotted forward. "I'll see you later…" Pike nodded. As soon as Gazer passed through the gate, the guards blocked the entrance again. \v/\V/\v/ Gazer continued to briskly trot down the hallways toward the throne room, when he heard a familiar voice. "Oh, hey, Gazer!" He stopped and looked back down the hallway he just passed. Approaching him was a sky blue white-maned mare with brilliant emerald eyes. Gazer smiled and said, "Oh, hi there, Crystal! What brings you here?" "Oh, you know," she said, rolling her eyes, "Surveillance reports. The usual. But hey, I come here every day. What're you doing here?" Gazer grinned. "I've made a breakthrough!" He hefted the saddlebag on his back. "I'm here to present my findings to the princess!" Crystal's eyes widened. "Really? Wow, that's great, but… are you sure you want to address the princess directly?" "Of course I do!" Gazer said as he continued to walk down the hallway. Crystal followed. "This is a groundbreaking invention. And it will provide many resources for the country!" "…And… what is it…? Exactly…?" Gazer grinned again. "Miss Sky, I am going to be the first of ponykind to go into outer space!" Crystal stopped and her jaw dropped. "You can't be serious- you mean you-" "I've developed the first spacecraft prototype! As soon as I get a working model going, I'm going to make an expedition to the moon! You know, start off slow. And Crystal, I would like you to be my wingpony." Crystal blushed as she put a hoof to her mouth. "M-me-?" "Well, yes," Gazer said as he looked at her pleadingly. "You're one of my best friends, you know how to work a computer, you're fairly good with mechanics, and, to be completely honest, anypony else would just get in my way." She giggled. "I would be honored to be your wingpony on your crazy expedition." Gazer grinned once more. "Wonderful! Now, without confirmation from the princess, we can't do anything yet." He started trotting down the hallway. "Without further adieu, I'm off to see Princess Celestia!" Crystal waved as he trotted away from her. "Good luck!" she called. "HAH!" Luck. Who needs it? The word always gave Gazer a laugh. One laugh. No more, no less. Just one. \v/\V/\v/ Gazer trotted right up to the adviser's desk and said bluntly, "I'd like to see Princess Celestia." "Mmmhm," the adviser said without looking up from the glowing quill writing on parchment. "Name?" the gray, white-maned stallion asked. "Dr. Star Gazer Cosmo." The adviser glanced up briefly to catch a glimpse of said 'doctor.' "Well, Dr. Cosmo-" "Dr. Gazer, if you please," Gazer interrupted. "Dr. Cosmo is my father." The adviser stopped writing and looked up at him with doubtful eyes. "No, seriously," Gazer continued. "My father is identified as Dr. Cosmo, and I'm Dr. Gazer. Official documents have gotten us mixed up." The adviser continued to stare. "Really," Gazer said with a confirming tone. The adviser sighed, set the quill down, and sat up straight, looking directly at Gazer through his glasses. "Fine, 'Dr. Gazer'…" He cleared his throat. "What business do you have here?" "I need the princess's approval to start working on a fundamental project," Gazer explained. "And… what project is that…?" "A new vehicle for a resource-gathering expedition!" Gazer got excited just thinking about it. He opened his saddlebag and pulled out the blueprints with his mouth, letting them unfold. "Shee?" The adviser tilted down his glasses and looked at the blueprints. After a few seconds, he leaned back and said, "Ugh, yes, yes, fine, you may enter." He obviously didn't understand what he was looking at, or didn't care. Or both. "Guards?" The guards magically opened the large doors. "Fhank you," Gazer said as he put the blueprints back in his saddlebag and trotted through the doorway. As he approached, he saw the almighty alicorn sitting on her large throne, her shining mane flowing softly without any wind. He also saw a familiar baby purple and green dragon with a quill and a large roll of parchment standing beside her. "Is that all?" he asked. "Yes, I believe that's everything, Spike," Celestia said. "You can send it to the archive now." Spike rolled up the parchment, inhaled, and exhaled, dissolving it in a sparkling green fire. The mist went up and out the window. "Thanks for your help, Spike," Celestia said with a pleasant smile. "Any time, princess!" He replied, standing at attention. They spotted Gazer approaching. "Hey, Dr. Gazer!" Spike said. "Haven't seen you in a while." "Heh, no, you haven't," Gazer replied as he approached. "It's been a while since you've been to Canterlot, huh?" "Sure has," Spike said as he began to leave. "Well, it was nice seeing you!" "Likewise!" Gazer stopped in front of the princess and looked at her. "Now then," Celestia said, "what can I do for you, doctor?" Gazer got a big smile from just thinking about it again. "Princess, you're gonna love this!" He said excitedly. "I've made a breakthrough!" He paused. "Huh. Boy, if I had a bit for every time I've said that today, I'd have- well… three bits… but-" "What-?" "-Nothing…" He sighed. "Princess, I have developed a vehicle never created before. A pioneer for a new age. It will reach places never touched by ponykind. It will gather rare resources and explore new places far away." He pulled out his blueprints and laid them out on the floor. "This is my newest prototype." A golden aura surrounded the blueprints as they were raised up to Princess Celestia, who looked at them earnestly. "I haven't built a working model yet, obviously. That's why I wanted to present the idea to you first, before I started working on it." Celestia continued to flip through the pages, and as she did, her smile slowly faded. "This is… a spaceship," she said. "It sure is!" Gazer said excitedly. "And I think you'll be surprised to see that it's relatively cheap to build! Honestly, I don't know how anypony else hasn't already come up with this, but who cares?! The point is, I'm the first! HA!" He made a small hop. There was a long moment of silence as the princess continued to shuffle the blueprints over and over again. Finally, she said, "I'm sorry. But I can't approve this project." Gazer's face dropped to a level of disappointment and confusion. "Wh… Bu… What…? Why?" "Putting a pony into space isn't exactly a priority at the moment," the princess said, rolling up the blueprints and putting them back in Gazer's saddlebag. "There are more important things to attend to." "But- I assure you, princess, the resources out there are tremendously bountiful-" "Also, I cannot provide the resources required to fund this project-" "Well, it's… It's quite cheap, actually. Hay, I already own most of the parts required, I could just build it out of my own personal stash with my own bare hoo-" "I've made my decision," Celestia bellowed with a glaring face. "I deny your project's approval. Now, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Gazer stood there for a second, surprised at the princess's aggressive behavior. However, his face didn't show it. His face showed suspicion crossed with confusion and ever so slight disbelief. Eventually he said, "As you wish… Your Highness…" He bowed and backed up a few steps, still staring at her, before turning and walking away. Crystal Sky waited anxiously outside the adviser's room for Star Gazer. She couldn't wait to start working on the project. Finally, she saw the door open, and Gazer stepped out. Her face lit up and she trotted up to him. "How did it go?" Before he could respond to her, however, her smile disappeared. Gazer had 'that look.' The suspicion/confusion/disbelief look. It was a look he always had when something odd or confusing had happened, and he couldn't figure out why. Gazer looked at her. "She… didn't approve," he said quietly. "What? Why?" "I… I'm not sure…" He looked down. "She said it… wasn't a priority… and that… that the project would be too… expensive…" While Gazer talked, Crystal took out the blueprints and laid them out on the floor. "I don't understand… Princess Celestia almost seemed… insulted that I would present such a thing. She's always approved my projects. Why deny this one?" "This is pretty cheap, too," Crystal added. "Cheap to build, I mean." "That's what I said," Gazer looked at her. "I just- I don't get it…" He looked away again. Crystal sighed and rolled up the blueprints with her right wing. "Well, I guess she's just got other things to do. You know, other problems at hand." She put the blueprints back in Gazer's saddlebag. "I… suppose…" Gazer's voice trailed off. "Hey, come on," Crystal put a hoof on his shoulder. "Cheer up, Star. You'll get another chance." Gazer looked at her again. She had a kind, reassuring smile. It somewhat forced him to smile, too. "…Yeah," he murmured. Crystal started to walk away. "Hey, I gotta go," she said. "I'll see you later." "Yeah… see you…" Gazer replied. He watched her round the corner into another hallway, then sighed. He hefted his saddlebag and started walking down the corridor. \v/\V/\v/ Gazer stood on the roof of the walkway to his tower, staring up at the night sky. It was very late, and most of the light pollution was gone. Gazer didn't bring his telescope this time; He just wanted to stand there and gaze. "Why does sleep elude thee, fair doctor?" Gazer turned his head to see Princess Luna walking up behind him. Her wings were flapping from a recent landing, and her mane and tail, bearing sparkles like the night stars, flowed beautifully, despite the lack of wind. "Good evening, princess," he said as his head turned back to the stars. "I was just admiring your beautiful night." "Do not patronize us, fair doctor," Luna said as she stood next to him. "You of all ponies should know that we do not actually craft the night sky." "Just trying to be polite, your highness." Luna smirked. "Yes, according to the local 'gossip', as they say, you are quite the 'fillykiller'." He chuckled. "I still resent that, and I have no idea where that came from." "Hm." There was a moment of silence. "You still have not really answered my question," Luna remarked. "Why does sleep elude thee?" Gazer remained silent for a while. "Your sister rejected my most recent project," he said. "That is surprising," Luna said. "However I have come to learn that my sister's judgment is just and logical, and should be respected." "I never said otherwise. I'm just… Surprised is all." Luna looked at him. He sighed. "Fine, I'm not just surprised. I'm confused. Perplexed. I even dare say flummoxed. It doesn't make sense." He paused, and his eyes dropped. "To me, at least." "Perhaps there is something she knows that you do not," Luna speculated. "Perhaps… Perhaps." "I must depart," Luna extended her great wings. "Do thyself some good and rest, fair doctor." Gazer nodded. "Good night, your highness." "Good night, Star Gazer." On that note, she flapped her wings and flew off into the night sky. Gazer looked up into the sky once more. Then down to his hooves, with his mind racing. Then his eyes narrowed. He looked up again, into the starry sky, with a new look. A look of confidence and determination. "This is either the best thing I've ever done," he whispered to himself, "or the worst." He raised a hoof into the air. "This is my dream. I'm not going to stop now. They're my parts, darn it, I can do whatever I darn well want with them. I'm going into space, whether the princess likes it or not." He threw both front hooves into the air, and yelled, "I AM DR. STAR GAZER COSMO, AND I WILL BE THE FIRST PONY TO TOUCH THE STARS!"