Giving Chaos

by Dirty Bit

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Pasts Revisited

Twilight rubbed her chin with a hoof "Take the train to find your roots? What's Discord getting at?"

Rainbow Dash groaned "I can't believe we're caught up in another twisted game!! Now we're without the princesses, the homunculi, AND the elements!!"

Blueblood whimpered "This is insane!" Remembering who was responsible, he jerked his head over to Greed with a dirty glare "This all wouldn't have happened if you chose to release Discord from his prison!!" He shouted as he pointed an accusing hoof.

Greed glared back "It wasn't intentional!! How was I supposed to know I brought back a beast after one little fight!?"

Applejack got between the two unicorns "Simmer down, both of ya! There ain't no need to be pointin' hooves when there's bigger problems!"

Blueblood sniffed "I'm only stating the obvious! We can't risk going through with this torture while tagging along with the cause of all this!"

Greed snorted "In case you haven't forgotten, this wasn't all my fault! Also, that mismatched jerk's got my family in his claws!! If he's that powerful, then I think we need to act fast if we're gonna get them and the princesses back!! I'll find a way to correct all of this even if I have to do it myself!!"

Twilight stopped her thinking to look at Greed "What!? Greed, you've seen what Discord has done to your family!! Why would you even say that!?" She asked with a worried look in her eyes.

Greed looked serious before he smirked at Twilight "Because while it isn't entirely my fault, it's still my responsibility to correct my mistakes!! But you're right, though. This is your fight as much as it is mine, so we might as well get started!"

Shining Armor nodded "I agree! Let's figure out where to start so we can end all of this!!"

Blueblood turned to Shining Armor with a dumbstruck expression "You cannot be serious about this yourself!!"

Shining Armor approached the ignorant prince with narrowed eyes "I'm as serious as this situation. We have nothing else to act on, and Discord has my wife!" He looked over at Greed with a ghost of a smile "And I hate to admit it, but while I don't trust him with my sister...I can trust him to help us since he's willing..."

Greed looked back at Shining Armor and gave a respectful nod before turning to Twilight "So, Twi, about that clue?"

Twilight looked back at the scroll "Right...Where could he mean for us to take the train to find our roots?"

Pinkie pondered the thought herself before piping up to her friends "Maybe he's talking about Ponyville?" The group turned to Pinkie as she continued "Sure, we're all born from different places, but perhaps he's wanting us to go back home?"

Spike tilted his head "The same place where we took him down before? But why?"

Blueblood winced "You mean we have to trek all the way back to that one-horse town!?" He moaned in disgust.

Rarity turned to glare at Blueblood "It's not like we're asking you to come along, you know!"

Fluttershy pawed at the ground "Well...It worked before, didn't it? But how do we know that we'll find what we need there?"

Greed scoffed "The way I see it, with how he's gonna be giving us trouble, anything goes! We'll head back to Ponyville and see what we can do!"

Twilight nodded "It's decided then! Let's take the train to Ponyville and begin our search!!" She said as she and the others galloped out of the castle doors, but not before discarding their formal attire and leaving it on the marble floor.

Blueblood was the last one behind as he looked down and thought to himself 'Okay, Blueblood, think...Discord is free and is forcing you into doing the impossible...You can either A: Stay behind where you're least affected by his madness or B: Follow the unlikely heroes into possibly ending said madness once and for all...' After a moment of silent contemplation, he finally galloped out and caught up with the others as he whined "Wait for me~!!"

'Why didn't I go with A!? WHY~!?!?!'

Envy murmured groggily before it rubbed its forehead. With how it caressed its temple, it felt like there were extra digits attached to its hoof.

Then realization dawned on Envy.

It opened its eyes to see that there was a peach-colored hand instead of a green hoof. Another hand quickly came into view, and Envy examined itself to see that it was somehow a homunculus again, wearing the same clothes it did in its previous life "What the-...!?" All Envy could remember was being teleported away from Rainbow Dash by Discord along with the rest of its family, but it felt surprising to be in a different form. The jealous homunculus shot up to its two feet and continued to examined itself until focusing on its surroundings. It looked as if it were in an alley that seemed familiar 'Is this what I think it is??'

Feeling that it won't get any answers from standing around, Envy decided to sprint out of the alley towards a main street out in broad daylight. The jealous homunculus grunted as it shielded its eyes "Damn, that's bright..." It muttered to itself.


Envy looked to its left to see a familiar rotund figure approach with pupilless eyes and a large sniffing nose "Gluttony? You're you again!!"

Gluttony smiled and tilted his head "I am?" He replied absentmindedly before he gasped and pointed a finger at Envy "Hey, and you're you as well!!"

Envy darted its head around "But where's everypony-GAH!! Where are the others!?"

"We're right here..."

Out of an alley opposite to the street from the one Envy emerged from, there was a man with a blue military outfit with a bushed moustache and a familiar Ouroboros symbol in his left eye in place of a pupil, followed by an alluring woman wearing a black gown to match her flowing hair. Towering over them was a muscular giant with a pupilless left eye and a red node over its right eye that extended down its right arm. He had chained braces on each of his large hands and wore a black set of pants.

Envy and Gluttony could easily distinguished who they were at first glance. They approached the three newcomers intently as Envy spoke "Wrath? Lust? Sloth? What happened? At one moment, we were at Celestia's castle, but where are we now?"

Lust looked around before she noticed a peculiar sight, pointing a finger at a distant building "I believe that can answer our question..." Their gazes trailed down the road until they noticed a large city, but that was not what they focused on. The others looked to see a large building embroidered with a familiar green banner sitting behind a large set of walls. Lust stared at it with unease, along with the others.

Wrath could not believe his eyes as he stared "We're back in Amestris...And in Central City, no less!" He looked around and noticed the streets were empty "Although, no one is around..."

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

The five homunculi looked up as they heard a voice and noticed Discord lazily floating in the air in a resting position. He held a smile as he looked down at the leerign group "I was able to construct all of this after getting a good look at your memories! I must say that I absolutely adore the creatures you were modeled after! Save for Wrath, of course..."

Wrath looked up "You speak of the humans? Are you saying this because of all the chaos they can cause by themselves?"

Discord grinned at the furious homunculus "Not even that!! They break so many rules and barely fear the consequences!! Anarchy is in their blood!" He sighed in disappointment "But it pains me to realized that you somehow died back then and are now forced to live here..."

Gluttony blinked "What? But we're back in Amestris!"

Lust piped up "So this is all an illusion...You've only given us our forms and made an environment based off of our memories..."

Discord shrugged "Admittedly, I was trying to set your minds at ease. Or more rather, trying to give you comfort before I break some news to you all!" He snapped his fingers and all of Central City began to disintegrate into oblivion. As that happened, the homunculi began changing back into their Equestrian forms one-by-one.

The environment that was once a fake Central City gave way to what appeared to be a living room where everything was upside down. Instead of a fire in the fireplace, there shot out bubbles from the floating logs. There were pictures on the wall showing Discord and some of his past shenanigans with the royal sisters. There were flowers that were wiggling around in their pots on the coffee table, as if they were dancing. The princesses were seen in their flask next to the flower pots.

Discord spread his mismatched claws and flashed a grin "Tada~! Welcome to my humble abode! Your new base of operations for the time being!"

Wrath narrowed his eyes "Base of operations? You expect us to work under you when you've already proven to be powerful?"

Discord crossed his arms as he frowned "Work is such a harsh word...I prefer the term 'Strolling down Memory Lane!' You HAVE acted in such a way in the past, haven't you?" His lion paw slowly transmogrified into the head of Father in his human form "And wasn't this particular individual your supposed boss?" He said as he waved his eagle claw towards the head.

Envy gritted its teeth "He's dead to us..." It growled bitterly.

Discord nodded "Yes, I know, and I'm aware of how he treated you, but don't worry!!" His lion paw instantly changed back in a brief flash of light while he smiled "Just leave it to Daddy Discord to treat you all right!! Well, except for your brother Greed...I can honestly see where your father is coming from with how he's so rebellious in spirit!"

Gluttony grunted "Greed is the best brother we can ask for! And you are not our father!!" He snapped irritably.

Discord rolled his eyes "Well not biologically, but that doesn't mean I can't try to be an appealing father figure!" He snapped his fingers and covered himself in light for a small moment before appearing to have a plaid green vest, makeshift sideburns on his head, and framed glasses "Now, kids! You behave, okay?" He spoke in mock sternness.

Envy stomped a hoof vehemently "Cut the crap and get to the point!! What are you planning!?!"

Discord transformed back into his regular self and nodded "Very well, perhaps we don't have much time knowing how persistent your friends can be..." He swooped down and picked up Envy as if holding a baby "I've made mention of a game to where each proficiently picked pony properly participates to play! You five shall do the honors of helping me orchestrate some of their 'obstacles'! Think of how much fun you'll have together!!"

Sloth groaned "You're making us fight? What a pain..." Discord was nearly surprised that the indolent pony managed to jump to a conclusion.

Envy growled in annoyance while it wriggled out of Discord's grasp and hovered in front of him "You must be thick-headed to think we're gonna fight for you willingly!!"

Discord got in Envy's face with a wicked smile "Did I say such a thing?" He snapped his eagle talons as the five former homunculi found themselves in what looked like a large steel cage "You act like I'm doing a poor job in asking you all to assist me! Not that I'm actually asking...Besides, I did mention your pasts, and trust me when I say I know what you need..." He snapped his fingers again to make Wrath appear in his claws "All I have to do is this..." He snapped his fingers one more time "Aaaaand..." He brought a claw from his lion paw to scratch one of Wrath's forelegs, showing a small wound.

Everypony but Discord were taken by surprise to see red static envelope Wrath's wound and close it up easily "Don't get too surprised, Wrathy, my boy! This was only the first step! Now to make you shine in all of your furious glory!" He said as he brought a claw to Wrath's forehead and gently streaked across as Wrath's expression of shock slowly became neutral.

They all stared, but then noticed Wrath's eyes slowly narrowing to slits as he bared his teeth. The pupil in his regular eye was practically glowing red while staring at Discord, who grinned deviously as he spoke in a matching tone "There we are...Now to get you where you need to be..." He then held a chipper smile "But not before I have a little fun first!" The draconequus spoke in a bright tone.

Twilight and company galloped through Canterlot, which had been severely altered by Discord's magic. Some buildings were floating in the air at different angles, and some ponies were seen running around in a panic while avoiding a group of dancing buffaloes in tutus. Greed took in the chaotic scenes and grimaced "So he's capable of all of this? What goes on in his head!?"

Applejack galloped beside Greed "Trust me, sugarcube! Ya don't wanna know!"

Twilight looked ahead and noticed the train station "We're here!! Everypony, hurry up!!" Everypony did as commanded and picked up the pace, save for Blueblood, who had trouble catching up to the rest of the group after his last-minute decision.

Once they reached the train station, they noticed the Friendship Express sitting idly by, waiting for passengers to board on it. They made their way inside, but noticed that neither the conductor nor the engineer were on the train. After Blueblood managed to get inside himself, they looked around before they noticed the doors instantly closing.

"Hello, my little ponies! Time for a little minigame!!"

Twilight looked up with a glare "Discord!! Where are you!?"

"Ah ah ah~, Twilight~! That would be telling! Besides, you have a train to catch!!"

There was a slight shake on the train before it began to move forward. Pinkie poked her head out of one of the windows to see the train picking up speed before it began to raise from the tracks and into the air "Uh oh!!" She brought her head back inside to look at the group "Everypony!! We're flying!!"

"Correct, Pinkie! But now the game can really begin!!"

Greed gave an arrogant smirk as he looked up "Bring it on!! I'm not scared of you!!"

"Always the enthusiastic one, aren't you, Greed? Truthfully, I'd expect that sort of sentence from Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow Dash snorted angrily "Just what are you planning right now, Discord!?" She shouted as she looked around.

"Why don't you take a look outside for yourself?"

Pinkie blinked before looking back to see some flying projectiles approaching the train. She squinted her eyes and noticed that they were flying pies "Huh? What's that all about?" Her question was answered when one of the pies pelted the train and exploded on impact, shaking the Friendship Express horribly and everypony on it.

Greed regained his footing, then galloped to a nearby window and looked outside "Exploding pies!?"

"That's just incentive for you to play! Defend your precious train as you make for your desired destination! Good luck~!"

Feeling that Discord has left, Greed grunted as he climbed out his window and pulled himself onto the roof of the cart he was in.

Twilight noticed and galloped over, looking up at Greed from his window "What are you doing!?" She called out.

Greed looked down "What does it look like? I'm giving this asshole what he wants!! We're fighting to survive!!" He looked ahead and tried to stand still as he focused his horn and zapped a magic beam at one of the incoming pies, causing it to explode before it hit the train. He repeated the process for every other pie coming his way.

Rainbow Dash looked outside as well, then turned to Twilight "He's crazier than me!! We gotta help him out!!"

Twilight stared up at Greed defending himself before she looked determined "Rainbow, make sure everypony's safe!" She began to climb out of the window herself.

Rainbow Dash watched Twilight and frowned "Oh, no you don't! I'm coming with you!" She flew out the window and lifted Twilight up onto the roof of the cart Greed was on. The avaricious pony paid the two mares no mind while he held his own. Rainbow Dash turned to see a pie come near her and Twilight with widened eyes as she pointed a hoof "Incoming!!"

The pie was zapped before it could reach the two mares, and they turned to see Greed smirk "Come to fight with me?"

Twilight stared before she smiled "You can't do this on your own, you know!!"

Greed nodded and the two unicorns worked together fending off more pies. Rainbow Dash hovered over them and dodged some in the air and cursed herself for not being able to use magic like her friends.

One of the pies hit the train on the side, shaking it furiously to where Greed slipped and veered off to the left side "Crap!!"

Twilight noticed in shock "Greed, no!!" She went to save him until Rainbow Dash swooped down and caught him before he could fall off the train.

The cyan pegasus managed to carry him back onto the roof "I gotcha!! Try and be more careful next time!!"

Greed went back to shooting more pies "It'd be a lot easier if there weren't so many of these things!!"

Inside of the train, everypony picked themselves up after the latest hit to the train. Spike moaned as he rubbed his head, then was surprised to see Rarity come to his side and help him up. The fashionista looked around "Is everypony alright?" She asked with concern.

Applejack shook her head "Whoa, nelly!! It's like Discord's mighty sore from being locked up again!!"

Blueblood and Fluttershy huddled together with their forelegs wrapped around each other as the two shivered "How long before we reach Ponyville!?" He mewled feebly.

Pinkie looked out the window, and beamed when she noticed the aforementioned destination come into view "We're almost there!!" She yelped when another pie hit the train along the side, and she, along with the rest of the group, toppled over as the train shook.

Shining Armor picked himself up and looked up "Wait a minute...Twilight and Greed are up there!!"

Spike hopped out of Rarity's grasp and looked around "Rainbow Dash, too!! Have they been hit at all?"

Pinkie picked herself up and poked her head out of her window to see the three ponies hold their own "Don't worry, everypony! They're doing alright!" She held out a hoof and called out to her friends "Keep it up!! We're almost there!" Her eyes widened and she quickly zipped back into the train as a pie flew by and nearly hit her.

Greed and Twilight were slowly losing their stamina with each continuous beam of magic to impede the many explosive dessert; sweat began to pour from their heads as their beams became weaker "Dammit! We shouldn't be having trouble like this!" The avaricious pony grunted as it zapped another pie.

Twilight panted in exhaustion as she fired another beam "Pinkie said that we're almost to Ponyville! If anything, we have to keep it up!"

Rainbow Dash dodged more pies above the two unicorns, growing frustrated at her repetitive process "Easy for you to say! All I can do is dodge and save your flanks if you ever fall off the train!"

Greed zapped another pie, but was not able to see another one come in at his right and go off near him, forcing the avaricious pony to stumble and roll back towards the edge of the cart.

Rainbow Dash noticed and groaned "Not agai-AGH!" She went to save Greed, but was caught off-guard when a pie nicked her right wing and went off, knocking her down onto the roof of the cart and stunning her.

Twilight saw Greed cling to the edge of the cart and began to slip, then galloped towards his side and grabbed hold of his hooves with her own, trying to pull him back up.

Greed grunted as he dangled from the edge and looked down at the distant ground below 'Never thought this would happen in my life!!' He looked up at Twilight "You alright up there, Twi!! Don't strain yourself!!"

Twilight tried to pull Greed up, though her inexperience with heavy lifting combined with the train's aerial acceleration made it difficult "I can't let you go!! Not like this!" She was gradually losing her grip on the avaricious pony.

Greed looked up at his marefriend "Hang in there!! I know you're stronger than this, even if you do love to study a lot!!" He flashed a smile despite his situation.

Twilight had trouble holding Greed, but she couldn't help but smile back at him. She always found Greed's cocky behavior to be endearing, even if he tends to be macho most of the time.

Rainbow Dash got up and noticed Twilight's struggle. She went to fly, but flinched in pain and noticed her right wing was sore from the pie that hit her. She decided to go to her friends on foot "Hang on, I'm coming!!" The cyan pegasus galloped up next to Twilight and helped her lift Greed up.

They were lucky to have the pies soar overhead after they managed to pull the avaricious pony back onto the roof, and were in fact surprised to see the flying desserts let up in numbers before they were gone entirely.

"Well, well! Look at that! You've managed to not only defend your train, but proved to entertain me while doing so! Looks like you're ready for the first part of your game now! Prepare for landing~!"

The three ponies looked at each other before they felt the train begin to swoop down with increasing speed towards Ponyville. They held on for dear life as it moved faster by the second.

Inside of the train, everypony followed suit as they held onto something and braced for impact upon feeling their speeding descent. Soon, the Friendship Express managed to land onto Ponyville Train Station with a loud crash, and even managed to stay intact while doing so. Greed, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash caught their breath until the avaricious pony managed to speak "I...HATE...Discord..." he growled between breaths as he and the two mares lifted themselves up and prepared to leave the train.

To be continued...