//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Mastering the elements: the Earth pony chronicles // by Eriku719 //------------------------------// Chapter 6 As they continue their tour, they stopped at the middle of a field and looked up at the sky to find a sole cloud floating there. "So what are we looking at here? it's just a cloud." the confused Alicorn asked to the pink and orange earth ponies. Then out of nowhere something flew off the cloud with a rainbow trial following it and just before the mysterious was about to crash to Erick, it just stopped right in front of him. Erick then saw a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane staring at him. "So your the new pony that's been hanging around my friends huh?" Said the pegasus "How do you know who I am?" asked Erick "Well as I was clearing the sky of the clouds, I noticed you walking along with my friends, so I decide that I should watch you from my cloud to see if you're a cool guy or guy..... right now your about a seven out of ten." said the Rainbow pegasus. "Well then I guess your a friend of A.J. and pinkie? Well then, a friend of theirs is a friend of mine. A pleasure to meet you miss my name is Erick Flowers and you are?" asked the alicorn as he stick his hoof out. "The name's Rainbow Dash, and don't you forget it because your looking at the newest captain of the wonderbolts." said the Pegasus with a cocky attitude. "Wow your a wonderbolt!?" said the Alicorn Rainbow dash then looked down at the ground, "Well.... not yet.... but I know it's my destiny. Anyways nice to meet Flower Power." "Flower Power?" said the Alicorn "Yeah, it the new nickname I thought of for you. You like?" said Rainbow dash. "Well what's wrong with my name?" said Erick "There's nothing wrong with it, it just needs to be about 20% percent cooler." Said the rainbow pegasus. "You gotta admit, it does sound nicer." Said the orange earth pony. "Not to mention it's catchy. Fower Power into powder mix it up to it up to get some sour. See?" said the pink pony. "Very well then, you call me that.Well then I noticed you have a book under your wing, may I see it?" said Erick. "Well actually it's due today at the library, if you want you can come with me to check out the book after I return it, and maybe we can have a little race?" said Rainbow dash "That's sounds like fun. but I don't know where the library is." said Erick. "Just follow me, besides your most likely going to be in second anyways." said the cocky pegasus. "Oh it's on." Said Erick. As they both line up with each other, they wait for pinkie to give the signal to go. " ready? in 3...2...1... GO!" As she said those words a trail of dust and rainbows were left behind with her and Applejack. As they both race their way to the library, Erick started to lose some steam and was slowing down a steady pace. "Hah. told you can't beat me cause I'm the fastest pegasus in all of Equest-" she was suddenly stopped by the impact of her face to a tree house. "I win" said the dizzy pegasus. As Erick finally made his way to the tree house, he saw Rainbow dash being aided by a purple unicorn and a baby dragon. He then followed them to check on Rainbow dash. " Now Rainbow dash remember to always look what's ahead of you, I'm running out of bandages for you and thanks for returning the book." the unicorn then turned to Erick. "I guess you must be Dashie's newest competitor. Well its nice to meet a new face, my name is twilight sparkle." said the unicorn. "Well nice to meet you miss Sparkle, I'm Erick flower, or as she likes to call me Flower Power." said Erick. "And I'm Spike, nice too meet you Er- *Burp*" As the dragon burped, a letter came out of his mouth and onto Erick's hooves, as he caught it he saw a fimilar seal on it, it was one that he's seen many times in his past. "Wow, A letter from Celestia." Said Erick "Why yes.... how did you know?" Asked the purple unicorn. "Well...... let's just I know what I'm talking about." He said as he saw Pinkie Pie and Applejack enter the tree house. "Hey gals look a letter from celestia." said Erick "Well then, I wonder what it saids" Said Applejack. "Don't keep us in suspense." Said Rainbow Dash "Open it, I bet it's some good news" said Pinkie Pie. As Twilight used her magic to take the letter from Erick and opened it, she read out loud "To my faithful Student, I am here to ask you to look around ponyville. For a dear old friend of mine and Luna has gotten out the wrong train...." "Hey wait maybe he was in the same train as we were. Huh Erick?" said Applejack as Erick tried to slowly step out of the house. "He's a tall......unicorn witha black mane and tan fur color." "Just like you Erick" said Pinkie as Erick hurried his pace "Also what is up with that long pause?" Said Dashie and Erick finally made it to the door. "If you think you found him call out his....... ERICK FLOWER!?" said Twilight as she used her magic to shut the door Erick could make his escape. "Uh oh." said Erick as he was being stared down my four mares and a dragon. End of Ch.6