Gummy's Clean Break

by SandyShores

Chapter 1

‘This is it,’ he thought.

‘I’m telling Rocky today. No more excuses. Sure the pay is good. But it just ain’t worth the risk anymore.’

Gummy, lay in the warm glow of the afternoon. He had been there for several hours now contemplating his risky lifestyle, and whether or not it was finally time to give it up.

He then thought of his next run set for later in the afternoon. Rocky had told him about a small shipment of the apple family’s cider that he was able to get his talons on. He needed it to be transported from Sweet Apple Acres to the edge of Ponyville near the Everfree forest. It was a risk sure, but gummy knew every risk had its reward.

Every job was different, sometimes it’d be lifting a flawless diamond from a local dressmaker, other times it was some high quality foods shipped in from Canterlot, there was even a time or two where he’d be asked to snatch an important book from the Ponyville library. Every creature knew gummy was the gator to get it done.

He didn’t smuggle the stuff himself, at least not usually, and this was no different. Gummy’s job was to get the crew together, come up with the plan, and oversee the operation to make sure everything went smoothly.

Sometimes he had to get creative. Smuggling a rare gem was as easy as making sure you didn’t get caught. He’d use a mouse to get those jobs done, real fast and stealthy, and pretty easy to work with too, a mouse won’t argue about a price when they’re one bite away from becoming a snack.

But this mission was different he would need an animal capable of smuggling the most cider as quickly and quietly as possible, certainly not a job for a mouse. He had an idea, but he hated it.

‘The last time I worked with that weasel, he damn near got us all caught’ he thought. He sat in the sun and kept pondering if it was in fact his only option and came to the conclusion that it was.

He gave up the struggle and reminded himself that this was the last mission he’d make himself do and that if making this job go as quickly and smoothly as possible meant having to work with that rodent, he’d do it.

Gummy slowly got up and made his way over to Angel’s place.