Project Celestia

by decembuary

Flight Lessons

“Okay are you ready to get started?” Asked the pale blue pegasus

“Yes” I replied.

“Then let’s start!”

The pegasus had all finished making the cloud houses, so Cumulous had offered to give me flying lessons.

“We’ll start off with levitating. I don’t expect much progress since from what you’ve told me you only got those wings this morning. But we’ll give it a try”

“Okay. What should I do”

“Try moving your wings up and down”

I stretched out my new wings and slowly moved them up and down. It was hard at first, but it got a bit easier once I was used to my new muscles.

“Now try moving them a bit faster”

I flapped them a bit faster. Eventually I rose a few centimeters off the ground.

“That’s it! Keep going. Flap them a little faster”

I franticly flapped my wings.

“That won’t work. You won’t get anywhere by randomly flapping. Keep the flaps even”

I tried his method, and it worked. Soon I was floating above the tree tops.

“How do I land?” I asked

“Lean towards the ground” The blue pegasus replied.

I complied. Soon I was zooming back down to the ground.

“Good work! I wasn’t expecting that much progress in one lesson”

“I didn’t either”

I looked up at the sky. The flying lesson took a lot longer than expected. The sun was setting, making the sky orange and purple.
I better get back to everyone else.