No eyes... always watches....

by FrostyDawn

Mark of Horror

Rarity and Rainbow Dash trotted through the rain, heading toward Pinkie Pie’s home. “Ugh... can’t we look for information on an evil, unknown creature when it’s sunny? This storm is ruining my mane!” Rarity said, keeping her soaked hair from flopping into her eyes.

“Quit your whining! We have to find a way to get rid of that thing... if we can...” Rainbow said, muttering the last part of her sentence. A burst of lightning illuminated the area for a split second. With the sudden flash of light, Rarity could faintly see a page pinned to a building.

“Rainbow, look! Another piece!” She said, trotting toward it. Rainbow Dash quickly cut her off.

“Whoa, there. It could be a trap. It wants to lure us into the open.” she warned. The two cautiously looked around. They saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Look, it may be our only chance to find out what’s happening around here. And, if there’s any way to reverse whatever it has done to Pinkie.” Rarity whispered.

“Fine. Let’s just make it quick.” Rainbow sighed.

The two of them carefully walked toward the note. The words were just as crudely written as the other two. The first side read, “DONT LOOK... OR IT TAKES YOU”.

“N-nothing scary about that.” Rainbow Dash said, trying to act brave when in truth, she was at her wits end. “What does the other side say?” Rarity flipped the page over, revealing more smears of ink.

It’s tendrils can easily ensnare anything. Legends tell of the creature wiping out entire villages...” The last sentence made Rarity shudder. They looked around, remembering the empty town that was once vibrant. Now, it was bleak, dark, and drained of any life or color. Rarity kept reading some of the remaining words. “Insanity...” “..eternal terror...” Rainbow Dash was practically shaking with fear.

“Rainbow?” Rarity asked.

“Gah! What!? I’m not scared!” She yelled, glancing around. Rarity put her hoof on her Rainbow Dash’s shoulder.

“It’s alright to be scared. You’re not the only one afraid.” She said reassuringly. The pegasus took a deep breath, then pulled Rarity into a hug. Rarity, caught off guard, could hear her friend sobbing, which was unlike Rainbow Dash. Rarity helped her friend cope by returning the hug.

“AAAAAAgh!” A blood-chilling scream tore through the air, and separated the two ponies. “What was that?”

“It sounded like Fluttershy!” They said, looking in the direction of the horrid sound. Rainbow Dash sped off in its direction, mustering her willpower to save her friend. “Rainbow Dash! Wait!” Rarity said, struggling to follow behind.

Fluttershy found herself face to face with the creature. Her instinct told her to run. Run, and never look back. As she sprinted away from the beast, hoping to gain some distance. However, that was not the case. The tendrils wrapped around Fluttershy’s leg, lifting her into the air. Fluttershy yelped in fear as she knew her fate was sealed. However, against all odds, her salvation arrived. A quick blur of color knocked the monster over, releasing Fluttershy. As she fell to the ground, she looked over to see what happened. Rainbow Dash had tackled the creature, causing it to drop Fluttershy.

“Run! I’ll hold ‘em off!” She yelled as the creature focus its attention on Rainbow.

“No! You’ll be-”

“Just GO!” Rainbow shouted, as the creature overtook her. Fluttershy ran away, and ran hard, as tears streamed from her eyes. As she ran out of breath, she found Rarity.

“Fluttershy! There you are! What happened to you?” The unicorn asked. Fluttershy looked down at her mane and body, and saw black marks that ran down her sides, where the tendrils gripped her. “Where’s Rainbow Dash? I saw her run down this way...” she asked. Fluttershy looked at Rarity with her big, watering eyes.

“Sh-she’s gone! She gave herself for me!” She said, letting her eyes flow with her tears. Rarity held Fluttershy as she grieved over the loss of her fellow pegasus friend. Even Rarity began to shed a tear.

“I’m sorry.” she whispered. A low, unnatural sound rumbled through the air. A sound so strange, so eerie, they were unable to determine wether it was a screech, a growl, or a whisper in some evil language. Without hesitation, the two sped through the streets, looking for Twilight and Applejack.

Sweet Apple Acres was even more desolate than Applejack remembered. Shadows flickered around every corner, creating illusions and suspense on the quiet barn. “Stay on your toes, and get ready for anything.” Twilight whispered. The unicorn waved her lantern toward the barn, dissolving the darkness around them.

“Twilight...” Applejack said, pointing toward the barn door. Another piece of paper. Twilight and Applejack gently creeped toward the barnyard, careful of any sudden sounds or movement. The note simply bared a few hurriedly written words; LEAVE ME ALONE.

“I don’t understand these notes one bit. Who’s writing them?” Twilight flipped the page over to see what other information they could scavenge. But the page was completely unreadable... “ Great. The rain must be making the ink run.” Twilight sighed, exasperated.

The sounds of hooves rapidly hitting the road approached them. “Quick! Let’s hide in the barn!” Applejack said, panicking. She and Twilight ran into the barn, sealing the lock and hiding themselves under some hay. A few tense minutes passed. The hoof-steps quickened. As the sounds got close to the barn, the door started to shake.

“Twilight! Let us in! Please!”

“Applejack, hurry! You have to help us!” It was Rarity and Fluttershy, pounding on the door, begging to be let in. Applejack quickly leaped from her hiding spot and bucked the lock, causing Rarity and Fluttershy to fall into the barn.

“Rarity! Fluttershy! Thank Celestia you’re alright! What happened?” Twilight said, looking at the black smears on Fluttershy’s coat.

“I-it got to Rainbow Dash!” Rarity cried.

“And Spike...” Fluttershy whimpered. “It’s probably coming toward us right now!”

“Let’s get to the roof of the barn. We could use it as a look out.” Applejack said, shaking. After climbing up a few ladders and a staircase, the ponies stood on the barns roof, peering over all of Sweet Apple Acres.

“I don’t see it anywhere. We’re safe for now.” Twilight stated. Rarity and Fluttershy were breathing hard and the rain seemed to let up a little. “Any luck finding out what this thing is?” The purple unicorn asked her shivering friends. Rarity and Fluttershy shook their heads before the strange noise they heard before sounded, louder and clearer.

“Yaaagh!” Applejack screamed as the other ponies found her dangling from the edge. They rushed to her aid, as the creature had grabbed Applejack by the ankle, pulling her town toward the ground below. Twilight held on to Applejack’s hooves, trying to lift her back onto the roof. The monster was too strong, tugging the earth pony further from her friends. Rarity and Fluttershy held onto Twilight Sparkle to help her pull. As Applejack held onto her friends, she looked up at them with big, watering eyes.

“I don’t want you to get hurt.” she said with a melancholy tone.

“Applejack?...! No! I can’t let you!” Twilight said, discovering Applejack’s intentions. The orange pony paused.

“ I’m sorry.... partner.”

“Applejack, NO!” Twilight yelled, but it was too late...

Applejack let go of her friends....