//------------------------------// // Chapter 1- What...? // Story: GOD OF WAR- FINAL JOURNEY // by ldh4001 //------------------------------// "GAIA!" Kratos called out. "I CAN HOLD ON NO LONGER!" "If I help you, we will both FALL. Even now, Zeus gains!" Gaia shouted to Kratos, barely hold on the mountain. She couldn't holed no longer. If she help Kratos, Zeus will gain the chance to kill both of them. She decided to abandon the demi god, to save herself. "THE DESTRUCTION OF ZEUS IS WHY YOU SAVED ME FROM DEATH!" he bellowed angrily. Gaia couldn't holed her temple against the Demi god, she almost reached her final goal, kill the Zeus, but she thought right now, Kratos are the annoying tiny human who interrupting her final plan. Almost there, Gaia thought. Almost few more steps, I can face the Zeus, after all, without Kratos, she still have other titans to face the rest of the god. Kratos already defeated one of the great God- Poseidon, he already did enough his task. Finally, she spoke her true intention. "I saved you to serve the Titans, You were a simple pawn. Nothing more. Zeus is no longer your concern. This is our war, not yours!" Now by another strike from the Zeus, the mountain trembled and Kratos lost his grip of blade of Olympus, fell from the Titan. "GAIAAAAAAAAA-!!!!!!" And he fell... 'I have lived as a warrior...' 'I have died as a God...' 'Having suffered the ultimate sacrifice...' 'I have been denied release.' 'I... I will defeat Olympus. I will have my revenge!' And with the loud splash, Kratos fall in to the River Styx, with any second, swarm of the souls crawled to him and ripped out his most of the souls. Kratos lost all of his power, and his powerless blade became his only weapons. But before rest of his soul going to rip apart, multiple colors of light covered his body, and with the loud bang, Kratos disappeared in the river Styx. In the mountain of Olympus, Zeus, God of the Skies and Thunder, stood with his arms crossed, chuckled at what happened to Kratos and Gaia. Standing with his brothers, he spoke to remain gods of Olympus. "Kratos is no longer our threat now, brothers." "What about the remaining titans?" Helios asked. He was the only god... no, Hermes and Helios were the only god who couldn't barely fight against the single titan. Zeus expected someone said that, he simply gave Helios an evil grin, walked to the edge of the Olympus, and raised his hand. With any second, dark clouds covered the entire sky, and began raining. When every raindrop soaked the skin of the titans, he summoned the giant lighting, focused all of his power on the hand. "FROM NOW ON..." "OLYMPUS WILL RISE AGAIN!" And he throw lighting to the rest of the titans. With the several bangs, whole Titians screamed in pain inside the bright thundering light. “ZEUSSSSS-!!!!” And so the Gaia, one of the great titan, screamed in the agony, her rock skin burned furiously and began melt down, trees one her body became black coals, and finally, her body began shattered and only left her trace… Titans… are all dead. After a while, there were no more titan remained in the mountain. There were only the burned spot of titan's shape on the mountain. Zeus retrieved the blade of Olympus from fallen Gaia. "Anymore question?" Zeus asked rest of the gods. Everyone were remained in silence. They stared down, saw the corpse of titans, which were burned in to black, shattered in to millions pieces. "No... But what about Kratos? He’s still alive. He can rise again you know." Hermes broke the silence. "He had fall in to the river Styx. Now he lost all of his power against us. He can't do anything how. Hades, he is all yours now." But Hades didn't answered. Zeus looked at him. Something wasn't right. "What wrong, brother?" "... his not there..." "What?" "Kratos... I can't sense him... He is not in the underworld...!" Hades burst out the anger, roared loudly that made Olympus trembled. He took out his vicious claws, swung them down to the sky and jump down. "HE'S STILL ALIVE!!!!!" “Hades, wait!” Helios tried to stop him, but it was too late. He already jumped. Helios and Hermes just watched the cliff of the Olympus Mountain blankly. “Let him pass, my brothers.” He chuckled. “Kratos lost his blade and all of his power, now he can’t even face with one single Minotaur. Beside…-” “-Hades is the one who really want to kill Kratos. Let him have a fun.” ……… ……… ……… Meanwhile, in the Equestria- “Ummm…” “What wrong pinkie?” “Oh, twilight!” Pinkie pie saw rest of her friends, she felt something wasn’t right. So she decided to tell them something will going to happen. “Something is going to happen, Twilight! I know! My tail is twitching!” “Oh come on, Pinkie, I do believe your Pinkie sense, but what will terribly go wrong after the invasion of the Changelings?” Twilight tried to calm pinkie down, every pony cannot be panic by the action of Pinkie. Beside, right now it’s her brother’s wedding, of course she don’t want to screw him and cadence wedding again. “Don’t worry pinkie, I guess nothing going to happen. Who knows? Maybe one single bird fall from the sky? Nothing a big deal!” “did… did somepony said bird fall from the sky…?” twilight heard small mumble from her back. She turned her back and saw Fluttershy looked worried. “Oh, nothing Fluttershy, nothing at all. Pinkie say her tail is twitching, but not a big deal right?” “You don’t understand, Twilight!” Shouted Pinkie, that made most of pony drawled their attention, even princess Celestia and Luna. “what is going on here, Twilight Sparkle?” Princess Celestia approached to Twilight, she and her sister didn’t know what is Pinkie sense is. When both of princess asked her faithful students little worried look, that made rest of other ponies- … I mean, noble ponies began wondering about Princess and her students. When every ponies in party all stare twilight and pinkie, someone broke the silence. “Hey, who dare interrupt my music!” “Sorry DJ, but right now its emergency!” “Pinkie, it’s just a twitchy tail!” “Not a simple Twitchy tail!” Pinkie began explained. “My tail are twitching more than the other time, it mean something REEEEEAAAAALLLLLLL-Y Big going to fall! Look at my tail! IT’S TWICHING REALLY FAST!” “Could anypony please tell me what in the Tarnation is going on in here!” “Twitch twitchy… twitched twitchy twitchy tail…!” And when Pinkie finish her word, sky suddenly made the loud bang, and then, something fall from the sky. When everypony watched the fallen object, they heard the roar from that ‘thing.’. “ZEEUUUSSSSSSS-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “GAHHHH-*SPLASH*” Object had fall in to the small pond, and with the big splash, water had spread all over the wedding party. Everypony didn’t got any idea what just happened. “What happened? Twily, are you alright?” now Shining Armor and Cadence ran to Twilight and her friends, worried about his sister having trouble. “I don’t know big brother, I really don’t know what just happened!” “Stand back, my little pony, I will face that thing…” Celestia stroke twilight with her wing, relaxing her a bite. Princess Celestia and Luna approached to the pond, and prepare for the incoming. Then something big jumped out the pond, raising the blades in both hand, and shouted loud. “ZEUS!!! FACE ME COWAR…Huh?!” “… Did you just talked?” judging by the sound, it was male. But Luna was surprised by it talked the Equestrian. “…What…?!... DID YOU JUST TALKED?!” “…… This will going to be the one heck of the Wedding…” Twilight spoke.