Finally at Pegasus A MLP: FIM and Ranma ½ X-Over

by Alicornian

Chapter 17: Nightmare’s Return Part 5: Taking over the school?

Chapter 17: Nightmare’s Return Part 5: Taking over the school?

Ukyo just stared as her sister Octavia played for her, her cutie mark giving off a pleasant glow as she played a song called Regret. It was beautiful and elegant. You could almost hear the rest of the choir playing with Octavia even though she was playing the song alone in her new home. It was a gift to her as a house warming present. To her surprise even Ranma, Cologne, Ryoga, Shampoo, and even Nabiki showed up along with all Ranma’s friends. It was a pleasant feeling, unlike her meeting with Principal Moon yesterday.

-Day before-

Ukyo shivered as she stood before the office of Principal Moon’s office. Princess… the principal was a Princess and she was going to be meeting her. Gulping, she carefully knocked on the door. “Enter.” was the voice that responded. Steeling herself she opened the door and steppe inside. “Ah, Miss Ukyo. I hope things went well with the embassy.” Principal Moon said pleasantly. Closing the door she sighed, turned, and placed her mother’s letter before the Principal. The Principal blinked and respectfully picked the yellowing letter up and read it over. “I…see. Your Octavia’s sister and your mother…” Sighing she gently placed the letter down and gently placed her hands on top of it. “Your mother was a beautiful woman and so was her music.” Snapping her fingers a bright glow opened one of her many cabinets of her office and opened an old fashioned record player along with a modern day CD player. A moment later a record gently lifted itself into the air, uncovered itself and gently laid onto the record player, cracked itself, and placed the needle on a song and began playing. “It’s a piece your mother did with her choir. It’s called Dance of Curse. It’s an interesting piece wouldn’t you agree.”

Ukyo just blinked at the magic and the music. Her mother played such a bold and powerful song with her choir. It told a lot about the choir and her mother as well. “We were all sadden by her and your step-father’s passing Ukyo. Yet I believe why you are here correct?” Principal Moon, no, Princess Celestia said. “Um well… yes Princess.” Ukyo answered nervously. The Princess turned Principal giggled pleasantly at this. “Relax my dear Ukyo, as we are now just treat me as you would normally as if you hadn’t known I was a Princess. To be honest I quite prefer it.” Ukyo quickly nodded to this. “Yes ma’am. Um… aren’t you surprised I can speak English now?” The principal shook her head no. “If I am reading the magic around you right I believe Vinyl Scratch, now Vivian Scratch, casted a language spell on you so that you can interpret and speak any language. It’s an advanced spell but she is quite skilled with music and as most music has words…” the Principal left it there for Ukyo to gain the solution herself. It was then the music turned to something more pleasant. “Ah, one of my favorites. It’s a little known secret but your mother sang this one. It’s called Sora.”

Ukyo sat down and closing her eyes listened to the music and nearly cried. Her mother’s voice was so beautiful. “Do you wish me to…?” Principal Moon said before seeing the smile on Ukyo’s face. “It’s beautiful.” Ukyo said as she cried. “Yes it is.” Both just listened to the song before Principal Moon gently stopped the record and carefully put it away. “Now… what is it you wish to know?” Ukyo wiped her eyes and sniffed before answering. “Everything.” Principal Moon nodded and sat down explaining what had happened so many years ago. “And so without Discord we’ve had to adjust to living on Earth under the rule that we only reveal our secret to those we trust or to those we dearly love, like you’re more has.” Principal Moon said looking out the window. “So… we can’t tell anyone we’re ponies unless we feel we can do so without endangering the town?” Ukyo asked looking at the letter that was now back in her hands. “Yes. Right now we have a small group of normal humans living within the town that do not know the secret… for now. I believe you know a few of them.” Principal Moon said turning back to her smiling.

“I do?” Ukyo asked confused. “Yes. Ryoga, Shampoo, Cologne, Nabiki, Nodoka, and Ranma.” Principal Moon said smiling. “Ranma! Ranma’s here! Nabiki and Nodoka too?! But… why and… I can’t tell any of them?” Ukyo said frightened. “Yes, because we plan to tell them ourselves sometime soon.” A voice said from the shadows. Ukyo turned and nearly fell out of her seat as someone was slowly walking right out the wall! “Calm down Ukyo you know who I am.” The person said finally walking out of the shadows. “KASUMI!” Ukyo yelled finally falling out of her seat. “Lulu I warned you about doing that.” Principal Moon said shaking her head smiling. “Sorry Tia.” Kasumi/Luna said holding her hand over her smile. “But what… how did she… what’s going on?” Ukyo finally said finally stumped. “I think you broke her sister.” Principal Moon said sadly as she walked over and waved a hand before Ukyo’s face. “Yes but I know how to snap her out of it.” Kasumi said kneeling next to Ukyo. “Five star rating.” Ukyo instantly looked right at her. “My food’s five stars?!” Ukyo soon blinked as she finally noticed Kasumi. “That was mean you know.”

“Sorry Ukyo but you kind of broke.” Kasumi apologized. “Oh, but still what’s going on?” Ukyo said finally standing up with Kasumi’s help. “My real name is Luna Ukyo. Celestia is my older sister. I became a Tendo after Soun and his wife found me in the woods and adopted me. I’ve been living as Kasumi Tendo ever since we all arrived on Earth. However it wasn’t tell Celestia began her over sea’s travels and studies that I finally met her again. We’ve been keeping in touch ever since in secret using our powers.” Kasumi explained going over to Principal Moon and hugging her. “Ever since we’ve been separated I’ve been searching for her and Discord but now that I have my sister again,” Principal Moon said as she returned her sister’s hug, “all we need now is Discord and we can return home.” Ukyo looked to the two and nodded to this. “So… who else do I know that’s a pony? Or better yet is anyone else from the Tendo’s ponies?” Kasumi shook her head no. “No, remember I was adopted Ukyo. However… I must inform you of a few things.” Ukyo nodded for her to go on. “Before Ranma left he… proposed to me. I love him dearly Ukyo and… I want to tell him my secret when I’m ready. So please. Keep this secret, everything. Me being here, my being a princess, all of it.” Ukyo looked down at this and sighing smiled at Kasumi. “I always believed you’d be the better choice, Akane’s not right for him.”

“True, and about that. Sister a few moments ago I felt something. Something dangerous… and familiar.” Kasumi said looking to her sister. “What did you sense Lulu?” Principal Moon said worried. “Darkness.” Was Kasumi’s only answer.


“Hey Ukyo, Earth to Ucchan.” Ranma said waving a hand before Ukyo’s face. “Huh, oh Ranchan. Sorry about that.” Ukyo said smiling at him. “It’s okay but still. You and Octavia sisters? Never saw that coming.” Ranma said looking to Octavia who was talking with the rest of the guests. “Oh? Why’s that Ranchan? Aren’t you and Red-Chan brother and sister?” Ukyo said a bit offended. “Hey I didn’t mean for it to sound offensive or anything it just well… you’re so different from each other. She’s a cello player while you’re an Okonomiyaki Chef. And Red-Chan?” Ranma replied. “Ranko. It’s her new nickname.” Ukyo explained. “Oh…” Ranma replied before looking a bit shocked, “I almost forgot. Here Ukyo, it’s a welcome home present.” Ukyo looked down to the small gift bag she was handed and carefully opened it. “Ranma you shouldn’t have but… a pony figure kit?” Ukyo said a bit confused holding the box up. “Yeah well… your sister said you might like to have one so I volunteered to get you one. I hope you don’t mind it being an earth pony.” Ranma explained scratching the back of his head. Ukyo smiled and shook her head. “Not at all. Thank you.” Ukyo said smiling, never letting Ranma know that she’s actually a pony. Though not sure as to what kind but… the figure was a bit of a start.


Happosai watched as Akane went at the last bit of training, the last test before the ritual, a solid glass bottle sitting before him filled with some dark. So dark one could become utterly lost if they looked to long into it. Tatewaki Kuno knew this first hand as the fool had looked into the sealed bottle before handing it over to Happosai. Happosai smiled as he knew it would be a few more weeks before he came back to his senses but for now his focus was on his… student. “HA!” Akane yelled turning a sandbag target into dust using her Doragonburasuto or Dragon Burst attack. Happosai nodded at this ever watchful. She was learning to give into the darkness to allow the true chi she’s been holding back since her mother’s death finally out. All she had to do was convince ‘her’ that she, Akane, was worthy. “Kurai shōmei!” Akane yelled unleashing multiple black bolts of chi powered lightning into a large horde of swinging sandbag targets aimed at hitting her. “She be powerful no?” Principal Kuno said walking up to Happosai from behind.

“Powerful yes, but worthy?” Happosai answered as he watched Akane unleash more of her Dark Chi attacks. “Yeah about that. Why you need the bottle and all this training? Why not take the school now?” Principal Kuno asked nervously. “FOOL! We are in enemy territory, a territory YOU have fouled up numerous times in from what I know. We need to be ready for the boy and any possible allies he may have. Now you will do as I say or I’ll have Akane there use YOU for target practice!” Happosai yelled with Akane’s Mallet-sama emphasizing his point. Principal Kuno quickly nodded. “Good. Now go prep your children, the time is near to make the boy learn his lesson about leaving.” Principal Kuno bowed and headed back to his children, or child since his son was out for the time being. “Oni ryū no haoto!” Akane soon called out waving her hands causing a sharp dark wind to rip up and soon turn the last of the sandbag targets into dust. “So… what do you think of her?” Happosai soon replied in a Chinese knowing no one else present could understand him. From the bottle came two glowing dragon like eyes. “She is strong, powerful, and in touch with the darkness. Yet she has not learned the most important moves I must have her know.” A voice like satin said from the bottle in Chinese. “And if she can?” Happosai asked to the bottle. “Then she will be worthy and you my dear Happosai will get your reward.” The bottle replied happily.

“Thank you.” Happosai said before switching over to Japanese. “Well done my student. You have grown well with my teachings but this is not enough. I must now teach you the next level of the Dark Chi arts. Are you prepared?” Akane turned to Happosai smiling, her hammer over her shoulder. “Yes sensei. Teach me and I will learn.” Happosai and the bottle smiled at this. “Then, let us begin.”


Ryoga sighed as he and his fellow workers got busy trimming and checking the apple trees for the upcoming Apple Season. “Jackie, I think this one might be sick.” Ryoga said down to his love interest. “Well shoot. How bad you think it is Ryoga?” Jackie called up to him from the ground. Ryoga soon jumped down from his ladder and handed over a piece of bark. “Take a look. I’ve never seen this happen to a tree before.” Ryoga said worried. Jackie took the back and gave it a critical look. It was black, pitch black and felt like tar that had just turned really hard but been out in the sun all day long but it wasn’t hot. It didn’t look like rot or any known tree sickness she’d ever seen before. “Don’t know what to tell you Ryoga but maybe Sparkle might know something. Come on.” Jackie said gently putting the bark in a bucket and heading off to Sparkle’s location on the farm alongside Ryoga.

“So you see if you came off the ramp at the same angle as the ramp you should be able to fly much farther in the jumps.” Sparkle said with Dashie sitting very close to her. “But what if the ramp is rounded on the top, like a dirt mound?” Dashie asked putting her head on Sparkle’s shoulder smiling. She loved her times with Sparkle. All alone, just the two of them, nothing to bother them, it was perfect… WAS being the word. “Sparkle! You around here?!” Jackie’s voice called out. Dashie groaned at this but got a kiss to help cheer her up. “We’re over here!” Sparkle yelled back. Jackie and Ryoga soon rounded one of the many trees and walked into the clearing the two were at. “Sorry to both you two but I got a tree issue to talk to Sparkle about.” Jackie said putting the bucket down. “It’s fine. It’s your farm anyway. And… thanks for giving us this clearing Jackie, we love it here.” Sparkle said getting up to look into the bucket. “Not a problem. You two love birds need a place to call your own so why not here?” Jackie said blushing and looking away from an equally blushing Ryoga. “What is this?” Sparkle asked braking the two out of their blushing. “Bark from one of the trees. Lot fourteen, row seven, tree four-hundred and seventy-seven.” Ryoga named off from memory.

“You… could remember all that?” Dashie asked wowed. “Well yeah. Have too if you’re working on a farm. Especially a tree farm.” Ryoga replied. Dashie only nodded at this. “What’s wrong with it Sparkle?” Jackie asked concerned for her farm. “I’m not sure. It’s like hardened tar but it’s just like bark. How odd. I’ll have to take it back home and study it before I know anything.” Sparkle replied as she pulled out a tissue and wrapped it up before placing it back into her purse. “Come on Dashie, you can have dinner with me and my family tonight.” Dashie smiled at this. “Your mom going to make that veggie quiche I really like?” Sparkle nodded and got a very loud “Yes!” in return. “Well Ryoga, guess we better head on back and let the others know to watch out for more of that black bark.” Jackie said bringing her hat down over her face to hide her blush. “R-right.” Ryoga said turning away to hide his own blush as they walked back. “So… I… got tomorrow off from work and since the girls were kind of busy… I um…” Jackie tried the say but couldn’t. “I… I wouldn’t mind…” Ryoga started to say but couldn’t as well till… “JACKIE!” Both looked up to see Bloom running right at them. “Bloom what in tarnation is going…” Jackie started to say till Bloom yelled, “Jackie we got trouble at the farm!” Ryoga and Jackie looked to each other before Ryoga picked up Bloom and ran off with Jackie towards the farm.

“You get off my land or I’ll kick you off.” They heard Mac say to two men. “Look you either reconsider our proposal or we’ll see how you like facing down a set of lawyers.” One of the men said. “What in tarnation is going on here?!” Jackie said finally up to them. “Ah finally a reasonable person.” The second man said smiling. “Don’t you listen to them Jackie, they’re here to doze the farm.” Mac said angrily. “You going to do what?!” Jackie yelled looking at the men. “Please hear us out first Miss.” The first man said holding out a card. “We’re with Jefferson bank and company and we’re here to speak to you about your land.” Jackie walked up to the man and pointed right at him. “You listen here, this land been owned by the Apple Family for generations and we aren’t given one acre of it up to nobody.” The second man looked at her frowning. “Not according to the paperwork at the governor’s office.” Jackie got really hot at this. “What are you saying?” The first man simply smiled and showed the papers he showed Mac much earlier. Jackie looked at them and nearly screamed. “Eviction papers?!” This got Ryoga’s attention. “Yes and if you... hey!” the second man said before Ryoga yanked the papers out of the first man’s hands and looked them over.

“Mr. Ryoga this isn’t you’re…” Mac started to say till he saw the look on Ryoga’s face. He had seen that face once before and he knew what it meant. Trouble for anyone who got in that boy’s way. “Seems we have someone who may actually listen to us.” The first man said happily. “Yes and you had better leave before I rip those suits off your backs and hog tie you with them.” Ryoga said still reading the papers. “E-excuse me?” the second man said shocked. “These papers also state that you take over all of Coltsville as well. I’d like to see how the mayor would like reacts to this.” Ryoga stated calmly. “Young man you have no idea what…” The first man stopped as Ryoga gave him a calm yet frightening look. “You… you have forty-eight hours to comply. Come on.” The man said pulling the other into the business car and driving off quickly. “Mac. Where’s the mayor’s office?” Ryoga said calmly. “I’ll lead you there. Jackie you mind the farm with Bloom.” Mac said sternly. “But Mac what we going to…” Jackie started till Ryoga said calmly, “Just stay here Jackie. I’m not letting anyone mess with this farm.”

Jackie gulped at this. She had heard that saying before and wasn’t going to go against it. It was as if Granny Smith had spoken through Ryoga and she knew, oh she knew, it was going to be a cold day in spring before anyone would mess with the farm ever again.


“I’m telling you Mr. Kuno that man looked like he was going to rip us apart!” the first man said scared out of his mind. “They also have the papers sir so we could have issues with the whole town.” The second man said equally scared. “Don’t you be worrying your little heads now as the Big Kahuna knows what he be doing,” Principal Kuno said smiling like the nut he was as he sipped away at a coconut with an umbrella straw in it, “and he be doing the big planning no? You see the Big Kahuna see a big wave a coming and he’s going to be ridding the curl the whole way and not wipe out.” The two men looked to Principal Kuno worried. “Still sir. The one boy there looked serious. Deadly serious. I’m… not sure it’s a wise idea to try and take over this town let alone its school this time.” The first man said worried. “Hey no worries. We ride the big was and have no problem. Now you go make sure those papers go through or I cut you’re notes in two.” Principal Kuno said smiling. Both gulped at this and quickly left not wishing to give up the large sum of money they normally get from Principal Kuno when he was in America.

Once the men left Principal Kuno frowned and got up from his beach chair he was meeting his men from. Carefully he walked towards the woods his family and his new allies where currently. “Daddy your back.” Kodachi said happily holding up a black rose. “How be our gift coming?” Principal Kuno said smiling. “Almost done Daddy, it takes time for my black mist to go to work.” Kodachi said smiling at the sample tree sapling before her. It was black and looked quite sickly. “Good, I go check-up of Tachi no?” Principal Kuno said smiling. Kodachi nodded as he walked off, a bit of the poor sapling falling off as if it where ash. Principal Kuno walked to a clearing where his son was currently improving his sword skills. Well to say he was improving was an understatement. “Kaminari wa surasshu!” Tatewaki Kuno called out not even moving from his place around his wooden targets. Tatewaki smiled as he clicked his katana closed and all the targets became nothing more than saw dust. “Whoa, Tachi you improve no? That black stuff helped you no, gain the Lightning Slash fast no?” Principal Kuno said impressed with the leaps and bounds his son had come to from his son’s time in unconsciousness. Tatewaki just scoffed. “This is not even close to what the bottle has given me but soon I will have what it has promised me. Now leave me, I have more work to do.” Tatewaki said seriously.

Principal Kuno nodded and moved on sipping away at his coconut. He didn’t know what was in the bottle Happosai had them bring nor did he know what the bottle had done to his son but it didn’t matter. Tossing his now empty coconut to the side he carefully walked up to the clearing Akane and Happosai where working in. “No, no, no! You’re not using it right! Focus! The darkness is more than just a weapon it is a tool you must learn to bend around you at all times!” Happosai lectured angrily. “I am doing the best I can sensei but I can’t grip it!” Akane complained as she tried over and over to pull… something to her. “Happosai, I come bearing good words.” Principal Kuno said carefully. “Oh? Akane take a break and recover your chi. I have business to speak of with Kuno.” Happosai said looking back to the Kuno head. Akane bowed and went to recover her chi with fresh juice and food. “Report Kuno.” Happosai said going over to the black bottle he had sat down on a nearby stump and placed his hand on it.

“The black mist was placed last night and it be a spreading like wild fire soon. Also we make the first move to take the town then the school. We soon take the big wave no?” Principal Kuno reported carefully. “I see and there were no issues?” Happosai said still touching the bottle. “Only little ripple in the surf no need to worry.” Principal Kuno said lowly. “Fool! Even the smallest ripple can become a tsunami if not carefully attended to! We can’t have any screw ups in this you understand? Now what is this… ripple?” Happosai said angrily. Principal Kuno gulped. “It be a boy at the misted farm. He be talking to my boys about hog tying and about the Mayor but it be too late anyway.” Happosai turned to him unleashing a large aura of chi. “Fool that boy could call attention to our plans! You will make sure that boy will not interfere with our plans or the JSDF won’t even have a body to identify!” Principal Kuno fell over and quickly nodded. “I get right on it man” he soon scrambled away frightened. Happosai soon returned his attention to the bottle. “We have an issue. Think it will interfere with the plan?” he said in Chinese. “I think not but it is wise to be wary of this. Now how is our selected doing?” the bottle replied calmly. “She is having issues folding the darkness but she is at least able to touch it.” Happosai replied calmly. “Really, only three days and she’s come this far. Maybe she will be worthy.” The bottle replied happily. Happosai nodded before turning his attention back to his student. “Akane, continue your training, if you can’t grasp the darkness before nightfall you’ll be working throughout the night till you can!” Akane quickly nodded and got back to work at folding into the darkness.


Twilight was having a field day in her room. “This stuff is amazing Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow was currently munching away at her slice of the Sparkle Family’s famous veggie quiche. “What’s so amazing about it Twilight, it’s just a piece of apple wood bark.” Twilight smiled at this then looked worried. “I was a piece of Apple Wood Bark Dashie.” Rainbow Dash stopped munching away at her meal and looked at her love concerned. “What do you mean was?” Twilight moved out of the way of her science equipment and pointed to the pastry dish that had the bark in it. “Take a look.” Rainbow Dash put her plate down and walked over to see… “Black ash? Twilight did you burn the sample Applejack gave you?” Twilight shook her head quickly at this. “No it just turned into that a few moments ago.” Rainbow quickly looked Twilight in the eye. “What?! But that’s not possible!” Twilight picked up the pastry dish and looked its contents over carefully. “I know Dashie but… you have to trust me on this. I think this might be serious and I’d like for it to be checked out right away. We need to go see the Princess.” Twilight said sealing the pastry dish and placing it into a sample carrier. “The Princess? Shouldn’t we tell AJ and her family first?” Rainbow said worried. “That’s what you need to do Dashie, I hate to do this but I’m going to teleport over to the school and inform the Princess while you tell the Apples about the trees and the sooner the better.” Twilight said then kissed Rainbow on the lips. “Good luck.” Rainbow sighed and nodded. “We’re going to need it.” A few seconds later Twilight disappeared in a flash as Rainbow nodded and ran out the Sparkle home and to her bike and rode off to the Apple’s farm as fast as she could.


Summer and Ranko sighed as they sat under the full moon at the fountain. “It’s beautiful.” Summer said looking up to the moon. “Yeah it is.” Ranko replied holding her. “Ranko… what’s wrong?” Summer said gently. “It’s…” Ranko said as she looked to the moon, “it’s just… I never had anyone to really share this with. Sure I had Ranma with me but… never like this.” Summer snuggled up to Ranko as best she could and gently yet shyly kissed her on the cheek. “You do now.” Ranko smiled at this and was about to kiss Summer on the lips when… a bell rang from somewhere and the both knew exactly what it was. “The farm!” both yelled getting up and running towards the farm.


Bloom rang the fire bell as if it was life or death and in truth it was. Jackie just went at the quickly blackening trees as fast as she could with an axe cutting down one after as fast as she could but with each swing and each tree came only black ash. Whatever was wrong with the trees earlier had spread like wild fire and in a hurry. She had to save as many trees as she could, she had to save the farm, she had to… a crack from above her caught her attention as one of the tree’s branches she was working on began falling on top of her causing her to scream. “Bakusai Tenketsu!” was all she heard as the tree branch exploded into black ash above her. “Ryoga?” Ryoga grabbed her wedding style and ran out of the quickly disintegrating apple grove. “It’s not safe here! The mayor’s already sent the fire brigade to do what they can to save as many trees as they can.” Jackie just nodded as she felt herself in Ryoga’s strong protective arms again. Once they exited the grove Jackie and Ryoga gasped. Gone, half of the farm’s trees were gone! Turned to a blackened ash. “Get a saw over there!” someone yelled from within the grove. “Too late! Move further out!” someone else yelled in the grove. Jackie just… cried. “Our… our farm… why… why did all this…” Ryoga gently hugged Jackie to her. “I don’t know Jackie… but we’ll find out. I promise.” Jackie just nodded against Ryoga’s chest as she cried. “I’m too late.” The two heard from behind them. Ryoga let Jackie down and turned to see a heavily panting Dashie.

“Dashie you know something about all this?” Jackie asked going up to her. “Yeah, that bark, Ryoga gave, Sparkle was,” Dashie huffed a few times to get herself to stop panting before she continued, “something else. Sparkle said she was going to take it, the sample, or what’s left of it now that it’s ash, to the mayor and Principal Moon.” Jackie looked Dashie in the eye. “The sample too? What on Earth is happening to my farm?!”

“A virus!” someone yelled running up to them. The three turned to see Sparkle, Principal Moon, Summer, Ranko, James, Shampoo, Cologne, and the rest of the girls running up to them. “A, what now?” Jackie asked. “A virus my dear and one I’ve seen before.” Cologne said looking at the groves of ash. “I may not look like it but I’m quite traveled. It’s a virus from a set of flowers that when in full bloom effect everything around them turning many things quite sickly but it only effected animals. Someone must have cross bred the flower with a few others to make it only effect plants now such as your trees. Tell the fire brigade to start spraying the groves with water it’ll prevent the spread of the virus.” Dashie saluted and rode off on her bike to do so. “Cologne why would someone unleash such a virus onto the Apple Family farm?” Summer asked worried. “Yeah and wouldn’t this cause the ground to be unusable for plating new crops?” Ryoga asked right after.

“I have my guesses my dear but no. The ash is like that of volcanic ash which has been used to help plant growth. Have you not ever wondered how forest return after a volcano erupts? It’s due to the ash.” Cologne answered wisely. “So who do you think did this sensei?” Ranko asked to the woman who had taught her much in the ways of Chi. “The Kuno girl Kodachi. Look at how the ash looks.” Cologne answered pointing to the now being dowsed blackening groves. “See how it looks like black rose petals blowing in the breeze? It is as if Kodachi herself was sending us a message and that message was “I’m here.” Everyone gasped and nodded as it did look like this. “Kuno…” Ryoga said dangerously. “Easy Ryoga. I know you’re mad over this but you must not let it rule you. You’ve already given a critical blow to the Kuno’s plot though it seems they had made a much more harmful move beforehand.” Principal Moon said gently. “What do you mean?” Jackie asked her. “Seems those fellows from before were working for this Kuno fellow.” Mac said behind Principal Moon.

“The police are looking for those men now and with this as proof we can press charges against them and Principal Kuno.” Principal Moon said dangerously. “But… they said we had…” Jackie said before Principal Moon smiled at her. “It’s already been taken care of Jackie. The moment the mayor saw the papers she contacted the governor’s office. She even came to me to see if this was connected to someone I had already informed her of. It did and I instantly called up the Japanese Embassy. Don’t worry Jackie, you won’t be losing anything.”


“What do you mean they won’t lose a thing?” Principal Kuno yelled at his men. “Sir please calm down.” The first man said shaken. “Calm down? I’m as calm as a coconut in a palm tree!” Principal Kuno yelled angrily. “Sir, the people of Coltsville legally own not just the land Coltsville is on but Coltsville itself. They even have a history showing their founding and everything. It’s a very deep rooted society that I fear we can’t do anything about. However…” the second man said gaining Principal Kuno’s attention, “we did cause great harm to one of two forms of town income. The second is by mining which we’ve found would not be wise to try and disrupt. Apparently many Californians enjoy the crystal and jewelry based items that are made from the gems here and is much harder to sabotage than a few groves of Apple Trees.” Principal Kuno was about to argue against this when, “That seems to be a wise suggestion Kuno. However we will keep the mine itself in mind.” Principal Kuno turned to look right as Happosai and the odd bottle in his hands. Gulping he nodded. “You are dismissed.”

The two men quickly walked away as Principal Kuno gave Happosai his full attention. “So part one of our plans went off without a hitch?” Happosai asked his hands always on the bottle. “The first wave be seen. However I do not see why we just take out a few apple trees.” Principal Kuno reported. “Because it’ll put the people there on guard to another attack on their town’s income. If you were to go after the mine now the plan would have gone under in moments. However we will attack them at another front. We will put its mayor, Principal, and the boy so far on edge the state of California will have no other choice but to call in the mayor and the school’s Principal, this will give you a chance to move in and…” Happosai replied smiling as Principal Kuno finished for him, “And become the Big Kahuna on campus!” Happosai nodded to this. “Exactly and while you take over the school I will begin part three of our plan. Once my student is ready of course.” Principal Kuno was about to ask about this when Akane’s Hammer appeared of the shadows around the Principal’s body. “I believe I’m ready for the next part Sensei.” Akane’s voice called out from the shadows. Happosai nodded. “Good girl. Let us move on to the next piece of your training and then… you will be ready.” The hammer soon returned into the darkness with a very frightened Principal Kuno looking to Happosai.

The hammer soon returned into the darkness with a very frightened Principal Kuno looking to Happosai. “Yes… we’ll be ready. Kuno begin phase two of the plan!” Principal Kuno only nodded as he tried to figure out just how Akane had done that and… just what was Happosai planning?


Ranma woke the next day to not only a note but to the local paper’s headline of what happened the night before. Apple Family Farm without Apples… it also meant many people who worked for the farm was out of a job. Sighing he turned back to his ‘sister’s’ note to him. “Kuno sending a message? I don’t really buy it.” Ranma said to himself as he wrote a response to his sister. “It’s not the Kuno Family’s style let alone how they would go about getting to me. I think this might be Akane’s doing, best to talk to Nabiki about it and see what she thinks. Ranma.” Sighing he put the note onto the table and went to get Ranko up and ready for school since Principal Moon was giving everyone who had worked at the farm time away from school to try and recover from the shock of no work or income. After a quick shower Ranko just gave her brother’s note an angry look. “Yeah thanks a lot Ranma I just love waking up to cold showers.” Shivering a bit she picked the note up and gave it a read. “Hmm… Akane’s doing not Kuno’s? I’m not sure what he’s thinking but… yeah be a good idea to talk to Nabiki about this.” Putting the note down and grabbing some prepared breakfast she soon left to join up with Summer and the girls.

“Come on Jackie, it’s not that bad.” Rarity said gently. “Not that bad… NOT THAT BAD?! Rarity we just lost over three fourths of the farm in one night! ONE NIGHT! You know how long it’s going to take us to get brand new Apple Trees in to replace what we lost and just how much it’s going to set us back money wise?!” Jackie said angrily. “Jackie she didn’t mean any harm by that. You still have a fourth of your orchard and the towns even putting in a town wide collection to donate to help out your family and your farm. Plus Rarity and I came up with a way to help out your farm as well.” Nabiki said smiling. “Yeah, how you going to do that?” Jackie asked a bit down. She didn’t mean to snap at Rarity like that. “We’re going to hold a fashion show with the proceeds going to your farm.” Rarity said happily. “You sure you can do that Rarity? I mean what about your own business?” Summer asked shyly. “Summer I am always willing to help out a friend in need, besides it’ll also help promote business for both Jackie’s farm as well as my own. So there isn’t any harm at all.” Sparkle looked to Rarity impressed. “Wow Rarity, that’s really generous and smart of you. How’d you come up with it?”

Rarity smiled at this. “I didn’t, Nabiki here did. She’s quite skilled in the field of business.” This caused Nabiki to blush a bit. “Rarity your embarrassing me.” Everyone had a good giggle at this but it did make Rarity wonder why Nabiki blushed at such a simple compliment. “Hey girls!” Ranko said riding up to them. “Hey Ranko, so… how’s Ranma taking all of this?” Dashie asked on her own bike next to Sparkle. “Well… we kind of need to speak to Nabiki in private later tonight. I’m doing the cooking tonight if that’s okay.” Ranko replied. “Sure, but what about?” Nabiki asked looking at her. “I’ll tell you during first period, just be sure to team up with me for today’s project.” Ranko said with Nabiki nodding.


“Alright class today we’re going to be working on making our own sheet music.” Lyra said walking around the music room. “I’m going to have you join up in pairs of two for this and I want you each to write out some music then try it out as a team. Be sure to do this in pencil.” Nabiki got up and quickly got over to Ranko who was already humming a tune and writing it down. “That sounds wonderful Ranko. So… what we taking about at dinner?” Nabiki said sitting next to her and pulling out her own blank sheet music. “Kuno and your sister Akane.” Ranko said finishing her first sheet. “Ex-sister. I’m not a Tendo remember and amazingly neither is Kasumi.” Nabiki said trying to get a song going. “Oh right. Anyway ‘we’ need to talk to you about them. It’s important.” Nabiki nodded and sighed at her work. “Ugh I can’t come up with anything.”

“Really? Let me take a look.” Ranko said taking the sheet music and looking it over. “Not a bad start but… the rest seems a bit flat. Try to make it feel a bit more… bouncy.” Nabiki blinked at this. “Bouncy?” Ranko nodded and went over to a piano. “Kind of like this.” Ranko played three notes on the piano for Nabiki to get. “Hmm. Not bad. But what about this instead?” Nabiki played a few notes as well. “No still too flat. You want a beat to follow by when playing. You know like ONE two three ONE two three, something like that.” Ranko said helping her. “Like… dancing?” Nabiki asked curious. “Yeah. Each beat is a step to the music. As long as you have the beat you got music.” Ranko said smiling. “Wow Ranko I didn’t know you liked music so much.” Nabiki said smiling. “Yeah but I rather dance and sing than play. It’s like the art in a way when I dance. Each move like a dance step for the next part.” Ranko said smiling. “Okay…” Nabiki said trying to figure who just who she was now talking to. This was very much unlike Ranma.


“No, no, no, Ukyo it needs to have more flow too it. See.” Octavia said from the other side of the room. “Oh I see. Thank sis.” Ukyo said correcting the error. “You’re welcome and you still have to teach me how to make those delicious pancakes from this morning.” Octavia said smiling. “Sure. So… what’s going to happen now that Jackie’s farm is like it is?” Ukyo asked adding in more notes to her music sheet. “Well the town’s already going to try and start a collection to help raise money to help them out and I even heard Rarity is going to be holding a big fashion show with the proceeds going to the farm.” Octavia said looking her sister’s work over. “C flat wouldn’t work there. Try a C sharp.” Ukyo looked to the sheet and nodded correcting it. “That’s really generous of her.” Octavia nodded to this. “Rarity has always been a generous person. For as long as I’ve known her she’s always been willing to help those who needed it. She’s also a really good listener.” Ukyo nodded to this as the two worked away at the sheet music till they heard someone playing on a violin. “That’s beautiful.” Octavia said listening with closed eyes. “Yeah it is. But who’s playing it?” Ukyo asked surprised.


On the other side of the room Nabiki was floored by what she was hearing and seeing. Ranko, the female half of Ranma, former Saotome, and all around jock was playing a violin. And it was beautiful! This to Nabiki didn’t add up so her mind did a recheck of everything. There was Ranko, check, in her arms and under her chin was a violin, check, from said violin was, check, Rank was playing the violin making beautiful music… nope that wasn’t right. Yet… there she was in a music room PLAYING the most beautiful music she’s ever heard ON A VIOLIN! Nabiki was too stunned to say anything at first. Sure in her former life she had a taste for the finer things like clothing, food, music and she knew them when she saw them. From what she know of Ranko Cloudsdale she knew that she was just a beginner at any instrument, and yet clearly as she listened to Ranko played she knew for certain that she had a gift. Heck, she could probably play professionally if she to if she spent a few years becoming more proficient at it. She wondered what other facets of her current friend's personality were waiting to blossom, now that she was free to just be herself. As soon as Ranko was done she found herself clapping as well as the rest of the class.

“Bravo Ranko, Bravo! That was an amazing piece!” Lyra said happily. Ranko just blushed at the compliment. “Ranko I’ll be honest. I have heard others play the violin but never with such fierce emotion and conviction as we all just heard. You sure you’ve never played a violin before?” Lyra said kiddingly. “Yes ma’am. It’s my first time fully playing it. I mean I’ve played it here and there during class but…” Ranko said blushing. “Ranko would you like to start learning the violin more?” Lyra said smiling. Ranko’s eye widened at this. “Really?” Lyra nodded at this. “Yes ma’am!”


“And ‘she’ played it like a pro!” Nabiki said on her cell phone as Rarity was working with a large load of orders and customers. She was glad Rarity gave her the time to speak with family from time to time. The cell phone was new and was given to her by Rarity so they could keep in contact and it had an unlimited plan which helped when you were calling family overseas. “Really? I never knew Ranma liked music like that. Nor that he could play.” Kasumi said on the other end of the line. “I know, I mean sure the song ‘she’ did with all of us during that one Christmas party was amazing but this… sis you have got to hear ‘her’ play soon.” Nabiki said leaning back in a chair. “I promise that as soon as I clear things up here I will. Now what is all of this about you calling Ranma ‘her’ or ‘she’?” Kasumi asked over the line. “It’s a long story sis and a lot to tell that I know. Got that laptop I recommended you? You know the one with the camera.” Nabiki asked looking over a few of the designs she and Rarity had talked about after she was hired. “Yes I have it. Why do you ask?” Kasumi asked. “Meet me online tonight around nine and we’ll talk then.” Nabiki said finally. “Alright. Take care of yourself Nabiki.” Kasumi said kindly. “I will, later.” Nabiki said finally hanging up.

“And that’s the last one tonight Nabiki.” Rarity said finally turning the sign to closed. “Sorry I couldn’t have helped out on all of that.” Nabiki said putting her cell away. “It’s quite alright Nabiki; I know how important it is to keep in contact with your family. You better be off if you’re going to meet Ranma and Ranko at their house for dinner.” Nabiki nodded and headed for the front door. “See you later tonight Rarity.” Rarity smiled nodding and waved her off sighing. Nabiki walked through the early night towards Ranma’s home, or as she’s been told Ranma and Ranko’s home. She knew that there was one time that Ranma had acted as a girl, a very confused girl, but a girl none the less but now… Something just wasn’t right about all of this. She knew when something was up and well… something was up and she out of old habit had to find out what it was. After about a short walk she finally knocked on the door of the current Cloudsdale home. “Be right there!” she heard Ranma’s voice call out. It definitely sounded like Male Ranma and it was quickly confirmed by Ranma opening the door. “Oh hey Nabiki, come on in.”

Nabiki nodded and walked inside. For a one story home Nabiki was impressed. The living room and kitchen looked large enough to hold about twelve or so people, the bed rooms weren’t that far from the living room or back door, and the dining room was quite well laid out. “Nice place Ranma.” Nabiki said walking to the dining room where the plates where already set. “Thanks. Miss Lyra helped me get it.” Nabiki blinked at this. “She’s a realtor as well?” Ranma nodded at this as he sat down at the table alongside Nabiki. “Yeah, I think it’s a side job she does but personally I think she prefers teaching.” Nabiki nodded to this as she took her first bite of the prepared meal of fried rice and vegie wontons. “Oh wow, Ranma this is amazing.” Ranma nodded to this. “Yeah it is. I didn’t even know sis could cook fried rice.” Nabiki just blinked at Ranma. “Okay, spill it. What’s going on Ranma, what’s up with all this Ranko and sister stuff?” Ranma sighed as he put his wonton down. “Alright. A few months back sis, Ranko, my female half, started to gain a personality of it’s own. I began not knowing what happened while I was a girl so I went to Cologne about it since she’s the only expert around currently to know about the cursed spring and she told me that this would happen. She said that… sometimes the cursed half of the person becomes so suppressed it begins trying to come out another way, sometimes this is done through the change which is quite embarrassing at times. She also said it could be from the Neko-ken training. You can thank Summer for helping me cure that. Anyway she and I decided that since we were already acting as siblings we’d just… keep it that way. She gets time out to be her and I get out to have time as me simple as that. Anyway shouldn't we talk about what we asked you to come here for?”

Nabiki blinked at the explanation but after thinking about it nodded as it did make sense. Most people would try to separate themselves from a traumatic event often resulting in a split personality but… well she’s never seen something like this before nor had she ever witnessed something this precise. “Okay… yeah. So what did you want to talk to me about?” Ranma went back to eating before he spoke, “What happened at the Apple Family’s farm… that wasn’t something Kuno would have done. It’s not their style.” Nabiki thought back to all the incidents revolving the Kuno family and nodded. Tatewaki was just a think headed love sick fool, Kodachi was an insane gymnast who believed that fighting before the match was fair play and Principal Kuno was a nutcase… but each had one thing in common. They never did anything that could harm an entire ward let alone a town or city. “You’re right. You think it was someone else?” Nabiki asked after finishing her meal. Ranma shook his head. “No, those blackened apple trees was defiantly Kodachi’s signature but… I think someone else might be leading them.” Nabiki just looked at him scared. “You… you think it m-might have been…” Nabiki gulped, “Akane?” Ranma nodded to this.

“You did say that she had gone mad. Here’s your proof.” Ranma said sitting back in his seat. “But… how, why, I never told her where I thought you were!” Nabiki said becoming increasingly worried. “Nabiki. Hey Nabiki it’s okay. I remember Principal Moon saying something about knowing Principal Kuno, maybe that was how they found out where I was.” Ranma said after getting up and holding Nabiki. Nabiki just shivered in his arms, scared for her life. “If… they come here…” Ranma closed his eyes not saying a word but knew what would happen if they did. If they came here… it be Nerima Ward all over again.


For weeks things looked fine. Rarity’s auction on clothes helped Jackie’s family gain enough money to not only replace most of the trees they lost but also get them through the rest of the year while the trees grew, Summer and Ranko’s dates where more often, Dashie and Sparkle’s own dates where becoming more privet and things just keep being normal… till the next month. The next month things took a bit of a curve ball as issues started to pop up. Serious ones. The first week of the new month there had been over ten robberies three of which were from businesses that needed that money to keep going. The first was a local ice cream shop which had to shut down do to them being unable to pay their property and food bills, the next was the Cake’s home and business. Thankfully no one was hurt physically but the Cakes where going to be hurting for money for the rest of the month, lastly was one the entire town didn’t think would be harmed a second time, Rarity’s.

All the gems, money, and expensive fabrics where all stolen from the shop while Rarity, Nabiki, and Nodoka where at the local spa. The police told Rarity that it and in and out job. Whoever did it knew exactly what they were after. At first everyone thought it was Blue and his crew but amazingly they all had legit alibies. However it was the weeks after those things got really bad at the school. The music and gym equipment were all destroyed and had to be replaced the first week, the second week the school had to shut down as the cooking lab had caused an unexpected fire, and finally the largest was the upcoming school play of Romeo and Juliet. It was all planned out and fully set up with stage… but the budget and scripts where gone so the school couldn’t even hold it.

“I don’t get it, everything from before lead to it being the Kunos but…” Nabiki said as the group walked to school. “I know, something just doesn’t add up. I mean even Akane’s not this good at planning.” Ranma said tired. “You okay Ranma?” Summer asked worried. “Oh I’m fine; I just didn’t get enough sleep.” Ranma replied yawning. “What kept you up all night?” James asked. “Marathon. Sis wanted to catch up on season one of the original again.” Ranma replied. “You do know that’s five hundred minutes right?” James asked. “Ranma that’s eight point three hours!” Sparkle said shocked. “Yeah well… sis really wanted to see it and… who was I to say no.” Ranma responded. “I believe that was very kind of you Ranma but still I do believe that it be best to do that on the weekends.” Rarity said kindly. “Yeah I mean it could have been worse.” Dashie said smiling. “Dashie just how could that have been worse?” Jackie said next to Ryoga keeping her hat low as to hide her constant blush. “It could have been for sixteen point nine hours!” Dashie said gaining a good amount of laughs from everyone. “Still how’s things at home Pinkie?” Ranma asked worried for Pinkie. Ever since the robbery Pinkie’s hair had been kind of on the flat end. She sighed before looking to Ranma. “We… might need to shut down for a while.”

Everyone stopped in their tracks at this. “What?!” “No way!” “You can’t do that.” Was heard all around. “We… we don’t have any choice. We’re running out of stuff to make our products and if we can’t sell anything…” Pinkie said sadly. Summer went over and hugged her friend. “James we help?” Shampoo said in her best English. “How?” James asked. “We have spare to give. What Pinkie need?” Shampoo said then asked Pinkie. Pinkie sniffled and looked to Shampoo. “B-butter, milk, eggs, the normal baking goods. Artificial food coloring, extracts, everything.” Pinkie replied with Shampoo noting each on her fingers who then smiled. “You come to Dragon later. We help.” Shampoo replied kindly. Ukyo nodded in as well. “Come by my place as well, I a whole stock room full of stuff you and have.”

“You… you’ll help us?” Pinkie asked giving a small smile which Shampoo and Ukyo nodded to. Pinkie soon ran over and hugged the former amazon and the former martial arts chef constantly saying thank you. “You welcome. No we go to school, no want to be late.” Shampoo said kindly. Everyone nodded to this and began running towards the school but stopped as the rest of the student body stood outside the front entrance. “Hey what’s going on?” Ryoga asked confused.

One of the students turned to them and pointed ahead. Everyone looked to find… “A gate?!” Ranma asked shocked. “What? Ranma did you just say there was a gate up there?” Sparkle said shocked as well. “Yeah. And it’s closed.” The student said worried. “Ranma you don’t think…” Nabiki asked before. “ALOHA COLTSVILLE STUDENTS!” a voice rang out from the top of the school. Ryoga, Shampoo, Ukyo, Nabiki, and Ranma all looked up to the person on the roof and spoke only one name. “Principal Kuno!”

To be continued