//------------------------------// // Chapter II: The Meeting // Story: Midnight Dreamer's Friendship Lesson // by KingBronislaw //------------------------------// The alarm clock on Twilight Sparkle's nightstand chimed. It was 7:15 AM. Twilight Sparkle tried to blink the sleepiness out of her eyes while she yawned and stretched herself awake. She took one look at the sleeping dragon at the foot of her bed and, with a quick spark from her horn, pulled the blanket off of Spike. "Spike!" Twilight exclaimed. "Time to wake up! Only 45 minutes until the Royal Guards get here!" "What the hay..." Spike mumbled, not realizing how late it was. "I sure am glad you packed my saddlebags yesterday, Spike," Twilight said thankfully. "Now I've gotta get freshened up and get breakfast. I need to look and feel my best today." Twilight took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and combed her mane, then trimmed and polished her hooves. She walked into her kitchen while still brushing her lavender coat to a fine luster. She set the brush down and opened her kitchen cupboard to see a fresh box of apple cinnamon oatmeal, a recent gift from the Apple family. She poured the oatmeal into a bowl and added hot water from her teapot. Spike sat at the kitchen table, munching on a 24-carat emerald. Twilight joined him, hoping to get at least a few bites in to tide her over until lunch. As she gulped down the last bite of her apple cinnamon oatmeal, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Spike shouted. Spike jumped off his chair, bolted to the door, and opened it to see two Royal Guard stallions in full armor. "Miss Twilight Sparkle?" one of the guards queried. "We're here at Princess Celestia's request. We have orders to pick her up in the royal chariot at 8:00 AM. Is Twilight Sparkle ready?" "Coming, gentlemen!" Twilight knew not to tarry, as her brother, Shining Armor, spoke many times of the Royal Guards' penchant for timeliness and disdain for delay. She hurriedly tossed her saddlebags on her back, kissed Spike on the cheek, and sped out the door. "Don't forget to pick up the place, and run the library when I'm away!" called out Twilight as she stepped into the chariot. "I've got everything under control!" Spike replied as one of the guards closed the chariot door in unison with Spike closing Twilight's door. The Royal Guard chariot took off at flank speed for Canterlot Castle. At the rate of speed they were going, Twilight knew this must be an extremely important meeting. An hour later, the chariot began its descent toward Canterlot Castle. The guards lowered the drawbridge and raised the outer portcullis. The chariot landed inside the main gate tower, and the outer portcullis lowered behind them. A Royal Guard stallion knocked on the chariot door. "Miss Sparkle, pardon the intrusion, but security protocol requires us to search you and search your saddlebags. Please step out of the chariot and hand me your bags." Twilight Sparkle stepped out of the chariot and handed her saddlebags to the guard. A unicorn guard stepped forward and cast a spell to X-ray her bag, and a guard mare unicorn then stepped forward and cast an X-ray spell to search Twilight herself. She expected these extra security precautions, as she knew that the threat level in Canterlot was elevated since Discord and King Somber were still on the loose, and was thankful that Shining Armor told her about the new security protocal beforehand, and that Spike closely adhered to the new rules for what was allowed and what was forbidden in Canterlot Castle when he was packing her bags, otherwise, she might have forgotten about the hoof pick in her saddlebag. Once the guards were satisfied that Twilight was not carrying anything dangerous, they handed Twilight her bags and directed her to a side door inside the main gate tower. Twilight walked into a passageway which led to the main hall, where two more guards met her. "Twilight Sparkle, follow us," one of the guards directed. "The Princesses are expecting you." The guards escorted her to the throne room, and knocked on the door." "Who is it?" Princess Celestia asked. "Twilight Sparkle is here for your meeting, Your Highness," the guards answered. "Enter!" the princess called out. The guards opened the massive golden door and Twilight walked in. The sun beamed through the immense stained glass windows, illuminating the plush red carpet leading to the princess' thrones. At the end of the throne room sat Princess Celestia, her sister Princess Luna, and a third pony that Twilight immediately assumed must be Midnight Dreamer. Midnight Dreamer was a petite unicorn mare, actually, closer to being a filly than a mare, with a cobalt blue coat, big cerulean blue eyes, and a wavy mane and tail that was the same color as her eyes, with a streak of violet. On her flanks was a newish cutie mark of a quarter moon and three stars. She looked at Twilight with a dreamy, wondering expression, as a foal might look at a new toy. "Your Royal Highness" Twilight greeted the princesses, curtseying and setting her saddlebags on the floor. "Twilight Sparkle, meet Midnight Dreamer," Princess Celestia beckoned to the dreamy unicorn. "Pleased to meet you, Midnight Dreamer," responded Twilight. Midnight Dreamer stepped toward Twilight, and greeted her softly, "Likewise, Twilight Sparkle...I've heard so much about you. I think we're going to be great friends...I hope." "I am sure you know why you are here," Princess Celestia began. "As you know, Midnight Dreamer has been having some difficulties in my school. She has yet to make a single friend in all the time she has studied in my school. I can tell that this lack of friends weighs heavy on her heart." "I would love to have a friend like you, Twilight Sparkle," Midnight Dreamer said longingly. "But nopony wants to be friends with me." "Princess Luna and I have tried to help her, but it has been a struggle," Princess Celestia added. "Midnight Dreamer is also finding it hard to concentrate on her studies, and I suspect that her struggles with friendship may be the reason why." "We feel that Midnight Dreamer would benefit most by the example of a pony who is well versed in both making friends and studying magic. That pony is you." Twilight Sparkle was honored, yet puzzled. "Why me, Princess?" Twilight inquired. Princess Luna then spoke. "We called upon you because nopony understands the magic of friendship better than you, Twilight Sparkle. Midnight Dreamer is an exquisitely smart and loving pony, and she has great potential to do great things, but she is in need of extra attention from a kind, dedicated teacher to live up to that potential." "We would carry out this task ourselves, but our other royal duties are such that we are not able to fulfill this responsibility," the ruler of the night continued. "Therefore, we request that you host Midnight Dreamer at your residence in Ponyville while she learns about the magic of friendship under your tutelage. Will you serve as a mentor to Midnight Dreamer?" At this request, Twilight Sparkle felt a mix of pride and gratitude at being selected by none other than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna for such an important role in a young pony's life and the chance to fulfill her lifelong dream of being a great teacher, along with a huge dose of trepidation at whether she could actually help Midnight Dreamer make friends and focus better on her studies, all while running the Ponyville library and attending to her own studies all at the same time. No matter what she felt, when you received a royal request from Princesses Celestia and Luna, you had no choice but to say yes and carry it out to the best of your ability. "I will, Princess." Twilight answered. "We would have it no other way, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Celestia said. "Very well," Princess Celestia said. "Guards, prepare the royal chariot for Twilight Sparkle and Midnight Dreamer," she called out. "Royal Butler, please gather Midnight Dreamer's luggage for her journey." "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, may I have a word with you?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "Of course, Twilight Sparkle" the two alicorns replied in unison. Twilight gathered her thoughts for a moment. "Are you sure that this is a good idea? I mean, I've just finished learning a lot about friendship, and I know that I have lots yet to learn. Plus, I don't have much in the way of teaching experience. Do you really think that I can help Midnight Dreamer? "We would never give a task to any subjects whom we deem unworthy of it, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Luna responded, somewhat astonished. "Throughout your life, Twilight Sparkle, other ponies have given of themselves to make it possible for you to lead a fulfilling life," Princess Celestia then said. "And now it is time for you to, what is the word...'give back' to those ponies by providing the same mentoring to another pony that you yourself received." Twilight Sparkle thought for a moment, then responded, "I would be most honored to, Your Highness." "Now go and make us proud!" the princesses shouted. "I must be on my way, Princess...I will write as soon as I return safely home." Twilight promised as she walked out of the throne room, with Midnight Dreamer tagging along like a lamb with its mother. Thank you, Twilight Sparkle...you have absolutely no idea how much this means to us."