The Cloudsdale Chronicles: The Tale of King Lightning Crack

by LightningBeat

Chapter 1 - The Runaway

Chapter 1 - The Runaway

Young Lightning Crack didn’t have the same charmed life that his siblings had. He didn't even live in the same town! For the first 5 years of his life he lived with the Colt where he was abused and poorly cared for. He was hidden in a small shack at the edge of Manehattan! He was also in the cold basement locked in there where he only had a barred window to look out of. The few chances he got to walk around were when the Colt let him. he was closely monitored and if he tried to run away he would be hit hard with the Colt’s cane and locked in without being fed for days and sometimes weeks! But the Colt wasn’t always so strict. Sometimes he let lightning walk around the block on his own. He taught him how to pickpocket and steal and hide! The Colt never let him read or play with other ponies though, so Lightning had no friends. He also put a coat on Lighting to hide the tiny alicorn wings as to not give him away. Occasionally Lightning would come back with books he stole and hid from the Colt. But he was sometimes caught and the Colt would burn the books. Lightning taught himself how to read and do a few simple spells, and how to fight and defend with a sword or a stick! Unfortunately the Colt was smart enough to hide all the weapons aside from the cane he kept with him at all times.
        One day Lightning was reading one of the books he stole from a somepony off the street. This one was a special one to him... it was a transformation spell book! He franticly flipped through the book to find the spell that would save him! A spell to change metal into a veggie! He concentrated hard on the metal bars on the window... POOF! They turned into carrots! Spells came easily for him because of his royal blood. He thought it was just because that’s all he ever practiced. He thought quickly and fluttered his tiny wings as hard as he could and ate his way through the carrots! And ran out of the house and ran! He ran far… He ran outside of town… He even ran through a few cities. He ended up at a town he didn't recognize. There weren't any books with illustrations of this town. He was exhausted. Then he realized how cold he was! It was the middle of winter and winter wrap up wasn’t for two more months! he still had his coat on but that wasn't enough... he decided he’d run under a tree for cover... he spotted a huge tree and ran into it but then the ice made him slip into the trunk... or so he thought... two red doors appeared as he crashed into them! He rolled into the big room and bumped into a purple thing and fainted.
        Lightning woke up to several things. For one thing he was really dizzy and had a horrible headache. When he was able to think and see straight, he looked around and saw a few beautiful things... he first saw something that he thought was impossible, Books! Books everywhere! Books all over the walls! Books all over the ground! Even books in the table (bookshelf table)! After he was done marveling, he noticed the most beautiful pony he had ever seen! She was a grayish white unicorn with green eyes and a curly purple and pink mane. She was frolicking with two other fillies. One was cream yellow with a red mane and the other was orange with a spiky purple mane. Two older ponies were talking to the thing that Lightning crashed into. Lighting was staring at the thing when the one of the ponies walked up to him. This one was a unicorn was purple and had a sparkle cutie mark with a short purple mane.
“Oh! You're awake! Sorry about Spike. He’s very clumsy and didn't see you coming. He is a baby dragon after all!” she chuckled pointing to the baby dragon who was gawking at the other pony.
“Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself! I’m Twilight Sparkle! This is my library! What’s your name?” she asked.
“Lightning...Crack...” he said cautiously.
“Where are you from?” Another voice came from behind Twilight. The other pony... was pale, like the pretty filly, and had a long purple mane and she had a cutie mark with diamonds! She was also a unicorn!
“Oh, please do excuse my manners! My name is Rarity and this is my little sister, Sweetie Belle!” she said as she glanced to the pretty filly that looked at Lightning shyly.  
“What a beautiful name for a beautiful mare!” he responded in a daze staring at Sweetie. She blushed as she ran off into another room with the two other fillies. Rarity glanced anxiously at her sister then got back down to business
“I noticed your accent isn't from around here... where are you from?” she asked.
“Manehattan...” he responded slowly
“Where is your family? Manehattan is on the other side of Equestria!” Twilight questioned.
“I- I don't have one... I ran away! He was horrible I hit me! He burned my books-” he started to explain when rarity interrupted him with a big hug that filled him with tears.
“Ooh! You poor thing!” She sighed sympathetically as she hugged him.
“HE DID WHAT!?” Twilight yelled seeming to care more about the books and cried as well while squeezing him tightly as well. This probably would have hurt for a weak and tired filly like Lightning, but instead it was the best feeling he had ever had. It was his first hug... from his first friends! When they let go, spike noticed the tears,
“Hey, Lightning, are you alright?” Lightning only just noticed the tears as well.
“Yeah... I’m good... it’s just... I’ve... never had... friends...” he smiled from the tears of joy.
“Oooh dear! That’s even worse!” Twilight sighed as she hugged him again. When they were done hugging, Rarity started to walk to the door when she turned around,
“I better get going! Come on sweetie belle! Bring the others! We are going to Fluttershy’s!” Rarity said as the three fillies hopped out of the giant tree library. Before following them, Rarity walked over to Spike and gave him a peck that caused him to fall over dizzily.  
“Goodbye Twilight! Goodnight Spike!” Rarity said as she walked out. Then Sweetie Belle’s head popped back in, “see ya later Lightning!” she said cutely waving then disappeared.
“B- Bye...” Lightning stuttered while waving to her. Twilight, giggled softly while saying to herself  
“I Guess beauty runs in the family”. Then Lightning regained himself and started heading to the door.
“I better get going.” he said.
“Going where? You don’t have anywhere to stay! It’s not safe out there! There have been more fillynappers outside more often! You can stay and live with us! I think I have a spare bed!” Twilight said behind him. Lightning turned around anxiously
“Really? You mean it?!”
“Sure! Anything for a friend!” Twilight responded lightly.
“YAY! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” Lightning cried as he squeezed Twilight.
“I’m tired! I think it’s time for bed!” Twilight yawned. Lightning turned to Spike, who was still where Rarity kissed him snoring” Twilight giggled as a purple aura surrounded Spike then lifted him and suddenly... POOF! He appeared upstairs in bed.
Lightning stared in awe, “WOAH! My books never taught me how to do that!”
“I can teach that to you sometime later but for now its bedtime!” Twilight said exhausted as she walked up to her bead. “Goodnight Twilight!” Lightning said as he plopped down on his new bed and before twilight could respond a loud snore came from Lightning’s bed.
“Goodnight Lightning...” She said as Lightning dozed off.