Right Where It Does Not Belong

by TimeRarity64

Right Where It Does Not Belong

Right Where It Does Not Belong

By Timefather64

Inspired by Nine Inch Nails- Right Where it Belongs

Ever wonder about the things in this world that you live in, just seems...odd? Ever bother questioning it to somepony or yourself? Ever received a proper an answer that sounds accurate enough to be true or simply to “Casual” to be even true. Ever ponder yourself with the future ahead of you? “Am I going to be rich and famous? Am I going to be poor? Am I going to rule the world like Celestia?” Or, “Am I going to simply just fade away like everypony else in this questionable world?” These questions can sometimes leap across your head just by the thought of it. They may seem unimportant, they may seem important, they seem both, but is it worth taking action to it. Is it worth picturing yourself in taking action it?

I am sure Celestia, Luna, Discord, Sombre, and any pony or creature took action into this “Indefinite” question about...well...this world and us. How was the world made, who were Celestia’s and Luna’s parents, how was Discord born, how did Sombre manage to overthrow the Crystal Princess, and how were the elements of harmony even created? These questions are mainly what I think about when I read about them or even see them, fly over head my home. Another question forms into my head, maybe others if I want to pluralize myself in this. Was Celestia and Luna ever evil, was Discord ever evil, and was Sombre really evil before he was banished into the abyss? I am sure others would answer that, but I am also sure it would not be in the way I would see it. I am sure the answer was never correct by one’s own opinion or the other. Or maybe, it is and I was too ignorant or too blind to see it.

Here I am, a pony, questioning these figures that we all we know from the books that teaches us...what it wants us to know. Just like the Changelings. It taught us that they were anything that could love predator. Or in a short way to put it, Love’s Vampire. The books that were made for us to learn are supposed to teach us history, math, science, and practically anything that can get us around in life. But...what if these books were not as accurate in its teachings as they are suppose to be? What if they were another meaning for us to realize how much this world changed?

I am a nopony. You are a nopony. Even our rulers are. In our eyes that are directed towards one another. This could be true or just plain rude. Maybe. When we look at these mirrors in front of us or our reflections. All that we see is ourselves. Our eyes, mouths, noses, mane, etc. That’s what we see on us. But that is not what we see in us. Deep in us, there is something that makes us, us.

Me, I question everything and I retrieve the answers from others that I question. But I do balance these answers. I compare them and I contrast them. I pull them and I break them. I rebuild them and I alter them. I make it the way I would see it easily in my eyes. Because that is me. You may think that is an insufficient way in solving my problems or my solutions. Perhaps even my suggestions. But some of you may think that it is a decent way in getting through this life full of happiness and sorrow.

I am probably ranting, I am probably crazy, I will not say that I am or am not insane. I will not answer that question, for that question is not meant to be answer by anypony or anything. That question has no answer that is accurate. That question...is pointless to even be answered. The more I think about it, the more I question you, I, and the world that we live in ruled “Country wise” by, maybe, a so called Sun goddess. There is no accurate answer for everything. But yet, there is still an answer. Except the part of asking me or somepony else if they are insane. If we are choose to believe, then I do not want to take part of it. If we are choose to break away from this belief of what is real and what is not, then, I do not want to take part of it. I want to be in the middle, if there is even a middle. If there is no middle, then, I want to be nonexistent. I do not want to exist. If I cannot get the middle.

If there was no nonexistent. Then, I will make one. If I cannot make one, then I will force myself to make one. If my body gives up and breaks down like a machine would do if you leave it to rust. Then so be it, I rather turn to dust then pick a side. This world, that you, I, and all of us lives in...is not as it seems. It has to be an elaborated dream. It has to be something something developed for us to either suffer in, be happy in, or just to escape from something that is after them or me, or maybe you. This world...I want to leave it...suicide is not an answer. It is a challenge. I do not want to participate in this challenge, I just want to wake up. I just want to leave this world full of mystical creatures. I just want to go to the place where I belong in. Because this world...this is not the world I want to be in.

This world is an illusion...a world that my life, dreams, mind, everything about and on me is where it is right where it does not belong in.
