//------------------------------// // chapter 4 // Story: Mastering the elements: the Earth pony chronicles // by Eriku719 //------------------------------// Chapter 4 As they all sat down and enjoyed their meal, some questions were asked to each other. "So tell me what's it like to be a coal-colt Erick?" said Applejack "Well to be honest I got on here by accident and they assumed I was one their employees, but since I'm in this... thing I may as well explore this ponyville then." replied Erick. "Well if ya wants a guide around town, I'm your mare." said Applejack "Me too." said her little sister. "Maybe I can get my cutie mark in being tour guide. Wouldn't that be great sis?" said Applebloom " Well then I guess I can't wait for this train to stop." Said Erick in delight. "So where were you two coming from if you don't mind me asking." Erick asked "Well we're coming back from a family visit in Manehatten." Said Applejack in response to Erick "Yeah and I got to see my favorite cousin Babs." said Applebloom. They all continued to talk to each other and asked questions. Everything went smoothly until Erick got asked an embarassing question. "Um... mister Flowers can I ask you something?" Ask Applebloom "Sure thing little one." said Erick "Well..... it's about your cutie mark...... I noticed you don't have one...... did you ever found your special talent?" Erick was then silent, he never onced though that a question like that would come up in their conversation. He had to think of answer for the filly. "Well...... I guess not..... I nevered worried about my cutie mark where I spent most of my life." said Erick. "Wow..... that mean if you never found your cutie mark, you can join the cutie mark crusaders!" said applebloom in Delight. "Huh?" said Erick in confusion. Soon after they finished their dinner, it was time for bed. "Well looks like their no place for me to sleep." said Erick. "Guess I'll just sleep on the floor." "Oh horse apples Erick. If you want, you can sleep with me and my sis tonight.' Applejack offered. "WHAT!" said Erick in panic "What's wrong mister Flowers?" said the filly. "THE PROBLEM IS.......well...... call me old fashioned, but I believe mares and stallions can only sleep together if they're siblings or married." said Erick. "Well if your that bothered by it.... you can sleep on the floor of our room. That way, ya can have a place to catch some Zs and keep your principles." said Applejack. "Well..... I guess that's o.k" And so Erick accepted A.J's and setted up a bed for himself. He then pulled out the encyclopedia from the bag of bits given to him from Celestia. " well good night. I'll be up for awhile, I got to read this book." said Erick "You know, I think you would like this mare I know, she really like her books." said Applejack as she tucked her sister and herself to sleep. As the night went on Erick used the moonlight to help him read his book. By midnight he completed a quarter of the encyclopedia before falling asleep. "Wow.... the times sure did change. It feel like yesterday, I was just a colt and I fell asleep under *yawns* his hooves....... zzzzzzzz" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's been 3 moths since his encounter with the alicorn sisters and the bearded unicorns, secret playdates were made for Erick and Luna in order for his to become more opened to others, but most of all he had a home in a small house/laboratory. "Erick wake up. breakfast is ready." said the Bearded unicorn to his new roomate "Yay. Breakfast. I hope it's what I think it is." said the excited colt as he rushed down his make-shift room. Waiting for him was a plate of pancakes and an smiling unicorn. "So.... what are we going to do today starswirl?" said the young Erick with a mouth of pancakes "Just some experimenting and maybe if you been a good foal, you can see your little friend." Said Starswirl. And so the day went on from there. Starswirl and his colt did some experminting, Erick grew a mustache from an expermint gone wrong, he learn more magic spells and shared it with the little wuna on their playdates and much more. As starswirl sat and watched Erick play with Luna, he began talking with Luna's older sister. "You know..... we can't be hiding him from the public any longer.... one day we have to show him to the king." "Not until we find out who his parents are." argued the teen princess "But that's the thing..... I checked over and over again, all day and night..... he dosen't seem to have any family members..... maybe.... maybe he's just.....nothing" said Starswirl "..... Don't you ever say that" said Celestia, "He is something to somepony, weather you or your science say he isn't." said the Princess. Soon after the playdate, it was time for Erick to go home. Night came and Erick soon hudled with Starswirl near a fireplace for warth. "Hey starswirl can I say something?" asked Erick "Anything you want." said The bearded pony. "I'm glad I met you." said Erick with a smile and herested in his hooves "Me too." said Starswirl. "I.....I *yawns*..... I love you dad." said Erick as he finally fell asleep in his hooves. As he said those words, the discussion he had with Celestia came back to his mind and he soon realized..... he was something..... to him "I love you too........ Son."those were his final words as he slept along side his new Son. End of chapter 4