My life in Equestria


Waking up

Chapter 2-Waking up

I was regaining my vision and hearing, but I was being kept from waking up by something and I could hear a constant *Beep, beep beep*, when I looked around I found myself in a hospital room on my own, I listened carefully and could just make out some faint voices.

"Are you sure he's going to be okay doctor? I could just make out that this was a feminine voice "Were not sure who he is, how he survived that level of injury or even where he came from, but he is slowly recovering I can assure you." I could reasonably understand that this was the doctor who was monitoring me "Okay, I'll notify my friends of the situation." as the doctor came back in I tried to say something, but my throat was dry and all I could do was move slightly and look around.

As I started to drift back off I heard the doctor speak in slight bewilderment "What the?" I heard the machine give off it's last beep before jumping to a constant beep, as I closed my eyes I heard the machine go back to beeping at a steady rate.

When I woke up again I was in the same medical room as before, although I could move and slightly speak, as I looked around I noticed a assistance button so I pressed it and waited, about a minute later the doctor came in shocked, so I spoke "Hey *cough* doc." as I spoke I could feel my throat's dryness from not drinking any water for who knows how long, after a few seconds the doctor finally spoke "Hey, you're awake." as he finished speaking I thought of one question, 'How long was I out' so I decide to ask him "Hey *cough* do you *cough* know how long I was out?" when I asked my question the doctor raised a hoof to his chin and thought, he then brought it back down "Well to give you the truth, you've been out cold for about 5 months or so, at first we presumed you dead but the machine kept saying you were still alive and breathing." 5 Months? that's a hell of a long time to sleep.

"Well to be honest, I don't even know how I got here myself, how I survived or where I am" I said still posing a question to past events "you are in Ponyville hospital, as for the other two, none of us are sure either." well that sort of burst my bubble, nopony knows where I am or who I am, guess there was no way of them to know in the first place, I suddenly remembered the second voice from when I woke up 5 months ago "Hey, who brought me here?" I questioned because nopony would just leave a pony to bleed to death so it must have been somepony.

"Ah yes, that would have been Miss Twilight Sparkle, she found you a few months ago and brought you in because you were dying." Twilight Sparkle, where have I heard that before? never mind,so that's who that voice belonged to "Where can I find her? I should thank her for bringing me in." after all it's the least I could do for somepony saving me "I do believe she works at the Golden Oaks Library, I'd think it would be quite a shock to see you awake after all this time, but since you are very much alive you shall be discharged." discharged that fast? well I suppose there's nothing wrong with me anymore so.

"Okay so I can leave now?" I questioned in the case of he was making a cruel joke "Yes we just need you to sign this and then you can go." After signing the form I left the hospital, I was blinded by the amount of light even though it was dusk, after my eyes adjusted I made my way to where Twilight was, hoping she still remembered the pony she saved from death.

I finally arrived at a building with a sign saying 'Golden Oaks Library', the building consisted of a house built inside of a huge oak tree "Hmm I can see why the name matches." I walked up to the door and knocked twice and waited, after 2 minutes I was greeted by a small purple dragon "Yes how may I help you?" I was surprised at the size of him, I thought dragons were big, maybe he's a specific species "Um, could I speak to a miss Twilight Sparkle?" I'm sure I've heard that somewhere "Yeah hang on a second, Twilight! there's someone wanting to see you!" after he shouted I could hear the response of the same feminine voice as when I was at the hospital.

"Hello, how may I help you?" she said, as if she'd done this a lot of times because it's a library "Um, may I come in for a second?" She allowed me in and offered me something to drink, I gladly accepted "Now, what is it that you needed?" here goes nothing "Um, do you remember that Alicorn you saved just outside the Everfree forest?" she nodded in response, well she remembers at least "Well...that was me." as soon as I said that her eyes grew to the size of plates.

"How are you-" I knew that question would come eventually "Alive?" she nodded again in confirmation "I have no idea why I'm here or How I'm still alive, but I can tell you this, never try to fight 6 Timberwolves directly on, it just doesn't work." she giggled at that sentence, and I smiled "Well of course not silly! you can't take on a pack of Timberwolves alone and expect to win!" so I decided to respond "Well I guess that's true, but it depends on your options of survival." as we chatted for a few more hours it was finally nighttime and I realized I had no where to sleep so I had to bring up the question "Hey Twilight, I don't have anywhere to sleep or really go to live so I was wondering if maybe I could stay here?" she didn't need to let me sleep here or stay, after all it was her house "I don't see why not."

"Thanks Twilight, this means a lot to me" after she took me upstairs she showed me where I would be sleeping "Here you are, you will be sleeping here." it was really nice of her to allow me to stay.

"After setting my things down and getting into my bed, I kept thinking if I was ever going to be able to finish what I had done on my project, alas it was time to sleep.

I woke up in some sort of black realm, my eyes adjusted to the darkness again so I could see what was going on, "What the-" a few holographic images were set in front of me, I could see a large black Alicorn with a dark blue flowing mane and her marking was a moon in darkness, I saw Twilight and some others then I saw the Alicorn defeated, I then saw another with a weird creature "A Draconequees?" I saw him laughing while everything was in chaos, I then saw him get defeated by the same beam of rainbow last time, this time I saw an Alicorn in a weird set of armor consisting of a bulky chestplate, a heavy gas mask shaped for an Alicorn's head as it had ears and a horn, I then saw a schematic for the same armor engraved on a steel slate, at the top were the words 'T4357B TYPE.A PROTOTYPE ARMOR', I then saw another schematic on the same type of slate, this time engraved with what looked like some sort of weapon with the words 'T4357B TYPE.A PROTOTYPE RAILGUN' I then realized the pony was wearing the same armor as on the schematic.

I then saw a battlefield, a city on fire, ponies dying and the same pony in the middle of the city with the railgun attached to his side, he looked at the corpses and then his head slowly drooped to the ground, he looked sad, I skipped to an image that showed a few griffons being blown apart by the railgun, I then saw a few ponies crying, he reached out a hoof and helped them up, he then pointed out of the city clearly indicating for them to run, I then saw a flash of images showing the pony until it finally showed his helmet being removed, I was shocked at what I saw, it was a male Alicorn with a black coat, it was me.

I woke up with a loud gasp, but quickly stopped being careful not to wake Twilight as it was still late at night, I then slowly got up and walked over to my rucksack that had my stuff in, I then looked at the metal inside and quietly said "This is the same stuff that armor was made out of." I then picked up my stuff and walked quietly downstairs, I then noticed a huge steel door labeled 'Basement' I then made a note saying where I was and not to disturb me, I then quietly opened the door and went in, closing the door silently.

I noticed a huge metal table in the middle of the room and said to myself "Time to get to work" placing my bag on the table and setting up.

A/N: and suddenly...visions! storyline picks up here and involves me joining the Canterlot Elite team, after a display of the Railgun.