Its My Little Future

by Fry

6 = Weekend At Zoidbergs

~That night Bender and me slept into the rubber boat In a forest called : Every-free Forest.
We had a nice and good sleep.

The following morning i woke up realising some-pony was sleeping in the rubber boat.
A shiver shivered over my spine down to my hooves.
I tapped Bender his head with my hoof pointing to the red thing that layed at the end of our foot-ends.

’’W-whats that?’’ i said scared as fuck. Bender replied : ‘’Maybe it is Big Macintosh’’?
I looked at Bender with an sneaky smile : ‘’ I thought you didn't like my lil pony?
Bender looked shy away :’’Well okay i watch the show sometimes when i'm alone in the living room,but if you tell it someone in the year 3012 i kill you meat bag!'' He shouted angry with a bitter look in his eyes.
'' I promise i won't say a thing'' i promised bender while i was crossing my heart.

I approached the big red thing with a stone, my heart beating wild in my chest.
I tapped it softly and it woke up.
Me and bender were freaked out and we hugged each other tightly.
The monster came into the light.
It was Dr Zoidberg!

’’Heylo friends!!!’’

Zoidberg whispered trough his tentacles.Me and Bender whiped the sweat of our forheads,
’’Dr Zoidberg?’’ : Bender gasped ’’What are you doing here?''

''That's easy to explain.'' Said the red lobsterpony.
From the Professor i must join you guys to keep an eye in the sight if you doing not anything stupid.
So while you were asleep i felled trough the other portal and landed into a bush in this universe,and Zoidberg sees hes a pony so hurray!!!’’
Zoidberg cheered and tries to catches his breath from all the talk he gave to us.
’’Ah well,it couldn't get much worse’’said Bender while he smacked his hoof to his face.
.’’Welcome to the club,Zoidberg!! ...i gave him a warm smile.

’’A club,you say?''
''Okay,so wheres the food Zoidberg has hunger!!''
Zoidberg looked hungry around himself.

’Well,you dumb Squid,we only have beer,But that's for me so stay away from it!!!
And we have some apples over there’’
Bender pointed to a pile of delicious red apples.
Zoidberg runned like a madman to the apples and he ated them all in one bite.

’’Thank you,my friends’’

Zoidberg Burped and layed satisfied on his back.

I saw the sun slowly coming up between the trees and i had an Idea.
’’Hey guys!!’’ I Shouted happy.
Bender and zoidberg lifted up there heads.
’’How about we going to bring a visit to this town.It seems like a funny place and maybe we are going to make some friends these 3 months’’ .
I pointed to the village that layed right front of us.
Zoidberg & Bender both agreed with me.
I shoved of some mud of from the sign of the village.
’’Dr Zoidberg...Bender...We about to enter: Pony-Ville