Dovahshy May Cry

by Draconis187

A Blade's Reprieve

Dovahshy May Cry
A Blade’s Reprieve
Author: Draconis187

The sounds of hooves echoed through the halls of Canterlot castle, belonging to a particular yellow Pegasus. After deciding that running around with her rocket launcher ready was probably a bad idea since this was not Chrysalis’ castle but the Princesses’ she showed her restraint by taking out her pistols instead. As she went through the passageways, she would buck down the doors she passed, to ensure she wasn’t going to get ambushed.

One of the doors she opened revealed three Changelings, but as they saw her they cowered, shaking almost violently with fear. Fluttershy left them be as she knew that they knew better than to attack her. Every once in a while a Changeling did try its luck, only to become closely acquainted with a bullet travelling at 253m/s (the muzzle velocity of your average .45 bullet).

She soon came across the large double doors that lead into the throne room. Checking her weapons and her appearance – she was still a little upset about her shortened mane – she took a deep breath. Taking out Kalina Ann, she aimed at the door and pulled the trigger.

The door blew open as the rocket collided, sending splinters flying around like high speed confetti. What did remain of the door got blown off its hinges and crashed to the ground with a massive bang. The shockwave cracked a few windows in the process and one of the door pieces fell on an Elite, crushing it into the floor. She walked over the rubble that was now in the throne room and looked at the shocked Chrysalis. Her friends and the princesses gasped at who they once knew as the shyest and most timid of the Mane Six was now a gun toting killer. To see her look so cold was… unsettling.

Sorry, doorbell was busted.” She smirked as she aimed the launcher towards the ceiling. She launched the bayonet and let the launcher haul itself upwards. She pulled out her pistols and turned to the – just as shocked – Elites. The short silence was broken by Chrysalis’ voice.

What are you waiting for?! Attack, kill her!!” she shouted. The four out of the five Elites charged at Fluttershy, their weapons raised in a form of ‘battle mode’.

One was completely encased in blood red chitinous armour from head to hoof (will be referred as Red Elite) including its face. It was carrying a large steel, bell-shaped hammer. It made the first Elite she fought look like a weakling as the hammer came down at her, creating a shockwave that threw her backwards into the wall.

The next Elite was as scrawny as the second one she faced in the Gardens: its chitinous plating was a dark green (will be referred to as Green Elite); its ‘armour’ covered the same portions of its body as the one from the Gardens. This Elite carried a 6 foot long halberd (think a combo of an axe and a spear). Sadly though since this Elite was so similar, Fluttershy knew how to deal with it as well as to watch out for the speeds it is capable of.

The third was dark blue in terms of its chitin. It looked average – for an Elite anyway – and carried a broadsword in its hooves. Its chest, forehooves, abdomen, were all covered by its chitin and yet there was none on its hind legs. To Fluttershy though, it just meant she found a weak spot she could exploit.

The fourth was identical to the Red Elite in terms of chitin and body structure, the only differences were that its chitin was purple in colour and it carried a large executioner’s axe.

The last one carried a bow as big as Fluttershy was tall. It had the normal chitin Fluttershy saw on the normal Changelings. It was skinnier than the Blue Elite but had a bit more body to it than the Green Elite. Its chitin was a dull yellow.

Fluttershy rolled to the left as the Green Elite’s halberd crashed into the spot she had just occupied. Knowing her guns wouldn’t be too great a help she pulled out her blades and went for the Green Elite who was trying to remove the halberd from the wall. As she got near the bell hammer came crashing in front of her, the Red Elite glaring at her. Fluttershy needed to get a grip on the situation, and fast.

SU GRAH DUN!!” She felt a surge of energy enter her hooves, as if she could attack forever. With increased vigour, she attacked the Red Elite.

She was assaulting it a pace she normally would not be able to, her actions a near blur of yellow and black. The sound of metal crashing on metal echoed through the hall. The captive audience above stared in shock at this Fluttershy as she was making the Red Elite back up with every blow. The Yellow Elite fired a few arrows at her, only to see them casually sliced in half and receive a few waves of fire and lighting as a thank you.

The Purple Elite swung its axe horizontally at Fluttershy from behind her while the Blue Elite threw its broadsword like a boomerang at her. She jumped and did a 180° twist as well as a 360° flip, landing on the axe and avoiding the broadsword in mid-air. As the Purple Elite and Fluttershy looked at each other for a split second, she smirked. “WULD NAH KEST!!” she shouted, flying past the Elite and bucking the Green Elite – who still hadn’t gotten its halberd out – with her left hind hoof, sending it flying out the open window with a scream.

She looked behind her to see the Purple Elite’s chitin around its face and chest were shattered, fragments of it laid around the floor where it stood. It looked at her with fear in its eyes.

What are you?” It asked in a deep, frightened voice. The other three Elites stood there, scared about what the answer could be. Chrysalis was paralyzed with fear, seeing her Elites being trounced by the once timid, caring Pegasus.

Your worst nightmare!” Shouting her reply, she threw her dagger in the air. Pulling out Pity, she ran up to the Purple Elite and jumped on its head. The other Elites charged at her while the Yellow Elite fired more arrows. Using the Purple Elite’s head as a platform, she launched herself into the air with a backflip and was behind her – now falling – dagger. “Too slow!

She fired the pistol, the bullet collided with the bottom of the handle and propelled the dagger at the Yellow Elite at 239m/s (it’s a form of kinetic energy transfer. The bullet lost a lot of its energy as it collided with the dagger which absorbed it.). The Elite tried to dodge it and fell to the floor. As it got up it saw the dagger in the floor, about two metres away.

You missed.” It said… before dropping to the floor with a thud. As much as it dodged and prevented the dagger from impaling itself in the Elite’s body, it failed to notice that the dagger cut one of its jugular veins as it flew by.

That left three more Elites: Blue, Red and a damaged Purple Elite. Chrysalis screamed at them.

Kill her already!! She’s just one mare!!

Fluttershy’s throat was feeling better after her Shout, she knew she could use another but she needed the right moment to unleash it again.

No more of this foolishness!! Die!!” shouted Chrysalis as she used her magic to throw her daggers at Fluttershy, who used her blades to deflect them, one of which impaled the Blue Elite in its right shoulder. It pulled the dagger out but only got the hilt, leaving the blade inside (the blades were crystal, designed to break when the victim tried to remove it from its body). It brought down its broadsword with crushing force. As the blade hit the ground, the force cracked the floor and sent a trail of energy towards Fluttershy who flew upwards to avoid it.

She had to quickly adjust her flight as Chrysalis threw her spear at her. The spear missed and went flying out the window, after it smashed it. Fluttershy landed in front of the Purple Elite and with both greatswords firmly in her hooves, Shouted.

WULD NAH KEST!!” Fluttershy appeared in front of the Red Elite, missing one of her swords. She had impaled the Purple Elite in its chest, through one of the missing parts of its chitinous armour. It was laid on the floor, shaking as if it was having a seizure, the blade impaling itself all the way to the hilt. The Red Elite swung its hammer in an underhand arc (akin to a golf swing) and Fluttershy was unable to dodge the incoming blow. She got hit in the chest, feeling a few ribs crack from the impact and dropped her other sword.

She flew backwards, straight through the window, shattering the glass. She got several cuts compounded on her broken ribs. With the aid of adrenaline to numb the pain, she managed to correct herself as her horizontal fall became a vertical one and spread her wings. As she glided around to the window she kicked the Green Elite out of and saw it didn’t fall to its death but rather got impaled on one of the castle’s spires, green blood dripping off the sides.

She pulled out her pistols and flew threw the window, following the thunderous noise coming from them. The remaining two Elites were not fast enough with their weapons and received several wounds but they were undeterred and attacked as soon as she landed inside. Chrysalis brought her broadsword to bear and charged.

Dodging the swings from all three weapons, Fluttershy got close to the Purple Elite and pulled out her sword from its chest. She saw her other blade on the far side of the room and flew to grab it, with success. As if on cue she brought the blades up in time to deflect the blow from Chrysalis’ broadsword. Next to come at her was the Blue Elite’s broadsword, as it came at her she ducked, the blade swinging past her harmlessly. The Red Elite’s hammer came crashing to the floor and had missed Fluttershy yet again but this time the floor couldn’t take the abuse anymore and caved in. the two Elites looked at each other just before they plummeted an entire floor downwards. Seeing her opportunity, Fluttershy flew up to the ceiling and pulled Kalina Ann’s tertiary trigger, firing the mini missiles.

The Blue Elite was knocked unconscious by the fall and was blown apart by the mini missiles. The Red Elite’s armour was to thick for a blunt force attack to have a good enough effect and began to try to find the nearest staircase so it could rejoin the battle.

Chrysalis flew up to Fluttershy who then pulled Kalina Ann out and fired. Chrysalis dodged it and the rocket collided with the throne, creating a small crater. Fluttershy then pulled out her blades again and flew towards Chrysalis. Her blades collided with Chrysalis’ broadsword, the force of the collision caused the windows to reverberate violently, shattering the already cracked ones.

Give it up Chrysalis! You’ve already lost!” Shouted Fluttershy.

Never!!” Fluttershy breathed in deeply.

FUS RO DAH!!” Due to their close proximity to one another the shout’s effectiveness was increased and blew Chrysalis into the wall above the broken throne before she fell to the ground with a thud. Her chitin had cracked in several places and as she put her hoof to her mouth, she saw her own blood on it.

She threw the rest of her daggers at Fluttershy but Fluttershy deflected a few and a couple of others got shattered. Chrysalis then used her broadsword, swinging wildly. Fluttershy noticed her attacks were becoming more wild, unfocused even, since that every time she attacked Fluttershy either blocked it easily or she dodged the attack completely.

The Red Elite eventually got back to the battle… only to find the crater it made left too large a hole in the floor for it to be of any help to its Queen. Flight and magic seemed to something it lacked.

The sound of the bashing of metal was getting more intense as the battle waged further. Chrysalis tried to shoot a few bolts of magic at her opponent only for her to deflect them back at her or at the Red Elite, who was feeling rather useless at that point.

Fluttershy hit Chrysalis’ blade with enough force to press it against her body. As they stared at each other Chrysalis saw the look in Fluttershy’s eyes. They looked cold, remorseless and it was truly frightening the Changeling Queen. With almighty push, Fluttershy knocked the broadsword out of her magic’s grip. Before Chrysalis could pick the blade up again Fluttershy had her blades by her throat as a pair of makeshift scissors.

Now, release my friends!” she shouted putting a small amount of pressure against Chrysalis’ neck as ‘encouragement’. Her horn and the cocoons above began to glow green. The seven cocoons then detached from the ceiling and were slowly placed on the ground. The goo began to ‘melt’ off the bodies of her friends and the monarchs.

Fluttershy smiled and eased her ‘grip’ on Chrysalis’ throat. As Chrysalis sighed Fluttershy sprung into one final brutal act. She sliced off Chrysalis’ head and launched it before performing another 180° twist with a 360° flip but as the head came back down to the ground, Fluttershy bucked it with her right hind hoof. Flying like a missile It collided with the Red Elite’s chest, the horn penetrating straight through it like wet tissue paper. The Elite fell forward, back through the hole again only this time it was not going to get up.

The group stared at her, this was the most brutal display her friends had ever seen and the last display of such savagery was a very long time ago for the Alicorns. She dropped her blades and sunk down onto all fours, sobbing with her head under her hooves.

It was finally over, Chrysalis was no more. But the cost? Would she now be seen as a homicidal mare or will they still think of her as the caring pony she used to be before she vanished? Fluttershy looked to her friends and before she could explain everything, exhaustion had finally taken her, making her collapse on the floor. She quickly fell into a deep sleep.

*** *** *** ***

The news of the Queen’s death had reached the invasion force who were heading back to the castle. They realised it was better to never set hoof or wing in Equestria ever again. Without a Queen to guide them, they had no purpose, they were destined to wander the world without direction.