//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Origins: Prince Light of Equestria Part 1 // by PrinceLight //------------------------------// Nopony had ever seen such things before, the ground trembled and quaked, the land splitting apart at the seems while Flammus and Discord waged a seemingly endless battle. It seemed like it lasted an eternity, with the pair creating, and destroying just about everything in their path. Sometimes pure beauty sprang forth from the blackened earth, other times disturbing scenes of chaos came forth, but all the while everything was starting to be bathed in the light created by the transformed Flammus, his silver gleaming in his own light. Celestia and her black maned sister had run off, in hopes that perhaps they could find one of the other 3, and get them to aid in the fight against Discord. But they all seemed preoccupied with the settling of this newly revealed world beneath their hooves, the land rich after an eternity of night, and a lack of vegetation allowing the newly sprouted plants and trees to grow like wild fire, if not for Flammus' light this would not be possible. Flammus knew that he couldn't keep going against Discord, the monster having had lifetimes to gain the power that he had, versus the Lord of Fire who had only just been released from his volcanic prison. Shooting up into the air Flammus disappeared behind thick clouds, flying higher and higher at a speed no other pony had even thought possible, until finally he looked back to find that he had left the world of Discord far bellow, and all around him he could see bright lights off in the distance, with out planets too. His own was nearly invisible against the darkness of this new frontier, but his shine had spread, and the splotches of gray were becoming fewer by the second. Flammus knew that he could not defeat Discord, he knew that his light would fade, lest he be everywhere at once. And then he got an idea, a crazy idea that would, hopefully, work in his favor, and the favor of the pony folk whom he had tried to help for generations. His act would give his sister's the ability to face Discord on equal footing, and bring light to all the land below. The silver alicorn took one last look unto his home before spreading his wings out wide their incandescence showering the world with his ethereal glow, he spread them out wider, and wider, his eyes closing, and his silver coat cracking to reveal the bright light that had shimmered through the shell. No longer the Lord of Fire, he was now the Prince of Light, the sun itself was created on this fateful day, burning up the newly crowned Prince in his own powerful glow. Back below, the alicorns, and rulers of the land, Princess Celestia, and her sister Luna suddenly found themselves gifted with 6 glowing artifacts, the Elements of Harmony. With these the pair of Princesses fought and vanquished Discord, taking on the duty of commanding the newly formed sun, and the moon which once a night would pass in front of the glorious orb to bring about the night again, allowing the world to thrive each day, and night. The Prince was the first of his kin, but not the last, to sacrifice himself in hopes that the land would be better for it.