If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

by overlord-flinx

Chapter Five: I Do... Have to Think.

It was a modest 'feast' to say something of it. Vinyl and Octavia sat across from one another at their shabby coffee table in front of their plaid sofa. Octavia, after reworking the ramen Vinyl got for them, dished out half of the serving to Vinyl and half to herself. For whatever reason, Vinyl let Octavia sit on the sofa while she pulled a large throw pillow to sit on, using her discarded top she was wearing moments ago as added cushioning. Clacking their bowls against the other's, they started to dine. Lowly as ramen was to someone like Octavia, she still found a way to elegantly consume it. Raise of the bowl, dip to the lips, subtle sips of the broth before putting the bowl back down and twirling the noodles around her fork until it was a neat curl of collecting noodles. Not a drop was left to chance as Octavia kept her hand just below her noodle twirled fork when she led it to her mouth.

On the other side of the table, Vinyl did not have the same grace by any means. Spoon clacking feverishly into the ceramic build of the bowl, knocking broth and noodles all around and wafting fresh steam into the air. When the bowl was lifted to meet Vinyl's face, she simply slurped spoonful after spoonful of noodles and broth, making an effort of snorting as she ravished her face with bits of her dinner. Finally putting the bowl down revealed Vinyl's face to be riddled with noodle bits and shimmering drops of broth.

A quick, snorting laugh escaped Octavia when she looked away from her dinner and at Vinyl. The young DJ only cocked her head to the side playing confused. "What? Something on my face?"

"No more than usual, Vinyl..." Octavia picked up the towel she had been using as a placemat for her bowl and leaned over the coffee table, "Here, I'll clean it off..."

Vinyl propped her chin up a bit, helping Octavia reach her mark. A smirk came from Vinyl's lips when she felt the dry of the cloth touch against her wet chin and cheeks. It dabbed slowly, making sure to pick off the noodle fragments along with the broth drops. When Octavia moved back against the sofa, she had to suppress another laugh as she saw Vinyl cocking her head to one side and batting her eyelashes. "Do I w'ook p'w'iity now?"

It was hard not to laugh when Vinyl used such a cutesy tone of voice. But, Octavia managed. Pushing the need down, she decided to retort a comment before finishing off the last of her soup. "By definition, 'pretty' is to be alluring in a fashion of near fragility, avoiding the direct adjacency with the seductive natures." Octavia gauged Vinyl's level of clarity with what she saw, seeing none at all in her blank expression, "So, by definition, you have never nor will you ever be pretty. You are more so ravishing; or perhaps voluptuous in many regards; or, as past events have detailed, you are highly libidinous if nothing else."

"I'll just take that you called me smoking hot and kiss you right now before you can say that's not what you said..." Vinyl skillfully hurdled a leg over the coffee table and kicked herself forward to make the full pass.

It was in one swift, blinking movement that Vinyl went over the coffee table, knocked over both bowls with her foot in a clacking of silverware, and mounted Octavia. Vinyl's slender, pale arms pinned into a lock on both sides of Octavia, pushing the musician effortlessly against the couch. The more modest breasts of Vinyl's fit into a dwarfed press against the cellist's own darker bust. When Vinyl pressed in against her, Octavia felt a few warm spots of liquid get meshed into her breast. Seems Vinyl's soup eating even got onto her chest.

Octavia craned her neck of a bit, brushing her forehead against Vinyl's so that she could breath in Vinyl's tantalizing scent. Sweat, smoke, and the layered hint of cinnamon. A very strange combination, but after smelling it so much, it felt right to Octavia. Looking to Vinyl with limpid eyes, she waited for what would inevitably come next. Though, to her surprise, she felt one of Vinyl's hands move away and grab something off from the counter. Once more, Octavia had to let out a dry laugh when she saw her girlfriend put her shades on the roof of her forehead.

"What do you think? On or off?" Vinyl taunted Octavia, keeping her lips just out of reach as she flipped her shades on and off over her eyes.

Normally, Octavia loathed being taunted in any such way; but like many things with Vinyl, she learned to adapt. In this case, she slid a finger up between their pressed bodies and poked Vinyl's shades back up against her forehead. "To view your eyes while we touch is what I want..."

Vinyl obliged while closing the gap between their lips. Octavia's face felt hot once again as she felt the DJ's lips caress and buckle against her own. The kiss lasted for moments, Vinyl tilting her head from one side to the other as her tongue made a few sloshing passes into Octavia's prized mouth. With near lidded eyes, Vinyl drew back from Octavia, making the beautiful cellist blush even greater when she saw a string of their entwined saliva string between their lips.

A gradual but satisfied moan passed out of Octavia's tender, wet lips while Vinyl licked her own lips, still locking Octavia against the sofa. There was no doubt inside of Octavia to even a single degree; this is the woman she loved more then anyone else. She was pinned here before the most beautiful woman in all history, shamelessly naked before her and not once shying to cover herself in her presence. IN every way, this was true bliss.


"Yes, Vinyl?" Octavia regretted answering her not moments later.

The world seemed to have broke down and even that horrid clock against the wall could make a sound into this dying world. In the moment Octavia saw Vinyl pull a small black box from her pocket, her heart fell like a stone. Even still, Vinyl looked to her girlfriend with the utmost love and admiration. "I can literally count the days between without even trying. I... I friggin' love you, Tavi... And, well..." the box clicked open and revealed a golden wedding band; though instead of a diamond on it to adorn the ceremony traditionally, a shimmering melanite gem was held into the clasp. "Will you marry me?"


Octavia could not even form a word as she dropped her jaw just-so and widened her eyes. Even if she could have spoken, Vinyl kept on anyway.

"Oh! Before you say 'yeah' or whatever, I wanna say one last thing just as your girlfriend--" I... "--here goes--" I... "If I could rearrange the alphabet--"

"I have to think..."

The air fell heavy in a blink of an instant. Vinyl continued to smile, though she moved off of Octavia and sat back onto the coffee table. The two looked into one another's eyes, exchanging not a word as silence filled the room and threatened the outside world with the same. Octavia silently gathered up some stray clothes laying about the living room, beyond happy that today she left some of her own clothes out before cooking. After she dressed herself, she looked back to Vinyl.


"I... I have to... I have to go..." Octavia stammered those words out as she went to the apartment door and grabbed an overcoat from the rack next to the exit.

The coat was not put onto her, only used to cover herself around the shoulders as she opened the door and left. Once the door shut behind her, Vinyl nodded to herself. "Right, yeah. Totally..." she laughed a bit and picked her shirt up.

When she slipped it back onto her naked chest, her smile grew. "We all have to think for time to time, right? Yeah..." Vinyl looked at the ring box, still clenched in her hand.

For some reason, the box was creased very deeply now, and Vinyl's fingers were growing red when she looked to it. "We all gotta think..." she nodded once.

Sound finally came and went from the apartment as the ring box was thrown against the clock ticking by the kitchen, shattering the glass of it and silencing the ticking. When the box fell against the kitchen floor along with the shards of the clock's glass, Vinyl fell down to her knees and took her shades off from her head. Her eyes stayed glued to where Octavia was just at, though her eyes started to blur when flecks of tears clouded her vision.


The shattering of glass resounded the just outside of the apartment door into the hallway. But the sound did not have to travel far for Octavia to hear it. Back pressed against the door and legs curled tightly into her chest, she shivered as her teeth grazed against her own lower lip. "Why...?"