//------------------------------// // Victoria Raines (Prolouge 3) // Story: The Neo-Equestrian Chronicles // by The Sorrow Of Joy //------------------------------// Victoria writhed nervously as she watched her guests inspect her designs. Never before have her designs been put out for display for such important people; three titans of the fashion industry were looking at her dresses. The trio was scrutinizing the designs closely, as a hawk would its prey before descending upon it. Each passing moment was an hour to her, a torment without end. It was only about five minutes before one of the three illustrious guests spoke up. “I really like the way the colors compliment on this one,” the one said, removing his red tinted sunglasses to inspect the dress closer. “Yes, and the design is simple yet elegant,” another said. “I just have to have this one!” “Absolutely amazing. Where did you come up for the concept behind this design?” the last said, turning to Victoria. Victoria stood in a daze, not fully realizing that she had been spoken to. She snapped to attention after a couple of seconds. “O-oh! It just came to me,” Victoria stuttered through a halfhearted smile. “I-I find inspiration everywhere!” “Very impressive. And how much would you be willing to price this dress at?” the last man responded. He was a rather short man, only half the size of Victoria, who wasn’t very tall at all. “U-uh, let’s see…” Victoria had never really thought about prices up until now. She tried to add up the costs of materials, assembly time, and quality. She blurted out a number. “Six hundred?” “Impossible,” the other man said, who towered above all others in the room. Victoria shrunk back humiliation. She knew she shouldn’t have priced it so high. “It would be an embarrassment to you and me. I’ll give you eight hundred.” Victoria nearly fainted. “Yes, I agree with Kager. Six hundred is simply too low a price,” the woman said. “I’ll take fifty of them. Can you do fifty?” “Y-yes! Of course I can!” Victoria said, absolutely stunned. She couldn’t believe it. They were really going to buy her designs! “Yes, I too would like fifty for my store in Canterlot,” the short man said. “I’ll showcase this in my next fashion shoot if you will permit me, Miss Raines,” Kager said as he caressed the dress as one would a small animal. Victoria made sure she wasn’t dreaming before she responded. “A-absolutely! Just tell me when you need them and I’ll be right on it!” “I foresee us talking again in the future, Miss Raines. Now if you will excuse me, my ride is waiting outside,” Kager said as he grabbed his hat from the chair behind him. “I’ll contact you later in regard to the dresses. Good day!” Kager waved before leaving the room. “Miss Raines! It was a pleasure meeting you!” the woman said in a cheery voice as she took Victoria’s hand and held it gently for a second in both hands. When she removed them, Victoria found herself in possession of a small paper. “My number. Call me and we can discuss the orders. Ciao!” And with that, she strode out of the room. The smallest man came up to Victoria and gave her a gentle handshake. “Well Miss Raines, it was a great pleasure. I’ll make sure you’re dresses get the front window at my store,” the man said as he let go of her hand. “Thank you, Mr. Maximoff. It was an honor meeting you,” Victoria said calmly with much effort. “Please, only my clients call me that. Call me Hector,” said Hector. “Bye-bye!” “Good bye Mister- I mean, Hector,” Victoria said as she waved the little man off. When the last guest walked out the door, Victoria fell back onto a nearby chair. She was in a state of absolute disbelief. Was she dreaming? It was all so surreal. She gently pinched herself on the cheek, half jokingly but also just to see if this really was reality. She called out through the house. “Elizabeth! Come here Elizabeth!” “Alright sis, one sec!” a cheery voice called from somewhere else in the house. A minute later a girl dressed in a white dress appeared at the door way holding a cat that definitely didn’t want to be held. “I did it! They liked my design!” Victoria said, jumping from her chair and sweeping up Elizabeth in a big hug, cat and all. ”That’s great sis! How many do they want?” Elizabeth asked, still in her sister’s arms. The mouser was writhing around in discomfort. “A hundred and one! Amazing isn’t it?” Victoria said as she tightened her hold on Elizabeth. The furball gave a cry and shot itself out of the sister’s embrace. “Sounds big sis,” Elizabeth said, beginning to feel a little sympathetic of the cat. “You should get started soon then.” “Oh my! You’re right! Get my things ready! Ring up the Diamond Dogs! Clear my schedule! We’ve got to get to work right now!” Victoria said excitedly, throwing Elizabeth out of her arms. “Uh, sis? I didn’t mean that you should start right now,” Elizabeth said as she straightened out her dress. “Its ten thirty and you’ve been up since five. You need rest.” Victoria wasn’t paying attention to Elizabeth anymore. She was too busy pulling things out of cupboards and storage cabinets. All manner of objects were being suspended in the air by Victoria’s magic, but it seemed as though this was not intentional when Elizabeth noticed the poor mouser somersaulting in the air helplessly. Elizabeth merely shook her head and smiled, leaving Victoria to her creations. Her sister meant well, but she worked herself too hard sometimes. But that’s what she liked most about her sister and she wouldn’t want anybody else to replace her.