The Neo-Equestrian Chronicles

by The Sorrow Of Joy

Diana Pinkamena (Prolouge 2)

“Goodnight Las Pegasus! I love you all!” Diana said into the microphone. Her fans gathered at the stadium gave a gigantic cheer as the pyrotechnics shot up around Diana. She gave one last wave as she walked off the stage. The jumbotron behind her changed from a close up of her and her backup singers to an image displaying multicolored words reading “PINKIE PIE LIVE”. As she went back stage, she was greeted by a cheery crew member holding out a water bottle. Diana took the bottle and smiled at the crewman as he ran off to attend to the other singers. She walked towards her dressing room, weaving through the bustling backstage crew. Finally, after a little pushing and shoving, she reached her dressing room door and pushed it open. She walked wearily towards the couch and collapsed upon it. Finally, after two long weeks, she had finally finished her tour of Equestria. Pinkie Pie was an enormous success. Even though she had only been in show business for a year, Diana had already achieved pop stardom with millions of fans. She had also amassed a massive amount of money off her concerts, making her one of the most successful rising pop artists in the last decade. At her current rate, she would assuredly become immortalized as one of the greatest singers of her generation. She was living the life everybody dreamed they could have.

But she hated it.

At first she loved the attention, the glamour, the glory. But the demanding pace was putting a great strain on her. She still loved putting smiles on the faces of her fans, but she hated having to do one show after the next without any rest. Her social life suffered greatly too. She had lost connections with many of her old friends and even her own parents. She was tired of it all. So, after thinking it over, she decided to retire the Pinkie Pie name and return to her hometown of Equitem. Diana was able to reach an old friend who said she was happy to let her stay with her and her family. Diana smiled as she laid back on the couch, thinking about finally getting some rest and relaxation. She was in the midst of her musings when she heard a knock at the door.

“Come in!” Diana called. Even when she was exhausted, her voice was still cheery and sweet. The door opened to reveal an enormous, tall, well built man dressed in a black suit. He had sunglasses on his face and a radio in his ear.

“Your limo is waiting, Missus Diana,” the man said in a deep voice. “Whenever you’re ready, we’ll escort you.”

“I’ll be right out!” Diana said to the man. The security guard gave a stiff nod before closing the door again. Diana sighed as she rose from the couch. She grabbed her bag and the rest of her belongings before looking around at the dressing room one last time. “Adios, dressing room! You won’t be missed!”

She walked out of her room and was greeted by the same giant security guard accompanied by three other equally large guards. They formed a wall that looked sturdy enough to hold off armies around Diana. The group moved with precision towards the double door exit. They stopped right before the doors and remained silent for a moment. Outside, they could hear the screams and shouts of the mass of fans outside the doors.

“Alright, I want you two behind Missus Diana. Me and James will be in front,” said one of the guards. “Would you like us to put up a barrier, Missus Diana?”

“No thanks! It gets waaay too stuffy in that bubble,” Diana said.

The guard nodded and signaled the other guards to assume their positions. Once the men were in formation, the leader gave one final nod before opening the doors. The barrage of camera flashes and screaming fans was instantaneous. Hundreds of roaring followers were reaching out over the ropes with cameras and autograph books, hoping to get a piece of Pinkie Pie of their own. Diana signed a few autographs before finally reaching her limousine. The lead guard opened the door for Diana and motioned her inside. She smiled at the guard and jumped in. The titanic man held the door open for a moment as he fumbled for something in his back pocket. From it, he pulled out a little notebook and a pen and held it towards Diana. She gave a laugh as she signed it and handed it back to the guard. He gave her a brief smile and a nod before he closed the door to the limo. The car drove down the street, leaving the crowd behind. Diana slumped back in her seat and breathed out sigh of exhaustion. She found the leather seats of the limo to be very comfortable and this was one of the few things that she would miss, but not terribly so. She adjusted herself to tap on the glass of the partition. The driver lowered it immediately.

“Yes, Miss Diana?” the driver said cordially.

“Where are we heading?” Diana asked.

“Straight to the airport, as you requested,” he responded. “The cooler has the cupcakes you requested as well.”

“Alright!” Diana said joyfully.

She fell back into her seat and opened the cooler by the seat. She reached in and pulled out a colorful cupcake. She tucked into the cupcake as she looked out of the windows to see the bright casino lights. Come tomorrow, she wouldn’t have to be around these bright city lights anymore. One more thing she wouldn’t care to miss. She was, however, going to miss one thing about living as a star. Deep down inside, she really hoped the people of her little home town of Equitem knew how to do one little thing.

How to party.