When I wandered

by Linguz

Chapter 1 - Hoofsdale

Chapter 1 - Hoofsdale
Iron shifted his gaze from the east to the west and back, the sun throwing a flurry of colors into his eyes as it set. He spotted a black smudge against the bright orange of the sky. Another small-fry for Storm, better send him to the Golden Trees or he won’t be happy. The gravel road muffled his hooves as he trotted towards the pegasus. 


Meteor Blaze flapped his wings, hovering in the chill above the village of Hoofsdale. My knowledge of this area is outdated, he mused, tossing his red mane in irritation. The forest should only grow on the northern side of the village, but it now surrounds it on all sides, save the south. I should probably begin my search here.
He landed south of the village on the only path connecting the village to the rest of the country. He looked into the village; it was deathly quiet save for the muffled hooves of one pony. I know it’s dusk, but there should still be some ponies working. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hooves suddenly getting louder; they had left the gravel road of the village and stepped on the cobblestone of the national roads.
The grey colt stood a few feet from Blaze and shouted, “What business do you have in Hoofsdale?”
“I’ll be spending a night or two here before I continue my trek across this country,” responded Blaze, carelessly walking up to him. “My name is Meteor Blaze. What can I call you?”
Call me Iron. Will you need a place to stay for the night?”
“Yes. Can you tell me where the inn is?”
“Just go down the main street and take the third left. It’ll be the second building to your right,” directed Iron, all the while pointing down the main street.
“Thank you.” Blaze trotted into the city. Something tells me he isn’t just doing this cause he’s friendly. He has some motive in mind.


Blaze stood outside a scarlet building; the lights and sounds of a typical inn escaping as everypony spent the last hour before sleep with friends. This has to be the place. He checked his pouch of money. Only eight hundred quins left. He entered the inn, immediately went over to the innkeeper’s table, and bought a room for four hundred quins on the second floor. Setting down his saddlebags, he sighed. At least I’ll have a bed, if nothing else. Blaze returned to the main room, nearly packed to the brim, and asked the innkeeper to send a waiter to the stall in a corner.
He ordered a salad and examined the customers around the room. They’re not here. Turning back to his table, two ponies barged into the room arguing loudly, but the screaming of the other customers drowned them out. Isn’t that the pony who greeted me outside of town? But who’s that blue pegasus with him? He dropped back in his seat as the two took their own stall behind him. So Iron didn’t even notice me; let’s see how this works out.
Iron’s rough voice spoke first, “Did you know that there is a new pegasus in town? He said his name was Meter Place or something like that.”
Another voice, this one excited and presumably belonging to the pegasus, replied, “Really!? I’ll visit him tomorrow. Did you tell him where to stay?”
“I gave him specific directions to get here just like you asked. He could already be here.” Iron and the pegasus rose higher to look at the other ponies in the inn. “Huh? I guess not.”
“Whatever, I’ll just wait for him tomorrow.” The conversation between the two ponies behind him changed so he stopped eavesdropping. So Iron told me to go here specifically so that that pegasus could find me and then proceeded to tell him so in the same inn? He isn’t a very smart pony after all.
His salad arrived and left with nothing of importance happening. After paying a hundred fifty quins for the meal, he told himself, “Great, now I’m almost out of money again. Guess I’ll have to find some work tomorrow.” Getting up, he turned to walk by Iron and his friend. As he passed them, he said, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” The glow of the moon rising to the east penetrated his room as he crawled into the only furniture, the bed, and went to sleep.


Blaze opened his eyes as he got out of bed and walked over to the window. “Huh? It’s noon? Damn it, I overslept. Might as well go out and find that pegasus anyway.”
The moment Blaze walked outside, a familiar pony caught his eye. “You are the pegasus that arrived yesterday, right? You woke up pretty late. Iron tells me your name is Blaze, call me Storm.”
“Pleased to meet you. Why did you want to meet me?”
“I race all the new pegasi in town to prove that I’m the fastest in town. Normally, it would be a few hours ago, but you slept late. Let’s see, how about in two hours’ time; should be enough time to wake up completely. I don’t want to race somepony who is half asleep.”
“Okay. Where do we meet up?”
“Over there, by the south entrance of town. And we will race from there, to the east end of town, to the north end, to the west end, and finally back to the south end.” Storm pointed to the south entrance and swung his foreleg around in a clockwise direction, indicating how they would go.
“Got it. I’ll see you in two hours then.” He flared his wings and took off. Might as well get some lunch and stretch out my wings while I wait.


Nearly two hours later, at the southern entrance of Hoofsdale and several hundred feet in the air, Blaze and Storm stood on a cloud; preparing to take off. Blaze noticed a pony on the ground, a white unicorn, with a whistle. There is the signal. Blaze heard the whistle and burst out of the cloud, shattering it.
I’m in the lead, good. Let’s keep it that way. Blaze passed the east end of town and bounced off a cloud to propel him towards the next checkpoint. Storm was behind him and accelerating. At the north end of town, he bounced off another cloud to head towards the east end of town and saw a bolt of lightning pass him by. Damn him!  He won’t stay ahead of me. He felt the air around him drag more as he sped up and saw that the distance between him and his target was decreasing. I should be able to catch him. Come on wings, do your stuff! He passed the final checkpoint and propelled himself forward. Blaze soared by the finish line, only moments after Storm.
“Good luck next time, hothead. You know how to race; I just do it better.”
“If that’s true, how about a rematch in two days?”
“You’re on.”


An hour later, Blaze was having lunch at a restaurant, spending the last two hundred fifty of his quins, when the unicorn who started the race walked up and sat down at his table. He looked at her confused for a moment. He said, “What’s up?”
She replied, “That was the first time I have seen Storm have to work so hard to win.” She signaled a waitress to come, promptly telling her to bring her a grass sandwich.
“That’s good to know. You’re impressed that I lost.” Blaze continued to eat, knowing that she wouldn’t leave him alone. He finished his meal and began to get up, finally noticing the robed figure in front of him.
The stranger looked him over with vibrant green eyes before saying: “On your head, a lizard will sit, trust it.”
Blaze, dumbstruck, sat back down. “What is that supposed to mean,” he asked him, “and just who are you?”
        “People call me ‘The Gambler’ but to you and only you, I will formally introduce myself. My chosen name is Gambit.”
        “Ok, Gambit,” Blaze said, changing his position to be more comfortable. “Why did you say that you are introducing yourself formally to only me?”
        “I normally don’t do it,” he answered, sitting down next to the unicorn, “But I see your future and you will have a very interesting life. Anyway, I should probably get going. There is something I must do.” Gambit got up and walked out of the restaurant; Blaze followed him outside and looked around before returning to his table. “He just vanished. I’m pretty sure he’s an earth pony. How did he do that?”
“Well, don’t worry too much, I’ve heard he can go from one town to another in a single day. I don’t think I properly introduced myself, my name’s Winter Chill.” She stretched out her front hoof for a hoofshake.
Blaze smirked. “Oh is that so; I’d like to be able to do that. The name’s Meteor Blaze.” He shook her hoof. “Would you mind leaving for a bit? I want to be alone for a bit.”
        Blaze heard a voice from outside, “Hey fireball! Just because you lost a race doesn’t mean you have to be mean to the townsfolk.” Iron came up to the table.
Chill began to speak, “Storm, he wasn’t being-.”
Iron interrupted her. “Quiet mare, colts are speaking. What do you think you are doing?”
"Enough!" Chill shouted, the air around her rapidly dropping temperature. Within moments Iron and Storm had ceased moving.
“They’re frozen solid,” commented Blaze as he nudged one of them. “What was that?”
“I’m so sorry. I sorta lose control of my magic whenever I get angry and sometimes I... well... I kinda freeze the ponies I got mad at when I do. Do you mind staying here for a moment? I have to get something to unfreeze them.”
“Sure. Just don’t take too long.” Blaze watched Chill race away, towards what he concluded must be her house.
A few minutes later, Chill reappeared. “We have a problem, I’m all out of emberweed.”
What was emberweed? Was it that plant that only grows in the Scorching Cave that warms anypony who eats it? Yea, I think it was. “How does that help them? They’re frozen solid and can’t eat it.”
“Of course we can’t get them to eat it,” Chill explained, “so instead we grind up the plants and scatter it across their bodies. It has the same effect as if they ate it. but works from the outside in instead of inside out. I’m going to go get some right now. Wait here for me. ”
“Absolutely not. I coming with you.”
“That is very kind of you, but I must do this alone.” She stepped outside; Blaze followed her.
“No you don’t. I won’t let you go there alone.”
Groaning, she responded, “Fine, but if you get lost while in the woods or scorched by the cave, I won’t save you.”
“I don’t intend to do either of those,” he answered. Remembering his saddlebags, he added, “Give me a second to get my bags.” He quickly turned around and ran back to the inn.


They entered the Emberwoods, Chill leading. Not a moment after they entered, she asked him, “Do you even know why they call it the Scorched Cave?” Chill looked at him but he didn’t answer; she continued, “The cave is inhabited by drakins; you do know what drakins are right?”
Blaze responded, “Of course. Drakins are small and agile lizards who require heat to survive. They are able to only live in natural hot-spots and the Red Wastes; their bodies generate a slight amount of heat like emberweed which allows them to survive in short bursts outside of their natural conditions.”
“That’s correct, and since you know that you should know that the heat that comes out of The Scorched Cave is too hot for anypony to handle, right?”
Blaze grinned and answered, “I can take the heat no matter how extreme, trust me. And stop trying to dissuade me from my choice. It won’t work.”
“Okay. Then I’ll ask a more personal question: Why are you wandering?”
“My father used to be a wanderer, he took me from my home in Equestria when I was three and I started on my own when I was eight. I met up with two other people to travel together by twelve but got separated from them when I was sixteen. That was two years ago.”
Chill questioned, “So where is your father right now?”
“Dead. A venom hydra attacked us while we were camping in the Dry Marsh. I know, stupid idea, my father was very stubborn and believed he was the strongest. So it attacked us, he fought it and right before he died, he took me and flew me to a shack. I forgot what happened after that, other than my father telling me his last words and dieing right before somepony opened the door to the shack. Since that day, I have lived by those words he told me: ‘Don’t falter. Don’t look back. Don’t give up. And one day, surpass me.’”
They silently walked down a clearly used path, the sky above them forever blocked by a canopy of green.  The animals, who previously kept up a constant chatter of background noise, suddenly turned silent. Even the light breeze they had felt though out the entire forest seemed to have stopped. Something large dashed between the trees a bit further into the forest. “Stop and be quiet,” commanded Blaze, his eyes darting between the trees.
A large amber and black creature jumped out of the trees and lunged towards Blaze. He swerved sideways moments before the razor sharp claw hit him. Getting a good look at the creature attacking them, he said, “Part lion and part bat: a wyvern. Garth would love this.”
The wyvern vanished into the trees as suddenly as it appeared. Blaze looked at Chill and told her, “Watch that side, I’ll watch this side.”
Chill asked him, “Who’s Garth?” He saw a shadow move behind the trees
“Just an old friend of mine, he loves to fight manticores and wyverns.” Blaze noticed another flicker of movement, suddenly the wyvern burst out of the trees, this time aimed at Chill. She sidestepped the wyvern and began freezing it.
“Hold on Chill, just freeze his legs so he can’t move anymore,” Blaze directed. Chill, seeing no harm in doing as he asked, did as he said. Blaze positioned himself in front of it and spoke, “Ca re ne mai la?”
The wyvern, looking shocked, replied, “No en ra zon ek il al rok.” Blaze sighed, putting down his saddlebags and taking a large piece of meat from the left pocket.
“Te ek ma ne ko, ze ne sa la nen?”
The wyvern replied, “Ta.” Blaze, dropping the piece of raw meat, told Chill to let him free.
As Chill did what he asked, Blaze noticed her jaw was open in shock. The wyvern grabbed the meat and flew away. “You can speak Lionic?” Chill finally asked, “What did you say to it to get it to leave?”
“Yea I know Lionic, it’s helpful when you travel the world,” Blaze told her, taking a couple of fruits from his bags and passing one to Chill. “I asked him why he attacked us. Apparently he was hungry; the game here must be bad. After that we came to an agreement, I give him the piece of meat and let him free; he leaves us alone.”
“Why did you care about him anyway, he was one of the wild wyverns.”
“I have a soft spot for the Lionic clans. My best friend is a griffin. When I see their lion kin, I always think of him.”


An hour later, they arrived at a clearing in the forest. At the center was a cave, shimmering with heat. Chill asked, “You think you can handle that?”
Blaze dropped his saddlebags and reached into his right bag, pulling out a leather suit. “Leather will make it worse in there, you know,” Chill informed him. He ignored her and put the suit on. As he started to walk to the cave entrance, Chill jumped in front of him, her horn beginning to glow as she shoved him back out of the clearing. “Are you insane?”
“You started to lose control of your magic again, I saw your horn. Anger isn’t the only thing that causes that is it?”
“Panic does it as well and I panic when it gets too hot; I have to go in though, I am the only pony in Hoofsdale that is capable to enter and leave without dying. I have to go get it no matter what,” Chill responded, kicking the ground. “Normally I would put up a frost shield around me before I enter the clearing and then I’d have roughly ten minutes to get the emberweed and leave.”
“Then stay here, trust me like you trusted me with the wyvern. I know what I can and can’t stand.” Blaze looked at her, with eyes that showed he meant every last word he said. Leaving her sitting there, he trotted into the clearing and into the mouth of the cave.


When inside the cave, Blaze noticed that none of the drakins that Chill had mentioned were present. He saw the cave’s numerous pathways and realized with no directions, this would take a while to complete. Blaze turned to leave the cave and trotted back to Chill. “How do I get to the emberweed?”
“You have to search the cave,” she told him, “the drakins have many spots where they grow the plant inside it and they don’t use the spots which have been discovered.”
Blaze groaned, “I guess I’ll have to do it the long way.” Going back into the cave, he started to think, I should probably stick to a side constantly, no matter where it goes.
He started to walk along the left wall, coming up to an intersection just a few yards later. Turning left, he saw another intersection, and rounding that turn, he saw another one. Damn this cave, there are too many intersections. When he turned left a third time, he saw a dead end and turned around. Latched onto the left wall was a jet black lizard.
The lizard began to speak quickly, not giving him time to reply. “Why hello there. You’re a pegasus right? Normally you wouldn’t be able to withstand the heat in this cave but I can see that your suit is special. My name is Blytle. What’s yours? Why are you here? Oh I bet you’re here for that red plant that the white unicorn comes here regularly for. I never speak to her though, I probably should, but she is just so cold. Need help?”
Blaze starred at the drakin’s black eyes, beginning to answer the flurry of questions with a barrage of answers. “I am a pegasus. Not everypony can tell that about it at first glance. I’m called Meteor Blaze. You are correct: I’m here to collect that plant. Can you guide me?”
The drakin jumped down, began to walk away, and said, “Follow me.”
Blaze following the drakin, began to wonder, How does he know where he is going? Several minutes later, he suddenly asked, “Do you even know where you are going? We have taken countless turns already.”
“Of course, I know this cave like the back of my claw.” The drakin stopped walking and looked at the back of his claw. He shrugged. “I know this cave inside and out, I don’t know each scale on my claw so that might not be a proper way to say it.”
Blaze laughed. “So are all drakins here like you?”
Blaze heard a hint of joy in Blytle’s voice as he answered. “No, all the other drakins here are pretty mindless and don’t know Equestrian. They are what you would call wild drakins.” As he answered, they entered a larger chamber. Blaze heard a muffled hoof hitting the ground, looking down he thought, The ground here is dirt instead of stone. “Hey! Look up, there’s the plant you wanted. When you uproot it be ready to run for your life, my species doesn’t take kindly to ponies stealing our food.”
Blaze, looking at the drakin, remembered Gambit: On your head, a lizard will sit, trust it. He went to the plants and asked Blytle one last question. “What is the fastest path out of here?”
Blytle responded by jumping onto his head, looking very proud of himself. “You run, I navigate.”
“Ok, ready?” Blaze asked him as he reached down and bit a group of emberweeds on the stem, careful not to uproot them.
“Ready,” Blytle responded. Blaze uprooted the emberweed and a colony of drakins suddenly dropped from the ceiling. Blytle shouted, “RUN!” as Blaze began to gallop through the cave. “Turn left here, take a right there, keep going forward, that passage over there, another left, one more left, don’t turn, and take this right.”
        He rounded the turn and a group of drakins pounced on Blaze; all he could feel at that moment was sharp pain across his entire body. Seconds later, he heard a roar; all the drakins stopped biting him and one roared back. He sat there, unable to comprehend what was happening. I am going to have to remember to thank Force for enchanting my suit to repair itself automatically.
        Minutes later, Blytle and the other drakin stopped roaring at each other. Blaze saw both of them look at him, then Blytle told him, “Sorry about all of that, these guys don’t understand Equestrian so I had to talk in Draconic. I got you a free pass out of here with the emberweed, under a condition.”
        “What... What’s the condition?” Blaze staggered to his feet, barely able to keep himself from falling.
         “I must move to Draconem, I’ll fill you in as I guide you out of here. Let’s go.” Blaze felt the drakin jump back on top of his head. “Onward!”
        “You’re having a lot of fun up there, aren’t you?” Blaze asked him, starting to walk in the directions Blytle pointed out.
        “So much fun. So as I was saying, I will have to depart to Draconem, the main city of the Draconic races.”
        Blaze responded, “You know you didn’t have to do that for me, right?”
        “Of course, because you were so in control of the situation. Either way, I always wanted to see how Draconem was.”
        “How will you get there anyway? I thought drakins couldn’t leave these hot spots.”
        “They can’t, we drakins made an underground system that allow us to move from the hot spots out in the country to the Red Wastes.”
        “That’s something I didn’t know. Maybe I’ll travel there one day as I go through this country.”
        The drakin dropped down in front of him, “You are traveling the country? If that’s the case, for saving your life I demand that you head to Draconem at some point in your journey. I would love to meet you and your friend out there someday.”
        “Sure, but how did you know about Chill?”
        “Remember, I see her come in here every now and then to gather emberweed,” he explained, walking forward yet again. “I saw you two arguing back there at the edge of the clearing. By the way, here is the emberweed.” Blytle dropped some plants that he had been carrying around in his tail and Blaze bent down to bite them.
        “That’s right. Hey, that is the entrance up there, isn’t it?” Blytle jumped down.
        Blaze began to trot despite his injuries; Blytle called to him one last time, “Best of luck to you. I’ll meet up with you later when we’re both at Draconem.”
Blaze ran out of the cave and into the clearing. Spotting Chill, he dashed over to her, put the emberweed into his saddlebags, and said, “Told you I knew what I was doing. Anyway we should get going, it’s getting dark.” Blaze noticed Chill staring at him. “If you have something to say, say it.”
“What happened in there? How aren’t you burnt at all?”
He explained what happened in the cave in detail. He also told her, “This suit is enchanted to normalize the temperature of the pony wearing it, granting them near immunity to heat and cold.”
“You were being eaten by drakins and you don’t want to get that treated before we return?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t know how to treat my wounds.”


        When they arrived at Hoofsdale, night was well underway. Blaze noticed that the restaurant was still lit, and that the owner was standing outside waiting for something. Blaze trotted over and gave the emberweed to the restaurant owner, who in turn gave the weeds to Chill in addition to what looked like a mortar and pestle.
        She told him, “I’m the one who uses these often so people trust me with them.” Using magic to levitate the mortar and pestle, She crushed the weeds into a fine powder and then, again using magic, levitated the powder onto both Iron and Storm.
They both fell to the ground, Storm going to sleep the moment his head hit the hard stone road while Iron spoke before he nodded off as well. “What was that?” Blaze looked at the two of them sprawled on the cobblestone before swiftly turning around and heading over to the inn to sleep before he stumbled and fell.
“Chill, would you mind getting somepony here to treat my wounds?”
She giggled. “Yea sure. You’re also out of money, right? I’ll pay for your expenses tonight.”
Blaze was still face-down on the ground. “Fine, but only because I don’t have any money.”


Blaze woke up early and trotted outside. Chill, meeting him moments later, told him, “Come with me.”
Following her, they entered the restaurant from the previous day. She continued into the restaurant, taking a seat across from Iron and Storm. Blaze sat down next to her and asked, “What is this about?”
Storm responded, “Well, since we were frozen we have no idea what happened. We heard from Chill that you got the emberweeds for us and would like to know what happened during that period of time.”
After a long and detailed explanation of what happened in the forest, Blaze asked Storm, “You still up for the rematch?”
“Of course I am! Let’s go.” They headed to the same location from two days prior and prepped to take off.
“Try not to lose this time, Blaze.”
“I don’t intend to.” Chill sounded the whistle to signal the start of the race and they burst forward. Blaze and Storm were neck to neck as they rounded the eastern checkpoint, the northern checkpoint, and finally the western checkpoint. The moment he bounced off a cloud at the western checkpoint, Blaze shouted, “Catch you at the finish line!” He quickly accelerated and pulled ahead of Storm. He zoomed past the finish line with Storm a few seconds behind him.
When Chill caught up to Storm, she could see the disappointment in his face. She told him, “He convinced a wyvern to leave, befriended a drakin, and got away from a swarm of them. Don’t feel bad that you lost a race to somepony of his caliber.”
Blaze came over to the pair. "Either way, I'm leaving for Lion's Port tomorrow so you'll be the fastest in town once more. It's been fun though."


Blaze finished packing his saddlebags as the sun rose with extra provisions that Iron had given him as thank you gifts for getting the emberweed, in addition to the small bag of bits that Storm had given him for giving him a goal to meet. He left the village, heading southwest towards the port. While walking along the road, his mind turned to a single question that was bothering him: “Where was Chill when I left?”
A familiar voice told him his answer. “What’s wrong, you missed me? I’ve decided to go along with you as you travel.”
“Why were you waiting out here for me instead of asking me in town?”
“I expected you to disagree and not let me so I decided to not give you an option.”
“Before I give you an answer, give me a reason to let you.”
Chill looked up at the sky. “There are many reasons. I want to be better at controlling my magic and I know that won’t happen if I stay in Hoofsdale. I also want to return to my hometown, Unicorn’s Sanctum, even if only for a little while. We will go there, right?”
“Company is always nice to have around, you’re in. And of course we will, that is where I expect one of my friends to be. Why were you living in Hoofsdale though?”
“Let’s just say that not having any emberweed around and my ability to freeze ponies subconsciously made the Elders, a council of unicorns who govern the city, uncomfortable. This was about ten years ago and I was sent here when I was six.”
Blaze chuckled, looking at his surroundings. “A forest to the north, plains in all other directions, behind us a small village, and ahead a port.” Suddenly, a shadow jumped out of the forest and landed near them.
“To ek it ne?”
“Bec, ne eh nil zo ba la,” Blaze replied. The wyvern’s face took a turn for the worse; Blaze offered his hoof to him. The wyvern grabbed the hoof with a claw and they shook. As the wyvern flew off, he yelled, “Se el.”
“He asked if he could join us, to which I told him no,” Blaze clarified, “then he yelled good bye to me.” He laughed, “Whenever I speak Lionic your face gets hilarious.”
“It’s not everyday that you see a pony fluent in Lionic. I would expect it to be a natural reaction. Anyway, we should get moving, right?”
“Right, let’s keep going. How much money did you bring, by the way?”
“Just two crowns. Enough to get by for a bit without requiring extra aid.”


The next day at noon as the two walked, Chill took a look at Blaze's cutie mark and asked him, "What does a meteor cutie mark represent? I can't figure out any special talent it would show."
Blaze responded by slipping off his saddlebags, putting on his suit, flying up higher than any cloud, and diving. As he dived, a cone of fire started to form around him, as he continued to pick up speed, the cone got larger and larger. When he was some distance from the ground, he angled it towards a spot a bit away from where Chill was sitting and halted in midair. The cone of fire kept going as if Blaze had never stopped and the moment it hit the ground, scorched everything around the impact zone.
“And that is why I have a meteor cutie mark. I present to you, my signature trick The Meteor.” Blaze turned to look at Chill and saw that she had shielded her eyes from the flames. “Sorry, I forgot that you panic near flames or heat.”
“Don’t worry about it. If I’m planning on traveling with you I am going to need to conquer that.” She looked at Blaze and smiled. Blaze staggered down the road before falling over. Blaze heard Chill run up to him. “Hey! Are you ok?”
“Yea I’m just fine, after doing that I get exhausted. It’s the only drawback to the power it unleashes though. Let’s rest here for a bit while I gather my strength again.”


The night of the following day, Lion’s Port was visible on the horizon. Blaze told Chill, "We'll camp here tonight, we arrive at noon tomorrow.”

<< Map of Dragmire >>

Official Translations

Each word in Equestrian correlates to a single word in Lionic.

First Dialogue: “Ca re ne mai la?” means “Why do you attack us?” / “No en ra zon ek il al rok” means “It is not often I feast on ponies” / “Te ek ma ne ko, ze ne sa la nen?” means “If I give you this, will you leave us alone” / “Ta” means “Sure”
Second Dialogue: “To ek it ne?” means “Can I join you?” / “Bec, ne eh nil zo ba le” means “Sorry, you can not come with us” / “Se el” means “Good bye”