My Little Crull - Friendship is Chaos

by McNeil

Chapter 3: Chaos looks good

„Unrelated quotes add spice to the story.”

Crull stared at the scrambled eggs on the table in front of him. Pinkie Pie made sure that his breakfast wouldn't consist of the usual pony fare and he appreciated it. However, he couldn't get himself to eat the eggs. He had a nagging feeling that something was just not right.

The source of his uneasiness turned out to be Gummy, neatly stuck to Crull's head with his toothless jaws. Pinkie detached the alligator from the man's forehead in order to feed it.

The feeling had finally passed and Crull efficiently gobbled down his delicious meal. It was better than eating small creatures in the Everfree Forest, but he would've preferred some true meat.

„So how do you feel, Crullie?” Pinkie asked when he was done eating. „Today is your special day! There will be a party just for you and you will meet so many new friends and I'm so excited ohmygoshIcan'twaituntiltheevening!”

Of course, she exclaimed that last part without catching a breath, happily bouncing around the table at which Crull was sitting. He'd already gotten used to this behavior.

“It feels GLORIOUS! I cannot wait to have a celebration just for MYSELF!”

The warrior rose to his feet, picked the pony up and held her in front of him.

“Khorne will surely REWARD you for this, Pinkie Pie!”

“Oh, I'm sure he will!” she replied with a grin which quickly turned into a thoughtful expression. “Whoever he is.”

When Crull put Pinkie down, she inspected him from head to toe. What she saw was a man wearing dirty, clumsy armor with unfriendly, threatening ornaments that signified slaughtering others rather than befriending them.

“I think we need to get you a new outfit, Crullie. This one just doesn't give off the right vibe.”

She knocked her hoof against his armored leg.

“And you'll have trouble hugging anypony!”

Crull looked at his apparel. It looked fine to him.

“Mad pony! I will not put away my armor! Doing so would be FOOLISH beyond imagination!”

“Oh, then we will just have to make it look better somehow! And I know just the pony for the job! You must look good at your own party, you know!”


“Here it is!” Pinkie said excitedly. “Carousel Boutique!”

Crull eyed the building they arrived at. It was different shades of pink, blue and yellow, ornamented with various geometrical figures and what seemed to be pony mannequins slapped here and there. He didn't feel like he belonged there. Then again, he hardly belonged anywhere in this world.

“What is our business here?!” he asked his companion.

“My friend Rarity lives here! She will surely find some way to make you look better!”

The pink mare approached the building and knocked on the door. She went inside once she apparently got the permission to. Crull stood in front of the boutique, adamant in his belief that he looked just fine. What was Pinkie Pie thinking?

The party pony looked out the door and waved for him to get inside. Crull hesitantly moved forward and went in. The interior was really spacy, full of clothes, mirrors and more mannequins. Across the room stood the pony Pinkie told him about. Her coat was white, her mane and tail purple. The man also couldn't help but notice that the mark on her flank was different than Pinkie's. He didn't pay attention to those marks on ponies before, but he thought it an interesting feature. Did every pony have a different symbol?

The mare's back was turned to them as she was finishing cutting a square of silk into complex patterns. Crull noticed that both the silk and the scissors floated in the air in front of the pony, covered in a bluish aura.

When the fashion designer put down the accessories, she turned around. As soon as she saw Crull, she flinched and let out a terrified gasp. This pleased Crull.

“You do well to be AFRAID of me, little pony! That's a sign of wisdom!”

“Oh, but I am not afraid of you... whatever you are.” replied the mare when she regained her composure. “Just look at yourself! You look terrible! That attire needs some good maintenance!”

Pinkie giggled. It seemed like the scene was nothing new to her.

The realization that the pony was scared of his outfit's ugliness was like a chainsword to the head. Crull didn't even notice when a metal wash-tub full of foamy water slid through the floor to him, covered in bluish hue.

“My name is Rarity and, by Celestia, I will not allow Pinkie's friend to walk around Ponyville in something so insulting to fashion!” the pony said with an expression of righteous fury towards all things unfabulous. “What's your name?” She added, her muzzle suddenly expressing an honest, friendly smile.

“I am Lord Crull of the World Eaters! And I shall not-”

“Very well.” A sponge levitated over to Rarity, her expression changing back to the furious one. “Pinkie. Grab the second sponge. It's time to restore some shine to this apparel.”

“NEVER!” yelled Crull. Pinkie, who was happily hopping over to take the sponge, fell over and Rarity dropped hers, surprised. “I will NOT have you clean my armor! I SHALL DO IT MYSELF!”

He picked up the sponge that Rarity wanted to use on him, soaked in the water and started scrubbing at his armor with an expression of hurt pride. He proceeded to thoroughly clean his outfit as the two ponies indulged in a conversation. He could hear Rarity whisper “What, exactly, is he?”, to which Pinkie simply shrugged.

After half an hour, his armor was so shiny that it could act as a mirror.

“Now, this is much better,” Rarity exclaimed as she admired her own reflection in the armor.

“Do you think you could do something pretty with it?” Pinkie asked her friend.

“Oh, I already have something in mind. Some silk here and there, maybe gold linings and those bloodstones that I haven't used for anything in a while...”

Crull smiled as he heard the word 'bloodstones'. He decided he might like this pony after all.

Rarity took measure of him and trotted away to get the needed supplies, humming some song to herself.

“Better not interrupt her when she works,” Pinkie whispered to Crull in a conspirator's tone”. “Let's go back to Sugarcube Corner to make preparations for the party.”

Being a creature unable of whispering for whatever reason, Crull agreed with a nod.


Crull was taking the last batch of muffins out of the oven as the doorbell rang. He put away the apron he was wearing. Earlier he deliberately smeared ketchup on it so it looked bloodstained. He approached the door, but Pinkie was there first. Not surprising.

The pink mare opened the door. In front of them stood Rarity, obviously content with the results of her work. A brown package was mounted on her back.

“I came here as soon as I finished my work. I'm sure you will love it!” she said as Pinkie let her in.

The white pony laid the package on the table using her magic and opened it. She lifted what was inside, held it suspended in the air and unfolded it. Crull's mouth has been left agape when he saw the results of Rarity's work.

In front of him levitated a crimson tabard with a gold outline. The neck was encrusted with green-red bloodstones. On the chest were emblazoned two gold unicorns standing on their hind legs and crossing their horns as if they were locked in a duel. With the cloth came a gold sash for tying around the waist, holding the whole thing firmly in place.

Crull and Pinkie stared in awe at the tabard. Rarity was fully aware of the effect it had on them, having a smug expression plastered on her face.

“Come on, try it on. It's yours.”

The Chaos Lord did as he was told. He helped himself into his newly acquired garb and looked at his reflection in a mirror that Pinkie Pie seemingly conjured out of nowhere.

“Now aren't you simply dashing?” Rarity asked.

Pinkie seemed to share her sentiment. “Wow, Crullie, you really look great! Much much much much better than before!”

Crull was very content with his new attire. “This tabard,” he said, “it is a thing of MONSTROUS beauty!” He looked at Rarity. “What do you demand in exchange for this GORGEOUS clothing?! Trophies? Skulls? HIDES?!”

Rarity smiled. “Oh no no no, nothing at all, darling! You're Pinkie's friend, it's a gift from me to you!”

Crull looked at the pony, dumbfounded. He then directed his gaze at Pinkie, but she only nodded with excitement.

“A gift?! I have never received a FREE offering before! You have my thanks, little pony!”

“Oh, you're most welcome,” Rarity replied, her eyelashes flapping as she blinked charmingly. “I will be most content if you wear it proudly. That's all I'd ask of you.”


“Um, yes.” the mare looked a bit uneasy at that moment. “Now, I've still got some orders to complete, so if you will excuse me...”

Pinkie Pie saw Rarity to the exit while Crull was still busy contemplating his gift.

“I'm so glad you like it, Crullie! Poor Rarity would be heartbroken if you refused it. She must've worked so hard on it...”

“Say, Pinkie Pie!” Crull asked calmly as he finally averted his gaze from the mirror, “Was this offering a sign of SUBMISSION or AFFECTION!?”

“Silly Crullie!” Pinkie apparently thought he said something funny. “It was a sign of friendship! Rarity is very generous, she might not usually look like it but it's true! And I can see that she really put extra work into this. And all that because you're my friend! And now you're her friend too!”

Crull smiled, exposing his pointy teeth. “I am starting to ENJOY this... friendship!”

“Well duuh! It's awesome, I don't know why you would think otherwise!” She took a look at the clock standing in the corner. “I think it's about time we started preparing the backyard for the party. I just finished preparing the punch when Rarity dropped by and I see that the muffins are ready too.”

As Crull was carrying the long tables over to the backyard, he realized that he felt something else in addition to the satisfaction of getting such a glorious present. He felt something warm inside him, a feeling almost identical to the one he experienced the previous day when he first listened to Pinkie and when Fluttershy gave him a hug. The Chaos Lord then thought that this friendship thing might actually have some properties unknown to him. He decided to think the topic through after he'd learned more about it. His skull was at risk of bursting from intense thought at that point anyway.

Pinkie laughed excitedly when everything was ready for the visitors. The tables bore delicious confectionery, cupcakes, muffins and pie among them, and punch bowls were placed in strategic positions. There were many games prepared, including Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Pony, Twister and even Bingo. A gramophone was elevated on a pedestal, giving a strange vibe of anxiety, as if it couldn't wait to play cheerful party songs.

The pink pony sat on a chair beside Crull, shivering in anticipation. They couldn't have been more ready. The only thing left to do was wait for the ponies to come to the party.

Again, big thanks to goes to Dramaideale. This fic would be pretty messy without the guy.