Doctor Whooves Episode 4: Young Armor

by Doctor Perseus

The Past

Chapter 1: The Past

Canterlot Station, Canterlot, Equestria, Gaia, Summer, 987 C.E.

The nineteen-year-old Twilight Sparkle hung on tightly as the TARDIS gave one last jolt. The Doctor popped out from the other side of the control console and smiled.
"You alright?" he asked.
"Of course," she replied. "I've pretty much gotten used to the TARDIS by this point."
"Splendid! Well she needs some more time to rest and heal so that leaves another mystery destination to explore!"
"What are the odds of something bad happening here?"
"About one in two."
"Fantastic odds."
The Doctor laughed and beckoned Twilight to the TARDIS doors.
They emerged from the TARDIS to find themselves situated on the side of a train station. A long train track ran past the the station, one end leading off into the countryside and the other end leading off towards a majestic city.
"It's Canterlot!" Twilight exclaimed happily. "And it looks like the Canterlot from my time! You may have finally gotten me home!"
"Don't jump to conclusions too quickly, Ms. Sparkle," said the Doctor as he approached a nearby guard. "Excuse me you know what year it is?"
"The year? Shouldn't you know that by now?!" the guard snapped.
"Yes but I bumped my head on a stone and forgot it."
"Whatever. The date's July 16, 987."
"Thank you!"
The Doctor and Twilight walked away from the guard and stepped behind the TARDIS.
" we're fifteen years early," Twilight groaned.
"At least we're close. That's a good sign," the Doctor said with a smile. Twilight looked up at the chestnut pony and smiled.
"I guess you're right."
"Well we might as well go exploring."
"Wait a minute!"
The Doctor turned back to Twilight as her horn began to glow. Suddenly, her purple hair became deep green and her coat became bright yellow.
"What was that for?" asked the Doctor.
"So that nopony will be able to connect me to my four-year-old self currently living in Canterlot," she replied.
"Ah. Well, if you're changing then I might as well too."
The Doctor looked down at his brown suit and then disappeared into the TARDIS. He emerged a few moments later in a dark blue suit with a white undershirt and dark red tie.
"There! That's better! It sure feels good to get out of that old suit," he said. Twilight chuckled and the two headed into the station to purchase their tickets.

Trolley Station, Canterlot, Equestria, Gaia, Summer, 987 C.E.

The in-town trolley came to a smooth stop and the Doctor and Twilight were the first to get off. They walked out of the station and found themselves in the middle of the glorious city of Canterlot.
"What a brilliant little city! It's not nearly as fantastic as the Canterlot in 2002 but it still holds itself up on its own!" the Doctor exclaimed. He turned back to Twilight and shook his head.
"What?" she asked.
"I'm sorry, I just can't get used to you with a green mane and a yellow coat."
"It's not like I'm planning to make this permanent!"
"Thank God."
They rounded a bend and came across a small cafe with a series of outside tables.
"Am I the only one feeling a bit hungry right now?" asked the Doctor.
"Nope! I could use something to eat too," Twilight replied. They nodded to each other and strolled into the cafe.

Hamlet's Cafe, Canterlot, Equestria, Gaia, Summer, 987 C.E.

The Doctor and Twilight sat happily under a large umbrella as they slowly drank their chocolate shakes.
"I really needed this," said the Doctor hungrily as he took another sip.
"I agree," Twilight chuckled. "I-"
The Doctor noticed Twilight's eyes look away from him and he looked in the direction that she was looking. Three ponies were approaching the cafe. One was a mare unicorn with a pinkish coat and a purple/white mane. She was accompanied by two young ponies. The Doctor looked at the youngest pony and realized why Twilight was staring.
"Are either of you interested in a treat?" asked the mother.
"Oh yes please!" chirped the four-year-old Twilight Sparkle.
"What about you, Shining Armor?"
"Sure," replied the young white unicorn. "Why not?"
The family walked into the cafe and emerged several moments later with a small bag of cookies. They sat at a table next to the Doctor and Twilight's table. Twilight the elder gulped nervously and the Doctor slowly turned back to her.
"It's rude to stare, you know," he said calmly. Twilight shook her head and looked back towards the Doctor.
"That's me!" she whispered.
"I realized that."
"This is too weird! It's even weirder than when we met Thalia!"
"So you're seeing your past self? Big whoop. I've been through that plenty of times."
"Well you're a time traveler! Of course stuff like that would be normal for you!"
"Yeah, well, I...say...does that cloaked pony over there look suspicious or is it just me?"
Twilight looked back to see a cloaked figure watching the cafe from a distance. She seemed to be focused on something.
"Who would wear a black cloak in July? She should be melting!" Twilight exclaimed. The cloaked mare then turned away and disappeared down a nearby alleyway. Twilight turned back to the Doctor. "That was strange."
"So are you done?" Twilight the elder heard Shining Armor ask. Twilight the younger nodded her head. Shining Armor grabbed the bag and ate the following cookies in a heartbeat. "Watch this, Mom! I've been practicing my targeting skills!"
Shining Armor tossed the crumpled cookie bag at a nearby wastebasket, but it instead ended up hitting Twilight the elder in the face.
"Nice going, Shining Armor!" teased Twilight the younger. Shining Armor got out of his seat and walked up to Twilight the elder.
"Sorry about that," he breathed. "I was aiming for the wastebasket."
"'s no problem," replied Twilight the elder awkwardly. She handed the bag back to Shining Armor and he quickly threw it into the wastebasket.
"Yes! Made it this time!"
"You seem excited."
"Of course! I plan on becoming a royal knight one day so that I can continue to help protect Princess Celestia from all the monsters waiting out there!"
"Well you're not going to get there by throwing bags at ponies," said Twilight and Shining's mother, Twilight Velvet, as she approached the table. "I'm terribly sorry, ma'am."
"It's no problem," said Twilight the elder.
" look familiar. Have we met before?"
" Never. I've never seen you before in my life!"
"Ah. Well have a nice day."
Twilight the elder watched as her mother walked Twilight the younger and Shining Armor away from the cafe and down the nearby street.
"So," said the Doctor. "Did Shining Armor ever fulfill his dream?"
"Yeah," Twilight replied happily. "He definitely did."